Dr Michelle Aldridge-Waddon
BA, PhD (Wales)
Deputy Head of School and Head of Subject, Associate Dean for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion for College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
- Available for postgraduate supervision
I am currently Deputy Head of School for the Cardiff School of English, Communcation and Philosphy, and Head of English Language and Associate Dean for EDI (AHSS College). I also chair the University Staff Disability Network.
My teaching and research areas relate to communication disorders, language development and vulnerable people in the justice system.
My research relates to three cross-college research networks: The Language and Cognition Research Network (LaCRe) and the Cardiff network in Language and Law (CaLL) and the Cardiff Health and Social Care Improvement Research Network (Choir). I am also an Academic Fellow of Cardiff University’s Crime and Security Research Institute.
In collaboration with my colleague Dr Lisa El Refaie, I work with local organisations such as Mirus, People First and Innovate Trust (charities supporting independent living) to develop a new visual communication system for people with a learning disability in sheltered accommodation. Our website allows interested parties to access these tools for free. This work was funded by the ESRC impact accelerator fund ('Developing collaborative visual recording techniques for use with adults with learning disabilities').
I am on the editorial board of VIAL: International Journal of Applied Linguistics.
- Krykoniuk, K., Aldridge-Waddon, M., Fontaine, L. and Roberts, S. 2025. Reference to patients in nurse shift handover meetings: Exploring the dynamics of referring expressions. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 32(1), pp. 54-81. (10.1080/09296174.2024.2416641)
- Pereira, T. and Aldridge, M. 2023. "Show me what happened": Low technology communication aids used in intermediary mediated police investigative interviews with vulnerable witnesses with an intellectual disability. The International Journal of Evidence & Proof 27(1), pp. 83-104. (10.1177/13657127221140469)
- Baker, G. and Aldridge-Waddon, M. 2022. Children’s humour development: A linguistic perspective. Journal of Child Language Acquisition and Development 10(3), pp. 572-600.
- Asp, E. and Aldridge, M. eds. 2022. Empirical evidences and theoretical assumptions in functional linguistics. New York, USA: Routledge. (10.4324/9780429031427)
- Aldridge, M. and Steel, K. 2022. The role of metaphor in police first response call-outs in cases of suspected domestic abuse. In: Šeškauskienė, I. ed. Metaphor in Legal Discourse. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 224-241.
- Fontaine, L. and Aldridge, M. 2022. Introduction. In: Asp, E. and Aldridge, M. eds. Empirical Evidences and Theoretical Assumptions in Functional Linguistics. New York and Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 1-6., (10.4324/9780429031427-1)
- Aldridge, M. and Fontaine, L. 2022. Keystroke logging data: What can it tell us about mode and written language production?. In: Asp, E. and Aldridge, M. eds. Empirical Evidences and Theoretical Assumptions in Functional Linguistics. New York and Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 37-59., (10.4324/9780429031427-3)
- Ylanne, V., Aldridge-Waddon, M., Spilioti, T. and Bartlett, T. 2021. Managing information, interaction and team building in nurse shift-change handovers: a case study. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice 16(1), pp. 51-75.
- Baker, G. and Aldridge-Waddon, M. 2021. Disambiguating ambiguity: Providing a framework for classifying types of ambiguity. Linguistics and the Human Sciences 14(3), pp. 237-260. (10.1558/lhs.19339)
- Lloyd, H., Bartlett, T., Aldridge-Waddon, M., Spilioti, T. and Ylanne, V. 2021. Opening up space for compassion in nurses' handover meetings. Communication and Medicine 16(3), pp. 224-237. (10.1558/cam.38920)
- Bartlett, T., Ylanne, V., Spilioti, T. and Aldridge-Waddon, M. 2020. Nursing handovers as unbounded and scalar events. Applied Linguistics Review 12(3), pp. 401-418. (10.1515/applirev-2019-0135)
- Aldridge-Waddon, M. 2019. Police delivery of the opt-out procedure for children's court evidence: evidence of inadequate language awareness. Language Awareness 28(3), pp. 166-185. (10.1080/09658416.2019.1636804)
- Spilioti, T., Aldridge-Waddon, M., Bartlett, T. and Ylanne, V. 2019. Conceptualizing language awareness in healthcare communication: The case of nurse shift-change handover meetings. Language Awareness 28(3), pp. 207-226. (10.1080/09658416.2019.1636803)
- Aldridge-Waddon, M. and Fontaine, L. 2019. The role of working memory in typing fluency: a new perspective on writing activity. In: Sullivan, K. and Lindgren, E. eds. Observing Writing: Logging Handwriting and Computer Keystrokes. Leiden: Brill Editions, pp. 285-305.
