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Marga Munar Bauza

Dr Marga Munar Bauza


Available for postgraduate supervision


I am a lecturer in Architecture and Urbanism. My knowledge lies in the theories of the canonical urban design thinkers, the craft of the urban designer, and the interface between architecture and urban design. I am a trained architect and urban designer and I am interested in practice led research, and the relationship between theory and practice.


  • BSc Year 3 Deputy Year Chair
  • MArch Dissertation supervisor
  • MA UD Research project supervisor
  • BSc Year 3 Issues in Contemporary Architecture module leader
  • BSc Year 3 Design unit leader
  • Academic Misconduct Coordinator
  • Board of Studies Member

External Activities

  • Strategic advisor to Ty Banc (2020-)
  • External examiner at Lincoln University (2021-)
  • Wales representative of the Academy of Urbanism. (2020-)
  • Guest Lecturer at the Escòla Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura, Barcelona, Spain 2012/…
  • Invited Lecturer at the City University of Hong Kong 2020/…





  • Suau, C. and Munar Bauza, M. 2009. The mall in the online shopping era. Presented at: The new urban question : urbanism beyond neo-liberalism, Delft, Amsterdam, 26-28 November 2009 Presented at Rosemann, J. ed.The New Urban Question: Urbanism beyond Neo-Liberalism, 4th IFoU conference proceedings, Amsterdam & Delft, Netherlands, 26-28 November 2009. Delft: International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU) pp. 151-160.



  • Suau, C. and Munar Bauza, M. 2009. The mall in the online shopping era. Presented at: The new urban question : urbanism beyond neo-liberalism, Delft, Amsterdam, 26-28 November 2009 Presented at Rosemann, J. ed.The New Urban Question: Urbanism beyond Neo-Liberalism, 4th IFoU conference proceedings, Amsterdam & Delft, Netherlands, 26-28 November 2009. Delft: International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU) pp. 151-160.



In my practice-based PhD, I inquired the representation of boundaries between places based on how we experience them. This was inquired through the notion of the limit, as a horizon from which presencing begins, and the phenomenological philosophy of Eugenio Trias. Boundaries evident in the world were explored in one landscape location in Mallorca and two urban sites in Barcelona. Firstly, I recorded how these were experienced in relation to philosophical and sociological accounts. Then, I explored the experience of drawing limits in plan and section and how their representation struggles to capture the richness of their experience in the world.

My work on boundaries has led me to the inquiry of the territory from a combined geo-sociological and architectural approach. From the former, territory is understood as a material and spatial phenomenon defined by the interrelationships between social, economic, political and natural systems. From the latter, territory is intrinsic to the act of inhabiting, and particularly to the act of occupying, relating to the process of negotiating a place, its possession and control, and possible dispute and conflict.  At present I am exploring this through two live students’ projects in South Wales.


My teaching spans across the fields of architecture, urbanism and interrelated aspects. My main teaching contribution between 2004 and 2017 was in the MA UD where my teaching combined discourse and methods relevant to urbanism and architecture and defining the craft of the urban designer. I learned about the complexity, but also richness, of working with students from diverse backgrounds and cultures, and to teach design to non-designers who have a first degree with little or no design component. My legacy to the course was the re-validation for its re-structure, combining modules and contents to pursue inter-disciplinarity and inter-professionalism as well as furthering interdepartmental interests and collaborations.

The module Issues in Contemporary Architecture introduces critical thinking in architectural theory through the discussion of ‘contemporary’ issues under debate in architectural theory, research and practice. It aims to establish debate to help students reach their own critical viewpoints, explore relationships between words and building (theory and practice), communicate clearly, and write critically.

My teaching in the design unit for year 3 practices design for sustainable futures determined by a critical understanding of the interconnectedness between social, economic, political and natural systems. It aims for long-term responses able to generate and transform instead of merely reacting to a problem at a particular moment in time. The framework for these projects sits within the methodology of Transition Design (TD) defined by four interrelated aspects: long term visions, engaging with theories of change, positioning of the designer, and identifying particular ways of designing. Currently, this methodology is applied in two live projects of post-industrial landscapes in close proximity in South Wales. This methodology is intersected with my primary research on limits which has led me to the notion of territory in contrast and correlation to space and place. The methodology adopted, scale, and nature of the sites require an intradisciplinary, multi-scalar approach and applying research for and into design at the initial stage and research by design to subsequent stages.

Thus, my overall teaching aim, aside from imparting knowledge, is to apply pedagogies that support and empower students to identify, question and test their own positioning by being critical and reflective. The values that underpin their positioning help them to be selective with their engagement with theory and practice.


I joined the Welsh School of Architecture (WSA) in September 2004 after practicing for a number of years as an architect in the UK where I worked in a wide variety of projects ranging from residential, commercial, educational to masterplanning projects, and from new built, rehabilitation to listed buildings.

Prior moving to the UK, I completed the double degree in Architecture and Urban Planning in Las Palmas, Spain achieving ‘Cum Laude’ for the degree design project.

I completed my PhD at Cardiff University in 2018, titled “On the Limit: Experiencing and Representing Boundaries in Architecture and Urban Design”.

    Professional memberships

    • Architects Registration Board, United Kingdom 2002/…
    • Academy of Urbanism 2017/…
    • Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts 2014/…
    • Urban Design Group, United Kingdom 2003/2018
    • Col.legi Oficial d’Arquitectes de Balears, Spain (COAB) 1999/2018

    Academic positions

    BSc and MArch              

    • Leader of Design Units in Y2, 2004/2207 and MArch 1 2009/20012.
    • Module Leader of History and Urbanism Modules, 2004-2011, 2017/…
    • Deputy Year Chair in, Y2 2017/2019
    • Year Chair in MArch 1 2010/2012

    MA UD

    • Course Director MA UD 2010/2018
    • Co-Course director MA UD 2007/2010
    • Module Leader of Design Modules 2004/2017
    • Module Leader of Urban Design Thinkers 2014/2017
    • Module Leader Research based Design Project 2006/2010

    Dissertation supervisor   

    • PhD, MA UD, MSC and MArch


    I am interested in supervising PhD students in areas of

    • Shifts between domains: Liminality, boundaries, thresholds and in-betweens;
    • Craftmanship of the urban designer
    • The environment and “the everyday”
    • Retrofitting the urban fabric for well-being
    • Water, waste and energy in the existing city
    • Practice-based and practice-led research

    Contact Details

    Telephone +44 29208 75961
    Campuses Bute Building, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3NB