Dr Julian Brigstocke
Senior Lecturer in Human Geography
- Media commentator
- Available for postgraduate supervision
I am a Reader in Human Geography, with primary expertise in Social, Cultural and Political Theory, philosophies of geography, cultural geography, and the geohumanities. I am interested in experimental, creative, and arts-based research methods, including experiments with the forms of academic writing.
My research is often collaborative, including working with local community groups, activists, and artists. Most recently I have been working with communities in a community of favelas in Rio de Janeiro. These interests have been shaped by my involvement with a research collective called the Authority Research Network.
In the spring 2024-25 semester, my office hours are:
- Tuesdays, 3-4pm (in person, Glamorgan 2.91)
- Thursdays 10am-12pm (online, MS Teams)
Book a meeting with me here.
Other roles I have include:
- Course Director, BSc Human Geography
- Human Geography Pathway Link, Welsh Graduate School of Social Sciences
- Managing Editor, Agoriad: A Journal of Spatial Theory
- Chair of the RGS History and Philosophy of Geography Research Group (HPGRG)
- Rose, M., Wylie, J., Brigstocke, J., Pile, S., Harrison, P. and Dubow, J. 2025. In Exile: Geography, Philosophy and Judaic thought. Jessica Dubow. London, Bloomsbury, 2021 [Book Review]. AAG Review of Books 13(1), pp. 44-53. (10.1080/2325548X.2024.2389789)
- Brigstocke, J., Stephens, A. C., Doel, M. and Rose, M. 2024. Agoriad: A Journal of Spatial Theory Mission Statement. Agoriad 1(1), article number: 1.1. (10.18573/agoriad.35)
- Brigstocke, J. 2024. Speculative geographies: ethics, technologies, aesthetics [Book Review]. Social and Cultural Geography 25(9), pp. 1531-1532. (10.1080/14649365.2024.2365525)
- Jons, H. et al. 2024. Conversations in geography: Journeying through four decades of history and philosophy of Geography in the United Kingdom. Journal of Historical Geography 85, pp. 40-54. (10.1016/j.jhg.2024.06.011)
- Jöns, H., Brigstocke, J., Couper, P. and Ferretti, F. 2024. History and philosophy of geography: Looking back and looking forward. Journal of Historical Geography 85, pp. 1-8. (10.1016/j.jhg.2024.06.003)
- Brigstocke, J. 2024. Form, genre, voice, and authority in human geography: A speculative genealogy. Dialogues in Human Geography 14(2), pp. 361-365. (10.1177/20438206231174634)
- Brigstocke, J. 2024. The poetics of geographical knowledge: For a genealogy of geographical aesthetics in history and philosophy of geography. Journal of Historical Geography (10.1016/j.jhg.2024.06.008)
- Brigstocke, J. 2024. A world without hunger: Josué de Castro and the history of Geography, Archie Davies. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool (2022), 256 pages, $49.99 hardback [Review]. Journal of Historical Geography 83, pp. 4-5. (10.1016/j.jhg.2023.11.007)
- Gomes, A., Barbosa, I., Brigstocke, J., Junior, L. C. B. J., Sardinha, M. and Dos Santos Pinto, T. 2024. De olho na Maré: Oito anos de produção de conhecimento sobre segurança pública nas favelas da Maré. [Online]. Redes da Maré. Available at: https://www.redesdamare.org.br/br/artigo/327/de-olho-na-mare-oito-anos-de-producao-de-conhecimento-sobre-seguranca-publica-nas-favelas-da-mare
- Gomes, A., Souza, F., Barbosa, I., Brigstocke, J., Junior, C. B. J., Sardinha, M. and Dos Santos, T. 2024. Pelo direito de viver em segurança: estratégias de enfrentamento às múltiplas violências nas favelas da Maré. [Online]. Redes da Maré. Available at: https://www.redesdamare.org.br/br/artigo/328/pelo-direito-de-viver-em-seguranca-estrategias-de-enfrentamento-as-multiplas-violencias-nas-favelas-da-mare
- Brigstocke, J. 2024. Drifting bodies, monstrous forms, cosmic meanings: A new materialist geography of Hong Kong's sandy grounds. Journal of Human Rights and the Environment
- Brigstocke, J., Froes, M., Cabral, C., Malanquini, L. and Baptista, G. 2023. Biosocial borders: affective debilitation and resilience amongst women living in a violently bordered favela. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 48(3), pp. 587-602. (10.1111/tran.12601)
- Silva, B. et al. 2023. Violências, Corpo, e Território: Sobre a vida de mulheres da Maré. Redes da Mare.
