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Haroon Ahmed

Dr Haroon Ahmed

Senior Clinical Lecturer in Epidemiology. Director, Academic Fellows Scheme


I am a Clinical Reader in Epidemiology and Director of the Academic Fellows Scheme at the Division of Population Medicine, Cardiff University School of Medicine, and a practising GP at Rumney Primary Care Centre, Cardiff.

My research focuses on the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and wider impacts of common infections. I am particularly interested in how infection and antibiotic treatment affects people with specific long-term conditions (e.g., cardiovascular disease), or multimorbidity. Most of my research uses causal inference methods and large-scale routinely collected health data, but I also have experience of large multi-centre clinical trials.

I have held back-to-back Fellowships from the NIHR [Doctoral, 2014-2019 and Advanced 2020-2023].

I collaborate with colleagues from UKHSA and academic institutions across the UK.

I  Co-lead the Infections work package for the Health and Care Research Wales funded Wales Centre for Primary and Emergency Care Research (PRIME Centre Wales).

I have considerable interest in supporting clinical academic trainees. I am the Director of the Academic Fellows Scheme, a Welsh Government funded scheme that recruits, supports and mentors newly qualified GPs for two years and provides opportunities for research, teaching, and postgraduate study. I also co-Lead the Cardiff cohort of the WCAT programme and mentor GP Academic Trainees.

My teaching roles include Case-based learning modules, co-leading the infections module of the Population Health Intercalated BSc, and supervising MPH, SSC, and intercalated BSc projects.

















2019                 PhD, Cardiff University

2012                 PGD Epidemiology, London School Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. (Distinction).

2012                 MRCGP, Membership, Royal College of General Practitioners.

2008                 MRCS, Membership, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.

2003                 MB BCh, University of Wales, College of Medicine.

Research Grants as Principle Investigator

Improving outcomes for older people with urinary tract infection in primary care, NIHR Doctoral Fellowship, £360,000, September 2014 - September 2019.

Safer Prescribing of Antibiotic Treatment for Infection in AnticoaguLant medication users (SPATIAL), NIHR Advanced Fellowship, £380,000, June 2020 - May 2023.

Myocardial Infarction and Stroke Subsequent tO URInary tract infection (MISSOURI), BHF Research Grant, £220,000, May 2021 - April 2024.

Research Grants as Co-investigator

Primary care management of men with lower urinary tract symptoms: Development of a diagnostic and decision-making aid (PriMUS), NIHR HTA, £1.5M, April 2017 – May 2020.

Wales Centre for Primary and Emergency Care Research (PRIME), Health and Care Research Wales, £1.8M, April 2018 – March 2020, and then refunded at £4.8M from April 2020 - March 2025.

Beta-blockers for prophylaxis of oesophageal varices (BOPP), NIHR HTA, £2.2M, January 2019 – June 2024.

IMproving Prophylactic Antibiotic use for Recurrent UTI, NIHR Doctoral Fellowship for Leigh Sanyaolu, Co-Supervisor, £650,000, September 2021-August 2025.