Ellen Bristow
FHEA BA (Hons) MA (Dist)
Researcher Overview
I am a language and literacy education specialist who conducts research and provides training for schools, universities and workplaces in Wales.
I have a diverse range of interests which include vocabulary development; using etymology and morphology to develop English literacy skills; reading comprehension; literacy confidence; oracy; writing skills and awareness; language and society; policy, curriculum development; literacy access; widening participation; evaluative practice; and innovative pedagogies.
In November 2023, I completed my PhD in Language and Communication at Cardiff University's Centre for Language and Communication Research. My work was funded by the Economic and Social Research Council and the project was titled: ‘Languages connect us’: Investigating the impact of explicit instruction in English derivational morphology and etymology on Welsh pupils’ word decoding and comprehension skills. I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a tutor, lecturer and research assistant in education studies, linguistics, child speech and language therapy and academic writing at Cardiff and Cardiff Metropolitan Universities.
Previously, I worked as as an Education Research Policy Assistant for the Welsh Government. I have conducted evidence reviews that informed the new National Strategy for Education Research and Enquiry in Wales, as well as the National Strategy for Educational Equity. I am currently working as a Research Assisstant on a project that explores teacher rectruitment and retention in Wales and as a Consultant for the social mobility charity Future First.
Prior to my PhD, I completed a BA in English (First Class Hons.) at the University of Southampton before working as a secondary school literacy teacher. I then moved to Cardiff University with a Master's Excellence Scholarship to study for an MA in Language and Linguistics in which I achieved a Distinction. For my Master's research, I was awarded the Nicholas Coupland Prize for Best Performance in Sociolinguistics-based projects.
Current projects
- ‘Languages connect us’: Developing teachers’ and learners’ vocabulary knowledge and skills in line with the new Curriculum for Wales. A project in partnership with the Education Achievement Service, funded by the Learned Society for Wales.
- ‘Talking about writing with peers: developing an undergraduate peer-writing tutor programme in ENCAP’ funded by the Education Innovation Fund from the Cardiff University Learning and Teaching Academy.
Bristow, E. (2023). “It’s so cool that English is connected to so many languages”: Exploring approaches to explicit etymology as part of the new Curriculum for Wales, Teaching English Magazine, The National Association for the Teaching of English.
Bristow, E. (2022). ‘Wales Strategy for Educational Equity: A review of international research evidence’, Cardiff: Welsh Government.
Bristow, E. (2022). The Acquisition of Derivational Morphology: A cross-linguistic perspective, book review. Available at: https://old.linguistlist.org/issues/33/33-2254.html.
Bristow, E. (2021). 'Developing an evidence-informed education profession: A review of international research evidence', Cardiff: Welsh Government.
Bristow, E. (2021). ‘The impact of professional learning on practitioners, pupils and school improvement: An evidence review’, Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at: https://hwb.gov.wales/api/storage/bdbac816-4ee1-4c97-89df-7ed12460893e/the-impact-of-professional-learning-on-practitioners-pupils-school-improvement-an-evidence-review.pdf.
Cardiff University
- Senior Writing Development Tutor in the Writing Development Centre for the School of English, Communication and Philosophy.
- Leader for Writing Development Centre workshops, including ‘Planning your essay’, ‘Being critical’, ‘Finding your academic voice’ and ‘The Writing Process’. Undergraduate and postgraduate students in the School of English, Communication and Philosophy.
- Undergraduate Seminar Tutor, How Language Works I, Developing English and Language and the Mind, Centre for Language and Communication Research.
Cardiff Metropolitan University
- Associate Tutor in Linguistics, Child Language Acquisition on the Speech and Language Therapy BSc.
Outreach modules
- Languages, Literacy and Communication: Read. Said. Seen. A Level students on the Step-Up to University programme.
- From ‘Oniscus asellus’ to Chuggypigs and Billybuttons: Investigating English language variation and change. GCSE and A Level students on The Brilliant Club Scholars Programme.
- How does language work? Seren Award course for A level students.
- Through the looking glass: An introduction to literary theory. A pre-designed Key Stage 3 (Secondary School) module.
- Into the deep dark woods: Journey through literature. A pre-designed Key Stage 2 (Primary School) module.
Education and qualifications
- 2023: PhD in Language and Communication (passed with no corrections). Cardiff University, UK.
- 2022: Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA).
- 2019: MA in Language and Linguistics (Distinction). Cardiff University, UK.
- 2017: BA in English (First Class Hons.). University of Southampton, UK.
Career overview
- 2024 - present: Research Assisstant for the School of Education, Cardiff Metropolitan University.
- 2023 - present: Literacy and Language Education Consultant.
- 2019 - 2023: Senior Writing Development Tutor at the ENCAP Writing Centre, School of English, Communication and Philosophy, Cardiff University.
- 2021 - 2023: Associate tutor in Linguistics on the Speech and Language Therapy BSc, School of Sport and Health Sciences, Cardiff Metropolitan University.
- 2020 - 2022: Undergraduate seminar tutor in English Language, School of English, Communication, and Philosophy, Cardiff University.
