Mrs Sue Annetts
Senior Lecturer: Physiotherapy
I am a Senior Lecturer, teaching and assessing undergraduate and postgraduate physiotherapy students. I am also a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a Visitor for the Health and Care Professions Council, which involves considering applications for new physiotherapy pre-registration programmes in the UK.
My publications and conference presentations are focussed on the topics of musculoskeletal physiotherapy; fitness to practise; and teaching, learning and assessment. I am registered on the World Physiotherapy Database of Volunteers and Experts in order to help support the develpment and promotion of physiotherapy worldwide.
- Annetts, S. and Day, R. 2019. The informed study project: An innovative online self evaluation of fitness to practise within a professional higher education degree programme. Innovations in Education and Teaching International 56(4), pp. 529-541. (10.1080/14703297.2019.1577162)
- Sloman, E. and Annetts, S. 2014. Which has the greater affect on hamstring flexibility – compressions or stretching?. Presented at: Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Congress 2014 ., International Conference Centre, Birmingham, UK, 10-11 October 2014.
- Rooke, M. and Annetts, S. 2014. A pilot study into the reliability of partial weight bearing. Presented at: Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Congress 2014, International Conference Centre, Birmingham, UK, 10-11 October 2014.
- Edwards, R. and Annetts, S. 2014. A pilot investigation comparing neck angle in a standardised standing position and a self-selected texting standing position.. Presented at: Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Congress 2014, International Conference Centre, Birmingham, UK, 10 - 11 October 2014.
- Annetts, S., Jones, U. and Van Deursen, R. 2013. An innovative review of an undergraduate dissertation double marking policy. Innovations in Education and Teaching International 50(3), pp. 308-317. (10.1080/14703297.2012.760771)
- Annetts, S., Coales, P., Kloni-Eleni, M., Koelmel, S. and Van Deursen, R. W. M. 2012. A comparison of a self selected and an ergonomic chair when using a saddle chair. Presented at: Society of Back Pain Research Annual Conference, Douglas, Isle of Man, UK, 8th - 9th November 2012.
- Annetts, S., Baker, T., Day, R. and Evans, E. 2012. Informing students of the requirements of higher education: A bespoke online solution. In: Andrews, J., Clark, R. and Thomas, L. eds. Compendium of effective practice in higher education retention and success. Birmingham; York: Aston University; Higher Education Academy, pp. 8-11.
- Annetts, S., Coales, P. J., Colville, R., Mistry, D., Moles, K., Thomas, B. and Van Deursen, R. W. M. 2012. A pilot investigation into the effects of different office chairs on spinal angles. European Spine Journal 21(S2), pp. 165-170. (10.1007/s00586-012-2189-z)
- Hastings, G. and Annetts, S. 2012. We need to talk about..your assignment!. Presented at: Higher Education Academy (HEA) Annual Conference 2012, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK, 3-4 July 2012.
- Annetts, S., Baker, T., Richard, D. and Elizabeth, E. 2012. Informing students of the requirements of higher education: a bespoke online solution.. Presented at: HEA Conference: What Works: Student Retention and Success, York University, UK, November 2012.
- Annetts, S. and Hastings, G. 2011. A scoping exercise investigating the efficacy and efficiency of audio feedback. Discussion Paper. London: Higher Education Academy. Available at:
- Annetts, S. and Jones, U. 2010. A pilot study investigating students’ understanding of marking criteria and its influence on learning. Presented at: AMEE Conference 2010, Glasgow, UK, 4-8 September 2010.
- Kell, C. and Annetts, S. 2009. Peer review of teaching embedded practice or policy - holding complacency?. Innovations in Education and Teaching International 46(1), pp. 61-70. (10.1080/14703290802646156)
- Annetts, S., Harris, S. and Rickards, D. 2009. The Effect of Cot Height on Trunk Muscle Activity When Lifting a Simulated Baby. Presented at: 10th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference: Tranforming Healthcare through Research Education and Technology, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, 4-5 November 2009.
