Professor Thomas Blenkinsop
Professor in Earth Science
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Faults in the Earth's crust affect us daily in many ways. Apart from their role as the focus of earthquakes, in the past movement of fluids along faults has mineral deposts. I am interested in all aspects of how the crust deforms, mineral deposits, and plate tectonics.
- Structural Geology
- Hydrothermal mineral deposits
- Faults, fluid flow, brecciation and granular flow
- Surfaces processes and tectonics
- Archean tectonics
Click here for my external web site for more details
- Thompson, E. S. et al. 2025. The effects of carbonate contamination on Ni-Cu-PGE deposit genesis in the Platreef, northern Bushveld Complex: A case study using Niggli numbers. Chemical Geology 671, article number: 122481. (10.1016/j.chemgeo.2024.122481)
- Thompson, E. S. et al. 2025. Magmatic stratigraphy and platinum group element mineralization at Tweefontein, Northern Bushveld Complex: Evidence of a complex intrusion history of lower, critical, and main zone magmas. Economic Geology (10.5382/econgeo.5123)
- Moore, A. E., Blenkinsop, T., Key, R. M., Maier, W. and Mapeo, R. 2025. Tectonic triggers for the intrusion of the great dyke (Zimbabwe) and bushveld complex (South Africa). South African Journal of Geology
- Zhang, H., Blenkinsop, T. and Hou, Z. 2024. The Baiyangping vein-type polymetallic mineralization as a response to shear zone development and block rotation in SE Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Structural Geology 189, article number: 105272. (10.1016/j.jsg.2024.105272)
- Williams, B. J. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 2024. Desurveying drillholes: Methods for calculating drillhole orientation and position, and the effects of drillhole length and rock anisotropy on deviation. Computers & Geosciences 192, article number: 105684. (10.1016/j.cageo.2024.105684)
- Wedmore, L. N. et al. 2024. The early onset of magmatic rift faulting in the Edward-George Rift, Uganda. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 638, article number: 118762. (10.1016/j.epsl.2024.118762)
- Brits, J. A. N., Grobler, D. F., Crossingham, A., Blenkinsop, T. G. and Maier, W. D. 2024. Structural context of the Flatreef in the Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex. Mineralium Deposita (10.1007/s00126-024-01289-w)
- Wang, X., Mol, L., Tucker, M., Blenkinsop, T., Gilbert, O. and Campbell, O. 2024. Impacts of WWII bomb explosions on weathering damage of architectural heritage: Bath, England. Heritage Science 12(1), article number: 157. (10.1186/s40494-024-01262-w)
- De Caroli, S., Fagereng, ?., Ujiie, K., Blenkinsop, T., Meneghini, F. and Muir, D. 2024. Deformation microstructures of low- and high-strain epidote-blueschist (Ryukyu arc, Japan): Implications for subduction interface rheology. Journal of Structural Geology 180, article number: 105041. (10.1016/j.jsg.2023.105041)
- Williams, B. and Blenkinsop, T. 2024. Strain in sulphide filled foliation boudinage structures at the Mount Isa Cu deposit, Australia. Journal of Structural Geology 179, article number: 105034. (10.1016/j.jsg.2023.105034)
- Mamuse, A., von der Heyden, B. P. and Blenkinsop, T. 2024. Zimbabwe's coloured gemstone endowments - A regional geological overview. Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy 124(1), pp. 33-42. (10.17159/2411-9717/2600/2024)
- Campbell, O., Blenkinsop, T., Mol, L. and Gilbert, O. 2023. Subsurface fracturing of sedimentary stones caused by bullet impacts. PLoS ONE 18(10), article number: e0292351. (10.1371/journal.pone.0292351)
- Blenkinsop, T. G. 2023. Triaxial stress and failure modes in hydrothermal mineral systems. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 70(7), pp. 947-957. (10.1080/08120099.2023.2210637)
- Brown, A., Spandler, C. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 2023. New age constraints for the Tommy Creek domain of the Mount Isa Inlier, Australia. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 70(3), pp. 358-374. (10.1080/08120099.2023.2171124)
- Williams, B., Blenkinsop, T., Lilly, R., Thompson, M. P. and Ila'ava, P. 2023. Foliation boudinage structures in the Mount Isa Cu system. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences (10.1080/08120099.2022.2153384)
- Campbell, O., Blenkinsop, T., Gilbert, O. and Mol, L. 2022. Bullet impacts in building stone excavate approximately conical craters, with dimensions that are controlled by target material. Scientific Reports 12, article number: 17634. (10.1038/s41598-022-22624-z)
- Campbell, O., Blenkinsop, T., Gilbert, O. and Mol, L. 2022. Surface damage from perpendicular and oblique bullet impacts in stone. Royal Society Open Science 9(7), article number: 220029. (10.1098/rsos.220029)
- Hobbs, B. E., Ord, A. and Blenkinsop, T. 2022. The spatial distributions of mineralisation. Journal of Structural Geology 156, article number: 104529. (10.1016/j.jsg.2022.104529)
- Ord, A., Blenkinsop, T. and Hobbs, B. 2022. Fragment size distributions in brittle deformed rocks. Journal of Structural Geology 154, article number: 104496. (10.1016/j.jsg.2021.104496)
- de Paz-Álvarez, M. I., Blenkinsop, T. G., Buchs, D. M., Gibbons, G. E. and Cherns, L. 2022. Virtual field trip to the Esla Nappe (Cantabrian Zone, NW Spain): delivering traditional geological mapping skills remotely using real data. Solid Earth 13(1), pp. 1-14. (10.5194/se-13-1-2022)
- Campbell, O., Blenkinsop, T., Gilbert, O. and Mol, L. 2021. Surface and subsurface damage caused by bullet impacts into sandstone. Geosciences 11(9), article number: 395. (10.3390/geosciences11090395)
- Lear, C. H. et al. 2020. Geological Society of London Scientific Statement: what the geological record tells us about our present and future climate. Journal of the Geological Society 178(1), article number: jgs2020-239. (10.1144/jgs2020-239)
- Dirks, P. H. G. M. et al. 2020. The world class gold deposits in the Geita Greenstone Belt, Northwestern Tanzania. In: Sillitoe, R. H. et al. eds. Geology of the World’s Major Gold Deposits and Provinces. SEG Special Publications Vol. 23. Society of Economic Geologists, pp. 163-184., (10.5382/SP.23.08)
- Loza Espejel, R., Alves, T. M. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 2020. Multi-scale fracture network characterisation on carbonate platforms. Journal of Structural Geology 140, article number: 104160. (10.1016/j.jsg.2020.104160)
- Blenkinsop, T. G., Oliver, N. H. S., Dirks, P. G. H. M., Nugus, M., Tripp, G. and Sanislav, I. 2020. Structural geology applied to the evaluation of hydrothermal gold deposits. Reviews in Economic Geology 21, pp. 1-23. (10.5382/rev.21.01)
- Zhang, H., Blenkinsop, T. and Yu, Z. 2020. Timing of Triassic tectonic division and postcollisional extension in the eastern part of the Jiaodong Peninsula. Gondwana Research 83, pp. 141-156. (10.1016/
- Moore, A., Yudovskaya, M., Proyer, A. and Blenkinsop, T. 2020. Evidence for olivine deformation in kimberlites and other mantle-derived magmas during crustal emplacement. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 175(2), article number: 15. (10.1007/s00410-020-1653-8)
- Tripp, G., Tosdal, R. M., Blenkinsop, T., Rogers, J. R. and Halley, S. 2020. Neoarchean eastern goldfields of Western Australia. In: Sillitoe, R. H. et al. eds. Geology of the World’s Major Gold Deposits and Provinces., Vol. 23. Society of Economic Geologists, (10.5382/SP.23.33)
- Blenkinsop, T. G., Rowland, J. and Baker, T. 2020. Mechanical regimes of hydrothermal gold mineralization. Economic Geology 21, pp. 205-214.
