Dr Alix Beeston
BA Dist, Hons First Class, PhD (Sydney)
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Teams and roles for Alix Beeston
Reader in Literature and Visual Culture
I am honoured to be the recipient of the 2024 Dillwyn Medal for Outstanding Early Career Research in Humanities and Creative Arts from the Learned Society of Wales. From February–April 2025, I am in residence at Maison de la Création et de l’Innovation, Université Grenoble Alpes, as a Senior Research Fellow in the International Excellence in the Humanities Program.
My research advances interdisciplinary, feminist approaches to literature, film, and photography in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, while also experimenting with new modes of scholarly writing and dissemination. Interested in allusive and underappreciated textual forms, I seek to revalue negative phenomena such as absence or silence, as well as literary and visual objects that are seen as marginal, riven with gaps and flaws, or confounding in their effects.
Initially, I explored the feminist possibilities of modernist literature and photography. These gap-ridden and serialised forms are both mutually constitutive and highly equivocal in their meanings, as I demonstrated in my first book, In and Out of Sight: Modernist Writing and the Photographic Unseen (Oxford University Press, 2018, paperback 2023). Recently, my focus has moved to the later twentieth century and the contemporary moment as I undertake an expansive research project on women’s unfinished creative labour.
The first stage of this project is the award-winning essay collection Incomplete: The Feminist Possibilities of the Unfinished Film, coedited by myself and Stefan Solomon and published by the University of California Press in 2023. Stefan and I also cocurated Unfinished: Women Filmmakers in Process, a film festival at Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff, in November 2022. I am now at work on Women, Sisters, and Friends: The Selected Plays and Screenplays of Kathleen Collins. I am coediting this volume of unfinished and unpublished materials with Hayley O'Malley and Samantha N. Sheppard for the University of California Press.
My efforts to innovate new ways of researching and writing about open-ended and fragmentary artifacts, objects, and histories include my forthcoming book tentatively titled Image Encounters: Photography and the Feminist Art of Being Seen. Offering a complex backstory to the rise of the selfie, this critical–creative account of women and girls in photography is composed of a series of interlinked microessays that closely attend to specific images from across the medium’s history. It argues, iteratively, that the feminism of photography consists in its functions as a medium of encounter.
I am also the founder of the Visualities forum at the online platform of Modernism/modernity, which I now coedit with Pardis Dabashi, and a highly experienced and engaging public speaker and moderator, having presented screenings, roundtables, and other public events at numerous venues in Cardiff (including Chapter Arts Centre, National Museum Cardiff, and Ffotogallery), as well as Swansea’s Volcano Theatre and Berlin’s Silent Green, among others.
Upcoming events and initiatives:
- Guest lecture, "Creativity in Motion: Unfinishing Women's Film and Literary History," Centre for Arts, Media and Culture, Edinburgh Napier University, 30 April 2025
- "Reimagining Women's Unfinished Film in Wales," artistic commission project funded by Cardiff University/UKRI Harmonised Impact Acceleration Account Strategic Impact Fund, Summer 2025 (currently accepting EoIs)
Recent and forthcoming publications:
- With Pardis Dabashi, introduction to special series, "Judging by its Cover," Modernism/modernity Print Plus
- Review of Nicole Erin Morse, Selfie Aesthetics, Journal of American Studies
- With Robert Lloyd, "Occluded Wales: The Haunted Ground of Joanna Hogg's The Eternal Daughter," Senses of Cinema
- "One with Another," review of Gail Jones's One Another, Sydney Review of Books
- "This Probably Shouldn't Be A Film...But It Is," review of Zia Anger's My First Film, Public Books
- With Pardis Dabashi, Stephen J. Ross, and Jess Masters, "Five Years of Visualities," Modernism/modernity Print Plus
- “Images Dreamed from the Inside: The Ethics of Encounter in Feminist Photography Studies,” essay solicited for special issue on Historiographies, Metahistories, and Methods, ed. Katherine Groo, forthcoming in Feminist Media Histories, 2025
- With Hayley O'Malley and Samantha N. Sheppard, Women, Sisters, and Friends: The Selected Plays and Screenplays of Kathleen Collins, forthcoming from the University of California Press, 2026
- Beeston, A. 2025. Images dreamed from the inside: The ethics of encounter in feminist photography studies. Feminist Media Histories 11(4)
- Beeston, A., Dabashi, P., Masters, J. and Ross, S. J. 2024. Five years of visualities. [Online]. Vol. 1. Modernism Modernity. Available at: https://modernismmodernity.org/forums/posts/five-years-visualities
- Beeston, A. 2024. This probably shouldn't be a film..But it is. [Online]. Public Books: Available at: https://www.publicbooks.org/this-probably-shouldnt-be-a-film-but-it-is/
- Beeston, A. 2024. One with Another. Alix Beeston on Gail Jones' strange relations [Book Review]. Sydney Review of Books
- Beeston, A. and Lloyd, R. 2024. Occluded Wales: The haunted ground of Joanna Hogg's The Eternal Daughter. Senses of Cinema(109), article number: May 2024.
