I am an urban social geographer with research interests in urban and social theory and social change in cities. I am exploring the contemporary relevance of philosophical pragmatism for current social theory, research and practice in urban studies, geography and the social sciences more generally. Key parts of that research agenda have been to rethink the city and democracy through renewed ideas of rationality, embodiment and action. My research on social change in cities has focused on processes of neighbourhood change and especially gentrification. I have looked at the relationships between class, space and forms of economic, social and cultural capital in studies in various cities including London, Bristol, Sydney, Montreal and Paris.
I joined the School of Geography and Planning in 2015 and was previously Professor of Urban Studies at the University of Bristol.
- Boterman, W. R. and Bridge, G. 2023. The transition to parenthood in urban space: continuity and disruption of embodied experience and spatial practice.. Social and Cultural Geography 24(7), pp. 1165-1184. (10.1080/14649365.2022.2028181)
- Bridge, G. 2023. Book review: Pragmatic spatial planning: practical theory for professionals by Charles Hoch. Planning Theory 22(2), pp. 233-238. (10.1177/14730952221075011)
- Bridge, G. 2022. Geographies of pragmatism. In: Wharf, B. ed. Oxford Bibliographies in Geography. Oxford University Press, (10.1093/OBO/9780199874002-0250)
- Bridge, G. 2021. On pragmatism, assemblage and ANT: assembling reason. Progress in Human Geography 45(3), pp. 417-435. (10.1177/0309132520924710)
- Bridge, G. 2020. Habit, experience and environment: a pragmatist perspective. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 38(2), pp. 345-363. (10.1177/0263775819882715)
- Bridge, G. 2019. Spatial, or situational justice: A pragmatist account. In: Watson, S. ed. Spatial Justice in the City: Space Materiality and the Norm. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 44 - 61.
- Wilson, D. and Bridge, G. 2019. School choice and the city: geographies of allocation and segregation. Urban Studies 56(15), pp. 3198-3215. (10.1177/0042098019843481)
- Barnett, C. and Bridge, G. 2016. The situations of urban enquiry: thinking problematically about the city. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 40(6), pp. 1186-1204. (10.1111/1468-2427.12452)
- Bridge, G. and Wilson, D. 2015. Towards an interactive sociological rational choice approach to theorising class dimensions of school choice. Policy and Politics 43(4), pp. 493-507. (10.1332/030557314X13923920087710)
- Bacque, M. et al. 2015. The middle classes and the city: A study of Paris and London. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (10.1057/9781137332608)
- Boterman, W. R. and Bridge, G. 2015. Gender, class and space in the field of parenthood comparing middle-class fractions in Amsterdam and London. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 40(2), pp. 249-261. (10.1111/tran.12073)
- Bridge, G., Benson, M. and Wilson, D. 2015. School choice in London and Paris: A comparison of middle-class strategies. Social Policy and Administration 49(1), pp. 24-43. (10.1111/spol.12079)
- Bridge, G. 2014. On Marxism, Pragmatism and Critical Urban Studies. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 38(5), pp. 1644. (10.1111/1468-2427.12057)
- Rose, D., Germain, A., Bacqué, M., Bridge, G., Fijalkow, Y. and Slater, T. 2013. 'Social Mix' and neighbourhood revitalization in a transatlantic perspective: comparing local policy discourses and expectations in Paris (France), Bristol (UK) and Montréal (Canada). International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 37(2), pp. 430-50. (10.1111/j.1468-2427.2012.01127.x)
- Barnett, C. and Bridge, G. 2013. Geographies of radical democracy: agonistic pragmatism and the formation of affected interests. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 103(4), pp. 1022-1040. (10.1080/00045608.2012.660395)
- Bridge, G. 2013. A transactional perspective on space. International Planning Studies 18(3-4), pp. 304-320. (10.1080/13563475.2013.833728)
- Bridge, G. 2004. Reason in the city of difference: Pragmatism, communicative action and contemporary urbanism. Routledge.