- Brigstocke, J., Malanquini, L., Froes, M., Cabral, C. and Baptista, G. 2022. Disjunctive writing in the urban skinscape: bodies, borders, and the physiology of attention in a Rio de Janeiro favela. Sociological Review 70(4), pp. 810-831. (10.1177/00380261221106515)
- Brigstocke, J. 2022. Resisting with authority? Anarchist laughter and the violence of truth. Social and Cultural Geography 23(2) (10.1080/14649365.2020.1727555)
- Brigstocke, J. and Gassner, G. 2021. Materiality, race and speculative aesthetics. Geohumanities 7(2), pp. 359-369. (10.1080/2373566X.2021.1977163)
- Brigstocke, J., Bresnihan, P., Dawney, L. and Miller, N. 2021. Geographies of authority. Progress in Human Geography 45(6), pp. 1356-1378. (10.1177/0309132520986227)
- Brigstocke, J. 2021. The aesthetics of sand: reclaiming Hong Kong's unsettled grounds. Geohumanities 7(2), pp. 370 -390. (10.1080/2373566X.2020.1847679)
- Brigstocke, J. 2020. Experimental authority in the lecture theatre. Journal of Geography in Higher Education 44(3), pp. 370-386. (10.1080/03098265.2019.1698527)
- Simpson, P. and Brigstocke, J. 2019. Affect. In: Atkinson, P. et al. eds. SAGE Research Methods Foundations.. London: SAGE
- Noorani, T. and Brigstocke, J. Facer, K. and Dunleavy, K. eds. 2018. More-than-human participatory research. Bristol: University of Bristol / AHRC Connected Communities Programme.
- Brigstocke, J. 2018. Parrésia artística e a genealogia da ética em Foucault e Benjamin/ Artistic Parrhesia and the genealogy of ethics in Foucault and Benjamin. Revista Aurora 11(31), article number: 1954.
- Blencowe, C., Brigstocke, J. and Noorani, T. 2018. Engines of alternative objectivity: re-articulating the nature and value of participatory mental health organisations with the Hearing Voices Movement and Stepping Out Theatre Company. Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine 22(3), pp. 205-222. (10.1177/1363459315590246)
- Brigstocke, J. 2018. Humour, violence and cruelty in late nineteenth century anarchist culture. In: Ferretti, F. et al. eds. Historical Geographies of Anarchism: Early Critical Geographers and Present-Day Scientific Challenges. Routledge, pp. 65-86.
- Brigstocke, J. et al. 2017. Implicit values: uncounted legacies. In: Facer, K. and Pahl, K. eds. Valuing Interdisciplinary Collaborative Research: Beyond Impact. Policy Press, pp. 65-84.
- Brigstocke, J. and Tehseen, N. eds. 2016. Listening with non-human others. ARN Press.
- Brigstocke, J. 2016. Exhausted futures. GeoHumanities 2(1), pp. 92-101. (10.1080/2373566X.2016.1168192)
- Brigstocke, J. and Noorani, T. 2016. Posthuman attunements: aesthetics, authority and the arts of creative listening. GeoHumanities 2(1), pp. 1-7. (10.1080/2373566X.2016.1167618)
- Kirwan, S., Dawney, L. and Brigstocke, J. eds. 2015. Space, power and the commons: the struggle for alternative futures. London: Routledge.