- Beeston, A. 2024. Selfie Aesthetics: Seeing Trans Feminist Futures in Self-Representational Art by Nicole Erin Morse [Book Review]. Journal of American Studies 58(1), pp. 159-162. (10.1017/S0021875824000070)
- Beeston, A., Dabashi, P., Cheng, A. A., Groo, K., Lenssen, A. and Thaggert, M. 2024. Judging by its cover, Part 1. [Online]. Vol. 3. Modernism/modernity. (https://modernismmodernity.org/forums/posts/judging-its-cover-part-1) Available at: https://modernismmodernity.org/forums/posts/judging-its-cover-part-1
- Beeston, A. 2023. A history of shapes. In: Menzies-Pike, C. ed. Critic Swallows Book: Ten Years of the Sydney Review of Books. Sydney: Giramondo, pp. 292-307.
- Beeston, A. 2023. Kathleen Collins..posthumously. In: Beeston, A. and Solomon, S. eds. Incomplete: The Feminist Possibilities of the Unfinished Film. Feminist Media Histories Los Angeles: University of California Press, pp. 245-269.
- Beeston, A. and Solomon, S. 2023. Pathways to the feminist incomplete: An introduction, a theory, a manifesto. In: Beeston, A. and Solomon, S. eds. Incomplete: The Feminist Possibilities of the Unfinished Film. Feminist Media Histories Los Angeles: University of California Press, pp. 1-38.
- Beeston, A. and Solomon, S. eds. 2023. Incomplete: The feminist possibilities of the unfinished film. Feminist Media Histories. Los Angeles: University of California Press.
- Beeston, A., Solomon, S., Hamad, H., Redrobe, K. and Rouxel, M. 2022. Unfinished: Women Filmmakers in Process (catalogue). Cardiff: Image Works: Research and Practice in Visual Culture. (https://issuu.com/imageworkscardiff/docs/unfinished)
- Beeston, A. 2022. Photography: Gertrude Käsebier and the maternal line of sight. In: Goody, A. and Whittington, I. eds. Edinburgh Companion to Modernism and Technology. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 155-174.
- Beeston, A. 2022. Blur. Modernism/modernity Print Plus 7(1)
- Beeston, A. 2021. Girl head: feminism and film materiality by Genevieve Yue [Book Review]. JCMS: Journal of Cinema and Media Studies 61(1), pp. 193-198. (10.1353/cj.2021.0081)
- Beeston, A. 2021. A history of shapes. Book review of "No Document" by Anwen Crawford (2021). Sydney Review of Books
- Beeston, A. 2020. A ghost with a camera. Post45
- Beeston, A. 2020. Fingers stained with fruit and ink. Rev. of Ellena Savage, Blueberries (Text Publishing/Scribe, 2020). [Online]. https://sydneyreviewofbooks.com: Writing and Society Research Centre. Available at: https://sydneyreviewofbooks.com/review/ellena-savage-blueberries/
- Beeston, A. 2020. The Watch-bitch now: Reassessing the natural woman in Han Kang's The Vegetarian and Charlotte Wood's The Natural Way of Things. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 45(3), pp. 679-702. (10.1086/706472)
- Beeston, A., Kingston-Reese, A. and Kindey, C. 2020. On Instagram: an intimate, immediate conversation. ASAP/J
- Beeston, A. 2019. Working the trap. Introduction to Special Conference Cluster, Modernist #MeToo and the working woman. Feminist Modernist Studies 2(3), pp. 304-313. (10.1080/24692921.2019.1668184)
- Beeston, A. 2019. Looking like a modernist. Modernism/modernity Print Plus 4(2)
- Beeston, A. 2019. The sound of loss. Docalogue
- Dowling, S., Colesworthy, R., Rydstrand, H. and Beeston, A. 2019. Opening the book, part II. [Online]. Modernism/modernity Print Plus. Available at: https://modernismmodernity.org/forums/posts/opening-book-part-ii
- Beeston, A. 2019. Still Modernism: Photography, Literature, Film by Louise Hornby [Book Review]. Modernism/modernity 26(1), pp. 219-222. (10.1353/mod.2019.0010)
- Beeston, A. 2018. From early photography to the Instagram age. [Online]. Oxford: Oxford University Press Blog. Available at: https://blog.oup.com/2018/04/women-early-photography-instagram/
- Beeston, A. 2018. The Rock on top: From King Kong to Dwayne Johnson's Skyscraper. [Online]. Los Angeles Review of Books. Available at: https://blog.lareviewofbooks.org/essays/rock-top-king-kong-dwayne-johnsons-skyscraper/
- Beeston, A. 2018. Object women: looking again at women in photography. Wales Arts Review
- Beeston, A. 2018. Object women: A history of women in photography. [Online]. Instagram. Available at: http://www.instagram.com/objectwomen
- Beeston, A. 2018. Looking again at women in photography. [Online]. George Eastman Museum. Available at: https://www.eastman.org/looking-again-women-photography
- Beeston, A. 2018. In and out of sight: Modernist writing and the photographic unseen. Modernist Literature and Culture. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.