- Aldridge-Waddon, M., Fontaine, L., Bowen, N. and Smith, T. 2018. A new perspective on word association: how keystroke logging informs strength of word association. Word 64, pp. 218-234. (10.1080/00437956.2018.1535365)
- Aldridge-Waddon, M. and Luchjenbroers, J. 2017. Adverse conceptual representations of children in rape and sexual assault cases in England and Wales, in legal processes and the media. Textus: English Studies in Italy 1, pp. 101-122. (10.7370/87668)
- Fontaine, L. M. and Aldridge-Waddon, M. 2015. The impact of mode on writing processes: a cognitive functional perspective on student writing. LyCE Estudios 17, pp. 9-34.
- Luchjenbroers, J. and Aldridge-Waddon, M. 2013. Do you kick a dog when it’s down? Considering the use of children’s video-taped testimonies in court.. In: Freeman, M. and Smith, F. eds. Law and Language. Current Legal Issues Vol. 16. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 292-309.
- Aldridge-Waddon, M. 2012. Linguistic disadvantage in legal contexts. In: Chapelle, C. ed. The Encyclopaedia of Applied Linguistics. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell, pp. n/a., (10.1002/9781405198431.wbeal0715)
- Aldridge, M. and Luchjenbroers, J. 2011. Paedophiles and politeness in e-mail communications: It's not about the children. Journal of Politeness Research 7(1), pp. 21-42. (10.1515/jplr.2011.002)
- Aldridge, M. and Luchjenbroers, J. 2011. Constructing vulnerability: The experience of children and other groups within legal discourse. In: Candlin, C. N. and Crichton, J. eds. Discourses of Deficit. Palgrave Studies in Professional and Organizational Discourse Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 25-41.
- Aldridge-Waddon, M. 2010. Vulnerable witnesses in the criminal justice system. In: Coulthard, M. and Johnson, A. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Forensic Linguistics. Routledge Handbooks in Applied Linguistics Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 296-314.
- Coupland, N. J. R. and Aldridge-Waddon, M. 2009. Preface [Editorial]. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 195, pp. 1. (10.1515/IJSL.2009.001)
- Coupland, N. J. R. and Aldridge, M. 2009. Introduction: A critical approach to the revitalization of Welsh. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 195, pp. 5-13.
- Coupland, N. J. R. and Aldridge, M. 2009. A critical approach to the revitalisation of Welsh : introduction. International journal of the sociology of language 195(2009), pp. 5 -13.
- Aldridge, M. and Luchjenbroers, J. 2008. Vulnerable witnesses and problems of portrayal: A consideration of videotaped police interviews in child rape cases. Journal of English Linguistics 36(3), pp. 266-284. (10.1177/0075424208321205)
- Luchjenbroers, J. and Aldridge, M. 2008. Language and vulnerable witnesses across legal contexts: Introduction to the special issue. Journal of English Linguistics, Special Issue: The Language of vulnerable witnesses across legal contexts 36(3), pp. 191-195. (10.1177/0075424208321209)
- Luchjenbroers, J. and Aldridge, M. 2008. Language and vulnerable witnesses across legal contexts. Journal of English linguistics 36(3), pp. 191-284.