- Annetts, S., Creighton-Griffiths, A., Hopkins, H. and Evans, E. 2008. The Effects of Ankle Taping on Plantar Pressure and Plantar Force Distribution during Gait. Presented at: All Wales Virtual Institute of Sport, Health and Exercise Science, 5th Conference 2008, Swansea, UK, 4 July 2008.
- Annetts, S., Chatham, K. and Enright, S. 2007. Investigating the Effect of Inspiratory Muscle Training: A Case Report on a Patient with Chronic Asthma. Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Respiratory Care (ACPRC) Journal 39, pp. 33-36.
Adrannau llyfrau
- Annetts, S., Baker, T., Day, R. and Evans, E. 2012. Informing students of the requirements of higher education: A bespoke online solution. In: Andrews, J., Clark, R. and Thomas, L. eds. Compendium of effective practice in higher education retention and success. Birmingham; York: Aston University; Higher Education Academy, pp. 8-11.
- Sloman, E. and Annetts, S. 2014. Which has the greater affect on hamstring flexibility – compressions or stretching?. Presented at: Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Congress 2014 ., International Conference Centre, Birmingham, UK, 10-11 October 2014.
- Rooke, M. and Annetts, S. 2014. A pilot study into the reliability of partial weight bearing. Presented at: Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Congress 2014, International Conference Centre, Birmingham, UK, 10-11 October 2014.
- Edwards, R. and Annetts, S. 2014. A pilot investigation comparing neck angle in a standardised standing position and a self-selected texting standing position.. Presented at: Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Congress 2014, International Conference Centre, Birmingham, UK, 10 - 11 October 2014.
- Annetts, S., Coales, P., Kloni-Eleni, M., Koelmel, S. and Van Deursen, R. W. M. 2012. A comparison of a self selected and an ergonomic chair when using a saddle chair. Presented at: Society of Back Pain Research Annual Conference, Douglas, Isle of Man, UK, 8th - 9th November 2012.
- Hastings, G. and Annetts, S. 2012. We need to talk about..your assignment!. Presented at: Higher Education Academy (HEA) Annual Conference 2012, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK, 3-4 July 2012.
- Annetts, S., Baker, T., Richard, D. and Elizabeth, E. 2012. Informing students of the requirements of higher education: a bespoke online solution.. Presented at: HEA Conference: What Works: Student Retention and Success, York University, UK, November 2012.
- Annetts, S. and Jones, U. 2010. A pilot study investigating students’ understanding of marking criteria and its influence on learning. Presented at: AMEE Conference 2010, Glasgow, UK, 4-8 September 2010.
- Annetts, S., Harris, S. and Rickards, D. 2009. The Effect of Cot Height on Trunk Muscle Activity When Lifting a Simulated Baby. Presented at: 10th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference: Tranforming Healthcare through Research Education and Technology, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, 4-5 November 2009.
- Annetts, S., Creighton-Griffiths, A., Hopkins, H. and Evans, E. 2008. The Effects of Ankle Taping on Plantar Pressure and Plantar Force Distribution during Gait. Presented at: All Wales Virtual Institute of Sport, Health and Exercise Science, 5th Conference 2008, Swansea, UK, 4 July 2008.
- Annetts, S. and Day, R. 2019. The informed study project: An innovative online self evaluation of fitness to practise within a professional higher education degree programme. Innovations in Education and Teaching International 56(4), pp. 529-541. (10.1080/14703297.2019.1577162)
- Annetts, S., Jones, U. and Van Deursen, R. 2013. An innovative review of an undergraduate dissertation double marking policy. Innovations in Education and Teaching International 50(3), pp. 308-317. (10.1080/14703297.2012.760771)
- Annetts, S., Coales, P. J., Colville, R., Mistry, D., Moles, K., Thomas, B. and Van Deursen, R. W. M. 2012. A pilot investigation into the effects of different office chairs on spinal angles. European Spine Journal 21(S2), pp. 165-170. (10.1007/s00586-012-2189-z)
- Kell, C. and Annetts, S. 2009. Peer review of teaching embedded practice or policy - holding complacency?. Innovations in Education and Teaching International 46(1), pp. 61-70. (10.1080/14703290802646156)
- Annetts, S., Chatham, K. and Enright, S. 2007. Investigating the Effect of Inspiratory Muscle Training: A Case Report on a Patient with Chronic Asthma. Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Respiratory Care (ACPRC) Journal 39, pp. 33-36.