- Dawney, L., Kirwan, S. and Brigstocke, J. 2015. The promise of the commons. In: Kirwan, S., Dawney, L. and Brigstocke, J. eds. Space, Power and the Commons: The Struggle for Alternative Futures. London: Routledge, pp. 1-28.
- Brigstocke, J. 2015. Occupy the future. In: Kirwan, S., Dawney, L. and Brigstocke, J. eds. Space, Power and the Commons: The Struggle for Alternative Futures. Routledge Research in Place, Space and Politics London: Routledge, pp. 150-165., (10.4324/9781315731995-17)
- Blencowe, C., Brigstocke, J. and Noorani, T. 2015. Theorising participatory practice and alienation in health research: A materialist approach. Social Theory and Health 13(3-4), pp. 397-417. (10.1057/sth.2015.23)
- Brigstocke, J. 2014. Immanent authority and the performance of community in late nineteenth century Montmartre. In: Blencowe, C., Brigstocke, J. and Dawney, L. eds. Authority, Experience and the Life of Power. London: Routledge, pp. 107-126.
- Blencowe, C., Dawney, L. and Brigstocke, J. eds. 2014. Authority, experience and the life of power. Routledge.
- Brigstocke, J. 2014. The life of the city: space, humour, and the experience of truth in fin-de-siècle Montmartre. Studies in Historical Geography. Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate. (10.4324/9781315556079)
- Blencowe, C., Brigstocke, J. and Dawney, L. 2014. Authority and experience. In: Blencowe, C., Dawney, L. and Brigstocke, J. eds. Authority, Experience and the Life of Power. London: Routledge, pp. 1-7.
- Brigstocke, J. 2013. Immanent authority and the performance of community in late nineteenth century Montmartre. Journal of Political Power 6(1), pp. 107-126. (10.1080/2158379X.2013.774969)
- Blencowe, C., Brigstocke, J. and Dawney, L. 2013. Authority and experience. Journal of Political Power 6(1), pp. 1-7. (10.1080/2158379X.2013.774973)
- Brigstocke, J. 2013. Artistic parrhesia and the genealogy of ethics in Foucault and Benjamin. Theory, Culture & Society 30(1), pp. 57-58. (10.1177/0263276412450467)
- Noorani, T., Blencowe, C. and Brigstocke, J. eds. 2013. Problems of participation: reflections on democracy, authority, and the struggle for common life. Lewes: ARN Press.
- Brigstocke, J. 2012. Book review: swinging city: a cultural geography of London, 1950-1974. Simon Rycroft. Cultural Geographies 19(4), pp. 553-554. (10.1177/1474474012461586)
- Brigstocke, J. 2012. Defiant laughter: humour and the aesthetics of place in late 19th century Montmartre. Cultural Geographies 19(2), pp. 217-235. (10.1177/1474474011414637)
- Brigstocke, J. 2011. The time of the city: politics, philosophy and genre, by Michael J. Shapiro [Review]. Urban Research & Practice 4(2), pp. 225-226. (10.1080/17535069.2011.579782)
- Brigstocke, J. 2010. Brigstocke on Stiegler: technics and time 2: disorientation [Review]. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 28(6), pp. 1128-1130. (10.1068/d2806rvw)
Adrannau llyfrau
- Simpson, P. and Brigstocke, J. 2019. Affect. In: Atkinson, P. et al. eds. SAGE Research Methods Foundations.. London: SAGE
- Brigstocke, J. 2018. Humour, violence and cruelty in late nineteenth century anarchist culture. In: Ferretti, F. et al. eds. Historical Geographies of Anarchism: Early Critical Geographers and Present-Day Scientific Challenges. Routledge, pp. 65-86.
- Brigstocke, J. et al. 2017. Implicit values: uncounted legacies. In: Facer, K. and Pahl, K. eds. Valuing Interdisciplinary Collaborative Research: Beyond Impact. Policy Press, pp. 65-84.
