Dr Eleni Ampatzi
BSc & MArch equivalent, MSc, PhD
Senior Lecturer, Director of Postgraduate Learning & Teaching
- Available for postgraduate supervision
I am the Director of Postgraduate taught (PGT) for the Welsh School of Architecture, and as such responsible for managing the portfolio of postgraduate taught programmes that the school offers.
I am a Senior Lecturer with background in Architecture and Architectural Science. I teach primarily on the postgraduate programmes that the school offers, in subjects relevant to environmental design. My research concerns the interaction of buildings and system services by focusing on demand-side determinants of ideal system performance. I am currently available for postgraduate research supervision in subjects related to my research expertise (see other tabs for further information). Any interested candidates are welcome to contact me directly prior to applying.
In the past I have been Course Leader for the MSc in Environmental Design of Buildings (and MSc in Environmental Design of Buildings by distance learning), Deputy Research Director and Chair of the Staff meetings.
- Sayam, M., Ampatzi, E. and Bleil De Souza, C. 2024. Expatriate behaviour in hot arid countries: Understanding conditioned environments to assess resiliance. Presented at: 37th Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA) Conference, Warsaw, 25 - 28 June 2024.
- Berger, C. et al. 2023. The role of user controls with respect to indoor environmental quality: From evidence to standards. Journal of Building Engineering 76, article number: 107196. (10.1016/j.jobe.2023.107196)
- Berger, C. et al. 2023. Thermal conditions in indoor environments: exploring the reasoning behind standard-based recommendations. Energies 16(4), article number: 1587. (10.3390/en16041587)
- Haggar, P., Ampatzi, E., Potoglou, D. and Schweiker, M. 2022. Information sharing preferences within buildings: Benefits of cognitive interviewing for enhancing a discrete choice experiment. Energy and Buildings 258, article number: 111786. (10.1016/j.enbuild.2021.111786)
- Chatzivasileiadi, A., Ampatzi, E. and Knight, I. 2022. Electrical energy storage sizing and space requirements for sub-daily autonomy in residential buildings. Energies 15(3), article number: 1145. (10.3390/en15031145)
- Rababa, B. and Ampatzi, E. 2022. Occupant behaviours and environmental preferences in Home-Office environments versus conventional office environments; reflections from the pandemic.. Presented at: CATE 2022, Edinburgh, 5-6 September 2022 Presented at Roaf, S. and Finlayson, W. eds.Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Comfort at the Extremes: Covid, Climate Change and Ventilation. Ecohouse Initative Ltd. pp. 602-626.
- Mahdavi, A. et al. 2021. The role of occupants in buildings’ energy performance gap: myth or reality?. Sustainability 13(6), article number: 3146. (10.3390/su13063146)
- Schweiker, M. et al. 2020. Review of multi‐domain approaches to indoor environmental perception and behaviour. Building and Environment 176, article number: 106804. (10.1016/j.buildenv.2020.106804)
- Schweiker, M. et al. 2020. Evaluating assumptions of scales for subjective assessment of thermal environments – do laypersons perceive them the way, we researchers believe?. Energy and Buildings 211, article number: 109761. (10.1016/j.enbuild.2020.109761)
- Ampatzi, E., Teli, D. and Schweiker, M. 2020. On the linguistic challenges of cross-national research in thermal comfort: The effects of language choices in Greek and Swedish thermal perception questionnaires used in two large-scale surveys conducted two decades apart. Presented at: 11th Windsor Conference on Thermal Comfort, Windsor, England, 16-19 April 2020.
- Chatzivasileiadi, A., Ampatzi, E. and Knight, I. P. 2019. The impact of battery storage technologies in residential buildings with sub-daily autonomy and EV contribution. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1343, article number: 12088. (10.1088/1742-6596/1343/1/012088)
- Schweiker, M. et al. 2019. Contextual differences in the perception of thermal comfort scales – the data base from a large-scale international questionnaire study. [Digital]. Available at: https://osf.io/9p2gq/
- Schweiker, M. et al. 2019. The Scales Project: a cross-national dataset on the interpretation of thermal perception scales. Scientific Data 6, article number: 289. (10.1038/s41597-019-0272-6)
- Chatzivasileiadi, A., Ampatzi, E. and Knight, I. 2018. The choice and architectural requirements of battery storage technologies in residential buildings. Presented at: Second International Conference for Sustainable Design of the Built Environment: Research in Practice (SDBE 2018), London, UK, 12-13 September 2018.