- Ellis-Evans, J. and Blenkinsop, T. 2019. Analogue modelling of fracturing in cooling plutonic bodies. Tectonophysics 766, pp. 14-19. (10.1016/j.tecto.2019.05.019)
- Loza Espejel, R., Alves, T. M. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 2019. Distribution and growth styles of isolated carbonate platforms as a function of fault propagation. Marine and Petroleum Geology 107, pp. 484-507. (10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2019.05.020)
- Williams, J. N. et al. 2019. How do variably striking faults reactivate during rifting? insights from Southern Malawi. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 20(7), pp. 3588-3607. (10.1029/2019GC008219)
- Gilbert, O., Mol, L., Campbell, O. and Blenkinsop, T. 2019. Permeability and surface hardness surveying of stone damaged by ballistic impact. Heritage 2(2), pp. 1369-1389. (10.3390/heritage2020087)
- Ward, N., Alves, T. M. and Blenkinsop, T. 2018. Submarine sediment routing over a blocky mass-transport deposit in the Espírito Santo Basin, SE Brazil. Basin Research 30(4), pp. 816-834. (10.1111/bre.12282)
- Guice, G. et al. 2018. Re-evaluating ambiguous age relationships in Archean cratons: implications for the origin of ultramafic-mafic complexes in the Lewisian Gneiss Complex. Precambrian Research 311, pp. 136-156. (10.1016/j.precamres.2018.04.020)
- Sanislav, I. V., Blenkinsop, T. G. and Dirks, P. H. G. M. 2018. Archaean crustal growth through successive partial melting events in an oceanic plateau-like setting in the Tanzania Craton. Terra Nova 30(3), pp. 169-178. (10.1111/ter.12323)
- Jadoon, Q. K., Roberts, E. M., Henderson, R. A., Blenkinsop, T. G. and Wust, R. A. 2018. Mineralogical variability of the Permian Roseneath and Murteree Shales from the Cooper Basin, Australia: Implications for shale properties and hydrocarbon extraction. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 165, pp. 850-872. (10.1016/j.petrol.2017.12.022)
- Gessner, K., Blenkinsop, T. and Sorjonen-Ward, P. 2018. Characterization of ore-forming systems - advances and challenges. Geological Society Special Publications, article number: 453. (10.1144/SP453.16)
- Kwelwa, S., Dirks, P., Sanislav, I., Blenkinsop, T. and Kolling, S. 2018. Archaean Gold Mineralization in an Extensional Setting: The Structural History of the Kukuluma and Matandani Deposits, Geita Greenstone Belt, Tanzania. Minerals 8(4), article number: 171. (10.3390/min8040171)
- Sanislav, I. V., Dirks, P. H. G. M., Blenkinsop, T. and Kolling, S. L. 2018. The tectonic history of a crustal-scale shear zone in the Tanzania Craton from the Geita Greenstone Belt, NW-Tanzania Craton. Precambrian Research 310, pp. 1-16. (10.1016/j.precamres.2018.02.025)
- Kwelwa, S., Sanislav, I., Dirks, P., Blenkinsop, T. and Kolling, S. 2018. The petrogenesis of the Neoarchean Kukuluma Intrusive Complex, NW Tanzania. Precambrian Research 305, pp. 64-78. (10.1016/j.precamres.2017.12.021)
- Kwelwa, S. D., Sanislav, I. V., Dirks, P., Blenkinsop, T. and Kolling, S. L. 2017. Zircon U-Pb ages and Hf isotope data from the Kukuluma Terrain of the Geita Greenstone Belt, Tanzania Craton: Implications for stratigraphy, crustal growth and timing of gold mineralization. Journal of African Earth Sciences 139, pp. 38-54. (10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2017.11.027)
- Blenkinsop, T., Tripp, G. and Gillen, D. 2017. The relationship between mineralization and tectonics at the Kainantu gold-copper deposit, Papua New Guinea. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, article number: 453. (10.1144/SP453.11)
- Ward, N., Alves, T. M. and Blenkinsop, T. 2017. Differencial compaction over late Miocene submarine channels in SE Brazil: implications for trap formation. Geological Society of America Bulletin 130(1-2), pp. 208-221. (10.1130/B31659.1)
- Case, G., Blenkinsop, T., Chang, Z., Huizenga, J. M., Lilly, R. and McLellan, J. 2017. Delineating the structural controls on iron oxide-Cu-Au deposit genesis through implicit modeling: A case study from the E1 Group, Cloncurry 3 District, Australia. In: Characterization of Ore-Forming Systems from Geological, Geochemical and Geophysical Studies., Vol. 453. Geological Society of London
- Walker, R. J. et al. 2017. Igneous sills as a record of horizontal shortening: The San Rafael subvolcanic field, Utah. Geological Society of America Bulletin 129(9-10), pp. 1052-1070. (10.1130/B31671.1)
- Mol, L., Gomez-Heras, M., Brassey, C., Green, O. and Blenkinsop, T. 2017. The benefit of a tough skin: bullet holes, weathering and the preservation of heritage. Royal Society Open Science 4(2), article number: 160335. (10.1098/rsos.160335)
- Sanislav, I. V., Brayshaw, M., Kolling, S. L., Dirks, P. H. G. M., Cook, Y. A. and Blenkinsop, T. 2017. The structural history and mineralization controls of the world-class Geita Hill gold deposit, Geita Greenstone Belt, Tanzania. Mineralium Deposita 52(2), pp. 257-279. (10.1007/s00126-016-0660-1)
- Jadoon, Q. K., Roberts, E. M., Henderson, B., Blenkinsop, T. G., Wüst, R. A. and Mtelela, C. 2017. Lithological and facies analysis of the Roseneath and Murteree shales, Cooper Basin, Australia. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 37, pp. 138-168. (10.1016/j.jngse.2016.10.047)
- Cook, Y. A., Sanislav, I. V., Hammerli, J., Blenkinsop, T. and Dirks, P. H. G. M. 2016. A primitive mantle source for the Neoarchean mafic rocks from the Tanzania Craton. Geoscience Frontiers 7(6), pp. 911-926. (10.1016/j.gsf.2015.11.008)
- Jadoon, Q. K., Roberts, E., Blenkinsop, T., Wust, R. A. and Shah, S. A. 2016. Petrophysical evaluation and uncertainty analysis of Roseneath and Murteree shales reservoirs in Cooper Basin, Australia (a case study). Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 147, pp. 330-345. (10.1016/j.petrol.2016.06.010)
- Ward, N., Alves, T. M. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 2016. Reservoir leakage along concentric faults in the Southern North Sea: implications for the deployment of CCS and EOR techniques. Tectonophysics 690(A), pp. 97-116. (10.1016/j.tecto.2016.07.027)
- Darlington, V., Blenkinsop, T. G., Dirks, P., Salisbury, J. and Tomkins, A. 2016. The Lawn Hill annulus: An Ordovician meteorite impact into water-saturated dolomite. Meteoritics and Planetary Science (10.1111/maps.12734)
- Jadoon, K., Roberts, E., Blenkinsop, T., Wust, R. and Shah, S. 2016. Mineralogical modelling and petrophysical parameters in Permian gas shales from the Roseneath and Murteree formations, Cooper Basin, Australia. Petroleum Exploration and Development 43(2), pp. 277-284. (10.1016/S1876-3804(16)30031-3)
- Jadoon, Q. K., Roberts, E., Blenkinsop, T. G. and Wust, R. 2016. Organic petrography and thermal maturity of the permian roseneath and murteree shales in the cooper basin, Australia. International Journal of Coal Geology 154-55, pp. 240-256. (10.1016/j.coal.2016.01.005)
- Healy, D., Blenkinsop, T. G., Timms, N. E., Meredith, P. G., Mitchell, T. M. and Cooke, M. L. 2015. Polymodal faulting: Time for a new angle on shear failure. Journal of Structural Geology 80, pp. 57-71. (10.1016/j.jsg.2015.08.013)
- Sanislav, I. V. et al. 2015. The geology of the giant Nyankanga gold deposit, Geita Greenstone Belt, Tanzania. Ore Geology Reviews 69, pp. 1-16. (10.1016/j.oregeorev.2015.02.002)
- Blenkinsop, T. G. 2015. Scaling laws for the distribution of gold, geothermal, and gas resources. Pure and Applied Geophysics 172(7), pp. 2045-2056. (10.1007/s00024-014-0909-5)
- Blenkinsop, T., Macklin, D. and Hammond, R. 2015. Rheological controls on the geometry of the Currawong volcanic-hosted massive sulfide deposit, Lachan Fold Belt, Victoria, South-East Australia. Presented at: PACRIM 2015 Congress, Hong Kong, China, March 2015PACRIM2015, Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Publication Series, Vol. 2/2105. Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy pp. 469-473.
- Blenkinsop, T. G. and Doyle, M. G. 2014. Structural controls on gold mineralization on the margin of the Yilgarn craton, Albany-Fraser orogen: The Tropicana Deposit, Western Australia. Journal of Structural Geology 67(Part B), pp. 189-204. (10.1016/j.jsg.2014.01.013)
- Mochales, T. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 2014. Representation of paleomagnetic data in virtual globes (a case study from the Pyrenees). Computers & Geosciences 70, pp. 56-62. (10.1016/j.cageo.2014.05.013)
- Carvell, J., Blenkinsop, T. G., Clarke, G. and Tonelli, M. 2014. Scaling, kinematics and evolution of a polymodal fault system: Hail Creek Mine, NE Australia. Tectonophysics 632, pp. 138-150. (10.1016/j.tecto.2014.06.003)
- Jourdan, F. et al. 2014. High-precision dating of the Kalkarindji large igneous province, Australia, and synchrony with the Early-Middle Cambrian (Stage 4-5) extinction. Geology 42(6), pp. 543-546. (10.1130/G35434.1)
- Sanislav, I. V., Wormald, R. J., Dirks, P. H. G. M., Blenkinsop, T. G., Salamba, L. and Joseph, D. 2014. Zircon U-Pb ages and Lu-Hf isotope systematics from late-tectonic granites, Geita Greenstone Belt: Implications for crustal growth of the Tanzania Craton. Precambrian Research 242, pp. 187-204. (10.1016/j.precamres.2013.12.026)
- Tikoff, B., Blenkinsop, T. G., Kruckenberg, S. C., Morgan, S., Newman, J. and Wojtal, S. 2014. A perspective on the emergence of modern structural geology: celebrating the feedbacks between historical-based and process-based approaches. In: Bickford, M. E. ed. The Web of Geological Sciences: Advances, Impacts, and Interactions. Special Paper Vol. 500. Boulder, CO.: Geological Society of America, pp. 65-119., (10.1130/2013.2500(03))
- Blenkinsop, T. G., Doyle, M. and Nugus, M. 2014. A unified approach to measuring structures in orientated drill core. In: Richardson, N. ed. Industrial Structural Geology: Principles, Techniques and Integration. Special Publications London: Geological Society of London, pp. 99-108.