- 2019 - 2022: PhD Tutor on the Scholars Programme and Seren Award, The Brilliant Club, Wales.
- 2021 - 2022: Education Policy Research Assistant. Knowledge and Analytical Services, Welsh Government.
- 2021: Education Research Policy Intern. Knowledge and Analytical Services, Welsh Government. Funded by the Wales Doctoral Partnership, Economic and Social Research Council.
- 2020: Step-Up to University Masterclass Tutor, Widening Participation Outreach Scheme, Cardiff University.
- 2016 - 2018: Secondary School Literacy Support Teacher, Hampshire.
Professional memberships
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
Speaking engagements
‘Exploring the effects of explicit etymology and morphology teaching on children’s English vocabulary development’. The British Education Research Association annual conference, Aston University. 12th-14th September 2023.
‘The preconcert was so danceable she could hardly contain her excitement’: Writing stories with made-up and structurally complex words to develop knowledge about English morphology and etymology. The United Kingdom Literacy Association international conference, Exeter University. 23rd-25th June 2023.
‘Language Awareness as Classroom Practice in the context of the Curriculum for Wales’. Linguistics and Knowledge About Language in Education Special Interest Group conference for the British Association of Applied Linguistics, Cardiff University. 19th May 2023.
‘Talking about writing: Supporting the development of student literacies in higher education’. Linguistics and Knowledge About Language in Education Special Interest Group conference for the British Association of Applied Linguistics, Cardiff University. 19th May 2023.
‘Developing an evidence-informed education profession in Wales: Collaborative approaches to language-based research’. The Classical Association conference, Cambridge University. 22nd April 2023.
‘The Curriculum for Wales’. The Council for Subject Associations conference, online. 21st March 2023.
‘Linking research to practice: Placements, public engagement and the PhD’. Linguistics Engagement Group, University of Birmingham. 20th September 2022.
‘Exploring the effects of explicit etymology and morphology teaching at the transition from primary to secondary school’. Vocabulary Studies Special Interest Group conference for the British Association of Applied Linguistics, Exeter University. 18th-19th July 2022.
‘Report on the oracy education strategy development for the English-Speaking Union in South Wales’. English-Speaking Union South Wales conference, 19th May 2022.
‘Exploring data analysis methods for mixed methods language education research’. Centre for Language and Communication Research Postgraduate Conference, Cardiff University, 19th June 2022.
‘Children’s vocabulary development: Exploring explicit etymology and morphology teaching at the transition from primary to secondary school’. Centre for Language and Communication Research seminar series, Cardiff University, 2nd November 2021.
‘Developing an evidence-informed education profession in Wales: A review of research evidence’. British Education Research Association, 14th-16th September 2021.
‘The impact of professional learning on practitioners, pupils and school improvement: An evidence review’, Welsh Government National Strategy for Education Research and Enquiry seminar series, 29th June 2021.
‘Developing an evidence-informed education profession in Wales: A review of international evidence’. Welsh Government National Strategy for Education Research and Enquiry seminar series, 29th March 2021.
‘Investigating the impact of explicit etymology and morphology teaching on children’s vocabulary development at the transition from primary to secondary school’, British Education Research Association Early Career Network Symposium, 29th June 2021.
‘Adapting the methodology: A plan B case study for conducting schools-based research in the time of Covid-19’, Arts and Humanities Research Council South West and Wales Doctoral Training Partnership conference, 12th November 2020.
Committees and reviewing
- 2021 - present: Treasurer for the Linguistics and Knowledge about Language in Education (British Association of Applied Linguistics Special Interest Group).
- 2021 - 2023: Postgraduate seminar series co-ordinator, Centre for Language and Communication Research, Cardiff University.
- 2021 - 2023: Postgraduate tutors representative for the School of English, Communication and Philosophy, Cardiff University.
- 2020 - 2023: Chair of the South Wales Young Person's Committee for the English-Speaking Union charity.
- 2020 - 2023: Deputy Education Co-ordinator for the South Wales branch of the English-Speaking Union.
- 2019 - 2021: Co-founder and Ediotr of the Postgraduate e-journal SPiLL, Cardiff University.
Conference organisation
- Lead host and organiser for the Linguistics and Knowledge about Language in Education British Association of Applied Linguistics Special Interest Group annual conference. ‘Developing explicit literacy and oracy skills’, Cardiff University, 19th May 2023.
- Empowering students via knowledge of language variation and change. British Association of Applied Linguistics Special Interest Group annual conference. 29th-30th April 2022. Online. Treasurer on the organising committee led by Dr. Sally Zacharias and Dr. Victorina González Díaz.
- Knowledge about language and linguistics in different educational contexts. British Association of Applied Linguistics Special Interest Group annual conference. 7th-8th May 2021. Online. Treasurer on the organising committee led by Dr. Sally Zacharias and Dr. Victorina González Díaz
Contact Details
Research themes
- Applied linguistics and educational linguistics
- Child language acquisition
- English and literacy curriculum and pedagogy