- Chatzivasileiadi, A., Ampatzi, E. and Knight, I. 2017. The implications of demand response measures and electrification of transport on UK household energy demand and consumption. Presented at: 9th International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings, Chania, Greece, 5-7 July 2017, Vol. 134. pp. 89-98., (10.1016/j.egypro.2017.09.530)
- Kotbi, A., Ampatzi, E. and Jenkins, H. 2017. Using solar screens in school classrooms in hot arid areas: The effect of different aspect ratios on daylighting levels. Presented at: 33rd PLEA International conference: Design to Thrive, Edinburgh, Scotland UK, 3-5 July 2017 Presented at Brotas, L., Roaf, S. and Nicol, F. eds.PLEA 2017 Proceedings - Design to Thrive, Vol. II. Passive and Low Energy Architecture Conference Edinburgh: Network for Comfort and Energy Use in Buildings pp. 3253-3260.
- Kefalloniti, I. and Ampatzi, E. 2017. Building integration of domestic solar combi-systems: The importance of managing the distribution pipework. Energy and Buildings 142, pp. 179-190. (10.1016/j.enbuild.2017.03.006)
- Kotbi, A. and Ampatzi, E. 2016. Using solar screens in school classrooms in hot arid areas: the effect of different perforation on daylighting levels. Presented at: PLEA2016: 32nd International conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, Los Angeles, CA, 11-13 July 2016 Presented at La Roche, P. and Schiler, M. eds.PLEA2016 - 32nd International conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture - Cities, Buildings, People: Towards Regenerative Environments, Vol. 2. Los Angeles, CA: PLEA pp. 691-698.
- Mavrigiannaki, A. and Ampatzi, E. 2016. Latent heat storage in building elements: a systematic review on properties and contextual performance factors. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 60, pp. 852-866. (10.1016/j.rser.2016.01.115)
- Chatzivasileiadi, A., Ampatzi, E. and Knight, I. P. 2013. Characteristics of electrical energy storage technologies and their applications in buildings. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 25, pp. 814-830. (10.1016/j.rser.2013.05.023)
- Ampatzi, E., Knight, I. P. and Wiltshire, R. 2013. The potential contribution of solar thermal collection and storage systems to meeting the energy requirements of North European Housing. Solar Energy 91, pp. 402-421. (10.1016/j.solener.2012.09.008)
- Ampatzi, E., Fedeski, M. H. and Gwilliam, J. A. 2013. I know that I know nothing; the need for scepticism in environmental design education. Presented at: Architectural Education and the Reality of the Ideal: Environmental Design for Innovation in the Post-Crisis World, Naples, Italy, 3-5 October 2013.
- Ampatzi, E. and Knight, I. P. 2012. Modelling the effect of realistic domestic energy demand profiles and internal gains on the predicted performance of solar thermal systems. Energy and Buildings 55, pp. 285-298. (10.1016/j.enbuild.2012.08.031)
- Georgakaki, A., Ampatzi, E. and Eames, M. 2012. Towards a Low Carbon Wales: modelling a 'not-quite-devolved' energy system. Presented at: CESUN 2012, Third International Engineering Systems Symposium Design and Governance in Engineering Systems, Delft, 18-20 June 2012.
- Ampatzi, E. 2010. The potential for solar thermal technologies and thermal energy storage to reduce the energy use from Welsh housing. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Knight, I. P., Rhodes, M., Agyenim, F. B. and Ampatzi, E. 2008. The potential for solar thermal heating and cooling systems to reduce the carbon emissions of domestic properties in a northern European country. Presented at: Eurosun 2008: 1st International Conference on Solar Heating, Cooling and Buildings, Lisbon, Portugal, 7-10 October 2008.
- Ampatzi, E., Knight, I. P. and Rhodes, M. 2008. Effect of internal gains on thermal comfort in Welsh dwellings. Presented at: PLEA 2008. 25th Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture,, Dublin, Ireland, 22-24 October 2008.
- Ampatzi, E., Knight, I. P. and Rhodes, M. 2008. The role of thermal energy storage in helping solar thermal reduce the heating and cooling demands of the housing stock in a northern European country. Presented at: Eurosun 2008. 1st International Conference on Solar Heating, Cooling and Buildings., Lisbon, Portugal, 7-10 October 2008.