- Dawney, L., Kirwan, S. and Brigstocke, J. 2015. The promise of the commons. In: Kirwan, S., Dawney, L. and Brigstocke, J. eds. Space, Power and the Commons: The Struggle for Alternative Futures. London: Routledge, pp. 1-28.
- Brigstocke, J. 2015. Occupy the future. In: Kirwan, S., Dawney, L. and Brigstocke, J. eds. Space, Power and the Commons: The Struggle for Alternative Futures. Routledge Research in Place, Space and Politics London: Routledge, pp. 150-165., (10.4324/9781315731995-17)
- Brigstocke, J. 2014. Immanent authority and the performance of community in late nineteenth century Montmartre. In: Blencowe, C., Brigstocke, J. and Dawney, L. eds. Authority, Experience and the Life of Power. London: Routledge, pp. 107-126.
- Blencowe, C., Brigstocke, J. and Dawney, L. 2014. Authority and experience. In: Blencowe, C., Dawney, L. and Brigstocke, J. eds. Authority, Experience and the Life of Power. London: Routledge, pp. 1-7.
- Rose, M., Wylie, J., Brigstocke, J., Pile, S., Harrison, P. and Dubow, J. 2025. In Exile: Geography, Philosophy and Judaic thought. Jessica Dubow. London, Bloomsbury, 2021 [Book Review]. AAG Review of Books 13(1), pp. 44-53. (10.1080/2325548X.2024.2389789)
- Brigstocke, J., Stephens, A. C., Doel, M. and Rose, M. 2024. Agoriad: A Journal of Spatial Theory Mission Statement. Agoriad 1(1), article number: 1.1. (10.18573/agoriad.35)
- Brigstocke, J. 2024. Speculative geographies: ethics, technologies, aesthetics [Book Review]. Social and Cultural Geography 25(9), pp. 1531-1532. (10.1080/14649365.2024.2365525)
- Jons, H. et al. 2024. Conversations in geography: Journeying through four decades of history and philosophy of Geography in the United Kingdom. Journal of Historical Geography 85, pp. 40-54. (10.1016/j.jhg.2024.06.011)
- Jöns, H., Brigstocke, J., Couper, P. and Ferretti, F. 2024. History and philosophy of geography: Looking back and looking forward. Journal of Historical Geography 85, pp. 1-8. (10.1016/j.jhg.2024.06.003)
- Brigstocke, J. 2024. Form, genre, voice, and authority in human geography: A speculative genealogy. Dialogues in Human Geography 14(2), pp. 361-365. (10.1177/20438206231174634)
- Brigstocke, J. 2024. The poetics of geographical knowledge: For a genealogy of geographical aesthetics in history and philosophy of geography. Journal of Historical Geography (10.1016/j.jhg.2024.06.008)
- Brigstocke, J. 2024. A world without hunger: Josué de Castro and the history of Geography, Archie Davies. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool (2022), 256 pages, $49.99 hardback [Review]. Journal of Historical Geography 83, pp. 4-5. (10.1016/j.jhg.2023.11.007)
- Brigstocke, J. 2024. Drifting bodies, monstrous forms, cosmic meanings: A new materialist geography of Hong Kong's sandy grounds. Journal of Human Rights and the Environment
- Brigstocke, J., Froes, M., Cabral, C., Malanquini, L. and Baptista, G. 2023. Biosocial borders: affective debilitation and resilience amongst women living in a violently bordered favela. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 48(3), pp. 587-602. (10.1111/tran.12601)
- Brigstocke, J., Malanquini, L., Froes, M., Cabral, C. and Baptista, G. 2022. Disjunctive writing in the urban skinscape: bodies, borders, and the physiology of attention in a Rio de Janeiro favela. Sociological Review 70(4), pp. 810-831. (10.1177/00380261221106515)
- Brigstocke, J. 2022. Resisting with authority? Anarchist laughter and the violence of truth. Social and Cultural Geography 23(2) (10.1080/14649365.2020.1727555)
- Brigstocke, J. and Gassner, G. 2021. Materiality, race and speculative aesthetics. Geohumanities 7(2), pp. 359-369. (10.1080/2373566X.2021.1977163)
- Brigstocke, J., Bresnihan, P., Dawney, L. and Miller, N. 2021. Geographies of authority. Progress in Human Geography 45(6), pp. 1356-1378. (10.1177/0309132520986227)
- Brigstocke, J. 2021. The aesthetics of sand: reclaiming Hong Kong's unsettled grounds. Geohumanities 7(2), pp. 370 -390. (10.1080/2373566X.2020.1847679)
- Brigstocke, J. 2020. Experimental authority in the lecture theatre. Journal of Geography in Higher Education 44(3), pp. 370-386. (10.1080/03098265.2019.1698527)
- Brigstocke, J. 2018. Parrésia artística e a genealogia da ética em Foucault e Benjamin/ Artistic Parrhesia and the genealogy of ethics in Foucault and Benjamin. Revista Aurora 11(31), article number: 1954.