- Aldridge-Waddon, M. and Luchjenbroers, J. 2007. Linguistic manipulations in legal discourse: Framing questions and ‘smuggling’ information. International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law 14(1), pp. 85-107.
- Aldridge-Waddon, M. and Luchjenbroers, J. 2007. Conceptual manipulation by metaphors and frames: Dealing with rape victims in legal discourse. Text and Talk 27(3), pp. 339-359. (10.1515/TEXT.2007.014)
- Aldridge-Waddon, M. 2007. The questioning of child witnesses: a comparison of the child's linguistic experience in the initial interview and in the courtroom cross-examination. In: Janet, C. ed. The Language of Sexual Crime. Palgrave, pp. 63-82.
- Luchjenbroers, J. and Aldridge, M. 2006. Conceptual mappings and 'smuggling' information in witness testimonies. In: Skilters, J. ed. Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication. Manhattan: KS New Prairie Press
- Aldridge-Waddon, M. J. 1998. Interviewing children: A guide for child care and forensic practitioners.. Wiley & Son.
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- Aldridge, M. and Steel, K. 2022. The role of metaphor in police first response call-outs in cases of suspected domestic abuse. In: Šeškauskienė, I. ed. Metaphor in Legal Discourse. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 224-241.
- Fontaine, L. and Aldridge, M. 2022. Introduction. In: Asp, E. and Aldridge, M. eds. Empirical Evidences and Theoretical Assumptions in Functional Linguistics. New York and Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 1-6., (10.4324/9780429031427-1)
- Aldridge, M. and Fontaine, L. 2022. Keystroke logging data: What can it tell us about mode and written language production?. In: Asp, E. and Aldridge, M. eds. Empirical Evidences and Theoretical Assumptions in Functional Linguistics. New York and Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 37-59., (10.4324/9780429031427-3)
- Aldridge-Waddon, M. and Fontaine, L. 2019. The role of working memory in typing fluency: a new perspective on writing activity. In: Sullivan, K. and Lindgren, E. eds. Observing Writing: Logging Handwriting and Computer Keystrokes. Leiden: Brill Editions, pp. 285-305.
- Luchjenbroers, J. and Aldridge-Waddon, M. 2013. Do you kick a dog when it’s down? Considering the use of children’s video-taped testimonies in court.. In: Freeman, M. and Smith, F. eds. Law and Language. Current Legal Issues Vol. 16. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 292-309.
- Aldridge-Waddon, M. 2012. Linguistic disadvantage in legal contexts. In: Chapelle, C. ed. The Encyclopaedia of Applied Linguistics. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell, pp. n/a., (10.1002/9781405198431.wbeal0715)
- Aldridge, M. and Luchjenbroers, J. 2011. Constructing vulnerability: The experience of children and other groups within legal discourse. In: Candlin, C. N. and Crichton, J. eds. Discourses of Deficit. Palgrave Studies in Professional and Organizational Discourse Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 25-41.
- Aldridge-Waddon, M. 2010. Vulnerable witnesses in the criminal justice system. In: Coulthard, M. and Johnson, A. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Forensic Linguistics. Routledge Handbooks in Applied Linguistics Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 296-314.
- Aldridge-Waddon, M. 2007. The questioning of child witnesses: a comparison of the child's linguistic experience in the initial interview and in the courtroom cross-examination. In: Janet, C. ed. The Language of Sexual Crime. Palgrave, pp. 63-82.
- Luchjenbroers, J. and Aldridge, M. 2006. Conceptual mappings and 'smuggling' information in witness testimonies. In: Skilters, J. ed. Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication. Manhattan: KS New Prairie Press
- Krykoniuk, K., Aldridge-Waddon, M., Fontaine, L. and Roberts, S. 2025. Reference to patients in nurse shift handover meetings: Exploring the dynamics of referring expressions. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 32(1), pp. 54-81. (10.1080/09296174.2024.2416641)
- Pereira, T. and Aldridge, M. 2023. "Show me what happened": Low technology communication aids used in intermediary mediated police investigative interviews with vulnerable witnesses with an intellectual disability. The International Journal of Evidence & Proof 27(1), pp. 83-104. (10.1177/13657127221140469)
- Baker, G. and Aldridge-Waddon, M. 2022. Children’s humour development: A linguistic perspective. Journal of Child Language Acquisition and Development 10(3), pp. 572-600.