- Ampatzi, E. and Knight, I. 2007. The potential application of residential solar thermal cooling in the UK and the role of thermal energy storage technologies. Presented at: Building Low Energy Cooling and Ventilation Technologies in the 21st Century. 2nd PALENC Conference and 28th AIVC Conference, Crete island, Greece, 27 - 29 September 2007.
- Ampatzi, E. and Aggelos, A. 2005. 9th fire station of Attica: an M.Arch thesis.. Archittektonika Themata (Αρχιτεκτονικά θέματα) 39, pp. 70-71.
- Sayam, M., Ampatzi, E. and Bleil De Souza, C. 2024. Expatriate behaviour in hot arid countries: Understanding conditioned environments to assess resiliance. Presented at: 37th Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA) Conference, Warsaw, 25 - 28 June 2024.
- Rababa, B. and Ampatzi, E. 2022. Occupant behaviours and environmental preferences in Home-Office environments versus conventional office environments; reflections from the pandemic.. Presented at: CATE 2022, Edinburgh, 5-6 September 2022 Presented at Roaf, S. and Finlayson, W. eds.Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Comfort at the Extremes: Covid, Climate Change and Ventilation. Ecohouse Initative Ltd. pp. 602-626.
- Ampatzi, E., Teli, D. and Schweiker, M. 2020. On the linguistic challenges of cross-national research in thermal comfort: The effects of language choices in Greek and Swedish thermal perception questionnaires used in two large-scale surveys conducted two decades apart. Presented at: 11th Windsor Conference on Thermal Comfort, Windsor, England, 16-19 April 2020.
- Chatzivasileiadi, A., Ampatzi, E. and Knight, I. 2018. The choice and architectural requirements of battery storage technologies in residential buildings. Presented at: Second International Conference for Sustainable Design of the Built Environment: Research in Practice (SDBE 2018), London, UK, 12-13 September 2018.
- Chatzivasileiadi, A., Ampatzi, E. and Knight, I. 2017. The implications of demand response measures and electrification of transport on UK household energy demand and consumption. Presented at: 9th International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings, Chania, Greece, 5-7 July 2017, Vol. 134. pp. 89-98., (10.1016/j.egypro.2017.09.530)
- Kotbi, A., Ampatzi, E. and Jenkins, H. 2017. Using solar screens in school classrooms in hot arid areas: The effect of different aspect ratios on daylighting levels. Presented at: 33rd PLEA International conference: Design to Thrive, Edinburgh, Scotland UK, 3-5 July 2017 Presented at Brotas, L., Roaf, S. and Nicol, F. eds.PLEA 2017 Proceedings - Design to Thrive, Vol. II. Passive and Low Energy Architecture Conference Edinburgh: Network for Comfort and Energy Use in Buildings pp. 3253-3260.
- Kotbi, A. and Ampatzi, E. 2016. Using solar screens in school classrooms in hot arid areas: the effect of different perforation on daylighting levels. Presented at: PLEA2016: 32nd International conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, Los Angeles, CA, 11-13 July 2016 Presented at La Roche, P. and Schiler, M. eds.PLEA2016 - 32nd International conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture - Cities, Buildings, People: Towards Regenerative Environments, Vol. 2. Los Angeles, CA: PLEA pp. 691-698.
- Ampatzi, E., Fedeski, M. H. and Gwilliam, J. A. 2013. I know that I know nothing; the need for scepticism in environmental design education. Presented at: Architectural Education and the Reality of the Ideal: Environmental Design for Innovation in the Post-Crisis World, Naples, Italy, 3-5 October 2013.
- Georgakaki, A., Ampatzi, E. and Eames, M. 2012. Towards a Low Carbon Wales: modelling a 'not-quite-devolved' energy system. Presented at: CESUN 2012, Third International Engineering Systems Symposium Design and Governance in Engineering Systems, Delft, 18-20 June 2012.
- Knight, I. P., Rhodes, M., Agyenim, F. B. and Ampatzi, E. 2008. The potential for solar thermal heating and cooling systems to reduce the carbon emissions of domestic properties in a northern European country. Presented at: Eurosun 2008: 1st International Conference on Solar Heating, Cooling and Buildings, Lisbon, Portugal, 7-10 October 2008.