- Blencowe, C., Brigstocke, J. and Noorani, T. 2018. Engines of alternative objectivity: re-articulating the nature and value of participatory mental health organisations with the Hearing Voices Movement and Stepping Out Theatre Company. Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine 22(3), pp. 205-222. (10.1177/1363459315590246)
- Brigstocke, J. 2016. Exhausted futures. GeoHumanities 2(1), pp. 92-101. (10.1080/2373566X.2016.1168192)
- Brigstocke, J. and Noorani, T. 2016. Posthuman attunements: aesthetics, authority and the arts of creative listening. GeoHumanities 2(1), pp. 1-7. (10.1080/2373566X.2016.1167618)
- Blencowe, C., Brigstocke, J. and Noorani, T. 2015. Theorising participatory practice and alienation in health research: A materialist approach. Social Theory and Health 13(3-4), pp. 397-417. (10.1057/sth.2015.23)
- Brigstocke, J. 2013. Immanent authority and the performance of community in late nineteenth century Montmartre. Journal of Political Power 6(1), pp. 107-126. (10.1080/2158379X.2013.774969)
- Blencowe, C., Brigstocke, J. and Dawney, L. 2013. Authority and experience. Journal of Political Power 6(1), pp. 1-7. (10.1080/2158379X.2013.774973)
- Brigstocke, J. 2013. Artistic parrhesia and the genealogy of ethics in Foucault and Benjamin. Theory, Culture & Society 30(1), pp. 57-58. (10.1177/0263276412450467)
- Brigstocke, J. 2012. Book review: swinging city: a cultural geography of London, 1950-1974. Simon Rycroft. Cultural Geographies 19(4), pp. 553-554. (10.1177/1474474012461586)
- Brigstocke, J. 2012. Defiant laughter: humour and the aesthetics of place in late 19th century Montmartre. Cultural Geographies 19(2), pp. 217-235. (10.1177/1474474011414637)
- Brigstocke, J. 2011. The time of the city: politics, philosophy and genre, by Michael J. Shapiro [Review]. Urban Research & Practice 4(2), pp. 225-226. (10.1080/17535069.2011.579782)
- Brigstocke, J. 2010. Brigstocke on Stiegler: technics and time 2: disorientation [Review]. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 28(6), pp. 1128-1130. (10.1068/d2806rvw)
- Gomes, A., Barbosa, I., Brigstocke, J., Junior, L. C. B. J., Sardinha, M. and Dos Santos Pinto, T. 2024. De olho na Maré: Oito anos de produção de conhecimento sobre segurança pública nas favelas da Maré. [Online]. Redes da Maré. Available at: https://www.redesdamare.org.br/br/artigo/327/de-olho-na-mare-oito-anos-de-producao-de-conhecimento-sobre-seguranca-publica-nas-favelas-da-mare
- Gomes, A., Souza, F., Barbosa, I., Brigstocke, J., Junior, C. B. J., Sardinha, M. and Dos Santos, T. 2024. Pelo direito de viver em segurança: estratégias de enfrentamento às múltiplas violências nas favelas da Maré. [Online]. Redes da Maré. Available at: https://www.redesdamare.org.br/br/artigo/328/pelo-direito-de-viver-em-seguranca-estrategias-de-enfrentamento-as-multiplas-violencias-nas-favelas-da-mare
- Noorani, T. and Brigstocke, J. Facer, K. and Dunleavy, K. eds. 2018. More-than-human participatory research. Bristol: University of Bristol / AHRC Connected Communities Programme.