- Ylanne, V., Aldridge-Waddon, M., Spilioti, T. and Bartlett, T. 2021. Managing information, interaction and team building in nurse shift-change handovers: a case study. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice 16(1), pp. 51-75.
- Baker, G. and Aldridge-Waddon, M. 2021. Disambiguating ambiguity: Providing a framework for classifying types of ambiguity. Linguistics and the Human Sciences 14(3), pp. 237-260. (10.1558/lhs.19339)
- Lloyd, H., Bartlett, T., Aldridge-Waddon, M., Spilioti, T. and Ylanne, V. 2021. Opening up space for compassion in nurses' handover meetings. Communication and Medicine 16(3), pp. 224-237. (10.1558/cam.38920)
- Bartlett, T., Ylanne, V., Spilioti, T. and Aldridge-Waddon, M. 2020. Nursing handovers as unbounded and scalar events. Applied Linguistics Review 12(3), pp. 401-418. (10.1515/applirev-2019-0135)
- Aldridge-Waddon, M. 2019. Police delivery of the opt-out procedure for children's court evidence: evidence of inadequate language awareness. Language Awareness 28(3), pp. 166-185. (10.1080/09658416.2019.1636804)
- Spilioti, T., Aldridge-Waddon, M., Bartlett, T. and Ylanne, V. 2019. Conceptualizing language awareness in healthcare communication: The case of nurse shift-change handover meetings. Language Awareness 28(3), pp. 207-226. (10.1080/09658416.2019.1636803)
- Aldridge-Waddon, M., Fontaine, L., Bowen, N. and Smith, T. 2018. A new perspective on word association: how keystroke logging informs strength of word association. Word 64, pp. 218-234. (10.1080/00437956.2018.1535365)
- Aldridge-Waddon, M. and Luchjenbroers, J. 2017. Adverse conceptual representations of children in rape and sexual assault cases in England and Wales, in legal processes and the media. Textus: English Studies in Italy 1, pp. 101-122. (10.7370/87668)
- Fontaine, L. M. and Aldridge-Waddon, M. 2015. The impact of mode on writing processes: a cognitive functional perspective on student writing. LyCE Estudios 17, pp. 9-34.
- Aldridge, M. and Luchjenbroers, J. 2011. Paedophiles and politeness in e-mail communications: It's not about the children. Journal of Politeness Research 7(1), pp. 21-42. (10.1515/jplr.2011.002)
- Coupland, N. J. R. and Aldridge-Waddon, M. 2009. Preface [Editorial]. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 195, pp. 1. (10.1515/IJSL.2009.001)
- Coupland, N. J. R. and Aldridge, M. 2009. Introduction: A critical approach to the revitalization of Welsh. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 195, pp. 5-13.
- Coupland, N. J. R. and Aldridge, M. 2009. A critical approach to the revitalisation of Welsh : introduction. International journal of the sociology of language 195(2009), pp. 5 -13.
- Aldridge, M. and Luchjenbroers, J. 2008. Vulnerable witnesses and problems of portrayal: A consideration of videotaped police interviews in child rape cases. Journal of English Linguistics 36(3), pp. 266-284. (10.1177/0075424208321205)
- Luchjenbroers, J. and Aldridge, M. 2008. Language and vulnerable witnesses across legal contexts: Introduction to the special issue. Journal of English Linguistics, Special Issue: The Language of vulnerable witnesses across legal contexts 36(3), pp. 191-195. (10.1177/0075424208321209)
- Luchjenbroers, J. and Aldridge, M. 2008. Language and vulnerable witnesses across legal contexts. Journal of English linguistics 36(3), pp. 191-284.