- Nugus, M. et al. 2014. Exploration and innovation: the discovery and evolution of the 2 Moz Vogue gold resrouce, sunrise dam gold mine, Western Australia. Presented at: Ninth International Mining Geology Conference, 18-20 August 2014, Adelaide, South Australia /? AusIMM, Australian Institute of Geoscientists., Adelaide, Australia, 18-20 August 2014.
- Blenkinsop, T. G. and Moore, A. 2013. Tectonic geomorphology of passive margins and continental hinterlands. In: Shroder, J. . F. ed. Treatise on Geomorphology., Vol. 5. London: Academic Press, pp. 71-92., (10.1016/B978-0-12-374739-6.00083-X)
- Munro, M. A. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 2012. MARD - A moving average rose diagram application for the geosciences. Computers & Geosciences 49, pp. 112-120. (10.1016/j.cageo.2012.07.012)
- Moore, A. E., Blenkinsop, T. G. and Cotterill, F. P. D. 2012. Dynamic Evolution of the Zambezi-Limpopo Watershed, central Zimbabwe. South African Journal of Geology 115(4), pp. 551-560. (10.2113/gssajg.115.4.551)
- Blenkinsop, T. G. 2012. Visualizing structural geology: From Excel to Google Earth. Computers & Geosciences 45, pp. 52-56. (10.1016/j.cageo.2012.03.007)
- Blenkinsop, T. G. 2011. Archean magmatic granulites, diapirism, and Proterozoic reworking in the Northern Marginal Zone of the Limpopo Belt. In: Van Reenen, D. D. ed. Origin and Evolution of Precambrian High-Grade Gneiss Terranes, with Special Emphasis on the Limpopo Complex of Southern Africa. Memoir Vol. 207. Boulder, CO.: Geological Society of America, pp. 245-267., (10.1130/2011.1207(13))
- Nortje, G. S., Oliver, N. H. S., Blenkinsop, T. G., Keys, D. L., McLellan, J. G. and Oxenburgh, S. 2011. New faults v. fault reactivation: implications for fault cohesion, fluid flow and copper mineralization, Mount Gordon Fault Zone, Mount Isa District, Australia. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 359(1), pp. 287-311. (10.1144/SP359.16)
- Blenkinsop, T. G. and Doyle, M. G. 2010. A method for measuring the orientations of planar structures in cut core. Journal of Structural Geology 32(6), pp. 741-745.
- Austin, J. R. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 2010. Cloncurry Fault Zone: strain partitioning and reactivation in a crustal-scale deformation zone, Mt Isa Inlier. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 57(1), pp. 1-21. (10.1080/08120090903416187)
- Moore, A., Blenkinsop, T. G. and Cotterill, F. (. 2009. Southern African topography and erosion history: plumes or plate tectonics?. Terra Nova 21(4), pp. 310-315. (10.1111/j.1365-3121.2009.00887.x)
- Austin, J. R. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 2009. Local to regional scale structural controls on mineralisation and the importance of a major lineament in the eastern Mount Isa Inlier, Australia: Review and analysis with autocorrelation and weights of evidence. Ore Geology Reviews 35(3-4), pp. 298-316. (10.1016/j.oregeorev.2009.03.004)
- Ford, A. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 2009. An expanded de Wijs model for multifractal analysis of mineral production data. Mineralium Deposita 44(2), pp. 233-240. (10.1007/s00126-008-0213-3)
- Ford, A., Blenkinsop, T. G. and McLellan, J. G. 2009. Factors affecting fluid flow in strike-slip fault systems: coupled deformation and fluid flow modelling with application to the western Mount Isa Inlier, Australia. Geofluids 9(1), pp. 2-23. (10.1111/j.1468-8123.2008.00219.x)
- Ford, A. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 2008. Combining fractal analysis of mineral deposit clustering with weights of evidence to evaluate patterns of mineralization: Application to copper deposits of the Mount Isa Inlier, NW Queensland, Australia. Ore Geology Reviews 33(3-4), pp. 435-450. (10.1016/j.oregeorev.2007.01.004)
- Blenkinsop, T. G. 2008. The Mount Isa inlier - Preface [Editorial]. Precambrian Research 163(1-2), pp. 1-6.
- Blenkinsop, T. G. 2008. Relationships between faults, extension fractures and veins, and stress. Journal of Structural Geology 30(5), pp. 622-632.
- Edmiston, M. A., Lepong, P. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 2008. Structure of the Isan Orogeny under cover to the east of the Mount Isa Inlier revealed by multiscale edge analysis and forward and inverse modelling of aeromagnetic data. Precambrian Research 163(1-2), pp. 69-80.
- Austin, J. R. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 2008. The Cloncurry Lineament: Geophysical and geological evidence for a deep crustal structure in the Eastern Succession of the Mount Isa Inlier. Precambrian Research 163(1-2), pp. 50-68.
- Moore, A., Blenkinsop, T. G. and Cotterill, F. (. 2008. Controls on post-Gondwana alkaline volcanism in Southern Africa. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 268(1-2), pp. 151-164. (10.1016/j.epsl.2008.01.007)
- Ford, A. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 2008. Evaluating geological complexity and complexity gradients as controls on copper mineralisation, Mt Isa Inlier. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 55(1), pp. 13-23. (10.1080/08120090701581364)
- Kreuzer, O. P., Blenkinsop, T. G., Morrison, R. J. and Peters, S. G. 2007. Ore controls in the Charters Towers goldfield, NE Australia: Constraints from geological, geophysical and numerical analyses. Ore Geology Reviews 32(1-2), pp. 37-80. (10.1016/j.oregeorev.2006.12.001)
- Blenkinsop, T. G. 2007. Photograph of the month [Editorial]. Journal of Structural Geology 29(6), pp. 923.
- Blenkinsop, T. G. 2007. Photograph of the month [Editorial]. Journal of Structural Geology 29(4), pp. 561.
- Evins, P. M., Wilde, A. R., Foster, D. R. W., McKnight, S. W. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 2007. Significance of monazite EPMA ages from the Quamby Conglomerate, Queensland. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 54(1), pp. 19-26. (10.1080/08120090600981426)
- Moore, A. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 2006. Scarp retreat versus pinned drainage divide in the formation of the Drakensberg escarpment, southern Africa. South African Journal of Geology 109(4), pp. 599-610. (10.2113/gssajg.109.4.599)
- Oliver, N. H. S. et al. 2006. Granite-related overpressure and volatile release in the mid crust: fluidized breccias from the Cloncurry District, Australia. Geofluids 6(4), pp. 346-358. (10.1111/j.1468-8123.2006.00155.x)
- Blenkinsop, T. G. and Kadzviti, S. 2006. Fluid flow in shear zones: insights from the geometry and evolution of ore bodies at Renco gold mine, Zimbabwe. Geofluids 6(4), pp. 334-345. (10.1111/j.1468-8123.2006.00154.x)
- Hanson, R. E. et al. 2006. Mesoproterozoic intraplate magmatism in the Kalahari Craton: A review. Journal of African Earth Sciences 46(1-2), pp. 141-167.
- Nortje, G. S., Rowland, J. V., Sporli, K. B., Blenkinsop, T. G. and Rabone, S. D. C. 2006. Vein deflections and thickness variations of epithermal quartz veins as indicators of fracture coalescence. Journal of Structural Geology 28(8), pp. 1396-1405.
- Blenkinsop, T. G. 2006. Kinematic and dynamic fault slip analyses: implications from the surface rupture of the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake. Journal of Structural Geology 28(6), pp. 1040-1050.
- Blenkinsop, T. G., Lisle, R. J. and Ferrill, D. A. 2006. Introduction to the special issue on new dynamics in palaeostress analysis [Editorial]. Journal of Structural Geology 28(6), pp. 941-942. (10.1016/j.jsg2006.03.003)
- Manyeruke, T. D., Blenkinsop, T. G., Buchholz, P., Love, D., Oberthur, T., Vetter, U. K. and Davis, D. W. 2004. The age and petrology of the Chimbadzi Hill Intrusion, NW Zimbabwe: first evidence for early Paleoproterozoic magmatism in Zimbabwe. Journal of African Earth Sciences 40(5), pp. 281-292.
- Blenkinsop, T. G., Kroner, A. and Chiwara, V. 2004. Single stage, late Archaean exhumation of granulites in the Northern Marginal Zone, Limpopo Belt, Zimbabwe, and relevance to gold mineralization at Renco mine. South African Journal of Geology 107(3), pp. 377-396. (10.2113/107.3.377)
- Blenkinsop, T. G. 2004. Orebody geometry in lode gold deposits from Zimbabwe: implications for fluid flow, deformation and mineralization. Journal of Structural Geology 26(6-7), pp. 1293-1301.
- Vearncombe, J. R., Blenkinsop, T. G. and Reddy, S. M. 2004. Preface and introduction - Applied Structural Geology in Mineral Exploration and Mining [Editorial]. Journal of Structural Geology 26(6-7), pp. 989-994.
- Hanson, R. E. et al. 2004. Coeval large-scale magmatism in the Kalahari and Laurentian cratons during Rodinia assembly. Science 304(5674), pp. 1126-1129. (10.1126/science.1096329)
- Blenkinsop, T. G. 2004. Comment on "Folding in high-grade rocks due to back-rotation between shear zones" by Lyal B. Harris. Journal of Structural Geology 26(3), pp. 601-602.