- Brigstocke, J. and Tehseen, N. eds. 2016. Listening with non-human others. ARN Press.
- Kirwan, S., Dawney, L. and Brigstocke, J. eds. 2015. Space, power and the commons: the struggle for alternative futures. London: Routledge.
- Blencowe, C., Dawney, L. and Brigstocke, J. eds. 2014. Authority, experience and the life of power. Routledge.
- Brigstocke, J. 2014. The life of the city: space, humour, and the experience of truth in fin-de-siècle Montmartre. Studies in Historical Geography. Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate. (10.4324/9781315556079)
- Noorani, T., Blencowe, C. and Brigstocke, J. eds. 2013. Problems of participation: reflections on democracy, authority, and the struggle for common life. Lewes: ARN Press.
- Silva, B. et al. 2023. Violências, Corpo, e Território: Sobre a vida de mulheres da Maré. Redes da Mare.
My research interests currently focus on geographies of power, authority, and embodiment. Previously I have worked on broader issues around art, activism, humour, and literature. I am especially interested in thinking about these issues through the lens of political aesthetics, the geohumanities, and non-representational geographies.
Currently I am working on a project using creative emodied research methods to understand everyday life, authority, and violence in a community of favelas in the north zone of Rio de Janeiro. We are currently writing this research up into a co-authored monograph to be published in 2025. The research was funded by a £253,000 AHRC project from 2020-2023.
I am also working on a study of the aesthetics of 'nonauthoritarian authority', framed through a series of creative experiments with forms and genres of academic geographical writing. This work has been funded by various AHRC, Leverhulme, and Newton Fund projects. A monograph on this topic is contracted with LSE Press, as part of the Royal Geographical Society book series, to be published in 2025.
I am interested in debates in philosophies and histories of geography, and am currently preparing a co-edited volume, the Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of History and Philosophy of Geography, for publication in 2026.
My earlier work, funded by the ESRC, focused on art & literature, biopolitics, authority, the politics of aesthetics, and anarchist urban culture. This work was published in a monograph titled The Life of the City: Space, Humour, and the Experience of Truth in fin-de-siecle Montmartre (Ashgate, 2014), as well as edited collections including Authority, experience and the life of power (Routledge, 2014); Space, power and the commons: the struggle for alternative futures (Routledge, 2015); and Problems of participation: reflections on democracy, authority, and the struggle for common life (2013, ARN Press). More recently, I co-edited a special issue of GeoHumanities on Spaces and Politics of Aesthetics
I also have a strong ongoing interest in creative posthumanist geographies, explored in particular through a £55,000 AHRC Project 'The voice of the other: A cartography of creative listening practices'. Research in this area culminated in an edited book in the form of a 'choose your own adventure' book, Listening with Nonhuman Others (ARN Press, 2016), as well as a special issue of GeoHumanities on Spaces of Attunement (GeoHumanities special section, 2016).
Empirically, my work has centred on Paris, Hong Kong, and Rio de Janeiro. I have published on diverse topics including biopolitics, authority, urban avant-gardes, literature in fin-de-siecle Paris, creative geographies, more-than-human and experimental participatory methods, the commons, future generations, the politics of aesthetics, urban infrastructure in colonial Hong Kong, the aesthetics of sand, and experimental neuro-urbanism methods using mobile galvanic skin response biosensors.