- Aldridge-Waddon, M. and Luchjenbroers, J. 2007. Linguistic manipulations in legal discourse: Framing questions and ‘smuggling’ information. International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law 14(1), pp. 85-107.
- Aldridge-Waddon, M. and Luchjenbroers, J. 2007. Conceptual manipulation by metaphors and frames: Dealing with rape victims in legal discourse. Text and Talk 27(3), pp. 339-359. (10.1515/TEXT.2007.014)
- Asp, E. and Aldridge, M. eds. 2022. Empirical evidences and theoretical assumptions in functional linguistics. New York, USA: Routledge. (10.4324/9780429031427)
- Aldridge-Waddon, M. J. 1998. Interviewing children: A guide for child care and forensic practitioners.. Wiley & Son.
As a member of the Centre for Language and Communication Research (CLCR), my main research interest lies in the communication abilities of vulnerable people which began with my important book (Aldridge & Wood 1998, translated into Japanese in 2004).
In addition to my work within the area of the communication of vulnerable people, I also conduct research in two additional areas – multimodality and keystroke logging.
I also work collaboratively, together with my colleague Dr Lisa El Refaie, with local organisations such as Mirus, People First and Innovate Trust (charities supporting independent living), which contributes to the development of a non-verbal communication system through visual aids for people with a learning disability in local sheltered accommodation. Our website allows interested parties to access our communicative tools for free. This work was funded by the ESRC impact accelerator fund ('Developing collaborative visual recording techniques for use with adults with learning disabilities').
In addiiton, my work with a forensic psychologist at Cardiff prison has produced various easy-read versions of induction, daily living and health documents which are now being trialled in HMP Cardiff, Swansea and Usk prisons. From my work with vulnerable witnesses I run two annual training days on the advanced police investigative interview training courses (children and vulnerable adults) with the South Wales and Bristol and Avon Police forces.
My research within the Health Discourse Project (Care in Organisational Discourse) with CLCR colleagues and Aneurin Bevan University Health Board is leading to nurse training days in best practice in organisational discourse. This work was carried out initially through funding by the ESRC project 'Managing roles and goals in nursing handover'.
My work in keystroke logging with my colleague Dr Lise Fontaine is currently being employed in a project to help undergraduate students develop their writing skills. We recently completed an ESRC-funded impact project with colleagues from Bangor University and Umeå University on 'Addressing the literacy needs of bilinguals learning to read and write in languages with transparent orthographies' (Prof. Enlli Thomas, PI).
I have also worked as an Advisor for the JUSTICE Scotland Working Party on Legal Advice and Waiver, providing advice on matters of comprehensibility for vulnerable offenders.
As an active research mentor, I have hosted the following two post-doc researchers:
- ‘Examining concepts for understanding civil servants’ perception of the police’ (Daniella Watson, British Academy)
- 'Communicating Assisted Voluntary Return (AVR): examining tensions in discursive practice' (Katy Brickley, ESRC)
Together with my colleague Dr Lise Fontaine, I will be supervising Leanne Bartley, a Marie Curie Global Fellow (2021) on her project related to 'Revisiting the transitivity system: Sexual abuse in courtroom discourse from a critical perspective'.
I teach modules in Child Language Acquisition, Communication Disorders, Forensic Linguistics and Language and Mind to undergraduate students and Forensic Linguistics at MA level.
Prior to my current role, I held the position of Senior Lecturer in the Linguistics Department at the University of Wales, Bangor (now Bangor University).
Postgraduate Students
I am interested in supervising PhD students in all areas related to child language acquisition, communication disorders, forensic linguistics and electronic language production.
If you are interested in coming to Cardiff to explore one (or more) of these topics, please contact me to discuss the opportunities offered at Cardiff University in terms of MA studies, PhD research or collaboration.
Current supervision

Kate Steel Steel
Contact Details
+44 29208 79017
John Percival Building, Room 3.35, Colum Drive, Cardiff, CF10 3EU