- Hargrove, U. S., Hanson, R. E., Martin, M. W., Blenkinsop, T. G., Bowring, S. A., Walker, N. and Munyanyiwa, H. 2003. Tectonic evolution of the Zambezi orogenic belt: geochronological, structural, and petrological constraints from northern Zimbabwe. Precambrian Research 123(2-4), pp. 159-186.
- Nugus, M. J., Blenkinsop, T. G., Dominy, S. C. and Robson, S. 2003. Enigmatic kinematics resolved in the Taurus Shear Zone, Golden Pig gold mine, Southern Cross, Western Australia - Resource implications. Presented at: 5th International Mining Geology Conference, Bendigo, Victoria, Australia, 17-19 November 2003 Presented at Dominy, S. ed.Proceedings of the 5th International Mining Geology Conference.. Publications of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Vol. 8. Carlton, Victoria, Australia: Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy pp. 171-179.
- Moore, A. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 2002. The role of mantle plumes in the development of continental-scale drainage patterns: The southern African example revisited. South African Journal of Geology 105(4), pp. 353-360. (10.2113/1050353)
- Oberthur, T., Davis, D. W., Blenkinsop, T. G. and Hohndorf, A. 2002. Precise U-Pb mineral ages, Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd systematics for the Great Dyke, Zimbabwe - constraints on late Archean events in the Zimbabwe craton and Limpopo belt. Precambrian Research 113(3-4), pp. 293-305.
- Blenkinsop, T. G. and Treloar, P. J. 2001. Tabular intrusion and folding of the late Archaean Murehwa granite, Zimbabwe, during regional shortening. Journal of the Geological Society 158(4), pp. 653-664. (10.1144/jgs.158.4.653)
- Blenkinsop, T. G. and Fernandes, T. R. C. 2000. Fractal characterization of particle size distributions in chromitites from the Great Dyke, Zimbabwe. Pure and Applied Geophysics 157(4), pp. 505-521. (10.1007/PL00001104)
- Blenkinsop, T. G., Kruhl, J. H. and Kupkova, M. 2000. Preface [Editorial]. Pure and Applied Geophysics 157(4), pp. 485-486.
- Oberthur, T., Blenkinsop, T. G., Hein, U. F., Hoppner, M., Hohndorf, A. and Weiser, T. W. 2000. Gold mineralization in the Mazowe area, Harare-Bindura-Shamva greenstone belt, Zimbabwe: II. Genetic relationships deduced from mineralogical, fluid inclusion and stable isotope studies, and the Sm-Nd isotopic composition of scheelites. Mineralium Deposita 35(2-3), pp. 138-156. (10.1007/s001260050012)
- Blenkinsop, T. G., Oberthur, T. and Mapeto, O. 2000. Gold mineralization in the Mazowe area, Harare-Bindura-Shamva greenstone belt, Zimbabwe: I. Tectonic controls on mineralization. Mineralium Deposita 35(2-3), pp. 126-137. (10.1007/s001260050011)
- Blenkinsop, T. G. 2000. Deformation mincrostructures and meachnisms in minerals and rocks. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Blenkinsop, T. G. 1999. Microstructures in suevite from the Bosumtwi impact, Ghana [Abstract]. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 34(S4), pp. A13. (10.1111/j.1945-5100.1999.tb01769.x)
- Blenkinsop, T. G. 1999. Pedagogy of stereographic projection. Journal of African Earth Sciences 28(4), pp. 897-902.
- Frei, R., Blenkinsop, T. G. and Schonberg, R. 1999. Geochronology of the late Archaean Razi and Chilimanzi suites of granites in Zimbabwe: implications for the late Archaean tectonics of the Limpopo Belt and Zimbabwe Craton. South African Journal of Geology 102(1), pp. 55-63.
- Blenkinsop, T. G., Dirks, P. H. G. M., Jelsma, H. A., Ridley, J. R., Kamber, B. S. and Kramers, J. D. 1998. Horizontal accretion and stabilization of the Archean Zimbabwe Craton: Comment. Geology 26(12), pp. 1147-1150. (10.1130/0091-7613(1998)026<1147:HAASOT>2.3.CO;2)
- Blenkinsop, T. G. 1998. Fieldwork: A geologist's memoir of the Kalahari: By Christopher Scholz [Book Review]. Precambrian Research 90(3-4), pp. 239-240.
- Mumm, A. S., Oberthur, T., Vetter, U. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 1998. High CO2 content of fluid inclusions in gold mineralisations in the Ashanti Belt, Ghana: a new category of ore forming fluids? a reply. Mineralium Deposita 33(3), pp. 320-322. (10.1007/s001260050152)
- Blenkinsop, T. G. and Frei, R. 1997. Archean and Proterozoic mineralization and tectonics at the Renco mine (Northern marginal zone, Limpopo belt, Zimbabwe) - A reply. Economic Geology 92(6), pp. 747-748. (10.2113/gsecongeo.92.6.747)
- Jackson, J. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 1997. The Bilila-Mtakataka fault in Malawi: An active, 100-km long, normal fault segment in thick seismogenic crust. Tectonics 16(1), pp. 137-150. (10.1029/96TC02494)
- Mumm, A. S., Oberthur, T., Vetter, U. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 1997. High CO2 content of fluid inclusions in gold mineralisations in the Ashanti Belt, Ghana: A new category of ore forming fluids?. Mineralium Deposita 32(2), pp. 107-118. (10.1007/s001260050078)
- Munyanyiwa, H., Hanson, R. E., Blenkinsop, T. G. and Treloar, P. J. 1997. Geochemistry of amphibolites and quartzofeldspathic gneisses in the Pan-African Zambezi belt, northwest Zimbabwe: Evidence for bimodal magmatism in a continental rift setting. Precambrian Research 81(3-4), pp. 179-196.
- Blenkinsop, T. G. and Frei, R. 1996. Archean and proterozoic mineralization and tectonics at the Renco mine - Northern marginal zone, Limpopo belt, Zimbabwe. Economic Geology 91(7), pp. 1225-1238. (10.2113/gsecongeo.91.7.1225)
- Blenkinsop, T. G. and Oesterlen, P. M. 1996. Extension directions and strain near the failed triple junction of the Zambezi and Luangwa rift zones, southern Africa: Reply. Journal of African Earth Sciences 22(4), pp. 621-622.
- Blenkinsop, T. G., Campbell, S. D. G., Pitfield, P. E. J. and Muzondo, T. 1996. Contrasting structural controls on gold mineralization along the Eldorado shear zone, Zimbabwe. Transactions Institute of Mining & Metallurgy, Section B: Applied Earth Science 105(2), pp. B53-B59.
- Fedo, C. M., Eriksson, K. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 1995. Geologic history of the Archean Buhwa Greenstone Belt and surrounding granite-gneiss terrane, Zimbabwe, with implications for the evolution of the Limpopo Belt. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 32(11), pp. 1977-1990.
- Kamber, B. S., Blenkinsop, T. G., Villa, I. M. and Dahl, P. S. 1995. Proterozoic transpressive deformation in the Northern Marginal Zone, Limpopo Belt, Zimbabwe. Journal of Geology 103(5), pp. 493-508.
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- Oberthur, T., Mumm, A. S., Vetter, U., Weiser, T., Amanor, J. A. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 1995. The Ashanti Goldfields mine at Obuasi in Ghana: A metallogenetic model based on mineralogical, geochemical, fluid inclusion and structural data [Abstract]. Presented at: Sub-Saharan Economic Geology Conference, Harare, Zimbabwe, 21-23 September 1993 Presented at Blenkinsop, T. G. and Tromp, P. L. eds.Sub-Saharan Economic Geology. Geological Society of Zimbabwe Special Publication Vol. 3. Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema pp. 291-292.
- Mumm, A. S., Oberthur, T., Chenjerai, K. G., Blenkinsop, T. G. and Chatora, D. 1995. Metallogenesis of the Redwing gold mine, Mutare greenstone belt, Zimbabwe. Presented at: Sub-Saharan Economic Geology Conference, Zimbabwe, 21-23 September 1993 Presented at Blenkinsop, T. G. and Tromp, P. L. eds.Sub-Saharan Economic Geology. Special publication / Geological Society of Zimbabwe Vol. 3. Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema pp. 187-212.
- Chenjerai, K. G., Mumm, A. S., Blenkinsop, T. G. and Chatora, D. R. 1995. Tectonic setting and regional exploration significance of the Mutare greenstone belt, Zimbabwe: Redwing gold deposit. Presented at: Sub-Saharan Economic Geology Conference, Zimbabwe, 21-23 September 1993 Presented at Blenkinsop, T. G. and Tromp, P. L. eds.Sub-Saharan Economic Geology. Special publication / Geological Society of Zimbabwe Vol. 3. Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema pp. 213-223.
- Blenkinsop, T. G. 1995. Fractal measures for size and spatial distributions of gold mines: Economic applications. Presented at: Sub-Saharan Economic Geology Conference, Zimbabwe, 21-23 September 1993 Presented at Blenkinsop, T. G. and Tromp, P. L. eds.Sub-Saharan Economic Geology. Special publication / Geological Society of Zimbabwe Vol. 3. Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema pp. 177-186.
- Munyanyiwa, H. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 1994. Pan-African structures and metamorphism in the Makuti group, north-west Zimbabwe. Journal of African Earth Sciences 19(3), pp. 185-198.
