Dr Wesley Aelbrecht
Senior Lecturer in Architectural and Urban Histories and Theories
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Wes Aelbrecht is an architect, and an architectural and urban historian. He holds a B.A. and M.A. in Architecture from the Faculty of Architecture, K.U.Leuven; a B.A. in History of Art from K.U.Leuven; and a M.A. in Architectural History from The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL. He completed his Ph.D. in Architectural History and Theory at The Bartlett School of Architecture funded by the AHRC and a Fulbright Fellowship. Before he turned to the history of cities and its architecture, he worked seven years in architectural and urban practices in Rotterdam (KCAP), Madrid (Soriano y Palacios Arquitectos) and Brussels (Xaveer De Geyter Architects, XDGA). He previously taught as a Teaching Fellow at The Bartlett School of Architecture.
- Aelbrecht, W. 2025. Detroit imagined: Intertextuality and the photobook as urban history. Planning Perspectives (10.1080/02665433.2024.2449333)
- Aelbrecht, W. 2024. ‘Detroit. Move here. Move the world': Constructing Detroit in photobooks. In: Deriu, D. and Maggi, A. eds. Picturing Cities: The Photobook as Urban Narrative. Milano, Italy: FrancoAngeli s.r.l.
- Richmond, J., Aelbrecht, P., Aelbrecht, W. and Sartorio, F. 2024. Public Space - why good quality placemaking, what are placemaking tools and what makes a successful placemaking tool? [Editorial]. Urban Design Group Journal
- Richmond, J., Aelbrecht, P., Aelbrecht, W., Sartorio, F., Gale, R. and Corr, M. 2024. Lessons from the Placemaking Toolkit for Wales. Urban Design Group Journal
- Richmond, J. et al. eds. 2024. Placemaking Tools: Special issue of Urban Design Group Journal Winter 2024. Urban Design Group.
- Aelbrecht, W. 2023. Detroit in memoriam: urban imaginaries and the spectre of demolished by neglect in performative photo-installations. Cultural Geographies 30(2), pp. 239-258. (10.1177/14744740221102905)
- Aelbrecht, P. et al. 2023. Placemaking toolkit for Wales: Improving the public realm in our towns and cities. Project Report. Cardiff University.
- Aelbrecht, P., Aelbrecht, W. and Richmond, J. 2023. 'My/ your Cardiff public space': Community engagement and participation in Butetown, Grangetown, and South Riverside.. Project Report. Cardiff University.
- Aelbrecht, P., Sartorio, F., Aelbrecht, W. and Richmond, J. 2023. Public Space Toolkit for Wales: Co-producing knowledge with local authorities. Presented at: 59th International Making Cities Livable (IMCL) Conference 2023, Dorchester and Poundbury, UK, 10-13 October 2023.
- Aelbrecht, W. 2021. Rebuilding Britain's blitzed cities: hopeful dreams, stark realities. Planning Perspectives 36(2), pp. 424-426. (10.1080/02665433.2021.1888570)
- Aelbrecht, W. 2016. Seeing is believing: the social life of urban decay and rebirth. In: Campkin, B. and Duijzings, G. eds. Engaged Urbanism: Cities and Methodologies. I.B.Tauris & Co. Ltd., pp. 155-162.
- Aelbrecht, W. 2015. Decline and renaissance: Photographing Detroit in the 1940s and 1980s. Journal of Urban History 41(2), pp. 307-325. (10.1177/0096144214563500)
- Aelbrecht, W. 2014. Introduction: some thoughts on research programs in architecture. Opticon1826 16(23), pp. 1-5. (10.5334/opt.cf)
- Aelbrecht, W. 2013. Camera constructs: Photography, architecture and the modern city. Visual Studies 28(3), pp. 295-296. (10.1080/1472586X.2013.830006)
- Aelbrecht, W. 2025. Detroit imagined: Intertextuality and the photobook as urban history. Planning Perspectives (10.1080/02665433.2024.2449333)
- Richmond, J., Aelbrecht, P., Aelbrecht, W. and Sartorio, F. 2024. Public Space - why good quality placemaking, what are placemaking tools and what makes a successful placemaking tool? [Editorial]. Urban Design Group Journal
- Richmond, J., Aelbrecht, P., Aelbrecht, W., Sartorio, F., Gale, R. and Corr, M. 2024. Lessons from the Placemaking Toolkit for Wales. Urban Design Group Journal
- Aelbrecht, W. 2023. Detroit in memoriam: urban imaginaries and the spectre of demolished by neglect in performative photo-installations. Cultural Geographies 30(2), pp. 239-258. (10.1177/14744740221102905)
- Aelbrecht, W. 2021. Rebuilding Britain's blitzed cities: hopeful dreams, stark realities. Planning Perspectives 36(2), pp. 424-426. (10.1080/02665433.2021.1888570)
- Aelbrecht, W. 2015. Decline and renaissance: Photographing Detroit in the 1940s and 1980s. Journal of Urban History 41(2), pp. 307-325. (10.1177/0096144214563500)
- Aelbrecht, W. 2014. Introduction: some thoughts on research programs in architecture. Opticon1826 16(23), pp. 1-5. (10.5334/opt.cf)
- Aelbrecht, W. 2013. Camera constructs: Photography, architecture and the modern city. Visual Studies 28(3), pp. 295-296. (10.1080/1472586X.2013.830006)
Book sections
- Aelbrecht, W. 2024. ‘Detroit. Move here. Move the world': Constructing Detroit in photobooks. In: Deriu, D. and Maggi, A. eds. Picturing Cities: The Photobook as Urban Narrative. Milano, Italy: FrancoAngeli s.r.l.
