Mrs Madeleine Boots
Teams and roles for Madeleine Boots
Lecturer: Physiotherapy
Research student
Mads is a qualified physiotherapist with 15 years clinical NHS & private experience, specialising in musculoskeletal medicine. She lectures and leads modules on the Physiotherapy BSc programme within Cardiff University and is undertaking her PhD in developing research on physical activity behaviour change.
- Elliott, J., Hodges, C., Boots, M., Pattinson, R., Gillen, E., Whybrow, D. and Bundy, C. 2024. Mixed shift rotations, sleep, burnout and well-being in professions similar to radiographers: A systematic review. Radiography 30(4), pp. 1194-1200. (10.1016/j.radi.2024.05.016)
- Boots, M., Button, D. K. and Bundy, P. C. 2021. Exploring public perception of brief interventions for physical activity, for the management of musculoskeletal pain, in Wales. Presented at: Virtual Physiotherapy UK 2020 Conference, Virtual, 13-14 November 2021, Vol. 114. Vol. s1. pp. e87-e88.
- Boots, M., Button, K. and Bundy, C. 2021. Exploring public perception of brief interventions for physical activity, for the management of musculoskeletal pain, in Wales. Physiotherapy. Presented at: Virtual Physiotherapy UK conference, Online. Elsevier, (10.1016/
- Walton, S., Evans, F. and Boots, M. 2021. Pilot study for database development capturing physical activity providers in Cardiff. Physiotherapy 113(Supple), pp. e95-e96. (10.1016/
- Boots, M. C., Button, K. and Bundy, C. 2017. Exploring practice & clinical evidence with pre-manipulative testing for cervical arterial dysfunction amongst musculoskeletal physiotherapists within a Welsh Health Board. Physiotherapy 103(1), article number: e110. (10.1016/
- Boots, M., Button, D. K. and Bundy, P. C. 2021. Exploring public perception of brief interventions for physical activity, for the management of musculoskeletal pain, in Wales. Presented at: Virtual Physiotherapy UK 2020 Conference, Virtual, 13-14 November 2021, Vol. 114. Vol. s1. pp. e87-e88.
- Boots, M., Button, K. and Bundy, C. 2021. Exploring public perception of brief interventions for physical activity, for the management of musculoskeletal pain, in Wales. Physiotherapy. Presented at: Virtual Physiotherapy UK conference, Online. Elsevier, (10.1016/
- Elliott, J., Hodges, C., Boots, M., Pattinson, R., Gillen, E., Whybrow, D. and Bundy, C. 2024. Mixed shift rotations, sleep, burnout and well-being in professions similar to radiographers: A systematic review. Radiography 30(4), pp. 1194-1200. (10.1016/j.radi.2024.05.016)
- Walton, S., Evans, F. and Boots, M. 2021. Pilot study for database development capturing physical activity providers in Cardiff. Physiotherapy 113(Supple), pp. e95-e96. (10.1016/
- Boots, M. C., Button, K. and Bundy, C. 2017. Exploring practice & clinical evidence with pre-manipulative testing for cervical arterial dysfunction amongst musculoskeletal physiotherapists within a Welsh Health Board. Physiotherapy 103(1), article number: e110. (10.1016/
Clinical Research
Mads' research career began with presenting her MSc work, by poster, at Physio UK in 2016 looking at Exploring practice & clinical evidence with pre-manipulative testing for cervical arterial dysfunction amongst musculoskeletal physiotherapists within a Welsh Health Board:
Funding through First into Research RCBC Wales was awarded in 2019 enableing exploration into public perception of brief interventions for physical activity, for the management of musculoskeletal pain, in Wales. This work was presented as a poster at Virtual Physio UK in 2019:
Student project funding was also secured through Cardiff Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme to fund two level 5 physio students to develop a pilot study for database development capturing physical activity providers in Cardiff, which was presented by poster at the Virtual Physio UK in 2019:
Embarking on her part-time PhD in October 2021, Mads is exploring physical activity advice and behaviour change management, with a specific focus on the transitional journey between healthcare and non-healthcare physical activity providers. She has developed the 'PhAct BeChange' (Physical Activity & Behaviour Change) Network, bringing together physical activity stakeholders across sectiors. For further information please connect with Mads via twitter or LinkedIn #PhActBeChange, #BeInvolved or directly by email:
Scholarly Research
Following the introduction of virtual teaching and resources she is undertaking a research study, approved by the School of Healthcare Sciences Research Ethics Committee (REC772) looking at the relationships between students perceived preparedness and assessment outcomes following a Virtual Research Learning Module. The data collection phase has taken place and data analysis is planned to be completed this year.
Cardiff University Student Education Innovation Projects funding was also awarded for four student projects, for the summer of 2022, following a collaborative plan between Mads, within the School of Healthcare, and colleagues within the School of Engineering, to develop, produce and test a teaching aid for physiotherapy spinal palpatory skills. This is due to be completed by September 2022.
Registered Research Protocol:
The integration of behaviour change theory and interventions within physical activity brief advice delivered by healthcare professionals: A scoping review protocol:
Boots, M; Button, DK & Bundy, PC (2021). Exploring public perception of brief interventions for physical activity, for the management of musculoskeletal pain, in Wales. Physiotherapy. 113(1): e87-e88.
Boots, M (2017). Exploring practice and clinical evidence with pre-manipulative testing for cervical arterial dysfunction amongst musculoskeletal physiotherapists within a Welsh Health Board. Physiotherapy. 103(1): e110.
Walton, S; Evans, F & Boots, M (2021). Pilot study for database development capturing physical activity providers in Cardiff. Physiotherapy. Volume 113, (1) : e95-e96.
My teaching is focused on musculoskeletal physiotherapy & physical activity, public health and behaviour change, as well as research methods.
I am the module lead for research design module at level 5, which focusing on developing students skills in preparing for ethical proposal submissions and critical appraisal. I also lead a public health module, introducing business and innovative entrepreneurial skills by developing a population based physical actvitiy intervention, within compassionate leadership and quality improvement strategies imbedded.
Following the introduction of virtual teaching and resources we are undertaking a research study, aproved by the School of Healthcare Sciences Research Ethics Committee (REC772) looking at the relationships between students perceived preparedness and assessment outcomes following a Virtual Research Learning Module.
Qualifying from Cardiff University with 1st Degree honours in 2007, Mads began her clinical career with Aneurin Bevan Health Board as a band 5 general rotational physio, progressing on to specialising in musculoskeletal physiotherapy as a roational 6, until moving into her Team Lead Band 7 role within Ysbyty Aneurin Bevan community hopsital within the MSK outpatients team from 2014 - 2018. Her clinical expertise intend persistent pain management and hip dysfunction, acupuncture, hand therapy, manual therapy, Pilates & yoga and behaviour change management.
Seconded part-time as an Associate Lecturer from 2016, Mads transitioned into full-time lecturing at Cardiff university in 2018, becoming a Fellow of the HEA in 2020. Mads also continues with her private clinical practice; Physio Therapies Inspire.
She is currently undertaking a part-time PhD on ensuring quality delivery of physical activity promotion, from advice to participation, navigating the behaviour change journey, from healthcare to physical activity providers.
Professional memberships
- Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC)
- Member of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP)
- Member of the Acupuncture Associate of Chartered Physiotherapists (AACP)
- Fellow of the Advanced HE (FHEA)
- Member of the Chartered Institure of Personal & Development (CIPD)
Contact Details
+44 29206 87567
Ty Dewi Sant, University Hospital of Wales, Heath Park, Cardiff, CF14 4XN
- Physiotherapy
- Behaviour Change