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- Blenkinsop, T. G. 1994. The Fractal Distribution of Gold Deposits: Two Examples from the Zimbabwe Archaean Craton. In: Kruhl, J. H. ed. Fractals and Dynamic Systems in Geoscience., Vol. 3. Berlin: Springer, pp. 247-258., (10.1007/978-3-662-07304-9_19)
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- Thompson, E. S. et al. 2025. The effects of carbonate contamination on Ni-Cu-PGE deposit genesis in the Platreef, northern Bushveld Complex: A case study using Niggli numbers. Chemical Geology 671, article number: 122481. (10.1016/j.chemgeo.2024.122481)
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- Williams, B. J. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 2024. Desurveying drillholes: Methods for calculating drillhole orientation and position, and the effects of drillhole length and rock anisotropy on deviation. Computers & Geosciences 192, article number: 105684. (10.1016/j.cageo.2024.105684)
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- Wang, X., Mol, L., Tucker, M., Blenkinsop, T., Gilbert, O. and Campbell, O. 2024. Impacts of WWII bomb explosions on weathering damage of architectural heritage: Bath, England. Heritage Science 12(1), article number: 157. (10.1186/s40494-024-01262-w)
- De Caroli, S., Fagereng, ?., Ujiie, K., Blenkinsop, T., Meneghini, F. and Muir, D. 2024. Deformation microstructures of low- and high-strain epidote-blueschist (Ryukyu arc, Japan): Implications for subduction interface rheology. Journal of Structural Geology 180, article number: 105041. (10.1016/j.jsg.2023.105041)
- Williams, B. and Blenkinsop, T. 2024. Strain in sulphide filled foliation boudinage structures at the Mount Isa Cu deposit, Australia. Journal of Structural Geology 179, article number: 105034. (10.1016/j.jsg.2023.105034)
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- Campbell, O., Blenkinsop, T., Mol, L. and Gilbert, O. 2023. Subsurface fracturing of sedimentary stones caused by bullet impacts. PLoS ONE 18(10), article number: e0292351. (10.1371/journal.pone.0292351)
- Blenkinsop, T. G. 2023. Triaxial stress and failure modes in hydrothermal mineral systems. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 70(7), pp. 947-957. (10.1080/08120099.2023.2210637)
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- Campbell, O., Blenkinsop, T., Gilbert, O. and Mol, L. 2022. Bullet impacts in building stone excavate approximately conical craters, with dimensions that are controlled by target material. Scientific Reports 12, article number: 17634. (10.1038/s41598-022-22624-z)
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- Hobbs, B. E., Ord, A. and Blenkinsop, T. 2022. The spatial distributions of mineralisation. Journal of Structural Geology 156, article number: 104529. (10.1016/j.jsg.2022.104529)
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- de Paz-Álvarez, M. I., Blenkinsop, T. G., Buchs, D. M., Gibbons, G. E. and Cherns, L. 2022. Virtual field trip to the Esla Nappe (Cantabrian Zone, NW Spain): delivering traditional geological mapping skills remotely using real data. Solid Earth 13(1), pp. 1-14. (10.5194/se-13-1-2022)
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- Blenkinsop, T. G., Oliver, N. H. S., Dirks, P. G. H. M., Nugus, M., Tripp, G. and Sanislav, I. 2020. Structural geology applied to the evaluation of hydrothermal gold deposits. Reviews in Economic Geology 21, pp. 1-23. (10.5382/rev.21.01)
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- Blenkinsop, T. G., Rowland, J. and Baker, T. 2020. Mechanical regimes of hydrothermal gold mineralization. Economic Geology 21, pp. 205-214.
- Ellis-Evans, J. and Blenkinsop, T. 2019. Analogue modelling of fracturing in cooling plutonic bodies. Tectonophysics 766, pp. 14-19. (10.1016/j.tecto.2019.05.019)
- Loza Espejel, R., Alves, T. M. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 2019. Distribution and growth styles of isolated carbonate platforms as a function of fault propagation. Marine and Petroleum Geology 107, pp. 484-507. (10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2019.05.020)
- Williams, J. N. et al. 2019. How do variably striking faults reactivate during rifting? insights from Southern Malawi. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 20(7), pp. 3588-3607. (10.1029/2019GC008219)
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- Ward, N., Alves, T. M. and Blenkinsop, T. 2018. Submarine sediment routing over a blocky mass-transport deposit in the Espírito Santo Basin, SE Brazil. Basin Research 30(4), pp. 816-834. (10.1111/bre.12282)
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- Sanislav, I. V., Blenkinsop, T. G. and Dirks, P. H. G. M. 2018. Archaean crustal growth through successive partial melting events in an oceanic plateau-like setting in the Tanzania Craton. Terra Nova 30(3), pp. 169-178. (10.1111/ter.12323)
- Jadoon, Q. K., Roberts, E. M., Henderson, R. A., Blenkinsop, T. G. and Wust, R. A. 2018. Mineralogical variability of the Permian Roseneath and Murteree Shales from the Cooper Basin, Australia: Implications for shale properties and hydrocarbon extraction. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 165, pp. 850-872. (10.1016/j.petrol.2017.12.022)
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- Kwelwa, S., Dirks, P., Sanislav, I., Blenkinsop, T. and Kolling, S. 2018. Archaean Gold Mineralization in an Extensional Setting: The Structural History of the Kukuluma and Matandani Deposits, Geita Greenstone Belt, Tanzania. Minerals 8(4), article number: 171. (10.3390/min8040171)
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- Blenkinsop, T., Tripp, G. and Gillen, D. 2017. The relationship between mineralization and tectonics at the Kainantu gold-copper deposit, Papua New Guinea. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, article number: 453. (10.1144/SP453.11)
- Ward, N., Alves, T. M. and Blenkinsop, T. 2017. Differencial compaction over late Miocene submarine channels in SE Brazil: implications for trap formation. Geological Society of America Bulletin 130(1-2), pp. 208-221. (10.1130/B31659.1)
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- Sanislav, I. V., Brayshaw, M., Kolling, S. L., Dirks, P. H. G. M., Cook, Y. A. and Blenkinsop, T. 2017. The structural history and mineralization controls of the world-class Geita Hill gold deposit, Geita Greenstone Belt, Tanzania. Mineralium Deposita 52(2), pp. 257-279. (10.1007/s00126-016-0660-1)
- Jadoon, Q. K., Roberts, E. M., Henderson, B., Blenkinsop, T. G., Wüst, R. A. and Mtelela, C. 2017. Lithological and facies analysis of the Roseneath and Murteree shales, Cooper Basin, Australia. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 37, pp. 138-168. (10.1016/j.jngse.2016.10.047)
- Cook, Y. A., Sanislav, I. V., Hammerli, J., Blenkinsop, T. and Dirks, P. H. G. M. 2016. A primitive mantle source for the Neoarchean mafic rocks from the Tanzania Craton. Geoscience Frontiers 7(6), pp. 911-926. (10.1016/j.gsf.2015.11.008)
- Jadoon, Q. K., Roberts, E., Blenkinsop, T., Wust, R. A. and Shah, S. A. 2016. Petrophysical evaluation and uncertainty analysis of Roseneath and Murteree shales reservoirs in Cooper Basin, Australia (a case study). Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 147, pp. 330-345. (10.1016/j.petrol.2016.06.010)
- Ward, N., Alves, T. M. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 2016. Reservoir leakage along concentric faults in the Southern North Sea: implications for the deployment of CCS and EOR techniques. Tectonophysics 690(A), pp. 97-116. (10.1016/j.tecto.2016.07.027)
- Darlington, V., Blenkinsop, T. G., Dirks, P., Salisbury, J. and Tomkins, A. 2016. The Lawn Hill annulus: An Ordovician meteorite impact into water-saturated dolomite. Meteoritics and Planetary Science (10.1111/maps.12734)
- Jadoon, K., Roberts, E., Blenkinsop, T., Wust, R. and Shah, S. 2016. Mineralogical modelling and petrophysical parameters in Permian gas shales from the Roseneath and Murteree formations, Cooper Basin, Australia. Petroleum Exploration and Development 43(2), pp. 277-284. (10.1016/S1876-3804(16)30031-3)
- Jadoon, Q. K., Roberts, E., Blenkinsop, T. G. and Wust, R. 2016. Organic petrography and thermal maturity of the permian roseneath and murteree shales in the cooper basin, Australia. International Journal of Coal Geology 154-55, pp. 240-256. (10.1016/j.coal.2016.01.005)
- Healy, D., Blenkinsop, T. G., Timms, N. E., Meredith, P. G., Mitchell, T. M. and Cooke, M. L. 2015. Polymodal faulting: Time for a new angle on shear failure. Journal of Structural Geology 80, pp. 57-71. (10.1016/j.jsg.2015.08.013)
- Sanislav, I. V. et al. 2015. The geology of the giant Nyankanga gold deposit, Geita Greenstone Belt, Tanzania. Ore Geology Reviews 69, pp. 1-16. (10.1016/j.oregeorev.2015.02.002)
- Blenkinsop, T. G. 2015. Scaling laws for the distribution of gold, geothermal, and gas resources. Pure and Applied Geophysics 172(7), pp. 2045-2056. (10.1007/s00024-014-0909-5)
- Blenkinsop, T. G. and Doyle, M. G. 2014. Structural controls on gold mineralization on the margin of the Yilgarn craton, Albany-Fraser orogen: The Tropicana Deposit, Western Australia. Journal of Structural Geology 67(Part B), pp. 189-204. (10.1016/j.jsg.2014.01.013)
- Mochales, T. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 2014. Representation of paleomagnetic data in virtual globes (a case study from the Pyrenees). Computers & Geosciences 70, pp. 56-62. (10.1016/j.cageo.2014.05.013)
- Carvell, J., Blenkinsop, T. G., Clarke, G. and Tonelli, M. 2014. Scaling, kinematics and evolution of a polymodal fault system: Hail Creek Mine, NE Australia. Tectonophysics 632, pp. 138-150. (10.1016/j.tecto.2014.06.003)
- Jourdan, F. et al. 2014. High-precision dating of the Kalkarindji large igneous province, Australia, and synchrony with the Early-Middle Cambrian (Stage 4-5) extinction. Geology 42(6), pp. 543-546. (10.1130/G35434.1)
- Sanislav, I. V., Wormald, R. J., Dirks, P. H. G. M., Blenkinsop, T. G., Salamba, L. and Joseph, D. 2014. Zircon U-Pb ages and Lu-Hf isotope systematics from late-tectonic granites, Geita Greenstone Belt: Implications for crustal growth of the Tanzania Craton. Precambrian Research 242, pp. 187-204. (10.1016/j.precamres.2013.12.026)
- Munro, M. A. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 2012. MARD - A moving average rose diagram application for the geosciences. Computers & Geosciences 49, pp. 112-120. (10.1016/j.cageo.2012.07.012)
- Moore, A. E., Blenkinsop, T. G. and Cotterill, F. P. D. 2012. Dynamic Evolution of the Zambezi-Limpopo Watershed, central Zimbabwe. South African Journal of Geology 115(4), pp. 551-560. (10.2113/gssajg.115.4.551)
- Blenkinsop, T. G. 2012. Visualizing structural geology: From Excel to Google Earth. Computers & Geosciences 45, pp. 52-56. (10.1016/j.cageo.2012.03.007)
- Nortje, G. S., Oliver, N. H. S., Blenkinsop, T. G., Keys, D. L., McLellan, J. G. and Oxenburgh, S. 2011. New faults v. fault reactivation: implications for fault cohesion, fluid flow and copper mineralization, Mount Gordon Fault Zone, Mount Isa District, Australia. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 359(1), pp. 287-311. (10.1144/SP359.16)
- Blenkinsop, T. G. and Doyle, M. G. 2010. A method for measuring the orientations of planar structures in cut core. Journal of Structural Geology 32(6), pp. 741-745.