- Ampatzi, E., Knight, I. P. and Rhodes, M. 2008. Effect of internal gains on thermal comfort in Welsh dwellings. Presented at: PLEA 2008. 25th Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture,, Dublin, Ireland, 22-24 October 2008.
- Ampatzi, E., Knight, I. P. and Rhodes, M. 2008. The role of thermal energy storage in helping solar thermal reduce the heating and cooling demands of the housing stock in a northern European country. Presented at: Eurosun 2008. 1st International Conference on Solar Heating, Cooling and Buildings., Lisbon, Portugal, 7-10 October 2008.
- Ampatzi, E. and Knight, I. 2007. The potential application of residential solar thermal cooling in the UK and the role of thermal energy storage technologies. Presented at: Building Low Energy Cooling and Ventilation Technologies in the 21st Century. 2nd PALENC Conference and 28th AIVC Conference, Crete island, Greece, 27 - 29 September 2007.
- Berger, C. et al. 2023. The role of user controls with respect to indoor environmental quality: From evidence to standards. Journal of Building Engineering 76, article number: 107196. (10.1016/j.jobe.2023.107196)
- Berger, C. et al. 2023. Thermal conditions in indoor environments: exploring the reasoning behind standard-based recommendations. Energies 16(4), article number: 1587. (10.3390/en16041587)
- Haggar, P., Ampatzi, E., Potoglou, D. and Schweiker, M. 2022. Information sharing preferences within buildings: Benefits of cognitive interviewing for enhancing a discrete choice experiment. Energy and Buildings 258, article number: 111786. (10.1016/j.enbuild.2021.111786)
- Chatzivasileiadi, A., Ampatzi, E. and Knight, I. 2022. Electrical energy storage sizing and space requirements for sub-daily autonomy in residential buildings. Energies 15(3), article number: 1145. (10.3390/en15031145)
- Mahdavi, A. et al. 2021. The role of occupants in buildings’ energy performance gap: myth or reality?. Sustainability 13(6), article number: 3146. (10.3390/su13063146)
- Schweiker, M. et al. 2020. Review of multi‐domain approaches to indoor environmental perception and behaviour. Building and Environment 176, article number: 106804. (10.1016/j.buildenv.2020.106804)
- Schweiker, M. et al. 2020. Evaluating assumptions of scales for subjective assessment of thermal environments – do laypersons perceive them the way, we researchers believe?. Energy and Buildings 211, article number: 109761. (10.1016/j.enbuild.2020.109761)
- Chatzivasileiadi, A., Ampatzi, E. and Knight, I. P. 2019. The impact of battery storage technologies in residential buildings with sub-daily autonomy and EV contribution. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1343, article number: 12088. (10.1088/1742-6596/1343/1/012088)
- Schweiker, M. et al. 2019. The Scales Project: a cross-national dataset on the interpretation of thermal perception scales. Scientific Data 6, article number: 289. (10.1038/s41597-019-0272-6)
- Kefalloniti, I. and Ampatzi, E. 2017. Building integration of domestic solar combi-systems: The importance of managing the distribution pipework. Energy and Buildings 142, pp. 179-190. (10.1016/j.enbuild.2017.03.006)
- Mavrigiannaki, A. and Ampatzi, E. 2016. Latent heat storage in building elements: a systematic review on properties and contextual performance factors. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 60, pp. 852-866. (10.1016/j.rser.2016.01.115)
- Chatzivasileiadi, A., Ampatzi, E. and Knight, I. P. 2013. Characteristics of electrical energy storage technologies and their applications in buildings. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 25, pp. 814-830. (10.1016/j.rser.2013.05.023)
- Ampatzi, E., Knight, I. P. and Wiltshire, R. 2013. The potential contribution of solar thermal collection and storage systems to meeting the energy requirements of North European Housing. Solar Energy 91, pp. 402-421. (10.1016/j.solener.2012.09.008)
- Ampatzi, E. and Knight, I. P. 2012. Modelling the effect of realistic domestic energy demand profiles and internal gains on the predicted performance of solar thermal systems. Energy and Buildings 55, pp. 285-298. (10.1016/j.enbuild.2012.08.031)
- Ampatzi, E. and Aggelos, A. 2005. 9th fire station of Attica: an M.Arch thesis.. Archittektonika Themata (Αρχιτεκτονικά θέματα) 39, pp. 70-71.