- Annetts, S. and Hastings, G. 2011. A scoping exercise investigating the efficacy and efficiency of audio feedback. Discussion Paper. London: Higher Education Academy. Available at:
My research interests relate primarily to the theory of teaching, learning and assessment; the influence of seating on the spine and respiratory function; and fitness to practise.
This is demonstrated by the following list of my publications and conference presentions:
Annetts S.,Chatham, K. and Enright, S. (2007). Investigating the Effect of Inspiratory Muscle Training: A Case Report on a Patient with Chronic Asthma. Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Respiratory Care (ACPRC) Journal 39, pp. 33-36
Kell C. and Annetts S. (2009) Peer Review of Teaching. Embedded Practice or Policy Holding Complacency. Innovations in Education and Teaching International. 46 (1) 61 – 70
Annetts S. and Hastings G. (2011). A Scoping exercise into the Efficacy and Effectiveness of Audiofeedback. Briefing Paper, London: Higher Education Academy
Annetts S., Baker T., Day R. and Evans E. (2012). Informing Students of the Requirements of Higher Education: A Bespoke Online Solution. In: Andrews, J., Clark, R. and Thomas, L. eds. (2012) Compendium of effective practice in higher education retention and success. Higher Education Academy, pp. 8-11
Annetts S. et al. 2012. A Pilot Investigation into the Effects of Different Office Chairs on Spinal Angles. European Spine Journal 21(S2), pp. 165-170
Annetts S., Jones U., and vanDeursen R. (2013). An Innovative Review of An Undergraduate Dissertation Double Marking Policy. Innovations in Education and Teaching International. 50 (3). 308 – 317
Annetts, S. and Day, R. 2019. The informed study project: An innovative online self evaluation of fitness to practise within a professional higher education degree programme. Innovations in Education and Teaching International 56(4), pp. 529-541. (10.1080/14703297.2019.1577162)
Annetts S. and Davies M. (2021). Differences in Maximal Inspiratory Pressure when using a Standard Yoga Mat Versus a Standard Yoga Block in Healthy Individuals. Journal of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Respiratory Care 53 (1). pp 20 - 29
Annetts S., Forrest E. and McKeever A. (2022). Is DrGoniometer a Valid Tool for Measuring Joint Range, thus Enhancing the Evolution of a Contemporary MSK Physiotherapy Practitioner? Physiotherapy 114 (1) e142-143. (
Conference Presentations
Annetts S. (2009). Preparing Staff and Students for a New Problem Solving Practical Examination. Poster and Platform Presentation at QUILT Conference (Effective and Efficient Feedback), Cardiff.
Annetts S, Harris S. and Rickards D. (2009).The Effect of Cot Height on Trunk Muscle Activity When Lifting a Simulated Baby. Poster Presentation at 10th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Trinity College Dublin.
Annetts S. and Jones U. (2010). A Pilot Study Investigating Students’ Understanding of Marking Criteria and its Influence on Learning. Poster Presentation at AMEE Conference, Glasgow.
Annetts S., Coales P., Colville R. et al (2011). A Pilot Investigation into the Effects of Different Office Chairs on Spinal Angles. Poster Presentation at Society of Back Pain Research Conference, Cambridge.
Annetts S. Coales P. Koelmel S. et al (2012) Are You Sitting Comfortably? Poster and Platform Presentation at Society of Back Pain Research Conference, Isle of Man.
Annetts S. Baker T. Day R. and Evans E. (2012) Informing Students of the Requirements of Higher Education: A Bespoke Online Solution. Poster and Platform Presentation at HEA Conference: What Works: Student Retention and Success, York.
Annetts S. and Hastings G. (2012). We Need to Talk About…Your Assignment. Poster Presentation at HEA Annual Conference, Manchester.