- Austin, J. R. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 2010. Cloncurry Fault Zone: strain partitioning and reactivation in a crustal-scale deformation zone, Mt Isa Inlier. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 57(1), pp. 1-21. (10.1080/08120090903416187)
- Moore, A., Blenkinsop, T. G. and Cotterill, F. (. 2009. Southern African topography and erosion history: plumes or plate tectonics?. Terra Nova 21(4), pp. 310-315. (10.1111/j.1365-3121.2009.00887.x)
- Austin, J. R. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 2009. Local to regional scale structural controls on mineralisation and the importance of a major lineament in the eastern Mount Isa Inlier, Australia: Review and analysis with autocorrelation and weights of evidence. Ore Geology Reviews 35(3-4), pp. 298-316. (10.1016/j.oregeorev.2009.03.004)
- Ford, A. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 2009. An expanded de Wijs model for multifractal analysis of mineral production data. Mineralium Deposita 44(2), pp. 233-240. (10.1007/s00126-008-0213-3)
- Ford, A., Blenkinsop, T. G. and McLellan, J. G. 2009. Factors affecting fluid flow in strike-slip fault systems: coupled deformation and fluid flow modelling with application to the western Mount Isa Inlier, Australia. Geofluids 9(1), pp. 2-23. (10.1111/j.1468-8123.2008.00219.x)
- Ford, A. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 2008. Combining fractal analysis of mineral deposit clustering with weights of evidence to evaluate patterns of mineralization: Application to copper deposits of the Mount Isa Inlier, NW Queensland, Australia. Ore Geology Reviews 33(3-4), pp. 435-450. (10.1016/j.oregeorev.2007.01.004)
- Blenkinsop, T. G. 2008. The Mount Isa inlier - Preface [Editorial]. Precambrian Research 163(1-2), pp. 1-6.
- Blenkinsop, T. G. 2008. Relationships between faults, extension fractures and veins, and stress. Journal of Structural Geology 30(5), pp. 622-632.
- Edmiston, M. A., Lepong, P. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 2008. Structure of the Isan Orogeny under cover to the east of the Mount Isa Inlier revealed by multiscale edge analysis and forward and inverse modelling of aeromagnetic data. Precambrian Research 163(1-2), pp. 69-80.
- Austin, J. R. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 2008. The Cloncurry Lineament: Geophysical and geological evidence for a deep crustal structure in the Eastern Succession of the Mount Isa Inlier. Precambrian Research 163(1-2), pp. 50-68.
- Moore, A., Blenkinsop, T. G. and Cotterill, F. (. 2008. Controls on post-Gondwana alkaline volcanism in Southern Africa. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 268(1-2), pp. 151-164. (10.1016/j.epsl.2008.01.007)
- Ford, A. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 2008. Evaluating geological complexity and complexity gradients as controls on copper mineralisation, Mt Isa Inlier. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 55(1), pp. 13-23. (10.1080/08120090701581364)
- Kreuzer, O. P., Blenkinsop, T. G., Morrison, R. J. and Peters, S. G. 2007. Ore controls in the Charters Towers goldfield, NE Australia: Constraints from geological, geophysical and numerical analyses. Ore Geology Reviews 32(1-2), pp. 37-80. (10.1016/j.oregeorev.2006.12.001)
- Blenkinsop, T. G. 2007. Photograph of the month [Editorial]. Journal of Structural Geology 29(6), pp. 923.
- Blenkinsop, T. G. 2007. Photograph of the month [Editorial]. Journal of Structural Geology 29(4), pp. 561.
- Evins, P. M., Wilde, A. R., Foster, D. R. W., McKnight, S. W. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 2007. Significance of monazite EPMA ages from the Quamby Conglomerate, Queensland. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 54(1), pp. 19-26. (10.1080/08120090600981426)
- Moore, A. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 2006. Scarp retreat versus pinned drainage divide in the formation of the Drakensberg escarpment, southern Africa. South African Journal of Geology 109(4), pp. 599-610. (10.2113/gssajg.109.4.599)
- Oliver, N. H. S. et al. 2006. Granite-related overpressure and volatile release in the mid crust: fluidized breccias from the Cloncurry District, Australia. Geofluids 6(4), pp. 346-358. (10.1111/j.1468-8123.2006.00155.x)
- Blenkinsop, T. G. and Kadzviti, S. 2006. Fluid flow in shear zones: insights from the geometry and evolution of ore bodies at Renco gold mine, Zimbabwe. Geofluids 6(4), pp. 334-345. (10.1111/j.1468-8123.2006.00154.x)
- Hanson, R. E. et al. 2006. Mesoproterozoic intraplate magmatism in the Kalahari Craton: A review. Journal of African Earth Sciences 46(1-2), pp. 141-167.
- Nortje, G. S., Rowland, J. V., Sporli, K. B., Blenkinsop, T. G. and Rabone, S. D. C. 2006. Vein deflections and thickness variations of epithermal quartz veins as indicators of fracture coalescence. Journal of Structural Geology 28(8), pp. 1396-1405.
- Blenkinsop, T. G. 2006. Kinematic and dynamic fault slip analyses: implications from the surface rupture of the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake. Journal of Structural Geology 28(6), pp. 1040-1050.
- Blenkinsop, T. G., Lisle, R. J. and Ferrill, D. A. 2006. Introduction to the special issue on new dynamics in palaeostress analysis [Editorial]. Journal of Structural Geology 28(6), pp. 941-942. (10.1016/j.jsg2006.03.003)
- Manyeruke, T. D., Blenkinsop, T. G., Buchholz, P., Love, D., Oberthur, T., Vetter, U. K. and Davis, D. W. 2004. The age and petrology of the Chimbadzi Hill Intrusion, NW Zimbabwe: first evidence for early Paleoproterozoic magmatism in Zimbabwe. Journal of African Earth Sciences 40(5), pp. 281-292.
- Blenkinsop, T. G., Kroner, A. and Chiwara, V. 2004. Single stage, late Archaean exhumation of granulites in the Northern Marginal Zone, Limpopo Belt, Zimbabwe, and relevance to gold mineralization at Renco mine. South African Journal of Geology 107(3), pp. 377-396. (10.2113/107.3.377)
- Blenkinsop, T. G. 2004. Orebody geometry in lode gold deposits from Zimbabwe: implications for fluid flow, deformation and mineralization. Journal of Structural Geology 26(6-7), pp. 1293-1301.
- Vearncombe, J. R., Blenkinsop, T. G. and Reddy, S. M. 2004. Preface and introduction - Applied Structural Geology in Mineral Exploration and Mining [Editorial]. Journal of Structural Geology 26(6-7), pp. 989-994.
- Hanson, R. E. et al. 2004. Coeval large-scale magmatism in the Kalahari and Laurentian cratons during Rodinia assembly. Science 304(5674), pp. 1126-1129. (10.1126/science.1096329)
- Blenkinsop, T. G. 2004. Comment on "Folding in high-grade rocks due to back-rotation between shear zones" by Lyal B. Harris. Journal of Structural Geology 26(3), pp. 601-602.