- Beeston, A. 2017. Icons of depression. Arizona Quarterly 73(2), pp. 1-36. (10.1353/arq.2017.0007)
- Beeston, A. 2017. Images in crisis: Three Lives's vanishing women. Modernism/modernity 2(2) (10.26597/mod.0006)
- Beeston, A. 2016. A "leg show dance" in a skyscraper: The sequenced mechanics of John Dos Passos's Manhattan Transfer. PMLA 131(3), pp. 636-651. (10.1632/pmla.2016.131.3.636)
- Beeston, A. 2015. What do we love when we love books by dead authors?. The Conversation Australia 2015(July 2)
- Beeston, A. 2025. Images dreamed from the inside: The ethics of encounter in feminist photography studies. Feminist Media Histories 11(4)
- Beeston, A. 2024. One with Another. Alix Beeston on Gail Jones' strange relations [Book Review]. Sydney Review of Books
- Beeston, A. and Lloyd, R. 2024. Occluded Wales: The haunted ground of Joanna Hogg's The Eternal Daughter. Senses of Cinema(109), article number: May 2024.
- Beeston, A. 2024. Selfie Aesthetics: Seeing Trans Feminist Futures in Self-Representational Art by Nicole Erin Morse [Book Review]. Journal of American Studies 58(1), pp. 159-162. (10.1017/S0021875824000070)
- Beeston, A. 2022. Blur. Modernism/modernity Print Plus 7(1)
- Beeston, A. 2021. Girl head: feminism and film materiality by Genevieve Yue [Book Review]. JCMS: Journal of Cinema and Media Studies 61(1), pp. 193-198. (10.1353/cj.2021.0081)
- Beeston, A. 2021. A history of shapes. Book review of "No Document" by Anwen Crawford (2021). Sydney Review of Books
- Beeston, A. 2020. A ghost with a camera. Post45
- Beeston, A. 2020. The Watch-bitch now: Reassessing the natural woman in Han Kang's The Vegetarian and Charlotte Wood's The Natural Way of Things. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 45(3), pp. 679-702. (10.1086/706472)
- Beeston, A., Kingston-Reese, A. and Kindey, C. 2020. On Instagram: an intimate, immediate conversation. ASAP/J
- Beeston, A. 2019. Working the trap. Introduction to Special Conference Cluster, Modernist #MeToo and the working woman. Feminist Modernist Studies 2(3), pp. 304-313. (10.1080/24692921.2019.1668184)
- Beeston, A. 2019. Looking like a modernist. Modernism/modernity Print Plus 4(2)
- Beeston, A. 2019. The sound of loss. Docalogue
- Beeston, A. 2019. Still Modernism: Photography, Literature, Film by Louise Hornby [Book Review]. Modernism/modernity 26(1), pp. 219-222. (10.1353/mod.2019.0010)
- Beeston, A. 2018. Object women: looking again at women in photography. Wales Arts Review
- Beeston, A. 2017. Icons of depression. Arizona Quarterly 73(2), pp. 1-36. (10.1353/arq.2017.0007)
- Beeston, A. 2017. Images in crisis: Three Lives's vanishing women. Modernism/modernity 2(2) (10.26597/mod.0006)
- Beeston, A. 2016. A "leg show dance" in a skyscraper: The sequenced mechanics of John Dos Passos's Manhattan Transfer. PMLA 131(3), pp. 636-651. (10.1632/pmla.2016.131.3.636)
- Beeston, A. 2015. What do we love when we love books by dead authors?. The Conversation Australia 2015(July 2)
Book sections
- Beeston, A. 2023. A history of shapes. In: Menzies-Pike, C. ed. Critic Swallows Book: Ten Years of the Sydney Review of Books. Sydney: Giramondo, pp. 292-307.
- Beeston, A. 2023. Kathleen Collins..posthumously. In: Beeston, A. and Solomon, S. eds. Incomplete: The Feminist Possibilities of the Unfinished Film. Feminist Media Histories Los Angeles: University of California Press, pp. 245-269.
- Beeston, A. and Solomon, S. 2023. Pathways to the feminist incomplete: An introduction, a theory, a manifesto. In: Beeston, A. and Solomon, S. eds. Incomplete: The Feminist Possibilities of the Unfinished Film. Feminist Media Histories Los Angeles: University of California Press, pp. 1-38.
- Beeston, A. 2022. Photography: Gertrude Käsebier and the maternal line of sight. In: Goody, A. and Whittington, I. eds. Edinburgh Companion to Modernism and Technology. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 155-174.
- Beeston, A. and Solomon, S. eds. 2023. Incomplete: The feminist possibilities of the unfinished film. Feminist Media Histories. Los Angeles: University of California Press.
- Beeston, A. 2018. In and out of sight: Modernist writing and the photographic unseen. Modernist Literature and Culture. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.
- Beeston, A., Solomon, S., Hamad, H., Redrobe, K. and Rouxel, M. 2022. Unfinished: Women Filmmakers in Process (catalogue). Cardiff: Image Works: Research and Practice in Visual Culture. (https://issuu.com/imageworkscardiff/docs/unfinished)
- Beeston, A., Dabashi, P., Masters, J. and Ross, S. J. 2024. Five years of visualities. [Online]. Vol. 1. Modernism Modernity. Available at: https://modernismmodernity.org/forums/posts/five-years-visualities
- Beeston, A. 2024. This probably shouldn't be a film..But it is. [Online]. Public Books: Available at: https://www.publicbooks.org/this-probably-shouldnt-be-a-film-but-it-is/
- Beeston, A., Dabashi, P., Cheng, A. A., Groo, K., Lenssen, A. and Thaggert, M. 2024. Judging by its cover, Part 1. [Online]. Vol. 3. Modernism/modernity. (https://modernismmodernity.org/forums/posts/judging-its-cover-part-1) Available at: https://modernismmodernity.org/forums/posts/judging-its-cover-part-1
- Beeston, A. 2020. Fingers stained with fruit and ink. Rev. of Ellena Savage, Blueberries (Text Publishing/Scribe, 2020). [Online]. https://sydneyreviewofbooks.com: Writing and Society Research Centre. Available at: https://sydneyreviewofbooks.com/review/ellena-savage-blueberries/
- Dowling, S., Colesworthy, R., Rydstrand, H. and Beeston, A. 2019. Opening the book, part II. [Online]. Modernism/modernity Print Plus. Available at: https://modernismmodernity.org/forums/posts/opening-book-part-ii
- Beeston, A. 2018. From early photography to the Instagram age. [Online]. Oxford: Oxford University Press Blog. Available at: https://blog.oup.com/2018/04/women-early-photography-instagram/
- Beeston, A. 2018. The Rock on top: From King Kong to Dwayne Johnson's Skyscraper. [Online]. Los Angeles Review of Books. Available at: https://blog.lareviewofbooks.org/essays/rock-top-king-kong-dwayne-johnsons-skyscraper/
- Beeston, A. 2018. Object women: A history of women in photography. [Online]. Instagram. Available at: http://www.instagram.com/objectwomen
- Beeston, A. 2018. Looking again at women in photography. [Online]. George Eastman Museum. Available at: https://www.eastman.org/looking-again-women-photography
My latest book is Incomplete: The Feminist Possibilities of the Unfinished Film, which I coedited with Stefan Solomon (Macquarie University, Sydney). Published in 2023 as part of the Feminist Media Histories book series at the University of California Press, it was awarded Best Edited Collection by both the Society for Cinema and Media Studies (2025) and the British Association of Film, Television, and Screen Studies (2024). Incomplete also received Honorable Mention for the Susan Koppelman Award for the Best Anthology, Multi-Authored, or Edited Book in Feminist Studies in Popular and American Culture, was shortlisted for the Media, Communication, and Cultural Studies Association Edited Collection of the Year, and was longlisted for the Kraszna-Krausz Moving Image Book Award.
This field-defining collection establishes unfinished film projects—abandoned, interrupted, lost, or open-ended—as rich and underappreciated resources for feminist film and media studies. In a series of deeply researched and creatively conceived chapters, scholars join with film practitioners in approaching the unfinished film as an ideal site for revealing the lived experiences, practical conditions, and institutional realities of women's film production across historical periods and national borders. Incomplete recovers projects and practices marginalised in film industries and scholarship alike, while also showing how feminist filmmakers have cultivated incompletion as an aesthetic strategy.
The recording of the online launch of Incomplete is available to view here. I've shared about this project on Finnish Radio, BBC Radio Wales Arts Show, BBC 3's New Thinking, the podcasts Unfinishing and New Books Network, and at an online event hosted by the Center for Media and Celebrity Studies. I have also presented work from this project at events at Berlin’s Silent Green/Kino Arsenal and Swansea’s Volcano Theatre.
In November 2022 in Cardiff, Stefan and I cocurated a film festival and workshop series in connection with this work, which featured film practitioners and scholars from around the world. Unfinished: Women Filmmakers in Process was presented in partnership with Chapter Arts Centre and funded by a grant awarded by Cardiff's College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Innovation for All fund. The festival programme, featuring essays by myself, Stefan, Hannah Hamad, Mathilde Rouxel, and Karen Redrobe, is available to view here. Articles about the festival appeared on Wales Arts Review and the Feminist Studies Association newsletter.
Image Encounters
I am currently finishing a new book tentatively titled Image Encounters: Photography and the Feminist Art of Being Seen, which offers a richly illustrated, creative–critical account of women in photography. Composed of interlinked critical–creative microessays that contemplate specific images of women and girls from across photography’s histories, Image Encounters embraces what it theorizes, namely the photograph as an object that entangles, a site of encounter: of self and other, viewer and viewed; of past and present, here and elsewhere; of thought and feeling, observation and imagination. In these image encounters, I argue, there is a feminist potential which may turn seeing and being seen into a transgressive, liberatory art.
I published a short excerpt from this manuscript at the Visualities forum of Modernism/modernity Print Plus. I am also writing a methodological reflection on this work for an upcoming special issue of Feminist Media Histories.
Image Encounters reimagines and extends an earlier digital project on Instagram called Object Women: A History of Women in Photography. Launched in March 2018, and making use of the collections of the George Eastman Museum, this project featured images from early photography to the present, accompanied by microessays exploring the representation of women. You can read the introductory essay here and another article about the project on the Oxford University Press blog. Object Women was also discussed in this write-up of the 2018 Modernist Studies Association Conference; in 2020, I reflected on the project in this feature on contemporary art and Instagram at ASAP/J.
In and Out of Sight
My first book, In and Out of Sight: Modernist Writing and the Photographic Unseen, was published as part of the Modernist Literature and Culture Series at Oxford University Press in 2018; a paperback version was released in 2023. Drawing on work in visual culture studies that emphasises the interplay between still and moving images, this book provides a new account of the relationship between photography and modernist literature—literature that has long been considered to trace, in its formal experimentation, the influence of modern visual technologies. Work from and adjacent to this project appeared in PMLA, Modernism/modernity, and Arizona Quarterly.
In The Year's Work in English Studies, Shawna Ross praised the innovative and interdisciplinary methodology of In and Out of Sight, stating that the book "may be the most thrilling offering of 2018." In and Out of Sight was also reviewed in Modernism/modernity as a "probing, artful, and original" study that, in its methodology of "critical montage," "poses important questions for the future of modernist studies." The reviewer for American Literary History called it “powerful and persuasive,” “one of several exciting and innovative accounts of the relation between literature and photography to appear in recent years," while the reviewer for MFS: Modern Fiction Studies described it as a “daring,” “effective,” and “impressive first book [that] makes significant contributions not just to the reading of literary and visual modernism but to the understanding of gender, race, and class in twentieth-century American culture.” Further positive reviews have appeared in The Modern Language Review, The Modernist Review, NOVEL: A Forum on Fiction, and Feminist Modernist Studies.
Invited lectures and funding
I have given invited lectures connected to my research at more than 30 universities in the UK, US, and Australia, including at the University of Oxford, Oxford Brookes University, the University of Bristol, the University of Exeter, the University of York, Edinburgh Napier University, University College Dublin, Harvard University, Stanford University, the University of Michigan, the Graduate Center at the City University of New York, the University of Pennsylvania, Michigan State University, the University of Chicago, Ca'Foscari University of Venice, the University of New South Wales, the Writing and Society Research Centre at Western Sydney University, and elsewhere.
My research has been supported by numerous grants, including the Association for Art History Research Grant in 2023, the American Philosophical Society Franklin Research Grant in 2020, the Australian Academy of the Humanities Research Travel Grant and Publication Subsidy in 2017, the Modernist Studies Association Research Travel Grant in 2016, and the Lillian Gary Taylor Fellowship in American Literature at the University of Virginia in 2012. In 2025, as Senior Research Fellow in the International Excellence in the Humanities Program, Maison de la Création et de l’Innovation (MaCI), Université Grenoble Alpes, I am developing the next stage of my research into women's unfinished creative labour.
I have developed and led several modules as part of Cardiff's English Literature degree programmes, each of which emerges from and feeds into my research, while also incorporating creative pedagogy and assessment. I currently teach two of the most popular optional modules in our undergraduate programmes, "Object Women in Literature and Film" and "Representing Race in Contemporary America."
Object Women in Literature and Film (second-year undergraduate)
The woman as image, as icon, as object: the history of literature and film is replete with female figures who hover between personhood and objecthood. Object women live and die by the whims and desires of the male protagonists who still stand at the narrative centers of our cultural imagination. But object women, in the view of this module, are also women who object, who resist their objectification in unexpected ways. This module draws on key theories in feminist studies—including the notions of the male gaze and of female masquerade, as well as newer theories that connect issues of gender to issues of race, sexuality, ethnicity, and class—in examining a series of literary and visual texts, mostly from the turn of the century to the 1960s. As we uncover various tropes of the object woman in this period, we will explore how literature and film stage the possibilities for women to circumvent their objectification. The final two weeks of the course are given over to discussion of two contemporary texts that engage the module’s central ideas through their complex representation of women: Beyoncé’s Lemonade: The Visual Album (2016) and Céline Sciamma’s Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019).
Representing Race in Contemporary America (third-year undergraduate)
This module explores contemporary representations of African American experience—from literature and film to popular music and television—in the context of a longer history of African American cultural production. It pairs very recent works such as Jordan Peele’s horror comedy Get Out, Barry Jenkins’ dramatic feature Moonlight, Jesmyn Ward’s novel Sing, Unburied, Sing, artist Janelle Monáe’s "emotion picture" Dirty Computer and comedian Issa Rae’s HBO show Insecure with others dating from the second half of the twentieth century. In examining these modern and contemporary texts in conversation with one another, we will explore how authors and makers work with and against established traditions and genres. Our discussion of issues of identity and inequity will approach race in connection with other forms of social difference, including class, gender, and sexuality.
Guest teaching at international institutions
I have also taught guest sessions for undergraduate and graduate students at the Australian Film, Television, and Radio School, Sydney; Macalester College, Saint Paul, Minnesota; the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; The New School, New York City; and the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
I was born and educated in Sydney, Australia. At the University of Sydney, I earned a Bachelor of Arts (Media and Communication, English, History) with Distinction, before going on to postgraduate study in the Department of English, where I received First Class Honours in 2009 and a PhD in 2015.
Following the completion of my studies, I taught widely in twentieth and twenty-first century literature and film in the Department of English at the University of Sydney, as well as in the Department of Art History at the University of New South Wales. From 2016–2017, I was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney. I moved to Cardiff in 2017 to assume the post of Lecturer in English; I was promoted to Senior Lecturer in English in 2019 and then to Reader to Literature and Visual Culture in 2023. In 2024, I received the prestigious Dillwyn Medal in Humanities and Creative Arts from the Learned Society of Wales, in recognition of my contribution to Wales' research culture.
At Cardiff, I am the Director of Internationalisation for the School of English, Communication and Philosophy and a founding member of Image Works: Research and Practice in Visual Culture, which provides innovative contexts for academics and students working on visual culture to connect with artists and practitioners. I am also the External Examiner for the English Language and Literature Programme at Xiamen University Malaysia.
Honours and awards
Research fellowships and grants
- Senior Research Fellowship, International Excellence in the Humanities Program, Maison de la Création et de l’Innovation (MaCI), Université Grenoble Alpes, 2025
- Cardiff University/UKRI Harmonised Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) Strategic Impact Fund Award, for “Reimagining Women’s Unfinished Film in Wales,” 2025
- Welsh Government Taith Mobility Grant, match-funded by Cardiff University, for research placement at Macquarie University, 2024
- Association for Art History Grant for Image Encounters: Photography and the Feminist Art of Being Seen, 2023
- Cardiff University College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Innovation for All Award for "In Process: Women Filmmakers, Unfinished Films," 2022
- American Philosophical Society Franklin Research Grant, 2020
- Cardiff University Research Leave Scheme (competitive award for research leave), 2019
- Australian Academy of the Humanities (AAH) Research Travel Grant, 2017
- AAH Publication Subsidy for In and Out of Sight: Modernist Writing and the Photographic Unseen, 2017
- Anglican Deaconess Ministries Senior Research Fellowship, 2017
- University of Sydney Department of English Grant for Publication, 2016
- Modernist Studies Association (MSA) Travel Grant for Annual Conference, 2016
- MSA Research Travel Grant, 2016
- MSA Travel Grant for Annual Conference, 2015
- University of Virginia Lillian Gary Taylor Fellowship in American Literature, 2012
- Pacific Ancient and Modern Languages Association Graduate Student Scholarship for Annual Conference, 2012
- University of Sydney Postgraduate Travel Grant Award, 2012
- University of Sydney Postgraduate Support Scheme Funding, 2012
- Australian Postgraduate Award for duration of PhD candidature, 2010
Prizes and nominations
- Dillwyn Medal for Outstanding Early Career Research in Humanities and Creative Arts, Learned Society of Wales, 2024
Winner, British Association of Film, Television and Screen Studies Award for Best Edited Collection, for Incomplete: The Feminist Possibilities of the Unfinished Film, 2023
Honourable mention, Susan Koppelman Award for the Best Anthology, Multi-Authored, or Edited Book in Feminist Studies in Popular and American Culture, for Incomplete, 2023
Shortlisted, Media, Communication, and Cultural Studies Association Edited Collection of the Year, for Incomplete
Longlisted, Kraszna-Krausz Moving Image Book Award, for Incomplete
Nominee, Library Company of Philadelphia Innovation Award, for Object Women: A History of Women in Photography, 2019
Teaching awards and training
- Nominee, Most Innovative Staff Member and Personal Tutor of the Year, Enriching Student Life Awards, Cardiff University, 2019
- Nominee, Most Innovative Staff Member, Enriching Student Life Awards, Cardiff University, 2018
- Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) Student Teaching Commendations for “Transatlantic Negotiations” and “Imagining America,” University of Sydney, 2016
- FASS Student Teaching Commendations for “Literature and Cinema,” “Imagining America,” and “Novel Worlds,” University of Sydney, 2015
- FASS Student Teaching Commendations for “Imagining America,” University of Sydney, 2014
- FASS Dean’s Citation for Excellence in Teaching, University of Sydney, 2012
- Certificate of Completion, Teaching Development Program, University of Sydney, 2011
Professional memberships
- Member of the Association for the Study of the Arts of the Present
- Member of the Modern Languages Association
- Member of the Modernist Studies Association and coleader of the Special Interest Group in Film Studies
- Member of the British Association for Modernist Studies
- Member of the Irish Association for American Studies
- Member of the Women's Film and Television History Network UK/Ireland
- Member of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies
- Advisory Board Member of the Modernist Network Cymru
Academic positions
- 2024–present: External Examiner, English Language and Literature Programme, Xiamen University Malaysia
- 2023–present: Reader in Literature and Visual Culture, School of English, Communication and Philosophy (ENCAP), Cardiff University
- 2021–2022: Exernal Examiner, English Literature Undergraduate Program, University of Sussex
- 2019–2023: Senior Lecturer in English, ENCAP, Cardiff University
- 2017–2019: Lecturer in English, ENCAP, Cardiff University
- 2016–2017: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, United States Studies Centre, University of Sydney
- 2016: Sessional (Adjunct) Lecturer, Department of Art History, University of New South Wales
- 2014–2016: Sessional (Adjunct) Lecturer, Department of English, University of Sydney
Speaking engagements
Invited lectures and appearances (selected):
- "Creativity in Motion: Unfinishing Feminist Film and Literary History," Department of English, University of Bristol, 20 November 2024
- "Creativity in Motion: Unfinishing Feminist Film and Literary History," Cinema and Media Studies Department, University of Chicago, 6 November 2024
- "Kathleen Collins...Posthumously," Film Studies Program and the Department of English, Michigan State University, 20 September 2024
- "Kathleen Collins's 'Blue Obstacles': Scenes from an Unfinished Novel," Novel Theory and Modernism Seminars, Harvard University, 17 September 2024
- "Kathleen Collins...Posthumously," Screen Studies Research Centre, University of Exeter, 8 May 2023
- "Revaluing Unfinished Creative Work," Capstone for Masters of Arts in Screen Studies, Australian Film, Television and Radio School, Sydney, 18 April 2024
- Launch event for Incomplete with screening and discussion, Department of Media, Communications, Creative Arts, Language, and Literature, Macquarie University, Sydney, 10 April 2024
- "Image Encounters and the Feminism of Photography," Writing and Society Research Centre, Western Sydney University, 5 April 2024
- "Kathleen Collins...Posthumously," Department of English, University of New South Wales, Sydney, 4 April 2023
- "Image Encounters and the Feminism of Photography," Penn Cinema and Media Studies Colloquium, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 25 October 2023
- "The Photographic Nude: Surface, Skin, Flesh," Gender and Technology Seminar Series, School of English and Modern Languages, Oxford Brookes University, 17 February 2022 (online)
- "Kathleen Collins...Posthumously," Working Group in Literary and Visual Culture, Stanford University, 17 November 2021 (online)
- "Kathleen Collins...Posthumously," Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Research Seminar Series, Department for English Studies, Durham University (online), 4 November 2021
- Guest respondent for Ann Tartsinis, "Cut n' Paste in Reverse: Reading George Platt Lynes's Scrapbooks," Working Group for Literary and Visual Culture, Stanford University (online), Wednesday 26 May 2021
- "The Photographic Nude: Surface, Skin, Flesh," with Anne Anlin Cheng as respondent, International Seminar: New Research in Gender and Sexuality," Ca' Foscari University of Venice (online), 29 January 2021
- "Mothering Photography: Gertrude Käsebier and the Maternal Line of Sight,” Humanities Institute and the Department of English, Drama, and Film, University College Dublin (online), 7 October 2020
Public engagement activities (selected):
- Guest panelist, Book Talk: Incomplete, Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies (online), 26 October 2024
- Guest speaker, Feminist Library sessions, Ffoto Cymru Festival, Ffotogallery, 17 October 2024
- Guest speaker, Film Screening: Some Chance Operations, Volcano Theatre, Swansea, hosted by the Feminist Studies Association, 12 December 2023
- Guest introduction, Screening of The Red Shoes (dir. Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger, 1948), Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff, 10 December 2023
- Guest speaker, New Thinking: Rediscovering Women Making Film and Sculpture, Arts & Ideas, BBC Radio 3/BBC Sounds, 17 November 2023
- Guest speaker, Film Undone: Elements of a Latent Cinema, Silent Green and Kino Arsenal, Berlin, 20–23 July 2023
- Guest speaker, Unfinishing podcast, 30 October 2023
- Guest speaker, New Books Network: Film podcast, 2 August 2023
- Presenter, Looking for Léontine, Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff, 18 June 2023
- Guest speaker, BBC Radio Wales Arts Show, "Creative Women," 10 March 2023
- Guest speaker, Finnish Radio, 18 December 2022
- Curator and presenter, Unfinished: Women Filmmakers in Process, Chapter Arts Centre, 17–20 November 2022
- Host of Cardiff BookTalk on Octavia Butler's Kindred, online seminar hosted by Cardiff University, 3 March 2021
- Organiser, with Jess Cotton, and speaker, The Masked Face, online seminar hosted by Image Works: Research and Practice in Visual Culture, Cardiff University, 25 November 2020
- Organiser, host, and speaker, Instagram: A Symposium, sponsored by Image Works, National Museum of Wales, 29 February 2020
Committees and reviewing
Professional service:
- Director of Internationalisation, School of English, Communication and Philosophy (ENCAP), Cardiff University, 2024–2027
- Co-organiser, Special Interest Group in Film Studies at the Modernist Studies Association (MSA), 2023 ongoing
- Director of Recruitment and Admissions, ENCAP, 2021–2024
- Member, Judging Committee for the MSA Annual Book Prize, 2021
- Member, ENCAP Recruitment and Admissions Committee, 2019–2020
- Founding member and convenor, Image Works: Research and Practice in Visual Culture, 2018 ongoing
- Advisory board member, Modernist Network Cymru, 2018 ongoing
- Founder and convenor, Modern and Contemporary Workshop, ENCAP, 2017 ongoing
- Early Career Representative, Research Strategy Committee, ENCAP, 2018–2020
- Co-convenor, with Catherine Laing, Cardiff BookTalk, 2017–2019
- Member, Equality and Diversity Committee, ENCAP, 2017–2018
Editing and reviewing:
- Editorial advisory board member, Unmade Film and Television book series at Intellect, 2020 ongoing
- Co-editor (with Pardis Dabashi), Visualities forum, Modernism/modernity Print Plus, 2019 ongoing
- Manuscript reviewer, MIT Press, Edinburgh University Press, Oxford University Press, and Rowman & Littlefield
- Journal reviewer, Twentieth-Century Literature, differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies, ELH: English Literary History, Feminist Modernist Studies, Literature and History, Modernism/modernity, Sociologica, and Women's Studies Quarterly
My PhD students have produced or are producing rigorous and important scholarship that develops feminist approaches to literature, film, and visual art. I have experience supervising both research and creative practice PhDs and I have supported several successful applications for postgraduate funding through the South, West and Wales Doctoral Training Partnership.
I would be happy to hear from prospective PhD students and postdoctoral scholars who are interested in pursuing projects in areas that connect to my expertise. I am especially keen to supervise projects that engage with or sit alongside my ongoing work on the feminist incomplete. More general areas of interest include:
- modern and contemporary literature, especially in the U.S.;
- visual culture studies (photography, film, and television, including in the digital age);
- intermediality, i.e. the relationships between various media forms;
- gender and feminist studies, and;
- African American studies.
Current supervision
Past projects
- Annie Strausa, "Sensory Aesthetics and Feminist Modernisms: A Revisionary Study of Novels by Virginia Woolf, Gloria Naylor, and Naomi Mitchison (thesis passed with minor corrections, November 2023)
- Ala'a Al Ghamdi, “Arab-American Women’s Writing after 9/11” (thesis passed with minor corrections, July 2023)
- ReBecca Compton, “RPG: Role-playing Gender: The Effects of Representations of Gender in Video Games on the Real World” (thesis passed with minor corrections, July 2019)
Contact Details
+44 29208 75412
John Percival Building, Room 1.21, Colum Drive, Cardiff, CF10 3EU
Research themes
- Literary studies
- Film and Television
- Photography studies
- Feminist studies