- Aelbrecht, W. 2016. Seeing is believing: the social life of urban decay and rebirth. In: Campkin, B. and Duijzings, G. eds. Engaged Urbanism: Cities and Methodologies. I.B.Tauris & Co. Ltd., pp. 155-162.
- Richmond, J. et al. eds. 2024. Placemaking Tools: Special issue of Urban Design Group Journal Winter 2024. Urban Design Group.
- Aelbrecht, P., Sartorio, F., Aelbrecht, W. and Richmond, J. 2023. Public Space Toolkit for Wales: Co-producing knowledge with local authorities. Presented at: 59th International Making Cities Livable (IMCL) Conference 2023, Dorchester and Poundbury, UK, 10-13 October 2023.
- Aelbrecht, P. et al. 2023. Placemaking toolkit for Wales: Improving the public realm in our towns and cities. Project Report. Cardiff University.
- Aelbrecht, P., Aelbrecht, W. and Richmond, J. 2023. 'My/ your Cardiff public space': Community engagement and participation in Butetown, Grangetown, and South Riverside.. Project Report. Cardiff University.
Wes his research investigates visual representations of urban and architectural transformations, with a particular focus on urban photography in the twentieth century urbanized landscapes of North America. Detroit and Chicago form the core of his current research that ranges from early twentieth century slum clearances, to public and private building programs that followed WW II inside and outside of the city, to the large-scale downtown renaissance campaigns of the 1980s. In his research, he adopts an interdisciplinary approach, drawing on his research experience in architecture, and studies in art and architectural history, and focusing on architectural, literary, photographic and cinematic representations.
His research expertise includes
- Representation of cities and architecture (in film, photography, comics, and others)
- The role of architecture in large scale urban redevelopment projects and utopic or dystopic visions of the city or society at large
- Discourses of ruins, dirt, decay, and other rejected subjects and objects in architecture
- And cultural and architectural histories of the suburbs and new towns.
Current research projects
I am currently working on the following projects:
Constructing the Urban Imaginary: book project
Photobooks in Detroit and Chicago
My/your Cardiff Public Space Campaign (2019 - present): This campaign is one of our Public Space Observatory’s first projects, a research centre located in the School of Geography and Planning. Its primary aims is to raise public awareness on the social, cultural, economic and environmental values and benefits of well-designed, used and managed public spaces. By doing so, it aims to promote community engagement and empowerment through education, training and capacity to improve public spaces and respond to a significant reduction of public sector expenditure in local authorities’ provision and maintenance of public infrastructure and services.
- Module leader Building Through Time, Year One BSc Architecture
- Module leader Design Principle and Methods 1, Year One BSc Architecture
- Controibutor to H&T modules Undergraduate in Architecture
- Dissertation Supervisor for MArch Dissertations
- PhD Supervisor
I am interested in supervising PhD students in the areas of:
- Representation of cities and architecture (in film, photography, comics, and others)
- Histories of the city and large scale urban redevelopment projects (gentrification, regeneration, redevelopment, renaissance...)
- Discourses of ruins, dirt, decay, and other rejected subjects and objects in architecture
- Politics and architecture (participation and architecure, and urban governance)
- Cultural and architectural histories of postwar modernism, social housing, the suburbs and new towns.