- Boterman, W. R. and Bridge, G. 2023. The transition to parenthood in urban space: continuity and disruption of embodied experience and spatial practice.. Social and Cultural Geography 24(7), pp. 1165-1184. (10.1080/14649365.2022.2028181)
- Bridge, G. 2023. Book review: Pragmatic spatial planning: practical theory for professionals by Charles Hoch. Planning Theory 22(2), pp. 233-238. (10.1177/14730952221075011)
- Bridge, G. 2021. On pragmatism, assemblage and ANT: assembling reason. Progress in Human Geography 45(3), pp. 417-435. (10.1177/0309132520924710)
- Bridge, G. 2020. Habit, experience and environment: a pragmatist perspective. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 38(2), pp. 345-363. (10.1177/0263775819882715)
- Wilson, D. and Bridge, G. 2019. School choice and the city: geographies of allocation and segregation. Urban Studies 56(15), pp. 3198-3215. (10.1177/0042098019843481)
- Barnett, C. and Bridge, G. 2016. The situations of urban enquiry: thinking problematically about the city. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 40(6), pp. 1186-1204. (10.1111/1468-2427.12452)
- Bridge, G. and Wilson, D. 2015. Towards an interactive sociological rational choice approach to theorising class dimensions of school choice. Policy and Politics 43(4), pp. 493-507. (10.1332/030557314X13923920087710)
- Boterman, W. R. and Bridge, G. 2015. Gender, class and space in the field of parenthood comparing middle-class fractions in Amsterdam and London. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 40(2), pp. 249-261. (10.1111/tran.12073)
- Bridge, G., Benson, M. and Wilson, D. 2015. School choice in London and Paris: A comparison of middle-class strategies. Social Policy and Administration 49(1), pp. 24-43. (10.1111/spol.12079)
- Bridge, G. 2014. On Marxism, Pragmatism and Critical Urban Studies. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 38(5), pp. 1644. (10.1111/1468-2427.12057)
- Rose, D., Germain, A., Bacqué, M., Bridge, G., Fijalkow, Y. and Slater, T. 2013. 'Social Mix' and neighbourhood revitalization in a transatlantic perspective: comparing local policy discourses and expectations in Paris (France), Bristol (UK) and Montréal (Canada). International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 37(2), pp. 430-50. (10.1111/j.1468-2427.2012.01127.x)
- Barnett, C. and Bridge, G. 2013. Geographies of radical democracy: agonistic pragmatism and the formation of affected interests. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 103(4), pp. 1022-1040. (10.1080/00045608.2012.660395)
- Bridge, G. 2013. A transactional perspective on space. International Planning Studies 18(3-4), pp. 304-320. (10.1080/13563475.2013.833728)
Book sections
- Bridge, G. 2022. Geographies of pragmatism. In: Wharf, B. ed. Oxford Bibliographies in Geography. Oxford University Press, (10.1093/OBO/9780199874002-0250)
- Bridge, G. 2019. Spatial, or situational justice: A pragmatist account. In: Watson, S. ed. Spatial Justice in the City: Space Materiality and the Norm. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 44 - 61.
- Bacque, M. et al. 2015. The middle classes and the city: A study of Paris and London. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (10.1057/9781137332608)
- Bridge, G. 2004. Reason in the city of difference: Pragmatism, communicative action and contemporary urbanism. Routledge.
Previous Research Projects
2010-2013: The Middle Classes and the City: social mix or 'just people like us': A comparison of Paris and London. (Principal Investigator (UK team), ESRC and ANR £1m). Comparative study of social and political engagements of middle classes in 5 Parisian and 5 London neighbourhoods (gentrified not socially mixed; gentrifying socially mixed, suburban; exurban and gated). Comprised 400 in depth interviews with residents and key informants across the neighbourhoods.
2012: School choice and social class: a comparison of France and England (RA support) funded by the ESRC Centre for Market and Public Organisation, Bristol (£50,000)
2010-2011: The theoretical basis of school choice (with Deborah Wilson) (ESRC Centre for Markets and Public Organisation - £45,000)
2007-8: Gentrification and social mix in Bristol, Paris and Montreal (co-applicant with Sciences Po in Paris and University of Quebec) funded by the Canadian Social Sciences Research Council ($Ca 75000)
2001-2003: Housing, taste and place: the housing histories of gentrifiers (Principal Investigator, ESRC R000 23 9056 £55,000). This research investigated the movement of gentrifiers through the housing system to test the degree of durability of the gentrification aesthetic as a class phenomenon.
2001-2005: Core Researcher (20 percent of time over 4 years) ESRC funded Centre for Neighbourhood Research (with University of Glasgow) £400,000. Part of the ESRC network on Evidence-Based Policy and Practice.
1993/94: R Forrest, A Murie, D Hawes, G Bridge, G Smart: Leaseholders and Service Charges in Former Local Authority Flats (funded by the Department of the Environment) £120,000. I undertook household-based in-depth interviews with leaseholders in negative equity in several London boroughs.
1992/93: M Boddy, G Bridge, P Burton, M Stewart Socio-demographic change in the inner city (Department of the Environment £120,000). Assessment of current trends to interpret likely situation of Britain's inner cities over the next 30 years.
1992/93: with P Williams (University of Cardiff): Cardiff City into Europe: consultancy project to assess the potential impacts of the EU convergence on Cardiff's housing services. Interpretation of secondary data ( Cardiff City Council).
Contact Details
+44 29206 88681
Glamorgan Building, Room Room 1.59, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3WA