- Hargrove, U. S., Hanson, R. E., Martin, M. W., Blenkinsop, T. G., Bowring, S. A., Walker, N. and Munyanyiwa, H. 2003. Tectonic evolution of the Zambezi orogenic belt: geochronological, structural, and petrological constraints from northern Zimbabwe. Precambrian Research 123(2-4), pp. 159-186.
- Moore, A. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 2002. The role of mantle plumes in the development of continental-scale drainage patterns: The southern African example revisited. South African Journal of Geology 105(4), pp. 353-360. (10.2113/1050353)
- Oberthur, T., Davis, D. W., Blenkinsop, T. G. and Hohndorf, A. 2002. Precise U-Pb mineral ages, Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd systematics for the Great Dyke, Zimbabwe - constraints on late Archean events in the Zimbabwe craton and Limpopo belt. Precambrian Research 113(3-4), pp. 293-305.
- Blenkinsop, T. G. and Treloar, P. J. 2001. Tabular intrusion and folding of the late Archaean Murehwa granite, Zimbabwe, during regional shortening. Journal of the Geological Society 158(4), pp. 653-664. (10.1144/jgs.158.4.653)
- Blenkinsop, T. G. and Fernandes, T. R. C. 2000. Fractal characterization of particle size distributions in chromitites from the Great Dyke, Zimbabwe. Pure and Applied Geophysics 157(4), pp. 505-521. (10.1007/PL00001104)
- Blenkinsop, T. G., Kruhl, J. H. and Kupkova, M. 2000. Preface [Editorial]. Pure and Applied Geophysics 157(4), pp. 485-486.
- Oberthur, T., Blenkinsop, T. G., Hein, U. F., Hoppner, M., Hohndorf, A. and Weiser, T. W. 2000. Gold mineralization in the Mazowe area, Harare-Bindura-Shamva greenstone belt, Zimbabwe: II. Genetic relationships deduced from mineralogical, fluid inclusion and stable isotope studies, and the Sm-Nd isotopic composition of scheelites. Mineralium Deposita 35(2-3), pp. 138-156. (10.1007/s001260050012)
- Blenkinsop, T. G., Oberthur, T. and Mapeto, O. 2000. Gold mineralization in the Mazowe area, Harare-Bindura-Shamva greenstone belt, Zimbabwe: I. Tectonic controls on mineralization. Mineralium Deposita 35(2-3), pp. 126-137. (10.1007/s001260050011)
- Blenkinsop, T. G. 1999. Microstructures in suevite from the Bosumtwi impact, Ghana [Abstract]. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 34(S4), pp. A13. (10.1111/j.1945-5100.1999.tb01769.x)
- Blenkinsop, T. G. 1999. Pedagogy of stereographic projection. Journal of African Earth Sciences 28(4), pp. 897-902.
- Frei, R., Blenkinsop, T. G. and Schonberg, R. 1999. Geochronology of the late Archaean Razi and Chilimanzi suites of granites in Zimbabwe: implications for the late Archaean tectonics of the Limpopo Belt and Zimbabwe Craton. South African Journal of Geology 102(1), pp. 55-63.
- Blenkinsop, T. G., Dirks, P. H. G. M., Jelsma, H. A., Ridley, J. R., Kamber, B. S. and Kramers, J. D. 1998. Horizontal accretion and stabilization of the Archean Zimbabwe Craton: Comment. Geology 26(12), pp. 1147-1150. (10.1130/0091-7613(1998)026<1147:HAASOT>2.3.CO;2)
- Blenkinsop, T. G. 1998. Fieldwork: A geologist's memoir of the Kalahari: By Christopher Scholz [Book Review]. Precambrian Research 90(3-4), pp. 239-240.
- Mumm, A. S., Oberthur, T., Vetter, U. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 1998. High CO2 content of fluid inclusions in gold mineralisations in the Ashanti Belt, Ghana: a new category of ore forming fluids? a reply. Mineralium Deposita 33(3), pp. 320-322. (10.1007/s001260050152)
- Blenkinsop, T. G. and Frei, R. 1997. Archean and Proterozoic mineralization and tectonics at the Renco mine (Northern marginal zone, Limpopo belt, Zimbabwe) - A reply. Economic Geology 92(6), pp. 747-748. (10.2113/gsecongeo.92.6.747)
- Jackson, J. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 1997. The Bilila-Mtakataka fault in Malawi: An active, 100-km long, normal fault segment in thick seismogenic crust. Tectonics 16(1), pp. 137-150. (10.1029/96TC02494)
- Mumm, A. S., Oberthur, T., Vetter, U. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 1997. High CO2 content of fluid inclusions in gold mineralisations in the Ashanti Belt, Ghana: A new category of ore forming fluids?. Mineralium Deposita 32(2), pp. 107-118. (10.1007/s001260050078)
- Munyanyiwa, H., Hanson, R. E., Blenkinsop, T. G. and Treloar, P. J. 1997. Geochemistry of amphibolites and quartzofeldspathic gneisses in the Pan-African Zambezi belt, northwest Zimbabwe: Evidence for bimodal magmatism in a continental rift setting. Precambrian Research 81(3-4), pp. 179-196.
- Blenkinsop, T. G. and Frei, R. 1996. Archean and proterozoic mineralization and tectonics at the Renco mine - Northern marginal zone, Limpopo belt, Zimbabwe. Economic Geology 91(7), pp. 1225-1238. (10.2113/gsecongeo.91.7.1225)
- Blenkinsop, T. G. and Oesterlen, P. M. 1996. Extension directions and strain near the failed triple junction of the Zambezi and Luangwa rift zones, southern Africa: Reply. Journal of African Earth Sciences 22(4), pp. 621-622.
- Blenkinsop, T. G., Campbell, S. D. G., Pitfield, P. E. J. and Muzondo, T. 1996. Contrasting structural controls on gold mineralization along the Eldorado shear zone, Zimbabwe. Transactions Institute of Mining & Metallurgy, Section B: Applied Earth Science 105(2), pp. B53-B59.
- Fedo, C. M., Eriksson, K. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 1995. Geologic history of the Archean Buhwa Greenstone Belt and surrounding granite-gneiss terrane, Zimbabwe, with implications for the evolution of the Limpopo Belt. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 32(11), pp. 1977-1990.
- Kamber, B. S., Blenkinsop, T. G., Villa, I. M. and Dahl, P. S. 1995. Proterozoic transpressive deformation in the Northern Marginal Zone, Limpopo Belt, Zimbabwe. Journal of Geology 103(5), pp. 493-508.
- Blenkinsop, T. G. and Treloar, P. J. 1995. Geometry, classification and kinematics of S-C and S-C′ fabrics in the Mushandike area, Zimbabwe. Journal of Structural Geology 17(3), pp. 397-408.
- Rollinson, H. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 1995. The magmatic, metamorphic and tectonic evolution of the Northern Marginal Zone of the Limpopo Belt in Zimbabwe. Journal of the Geological Society 152(1), pp. 65-75. (10.1144/gsjgs.152.1.0065)
- Blenkinsop, T. G. and Eriksson, K. A. 1995. Gold concentration in the Witwatersrand reefs by footwall cannibalization. Economic Geology 90(1), pp. 200-202. (10.2113/gsecongeo.90.1.200)
- Munyanyiwa, H. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 1994. Pan-African structures and metamorphism in the Makuti group, north-west Zimbabwe. Journal of African Earth Sciences 19(3), pp. 185-198.
- Blenkinsop, T. G., Fedo, C. M., Bickle, M. J., Eriksson, K. A., Martin, A., Nisbet, E. G. and Wilson, J. F. 1994. Ensialic origin for the Ngezi Group, Belingwe greenstone belt, Zimbabwe - Reply. Geology 22(8), pp. 767-768. (10.1130/0091-7613(1994)022<0766:EOFTNG>2.3.CO;2)
- Oesterlen, P. M. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 1994. Extension directions and strain near the failed triple junction of the Zambezi and Luangwa Rift zones, southern Africa. Journal of African Earth Sciences 18(2), pp. 175-180.
- Blenkinsop, T. G., Fedo, C. M., Bickle, M. J., Eriksson, K. A., Martin, A., Nisbet, E. G. and Wilson, J. F. 1993. Ensialic origin for the Ngezi group, Belingwe greenstone-belt,Zimbabwe. Geology 21(12), pp. 1135-1138. (10.1130/0091-7613(1993)021<1135:EOFTNG>2.3.CO;2)
- Jackson, J. and Blenkinsop, T. 1993. The Malawi earthquake of March 10, 1989 - Deep faulting within the east-African rift system. Tectonics 12(5), pp. 1131-1139. (10.1029/93TC01064)
- Blenkinsop, T. G. and Sibson, R. H. 1992. Aseismic fracturing and cataclasis involving reaction softening within core material from the Cajon Pass Drill Hole. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 97(B4), pp. 5135-5144. (10.1029/90JB02285)
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- Blenkinsop, T. G. 1990. Correlation of paleotectonic fracture and microfracture orientations in cores with seismic anisotropy at Cajon Pass Drill Hole, southern California. Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth 95(B7), pp. 11143-11150. (10.1029/JB095iB07p11143)
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- Blenkinsop, T. G. and Drury, M. R. 1988. Stress estimates and fault history from quartz microstructures. Journal of Structural Geology 10(7), pp. 673-684.
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- Blenkinsop, T. G. and Rutter, E. H. 1986. Cataclastic deformation of quartzite in the moine thrust zone. Journal of Structural Geology 8(6), pp. 669-681.
- Long, R. E., Smith, M. J., Kusznir, N. J. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 1985. Seismicity and tectonics in Wales [Abstract]. Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 81(1), pp. 336.
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- Duan, Q., Fagereng, A., Chen, J. and Blenkinsop, T. . Fluid environment controls along-strike variation in slip style: Midcrustal geological signatures from the Red River fault, China. Geology 52(6), pp. 405-410. (10.1130/G51865.1)
Book sections
- Dirks, P. H. G. M. et al. 2020. The world class gold deposits in the Geita Greenstone Belt, Northwestern Tanzania. In: Sillitoe, R. H. et al. eds. Geology of the World’s Major Gold Deposits and Provinces. SEG Special Publications Vol. 23. Society of Economic Geologists, pp. 163-184., (10.5382/SP.23.08)
- Tripp, G., Tosdal, R. M., Blenkinsop, T., Rogers, J. R. and Halley, S. 2020. Neoarchean eastern goldfields of Western Australia. In: Sillitoe, R. H. et al. eds. Geology of the World’s Major Gold Deposits and Provinces., Vol. 23. Society of Economic Geologists, (10.5382/SP.23.33)
- Case, G., Blenkinsop, T., Chang, Z., Huizenga, J. M., Lilly, R. and McLellan, J. 2017. Delineating the structural controls on iron oxide-Cu-Au deposit genesis through implicit modeling: A case study from the E1 Group, Cloncurry 3 District, Australia. In: Characterization of Ore-Forming Systems from Geological, Geochemical and Geophysical Studies., Vol. 453. Geological Society of London
- Tikoff, B., Blenkinsop, T. G., Kruckenberg, S. C., Morgan, S., Newman, J. and Wojtal, S. 2014. A perspective on the emergence of modern structural geology: celebrating the feedbacks between historical-based and process-based approaches. In: Bickford, M. E. ed. The Web of Geological Sciences: Advances, Impacts, and Interactions. Special Paper Vol. 500. Boulder, CO.: Geological Society of America, pp. 65-119., (10.1130/2013.2500(03))
- Blenkinsop, T. G., Doyle, M. and Nugus, M. 2014. A unified approach to measuring structures in orientated drill core. In: Richardson, N. ed. Industrial Structural Geology: Principles, Techniques and Integration. Special Publications London: Geological Society of London, pp. 99-108.
- Blenkinsop, T. G. and Moore, A. 2013. Tectonic geomorphology of passive margins and continental hinterlands. In: Shroder, J. . F. ed. Treatise on Geomorphology., Vol. 5. London: Academic Press, pp. 71-92., (10.1016/B978-0-12-374739-6.00083-X)
- Blenkinsop, T. G. 2011. Archean magmatic granulites, diapirism, and Proterozoic reworking in the Northern Marginal Zone of the Limpopo Belt. In: Van Reenen, D. D. ed. Origin and Evolution of Precambrian High-Grade Gneiss Terranes, with Special Emphasis on the Limpopo Complex of Southern Africa. Memoir Vol. 207. Boulder, CO.: Geological Society of America, pp. 245-267., (10.1130/2011.1207(13))
- Blenkinsop, T. G. 1994. The Fractal Distribution of Gold Deposits: Two Examples from the Zimbabwe Archaean Craton. In: Kruhl, J. H. ed. Fractals and Dynamic Systems in Geoscience., Vol. 3. Berlin: Springer, pp. 247-258., (10.1007/978-3-662-07304-9_19)
- Blenkinsop, T. G. 2000. Deformation mincrostructures and meachnisms in minerals and rocks. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Blenkinsop, T., Macklin, D. and Hammond, R. 2015. Rheological controls on the geometry of the Currawong volcanic-hosted massive sulfide deposit, Lachan Fold Belt, Victoria, South-East Australia. Presented at: PACRIM 2015 Congress, Hong Kong, China, March 2015PACRIM2015, Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Publication Series, Vol. 2/2105. Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy pp. 469-473.
- Nugus, M. et al. 2014. Exploration and innovation: the discovery and evolution of the 2 Moz Vogue gold resrouce, sunrise dam gold mine, Western Australia. Presented at: Ninth International Mining Geology Conference, 18-20 August 2014, Adelaide, South Australia /? AusIMM, Australian Institute of Geoscientists., Adelaide, Australia, 18-20 August 2014.
- Nugus, M. J., Blenkinsop, T. G., Dominy, S. C. and Robson, S. 2003. Enigmatic kinematics resolved in the Taurus Shear Zone, Golden Pig gold mine, Southern Cross, Western Australia - Resource implications. Presented at: 5th International Mining Geology Conference, Bendigo, Victoria, Australia, 17-19 November 2003 Presented at Dominy, S. ed.Proceedings of the 5th International Mining Geology Conference.. Publications of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Vol. 8. Carlton, Victoria, Australia: Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy pp. 171-179.
- Oberthur, T., Mumm, A. S., Vetter, U., Weiser, T., Amanor, J. A. and Blenkinsop, T. G. 1995. The Ashanti Goldfields mine at Obuasi in Ghana: A metallogenetic model based on mineralogical, geochemical, fluid inclusion and structural data [Abstract]. Presented at: Sub-Saharan Economic Geology Conference, Harare, Zimbabwe, 21-23 September 1993 Presented at Blenkinsop, T. G. and Tromp, P. L. eds.Sub-Saharan Economic Geology. Geological Society of Zimbabwe Special Publication Vol. 3. Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema pp. 291-292.
- Mumm, A. S., Oberthur, T., Chenjerai, K. G., Blenkinsop, T. G. and Chatora, D. 1995. Metallogenesis of the Redwing gold mine, Mutare greenstone belt, Zimbabwe. Presented at: Sub-Saharan Economic Geology Conference, Zimbabwe, 21-23 September 1993 Presented at Blenkinsop, T. G. and Tromp, P. L. eds.Sub-Saharan Economic Geology. Special publication / Geological Society of Zimbabwe Vol. 3. Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema pp. 187-212.
- Chenjerai, K. G., Mumm, A. S., Blenkinsop, T. G. and Chatora, D. R. 1995. Tectonic setting and regional exploration significance of the Mutare greenstone belt, Zimbabwe: Redwing gold deposit. Presented at: Sub-Saharan Economic Geology Conference, Zimbabwe, 21-23 September 1993 Presented at Blenkinsop, T. G. and Tromp, P. L. eds.Sub-Saharan Economic Geology. Special publication / Geological Society of Zimbabwe Vol. 3. Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema pp. 213-223.
- Blenkinsop, T. G. 1995. Fractal measures for size and spatial distributions of gold mines: Economic applications. Presented at: Sub-Saharan Economic Geology Conference, Zimbabwe, 21-23 September 1993 Presented at Blenkinsop, T. G. and Tromp, P. L. eds.Sub-Saharan Economic Geology. Special publication / Geological Society of Zimbabwe Vol. 3. Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema pp. 177-186.
- Blenkinsop, T. G. and Doyle, M. G. 2014. Structural controls on gold mineralization on the margin of the Yilgarn craton, Albany-Fraser orogen: The Tropicana Deposit, Western Australia. Journal of Structural Geology 67(Part B), pp. 189-204. (10.1016/j.jsg.2014.01.013)
I am interested in deformation processes in the Earth at all scales, especially in the upper crust, and their relation to the formation of hydrothermal mineral deposits.
Fracturing, fluid flow, and brecciation are critical in these environments. I am also interested in the relationship between tectonics and surface processes in rifts and continental interiors. In several of these topics, techniques based on fractal geometry are important tools that I apply.
Granular flow is widespread in industrial processes such as pouring concrete, aswell as on and in the Earth, for example in avalanches, debris flows and along faults. Quite a sophisticated understanding of granular flow exists in the Physics and Engineering communities. We have only just started to apply these ideas to Earth science. One application is the possibility that magmatic ore deposits form by granular flows of crystals within intrusions.
Together with my colleague Prof. Owen Jones in Maths here at Cardiff, I am researching aspects of georesource utilisation and sustainability. What can the concept of peak inerals tell us about resource availability? Will we be able to find enough copper or the transition to a hydrocarbon free society in which electricity production and transport will become so important?
I teach structural geology at second, third and fourth year levels. Fieldwork and field based teaching are the best way to teach this subject, as demonstrated by feedback from generations of students. My classes go to the south Wales coast, to Arran and to North Spain.
The potential of drones to provide outstanding perspectives in the field is obvious, as well as generating lots of interest from a teaching point of view.
Measuring structures in drill core is a vital skill in the exploration industry: I am developing some teaching materials for this skill.
- Professor, Earth Sciences - School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Cardiff University, UK (2013 – present)
- Senior Lecturer – Professor - School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, James Cook University, Australia (2002-2013)
- Director of the Economic Geology Research Unit- James Cook University, Australia (2011-2012)
- Lecturer–Professor - University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe (1989-2002)
- Principal Investigator - University of California, Santa Barbara, U.S.A. (1988-1989)
- Research Assistant - Keele University, University of Liverpool. (1982-1987)
- PhD - Keele University, (1982-1987
- M.Sc. - Imperial College, London University (1981-1982)
- B.A. - Oxford University (1976-1979)
- Mineral deposits
- Structural Geology
- Copper mineralization in Mount Isa, Australia
- Archean Tectonics