- Ampatzi, E. 2010. The potential for solar thermal technologies and thermal energy storage to reduce the energy use from Welsh housing. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Setiau data
- Schweiker, M. et al. 2019. Contextual differences in the perception of thermal comfort scales – the data base from a large-scale international questionnaire study. [Digital]. Available at: https://osf.io/9p2gq/
My research is concerned with the demand for services, in environmental, human-centric designs. My past research work has looked into the details of demand profiles and the use of thermal energy storage for managing gaps between energy demand and supply. In line with other work in this broader area, my work has demonstrated the influence that design requirements have on predicted energy use and potential for renewables.
I am currently contributing to the work done internationally in revisiting some of the fundamental hypotheses underlying our current knowledge of indoor environmental quality and the building user's needs. More specifically my work now aims to generate evidence that can shed more light on how verbal communications of the thermal experience, as these collated using questionnaire surveys, may be influenced by contextual factors or language choices. Furthermore I am also interested in the use of complementary, 'objective' techniques for gauging the human thermal experience, such as those involving the collection and analysis of physiological data (typically skin temperature and heart rate). This holistic approach to evaluating the user's thermal experience is aimed at overcoming communication bias in the evaluation of thermal environments and in establishing accurate requirements for design. Shaping clear and relevant objectives for the design of real, transient environments is crucial for our fight towards climate change.
I currently teach on the Architectural Science Masters suite. I am the module leader of the ART 034 Environmental Design Practice, a 40-credit project-based module that mirrors a real-life building design process from site analysis, to passive design and use of efficient system services. I also contribute to the Climate Comfort and Energy module (MSc), and supervise a number of postgraduate dissertations (MSc and MArch level), as well as contribute to the assessment of Architectural Technology modules (BSc).
Past contributions to MSc modules: module leader of Outside Inside; Environmental Design Application, Climate Comfort Energy, Efficient Services.
In recent years Eleni has become involved in research work that forms part of the International Energy Agency's Energy in Building and Communities Programme and in particular Annexes 69 and 79. She currently contributes to a number of international collaborative studies stemming from Sub task 1 of the IEA EBC Annex 79 that focuses on "Multi-aspect environmental exposure, building interfaces, and human behaviour" (more detail in Research).
Eleni holds a PhD in Architectural Science and a Masters Degree in the Environmental Design of Buildings. She is qualified as an architect and has practiced architecture in Greece. Her main research interests lie in the integration of low carbon system services into buildings, using holistic approaches that aim at efficient synergies between the two.
The importance of thermal energy storage technologies in enabling the use of solar thermal systems and the associated influence of occupancy patterns have been focal points in her research, which started with her BRE Trust funded PhD thesis. During her PhD she participated in PREHEAT, a European funded project for policy reinforcement of heat storage technologies. Her research has examined the predicted thermal energy needs and potential capacities for heat storage, in existing typical houses that have not undergone any refurbishment. She has investigated variations in the performance of solar thermal powered systems in this context, examining in detail both the supply and demand sides. She has also worked for the “Scenario Modelling for a Low Carbon Wales” cross-cutting theme of the Low Carbon Energy Institute. Her contribution to the project included the analysis of the spatially disaggregated energy demand of the Welsh built environment and the regional-scale assessment of Wales’ solar energy resource.
Honours and awards
Sustained Outstanding Contributions Award in 2015
Professional memberships
- Associate fellow of the Higher Education Academy
- Member of the Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE-TCG)
Committees and reviewing
Journal reviewer (Solar Energy, Energy and Buildings, Sustainable Cities and Society, Journal of Housing and the Built Environment and others).
Book reviewer for RIBA (Royal Institute for British Architects)
Grant reviewer for Cara Syria Programme: Syria Research Fellowship Scheme (SRFS)
Past: Editorial board for MADE wsa journal.
- The effectiveness of language choices in thermal comfort and indoor environmental quality (IEQ) research.
- Physiological data collection and analysis for the evaluation of indoor thermal environments.
- Inter-individual differences in thermal perception.
- Difficult-to-treat thermal environments and personal comfort systems.
- Generating evidence for the benefits of biophilic design.