Annetts S. and Sloman E. (2014) Hamstring Flexibility…Compressions or Stretching? Poster Presentation at CSP Annual Conference, NEC, Birmingham
Annetts S. and Rooke E. (2014) Consistently Walking the Walk? Poster Presentation at CSP Annual Conference, NEC, Birmingham
Annetts S. and Edwards R. (2014) Texting – A Pain in the Neck? Poster Presentation at CSP Annual Conference, NEC, Birmingham
Annetts S. and Day R. (2015). The Informed Study Project. Platform Presentation at National Association of Educators in Clinical Practice Annual Conference, Coventry University.
Annetts S. and Day R. (2017). The Informed Study Project: Lessons Learnt. Platform Presentation at Higher Education Academy “What Works: Retention and Success” Conference, Cavendish Conference Centre, London
Annetts S. and Trezise D. (2019) Can Cycling Influence Neurodynamics in a Healthy Population? Poster Presentation at CSP Annual Conference, NEC, Birmingham
Annetts S. and Davies M. (2020). Yoga – A Strong Intake of Breath? Poster Presentation at CSP Annual (Virtual) Conference
Annetts S, Forrest E and McKeever A. (2021) Is Dr Goniometer a Valid Tool for Measuring Joint Range of Movement, thus Enhancing the Evolution of a Contemporary MSK Physiotherapy Practitioner? Poster Presentation at CSP Annual (Virtual) Conference
Annetts S, Dando S and Rudling-Smith R. (2021) A Flipped Classroom Approach to Teaching Integrated Anatomy and Hands-On Physiotherapy Skills. Platform presentation at Cardiff University Teaching and Learning Conference
Annetts S, Dando S and Rudling-Smith R. (2022) A Flipped Classroom Approach to Teaching Integrated Anatomy and Hands-On Physiotherapy Skills. Platform Presentation at Advance HE Learning and Teaching Conference, Newcastle
Annetts S. and Hemming R. (2024) Does Manual Handling training Infuence Spine Kinematics? Poster presentaion at Society of Back Pain Research Conference, Aberdeen
The majority of my teaching and assessment is on the Physiotherapy (Hons) BSc programme; the topics I most commonly teach and assess are anatomy (module lead), physiotherapy musculoskeletal skills, research methods, and personal and professional development. I also teach musculoskeletal related topics on the MSc Physiotherapy programmes (pre-registration). I supervise dissertation students at undergraduate and postgraduate levels
In February 2022 I became a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Roles and Responsibilities (Past and Present)
I qualified as a chartered physiotherapist in 1988 and have worked in a variety of clinical settings (including NHS trusts, private practice / hospitals and sports clinics) thoughout the UK, predominantly specialising in musculoskeletal disorders. In 1998, I commenced employment as a physiotherapy lecturer and, in addition to teaching responsibilities, I have enjoyed a variety of roles and responsibilities within the School of Healthcare Sciences. These include Module Lead, Disability Contact (for the programme and for the School); Assessment Officer (for the programme and for the School); Unfair Practice Officer (for the Programme and for the School); Associate Director for Student Experience and Academic Standards; and I am currently Lead for Workload Modelling.
Honours and awards
- Enriching Student Life Awards (Nominated), Cardiff University, 2019
- HCPC Research Grant for Audiofeedback Project, 2013
- School of Healthcare Studies Excellence in Learning and Teaching Award (Winner), Cardiff University, 2011
Professional memberships
- Member / State Registered HCPC
- Member Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
- Member Society of Back Pain Research
Academic positions
Lead of Workload Modelling (School of Healthcare Sciences)
Committees and reviewing
- Reviewer for the journal, "Innovation in Education and Teaching international"
- Member of the School of Healthcare Sudies Disability, Inclusion and Equality Committee
I supervise a range of undergraduate and post graduate dissertation students.
Contact Details
+44 29206 87731
Ty Dewi Sant, Floor Second, Room 2.19a, University Hospital of Wales, Heath Park, Cardiff, CF14 4XN
Research themes
- Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy