Dr Judith Benbow
Senior Lecturer: Adult Nursing & Student Mobility Lead
- Available for postgraduate supervision
I am a Senior Lecturer in Adult Nursing at the School of Healthcare Sciences, Cardiff University. I am a Registered Nurse; my clinical experience is in adult and critical care nursing. Currently I hold the role of Lead for Undergraduate International Student Mobility leading the School’s international student mobility vision and strategy.
My PhD Exploring resilience in contemporary nursing roles in Wales: a mixed methods study. suggested that resilience is a capacity that can protect nurses from occupational stressors and understanding the role of positive workplace factors (resources, education and support) are key to its enablement. I am interested in how these findings may help to inform the resilience of nurses in a post Covid-19 era.
- Benbow, J., Kelly, D. and Jones, A. 2023. Exploring resilience of contemporary nursing roles in Wales. Presented at: The Royal College of Nursing Research Conference, Manchester, UK, 6-8 September 2023.
- Benbow, J. et al. 2023. Capturing international nursing experiences via digital mediums. Presented at: INHWE International Conference, Cardiff, 27-29 June 2023INHWE / AoME 2023: Learning Together for Clinical Excellence.
- Benbow, J. and Kelly, D. 2023. Exploring resilience of contemporary nursing roles in Wales. Presented at: The Chief Nursing Officer for Wales Annual Conference, Cardiff, October 2023.
- Benbow, J. and Kelly, D. 2023. Exploring resilience of contemporary nursing roles in Wales. Presented at: 9th International Symposium on Resilience research, Frankfurt, September 2023.
- Benbow, J., Kelly, D. and Jones, A. 2023. Exploring resilience of contemporary nursing roles in Wales. Presented at: INHWE International Conference, Cardiff, 27 - 29 June 2023.
- Benbow, J., Kelly, D. and Kelly, A. 2023. Exploring resilience of contemporary nursing roles in Wales. Presented at: School of Healthcare Sciences Research Symposium, Cardiff, 6 June 2023.
- Benbow, J. 2022. Exploring resilience in contemporary nursing roles in Wales: a mixed methods study.. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Benbow, J., Kelly, D. and Jones, A. 2019. A mixed methods research study: exploring resilience of contemporary nursing roles in Wales.. Presented at: RCN 2019 Research Conference, Sheffield, UK, 3-5 September 2019.
- Benbow, J., Kelly, D. and Jones, A. 2019. Exploring resilience of contemporary nursing roles in Wales. Presented at: British Association of Critical Care Nurses (BACCN) Conference 2019, Edinburgh, Scotland, 16-17 September 2019.
- Ward, S., Hawker, C. and Benbow, J. 2019. The NURS-kit community simulation scenario for novice student nurses: a realist evaluation study. Presented at: The Networking for Education for Healthcare Conference (NET), Keele, September 2019.
- Benbow, J. and Johnson, B. 2018. “Just go for it”:-Student and Staff Evaluative Reflections of an innovative global learning opportunity-POLO. Presented at: 11th International Conference FINE (European Federation of Nurse Educators), Malta, 21-23 February 2018.
- Benbow, J. and James, D. 2018. "Like Dorothy I realise I am stronger than I thought I was": facilitation of global health competence- utilising the metaphor of the Wizard of Oz.. Presented at: 11th International Conference FINE (European Federation of Nurse Educators), Malta, 21-23 February 2018.
- Benbow, J. 2018. Exploring resilience of contemporary nursing roles in Wales.. Presented at: 11th International Conference FINE (European Federation of Nurse Educators), Malta, 21-23 February 2018.
- Hawker, C. L., Ward, S. and Benbow, J. 2018. Development of a transnational community simulation. Presented at: Human Patient Simulation (HSPN) Conference, Nottingham, UK, June 2018.
- Ward, S., Hawker, C. and Benbow, J. 2018. Transnational cooperation to innovate in simulation education. Presented at: 11th International Conference FINE (European Federation of Nurse Educators), Malta, 21-23 February 2018.
- Ward, S., Hawker, C. and Benbow, J. 2018. Transnational Cooperation to Innovate in Simulation Education. Presented at: FINE Conference, Malta University, 21st-23rd February 2018.
- Benbow, J., Kelly, D. and Jones, A. 2017. Exploring resilience of contemporary nursing roles in Wales.. Presented at: The Royal College of Nursing International Research Conference, Oxford, 5-7 April 2017.
- Benbow, J., Kelly, D. and Jones, A. 2017. Exploring resilience of contemporary nursing roles in Wales. Presented at: The Aneurin Bevan University Health Board Research Conference, Newport, 11 June 2017.
- Benbow, J., Kelly, D. and Jones, A. 2017. Exploring resilience of contemporary nursing roles in Wales. Presented at: Cardiff and Vale University Health Board Conference, Cardiff, October 2017.
- Benbow, J., Kelly, D. and Jones, A. 2017. Exploring resilience of contemporary nursing roles in Wales. Presented at: The School of Healthcare Sciences Post Graduate Research Symposium, Cardiff, Wales, November 2017.
- Benbow, J., Kelly, D. and Jones, A. 2017. Exploring resilience of contemporary nursing roles in Wales.. Presented at: Cwm Taff Health Board Research Conference, Treforest, Wales, UK, November 2017.
- Benbow, J., Kelly, D. and Jones, A. 2017. A mixed methods research study: Exploring resilience in contemporary nursing roles in Wales. Presented at: the Pathways to Resilience IV International Conference, Cape Town, South Africa., 14-16 June 2017.
- Ward, S. and Benbow, J. 2016. The role of service-user feedback in undergraduate nursing courses. British Journal of Nursing 25(13), pp. 752. (10.12968/bjon.2016.25.13.752)
- Benbow, J., Kelly, D. and Jones, A. 2016. Exploring resilience of nurses in Wales. Presented at: Aneurin Bevan University Health Board Research Conference, Newport, Wales, June 2016.
- Benbow, J., Kelly, D. and Jones, A. 2016. Exploring resilience of nurses in Wales. Presented at: British Association of Critical Care Nurses Wales Bi- annual meeting, Bridgend, Wales, June 2016.
- Benbow, J., Kelly, D. and Jones, A. 2016. Nurse resilience. Presented at: RCN International Nurses Day, Cardiff, Wales, May 2016.
- Benbow, J., Kelly, D. and Jones, A. 2016. Exploring resilience of nurses in Wales.. Presented at: the United Kingdom Standing Conference(UKSC) for Specialist Public Health Nurses., London, March.
- Benbow, J., Ward, S. and Barnes, R. 2015. The caring and professional qualities of student nurses as described by service users during practice learning opportunities. Presented at: Royal College of Nursing Education Forum Conference., Nottingham, UK, March, 2015.
- Benbow, J. and James, G. 2015. Achieving competencies for nursing practice- A handbook for student nurses [Book Review]. Nursing Standard 29(26), pp. 32-32. (10.7748/ns.29.26.32.s34)
- Benbow, J. and Snell, K. 2015. LeMone & Burke’s Adult Nursing – Acute and Ongoing Care [Book Review]. Cancer Nursing Practice 14(2), pp. 10-10. (10.7748/cnp.14.2.10.s11)
- Jones, A., Benbow, J. and Gidman, R. 2014. Provision of training and support for newly qualified nurses. Nursing Standard 28(19), pp. 44-50. (10.7748/ns2014.
- Benbow, J. and Rattray, J. 2014. Empowering ward sisters/charge nurses to improve the patients' experience: a new collaborative work-based learning module.. Presented at: The Nurse Education Today Conference., Cambridge, UK, September 2014.
- Brimble, M. J. and Benbow, J. A. 2013. The Recruit Retain Employ Group- An intervention to improve recruitment, retention and employment of undergraduate student nurses and midwives.. Presented at: The Wales Chief Nursing Officer's Showcase Conference, Cardiff, May 2013 Presented at Andrews, J. et al. eds.Compendium of Effective Practice in Higher Education, Vol. 2. Higher Education Academy pp. 181-184.
- Brimble, M., Benbow, J. and Bill, S. 2013. ‘The recruit, retain and employ group - an intervention to improve recruitment, retention and employment of undergraduate student nurses and midwives’. Presented at: Chief Nursing Officer Wales Showcase Conference - Together for Care- Pushing the Boundaries, Cardiff, 20th May 2013.
- Benbow, J. and Brimble, M. 2013. Success in undergraduate student nurses and midwives in one school of nursing in the UK: The recruit retain employ group. Presented at: The Higher Education Academy Conference What is social mobility in the UK?,, York, UK, March, 2013.
- Brimble, M. and Benbow, J. 2013. The recruit, retain, employ group: an intervention to improve recruitment, retention and employment of undergraduate student nurses and midwives. In: Clark, R. et al. eds. Compendium of effective practice in higher education: volume 2. Higher Education Academy, pp. 181-184.
- Brimble, M. and Benbow, J. 2013. ‘The recruit, retain and employ group - an intervention to improve recruitment, retention and employment of undergraduate student nurses and midwives’. Presented at: Royal College of Nursing Education Forum Conference – Beyond the Borders, Glasgow, June 2013.
- Brimble, M. and Benbow, J. 2013. Success in undergraduate nurses and midwives in one school of nursing in the UK: the recruit, retain and employ group. Presented at: Higher Education Academy Conference - What can higher education contribute to improving social mobility in the UK?, Manchester, July 2013.
- Benbow, J. and Fender, S. 2013. An evaluation of a work-based learning assessment tool: free-to-lead, free-to-care leadership development programme reflective portfolios. Presented at: The Chief Nursing Officer for Wales Annual Conference,, Cardiff, Wales, May, 2013.
- Benbow, J. and Rattray, J. 2013. Empowering ward sisters/charge nurses to improve the patients' experience: a new collaborative work-based learning module. Presented at: The Cardiff and Vale University Health Board Annual Conference, Cardiff, Wales, September 2013.
- Benbow, J. and Williams, L. 2013. Medicines management in undergraduate nursing and midwifery programmes: a partnership evaluation project. Presented at: The Cardiff and Vale University Health Board Annual Conference,, Cardiff, Wales, September 2013.
- Benbow, J. and Fender, S. 2013. An Evaluation of a work-based learning assessment tool: Free-to-Lead, Free-to-Care Leadership Development Programme Reflective portfolios.. Presented at: 17th International Reflective Practice Conference, Swansea, UK, 9-11 September 2013International Reflective Journal.
- Benbow, J. and Brimble, M. 2013. The Recruit Retain Employ Group- An intervention to improve recruitment, retention and employment of undergraduate student nurses and midwives.. Presented at: The Royal College of Nursing International Education Forum Conference:-Beyond the Borders,, Glasgow, Scotland, June 2013.
- Benbow, J., Johnson, M., Bowyer, A. and Gillen, L. 2012. An educational innovation: The development of a virtual learning IT and library site. Presented at: The European Federation of Nurse Educators (FINE) with The Royal College of Nursing Education Forum International Conference, Cardiff, Wales, September 2012.
- Benbow, J. 2006. Principles of mentorship. Presented at: The Royal College of Nursing Wales Student Conference,, Llandudno, Wales, January, 2006.
- Benbow, J. 2006. Principles of reflective practice. Presented at: The Royal College of Nursing Wales Cross Infection Conference, Wrexham, Wales, May 2006.
- Benbow, J. 2006. Role of the Royal College of Nursing Wales advisor. Presented at: The Royal College of Nursing Wales Obesity Conference, Cardiff, Wales, June, 2006.
- Benbow, J. and Wood, E. 2003. To present or not to present: a critical account of the professional development of a nurse lecturer and a senior nurse as first time National Conference Presenters.. Presented at: The British Association of Critical Care Nurses National Conference, Birmingham, UK, September 2003.
- Benbow, J. and Barnes, R. 2003. An evaluation of a degree level clinical patient assessment module for nurses. Presented at: The School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies, University of Wales College of Medicine Conference,, Caerleon, Newport, Wales, June 2003.
- Benbow, J. and Mohay-Ud-Din, R. 2003. Reflection on the process of reflection by a critical care student and lecturer. Presented at: The British Association of Critical Care Nurses National Conference, Birmingham, UK, September 2003.
- Benbow, J., Barnes, R. and Hourahane, P. 2003. Cardiff's successful approach to curriculum innovation through an MSc. Module in Critical Care Nursing. Presented at: The Royal College of Nursing Annual Education Forum Conference, Bournemouth, UK, March 2003.
- Benbow, J. and Wood, B. 2002. A critical care foundation programme: an innovative partnership between service and education. Presented at: The National Assembly for Wales Showcase Conference 2002, Cardiff, Wales, September 2002.
Adrannau llyfrau
- Brimble, M. and Benbow, J. 2013. The recruit, retain, employ group: an intervention to improve recruitment, retention and employment of undergraduate student nurses and midwives. In: Clark, R. et al. eds. Compendium of effective practice in higher education: volume 2. Higher Education Academy, pp. 181-184.
- Benbow, J., Kelly, D. and Jones, A. 2023. Exploring resilience of contemporary nursing roles in Wales. Presented at: The Royal College of Nursing Research Conference, Manchester, UK, 6-8 September 2023.
- Benbow, J. et al. 2023. Capturing international nursing experiences via digital mediums. Presented at: INHWE International Conference, Cardiff, 27-29 June 2023INHWE / AoME 2023: Learning Together for Clinical Excellence.
- Benbow, J. and Kelly, D. 2023. Exploring resilience of contemporary nursing roles in Wales. Presented at: The Chief Nursing Officer for Wales Annual Conference, Cardiff, October 2023.
- Benbow, J. and Kelly, D. 2023. Exploring resilience of contemporary nursing roles in Wales. Presented at: 9th International Symposium on Resilience research, Frankfurt, September 2023.
- Benbow, J., Kelly, D. and Jones, A. 2023. Exploring resilience of contemporary nursing roles in Wales. Presented at: INHWE International Conference, Cardiff, 27 - 29 June 2023.
- Benbow, J., Kelly, D. and Kelly, A. 2023. Exploring resilience of contemporary nursing roles in Wales. Presented at: School of Healthcare Sciences Research Symposium, Cardiff, 6 June 2023.
- Benbow, J., Kelly, D. and Jones, A. 2019. A mixed methods research study: exploring resilience of contemporary nursing roles in Wales.. Presented at: RCN 2019 Research Conference, Sheffield, UK, 3-5 September 2019.
- Benbow, J., Kelly, D. and Jones, A. 2019. Exploring resilience of contemporary nursing roles in Wales. Presented at: British Association of Critical Care Nurses (BACCN) Conference 2019, Edinburgh, Scotland, 16-17 September 2019.
- Ward, S., Hawker, C. and Benbow, J. 2019. The NURS-kit community simulation scenario for novice student nurses: a realist evaluation study. Presented at: The Networking for Education for Healthcare Conference (NET), Keele, September 2019.
- Benbow, J. and Johnson, B. 2018. “Just go for it”:-Student and Staff Evaluative Reflections of an innovative global learning opportunity-POLO. Presented at: 11th International Conference FINE (European Federation of Nurse Educators), Malta, 21-23 February 2018.
- Benbow, J. and James, D. 2018. "Like Dorothy I realise I am stronger than I thought I was": facilitation of global health competence- utilising the metaphor of the Wizard of Oz.. Presented at: 11th International Conference FINE (European Federation of Nurse Educators), Malta, 21-23 February 2018.
- Benbow, J. 2018. Exploring resilience of contemporary nursing roles in Wales.. Presented at: 11th International Conference FINE (European Federation of Nurse Educators), Malta, 21-23 February 2018.
- Hawker, C. L., Ward, S. and Benbow, J. 2018. Development of a transnational community simulation. Presented at: Human Patient Simulation (HSPN) Conference, Nottingham, UK, June 2018.
- Ward, S., Hawker, C. and Benbow, J. 2018. Transnational cooperation to innovate in simulation education. Presented at: 11th International Conference FINE (European Federation of Nurse Educators), Malta, 21-23 February 2018.
- Ward, S., Hawker, C. and Benbow, J. 2018. Transnational Cooperation to Innovate in Simulation Education. Presented at: FINE Conference, Malta University, 21st-23rd February 2018.
- Benbow, J., Kelly, D. and Jones, A. 2017. Exploring resilience of contemporary nursing roles in Wales.. Presented at: The Royal College of Nursing International Research Conference, Oxford, 5-7 April 2017.
- Benbow, J., Kelly, D. and Jones, A. 2017. Exploring resilience of contemporary nursing roles in Wales. Presented at: The Aneurin Bevan University Health Board Research Conference, Newport, 11 June 2017.
- Benbow, J., Kelly, D. and Jones, A. 2017. Exploring resilience of contemporary nursing roles in Wales. Presented at: Cardiff and Vale University Health Board Conference, Cardiff, October 2017.
- Benbow, J., Kelly, D. and Jones, A. 2017. Exploring resilience of contemporary nursing roles in Wales. Presented at: The School of Healthcare Sciences Post Graduate Research Symposium, Cardiff, Wales, November 2017.
- Benbow, J., Kelly, D. and Jones, A. 2017. Exploring resilience of contemporary nursing roles in Wales.. Presented at: Cwm Taff Health Board Research Conference, Treforest, Wales, UK, November 2017.
- Benbow, J., Kelly, D. and Jones, A. 2017. A mixed methods research study: Exploring resilience in contemporary nursing roles in Wales. Presented at: the Pathways to Resilience IV International Conference, Cape Town, South Africa., 14-16 June 2017.
- Benbow, J., Kelly, D. and Jones, A. 2016. Exploring resilience of nurses in Wales. Presented at: Aneurin Bevan University Health Board Research Conference, Newport, Wales, June 2016.
- Benbow, J., Kelly, D. and Jones, A. 2016. Exploring resilience of nurses in Wales. Presented at: British Association of Critical Care Nurses Wales Bi- annual meeting, Bridgend, Wales, June 2016.
- Benbow, J., Kelly, D. and Jones, A. 2016. Nurse resilience. Presented at: RCN International Nurses Day, Cardiff, Wales, May 2016.
- Benbow, J., Kelly, D. and Jones, A. 2016. Exploring resilience of nurses in Wales.. Presented at: the United Kingdom Standing Conference(UKSC) for Specialist Public Health Nurses., London, March.
- Benbow, J., Ward, S. and Barnes, R. 2015. The caring and professional qualities of student nurses as described by service users during practice learning opportunities. Presented at: Royal College of Nursing Education Forum Conference., Nottingham, UK, March, 2015.
- Benbow, J. and Rattray, J. 2014. Empowering ward sisters/charge nurses to improve the patients' experience: a new collaborative work-based learning module.. Presented at: The Nurse Education Today Conference., Cambridge, UK, September 2014.
- Brimble, M. J. and Benbow, J. A. 2013. The Recruit Retain Employ Group- An intervention to improve recruitment, retention and employment of undergraduate student nurses and midwives.. Presented at: The Wales Chief Nursing Officer's Showcase Conference, Cardiff, May 2013 Presented at Andrews, J. et al. eds.Compendium of Effective Practice in Higher Education, Vol. 2. Higher Education Academy pp. 181-184.
- Brimble, M., Benbow, J. and Bill, S. 2013. ‘The recruit, retain and employ group - an intervention to improve recruitment, retention and employment of undergraduate student nurses and midwives’. Presented at: Chief Nursing Officer Wales Showcase Conference - Together for Care- Pushing the Boundaries, Cardiff, 20th May 2013.
- Benbow, J. and Brimble, M. 2013. Success in undergraduate student nurses and midwives in one school of nursing in the UK: The recruit retain employ group. Presented at: The Higher Education Academy Conference What is social mobility in the UK?,, York, UK, March, 2013.
- Brimble, M. and Benbow, J. 2013. ‘The recruit, retain and employ group - an intervention to improve recruitment, retention and employment of undergraduate student nurses and midwives’. Presented at: Royal College of Nursing Education Forum Conference – Beyond the Borders, Glasgow, June 2013.
- Brimble, M. and Benbow, J. 2013. Success in undergraduate nurses and midwives in one school of nursing in the UK: the recruit, retain and employ group. Presented at: Higher Education Academy Conference - What can higher education contribute to improving social mobility in the UK?, Manchester, July 2013.
- Benbow, J. and Fender, S. 2013. An evaluation of a work-based learning assessment tool: free-to-lead, free-to-care leadership development programme reflective portfolios. Presented at: The Chief Nursing Officer for Wales Annual Conference,, Cardiff, Wales, May, 2013.
- Benbow, J. and Rattray, J. 2013. Empowering ward sisters/charge nurses to improve the patients' experience: a new collaborative work-based learning module. Presented at: The Cardiff and Vale University Health Board Annual Conference, Cardiff, Wales, September 2013.
- Benbow, J. and Williams, L. 2013. Medicines management in undergraduate nursing and midwifery programmes: a partnership evaluation project. Presented at: The Cardiff and Vale University Health Board Annual Conference,, Cardiff, Wales, September 2013.
- Benbow, J. and Fender, S. 2013. An Evaluation of a work-based learning assessment tool: Free-to-Lead, Free-to-Care Leadership Development Programme Reflective portfolios.. Presented at: 17th International Reflective Practice Conference, Swansea, UK, 9-11 September 2013International Reflective Journal.
- Benbow, J. and Brimble, M. 2013. The Recruit Retain Employ Group- An intervention to improve recruitment, retention and employment of undergraduate student nurses and midwives.. Presented at: The Royal College of Nursing International Education Forum Conference:-Beyond the Borders,, Glasgow, Scotland, June 2013.
- Benbow, J., Johnson, M., Bowyer, A. and Gillen, L. 2012. An educational innovation: The development of a virtual learning IT and library site. Presented at: The European Federation of Nurse Educators (FINE) with The Royal College of Nursing Education Forum International Conference, Cardiff, Wales, September 2012.
- Benbow, J. 2006. Principles of mentorship. Presented at: The Royal College of Nursing Wales Student Conference,, Llandudno, Wales, January, 2006.
- Benbow, J. 2006. Principles of reflective practice. Presented at: The Royal College of Nursing Wales Cross Infection Conference, Wrexham, Wales, May 2006.
- Benbow, J. 2006. Role of the Royal College of Nursing Wales advisor. Presented at: The Royal College of Nursing Wales Obesity Conference, Cardiff, Wales, June, 2006.
- Benbow, J. and Wood, E. 2003. To present or not to present: a critical account of the professional development of a nurse lecturer and a senior nurse as first time National Conference Presenters.. Presented at: The British Association of Critical Care Nurses National Conference, Birmingham, UK, September 2003.
- Benbow, J. and Barnes, R. 2003. An evaluation of a degree level clinical patient assessment module for nurses. Presented at: The School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies, University of Wales College of Medicine Conference,, Caerleon, Newport, Wales, June 2003.
- Benbow, J. and Mohay-Ud-Din, R. 2003. Reflection on the process of reflection by a critical care student and lecturer. Presented at: The British Association of Critical Care Nurses National Conference, Birmingham, UK, September 2003.
- Benbow, J., Barnes, R. and Hourahane, P. 2003. Cardiff's successful approach to curriculum innovation through an MSc. Module in Critical Care Nursing. Presented at: The Royal College of Nursing Annual Education Forum Conference, Bournemouth, UK, March 2003.
- Benbow, J. and Wood, B. 2002. A critical care foundation programme: an innovative partnership between service and education. Presented at: The National Assembly for Wales Showcase Conference 2002, Cardiff, Wales, September 2002.
- Ward, S. and Benbow, J. 2016. The role of service-user feedback in undergraduate nursing courses. British Journal of Nursing 25(13), pp. 752. (10.12968/bjon.2016.25.13.752)
- Benbow, J. and James, G. 2015. Achieving competencies for nursing practice- A handbook for student nurses [Book Review]. Nursing Standard 29(26), pp. 32-32. (10.7748/ns.29.26.32.s34)
- Benbow, J. and Snell, K. 2015. LeMone & Burke’s Adult Nursing – Acute and Ongoing Care [Book Review]. Cancer Nursing Practice 14(2), pp. 10-10. (10.7748/cnp.14.2.10.s11)
- Jones, A., Benbow, J. and Gidman, R. 2014. Provision of training and support for newly qualified nurses. Nursing Standard 28(19), pp. 44-50. (10.7748/ns2014.
- Benbow, J. 2022. Exploring resilience in contemporary nursing roles in Wales: a mixed methods study.. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
I am a member of the School Optimising service delivery and organisation research theme.
In 2022, I completed my PhD Exploring resilience in contemporary nursing roles in Wales: a mixed methods study. Aimed to explore the intrinsic and extrinsic influences that shape the resilience of nurses in Wales. The PhD was funded by the Royal College of Nursing Wales under the supervision of Professor Daniel Kelly and Professor Aled Jones). The study described the perspectives of resilience and work environments of 1,459 registered nurses across one nation (covering all fields, pay bands, roles and settings). Using a social-ecological theoretical framework of resilience to guide analysis, the findings suggested that resilience is a capacity that can protect nurses from occupational stressors and understanding the role of positive workplace factors (resources, education and support) are key to its enablement. The findings contributed to a new definition and workplace model of nurse resilience. The central argument to this thesis is that nurses’ views of resilience and the nature of their workplaces are inseparable. Resilience is more than an individual capacity as it is shaped by the environment where changes to resilience occur. Therefore, consideration of both is required.
This study has allowed the voices of nurses working in Wales to reveal the subtle organisational factors that shape their everyday resilience, which may help to inform the resilience of nurses in a post Covid-19 era.
I have experience of teaching across undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. I am passionate about facilitating health care students’ global healthcare learning opportunities. I also am focused upon applying my resilience research for the benefit of nursing and other healthcare students. My leadership of a Third year BN (Hons) module: Transition into Professional Practice enables this, alongside my facilitation of global healthcare opportunities.
Prior to working at Cardiff University (and the former Southeast Wales institute of Nursing and Midwifery) I worked in clinical practice in intensive care and ear nose and throat nursing before specialising in adult cardiac and critical care nursing.
Previously Programme Manager BSc Critical Care Nursing, MSc in Nursing, MSc Advanced Practice, Director of Undergraduate Studies and Director of International and Engagement in Cardiff University’s School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies (SONMS). Together with an Education Adviser’s role at the Royal College of Nursing Wales. I have experience of teaching internationally at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. I have led and contributed to undergraduate and postgraduate programme development and implementation including a BN Nursing programme in Oman. I have expertise in developing and sustaining international memorandum of agreements as well as auditing international clinical placements, and the pedagogy of international student learning experiences with a specific focus in Nursing. Between 2016-2019 I contributed to the Erasmus+ project: ISPAD Innovation of transnational simulation resources by ten European universities. I represent the College of Biomedical and Life Sciences on the University’s International Partnership Sub- committee and previously the Languages for All project.
Honours and awards
2015-2018 Awarded Royal College of Nursing Wales PhD. Research Fellowship, (to date, only one of two fellowships awarded).
2018 Awarded Best Poster prize at the Federation of International Nurse Educators Conference, Valetta, Malta,
2015 Awarded Cardiff University Bursary and Travel Scholarship to attend the Pathways to Resilience III International Conference, Nova Scotia
2004 Awarded Best Paper, at the Royal College of Nursing Critical Care Nursing Conference, Newcastle.
1991-1993 Awarded Welsh National Board Scholarship, Bachelor of Education (Special Nurses and Midwives) and Post Graduate Certificate in Education Registered Nurse Tutor, F/T Cardiff University.
Professional memberships
Registered nurse and nurse tutor with the Nursing and Midwifery Council
Member of the Royal College of Nursing, specific forums: Education, Research and the Critical Care and In Flight nurses Forums
Federation Of International Nurse Educators
International Network for Health Workforce Education
Boing Boing Resilience Centre Brighton University
Former member of the British Association of Critical Care Nurses (BACCN)
Other External Activities
I enjoy working with external agencies to explore how the findings of my research on workplace resilience can be utilised to influence the well-being of nurses in Wales and beyond and workforce policy post the pandemic more generally.
Academic positions
Present: Guest Lecturer St George’s University Grenada
Present: External Examiner Dundee University (Undergraduate and Postgraduate studies)
Committees and reviewing
I am an invited reviewer for the International Journal of Nursing studies (IJNS) and the Nursing in Critical Care Journal.
Former member of various local and national professional forums for example the Undergraduate All Wales Nursing and Midwifery Initiative, 2009- 2013 and Chair/Vice Chair of the British Association of Critical Care Nurses Wales (1999-2004). As well as other external activities for example externally examining and external quality assurance and validation of programmes.
Current PhD Supervisee: S Clements- The moral of morale: What lessons can be derived from the lived experiences of Palliative care Nurses in Wales to optimise service delivery post-pandemic?
I am interested in supervising:
· Workforce
· Resilience, well-being, stress burnout,
· Qualitative
· Mixed methods
· Framework analysis
· Social ecological theoretical perspective
Contact Details
Research themes
- Nurse resilience and well-being