Funded Projects
- Co-Designing Spaces of Care in the Favelas of Rio de Janeiro: An Embodied Approach (Principal Investigator, £21,673, Global Challenges Research Fund, 2022-2023)
- Transforming Atmospheric Authority: Experimental Embodiments in the Favelas of Rio de Janeiro (Principal Investigator, £253,000, AHRC, 2020-2023).
- What it is to Be There: Exploring grief, place and memory (Co-Applicant, £2000, Brigstow Institute, 2022)
- Urban Humanities Research Network (Co-Applicant, £6134, GW4 Building Communities Programme, 2021-2022)
- Harena (Principal Investigator, £3000 creative residency, Leverhulme, 2018)
- Social Change Through Creativity and Culture, Brazil (Co-Investigator, Newton/AHRC, £280,000, 2016)
- An Affective Map of Journeys in the Mare Complex of Favelas (Principal Investigator, Newton, £12,000, 2016)
- The Museum of Living Exchange (Co-Investigator, Newton, £8000, 2016)
- Participation's "Others": A Cartography of Creative Listening Practices (Principal Investigator, AHRC, £55,000, 2014 - 2015).
- Starting From Values: Evaluating Intangible Legacies (Co-Investigator, AHRC, £128,000, 2014-2015).
- Landscapes of Authority (Principal Investigator, Plymouth University, £3000, 2013-2014)
- Authority, Knowledge and Performance in Participatory Practice (named researcher, AHRC, £40,000 (2012)
- Immanent Authority and the Making of Community (named researcher, AHRC, £40,000, 2011)
My teaching interests lie in Social and Cultural Geography and Social Theory. I love teaching, and I aim to guide students towards understandings of contemporary issues by starting from embodied and creative practices and theories, as well as problem-based, active learning.
I currently teach on modules including:
- Border Spaces: Identities, Cultures, and Politics in a Globalizing World (module leader)
- Critical Geographies of Race and Power
- Gender, Space and Place
- Researching Contemporary Issues in Geography: Paris (final year field study visit)
- Urban Theory Provocations
- Research Methods
- Dissertations (undergraduate and postgraduate)
- PGDip Academic Practice, Plymouth University (2014)
- PhD Human Geography, Bristol University (2011)
- MSc Society & Space, Bristol University (2006)
- BA (Hons) Philosophy, Bristol University (2003)
Professional memberships
- Chair of the Royal Geographical Society's History and Philosophy of Geography Research Group
- Managing Editor, Agoriad: A Journal of Spatial Theory
- Editorial Board, GeoHumanities
- Editorial Board, Aurora: Revista de Arte, Mídia e Política
- Editorial Board, Cardiff University Press
- Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
- Founding member of the Authority Research Network (ARN)
- Peer Review College member, Arts and Humanities Research Council (2016-2021)
Academic positions
- Senior Lecturer, School of Geography and Planning, Cardiff University (2020-present)
- Lecturer, School of Geography and Planning, Cardiff University (2014 - 2020).
- Lecturer, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Plymouth University (2012-2014).
- Research Associate, Warwick University, Department of Sociology (2012)
- Senior Research Assistant, Northumbria University, Department of Sociology (2012)
- Research Associate, Newcastle University, School of Geography, Politics and Sociology (2011)
- Teaching Associate, Newcastle University, School of Geography, Politics and Sociology (2010-2011)
- Project Editor, Canopus Books (2003-2006)
I am interested in supervising research students working in the following areas:
- Cultural geography, geohumanities, and non-representational geographies
- Cultural theory
- Creative / experimental geographical writing or methods
- Geographies of power and authority
- Borders
- Brazil, Hong Kong, Paris, UK
Current supervision
Contact Details
+44 29208 76085
Glamorgan Building, Floor 2, Room 2.91, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3WA
Research themes
- Cultural geography
- Geohumanities
- Politics of aesthetics
- Power and authority
- Speculative theory