Research interests
- Early Sanskrit literature, especially the Sanskrit Mahabharata.
Research projects
- Annotated translation of the Mahabharata's Dronaparvan.
- Transdisciplinary Approaches to the Ramayana and Mahabharata.
- Text, Translation, and Interpretation of the Early Krishna Story: the Cardiff Harivamsha Project.
- The History of Genealogy, the Genealogy of History: Family and the Narrative Construction of the Significant Past in Early South Asia.
- Epic Constructions: Gender, Myth, and Society in the Mahabharata.
- Brodbeck, S. 2024. After the War: The Last Books of the Mahabharata, translated by Wendy Doniger [Book Review]. Religions of South Asia 18(3), pp. 408-411. (10.1558/rosa.31154)
- Brodbeck, S. 2024. Temporal transitions and the character of the earth in the Mahābhārata. Journal of the British Association for the Study of Religions
- Brodbeck, S. 2024. World of wonders: The work of Adbhutarasa in the Mahābhārata and the Harivaṃśa, by Alf Hiltebeitel [Book Review]. Religions of South Asia 18(1–2), pp. 245-247. (10.1558/rosa.28987)
- Brodbeck, S. 2024. Dhṛtarāṣṭra reconsidered in light of the divine plan. In: Andrijanić, I. and Sellmer, S. eds. Dubrovnik International Conference on the Sanskrit Epics and Purāṇas. Zagreb: Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts
- Brodbeck, S. 2023. The Dharma of Justice in the Sanskrit Epics: Debates on Gender, Varna, and Species, by Ruth Vanita [Book review]. Sophia 62(4), pp. 747-749. (https://doi.org/10.1007/s11841-023-00978-9)
- Brodbeck, S. 2023. The Bhagavadgītā's determinism and world literature. In: Balkaran, R. and Taylor, M. eds. Visions and Revisions in Sanskrit Narrative: Studies in the Sanskrit Epics and Purāṇas. Canberra: Australian National University Press, pp. 227-249., (10.22459/VRSN.2023)
- Brodbeck, S. 2023. Harivaṃśa. In: Jacobsen, K. A. ed. Brill's Encyclopedia of Hinduism., Vol. 7. Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 2 South Asi Leiden: Brill, pp. 135-141.
- Brodbeck, S. 2023. Violence and peace in the Mahābhārata and Rāmāyaṇa. In: Paynter, H. and Power, M. eds. Violence and Peace in Sacred Texts: Interreligious Perspectives. Power, M. and Paynter, H. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 9-28., (10.1007/978-3-031-17804-7_2)
- Brodbeck, S. 2022. Who was it was cursed by the first śloka verse?. Religions of South Asia 16(2-3), pp. 158-183. (10.1558/rosa.24399)
- Brodbeck, S. 2022. Holst’s Sāvitri Libretto. Religions of South Asia 16(2-3), pp. 342-369. (10.1558/rosa.24408)
- Brodbeck, S. 2022. Divine descent and the four world-ages in the Mahābhārata – or, why does the Krsna Avatara inaugurate the worst yuga?. Cardiff: Cardiff University Press. (10.18573/book9)
- Brodbeck, S. 2022. The Viṣṇu Purāṇa: Ancient Annals of the God with Lotus Eyes, translated by McComas Taylor [Book Review]. Religions of South Asia 16(1), pp. 90-92. (10.1558/rosa.23307)
- Brodbeck, S. 2022. In Dialogue with the Mahābhārata, by Brian Black [Book Review]. Religions of South Asia 15(2), pp. 204-206. (10.1558/rosa.21002)
- Brodbeck, S. 2022. Mercy, my jewels! The Syamantaka, Aśvatthāman's maṇi, and the earrings. In: Andrijanić, I., Sellmer, S. and Jezic, M. eds. Mythic Landscapes and Argumentative Trails in Sanskrit Epic Literature: Dubrovnik International Conference on the Sanskrit Epics and Puranas (DICSEP 6). Zagreb: Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, pp. 233-274.
- Brodbeck, S. 2021. Philology and criticism: a Guide to Mahābhārata Textual Criticism, by Vishwa Adluri and Joydeep Bagchee [Book Review]. International Journal of Hindu Studies 25(3), pp. 300-302. (10.1007/s11407-021-09308-5)
- Brodbeck, S. 2021. What difference does the Harivaṃśa make to the Mahābhārata?. Journal of the American Oriental Society 141(1), pp. 73-92.
- Brodbeck, S. 2021. Patrilocality in the Harivaṃśa’s Viṣṇuparvan. Religions of South Asia 13(3), pp. 266-288. (10.1558/rosa.19011)
- Brodbeck, S. 2021. Interpretation of Baladeva and Yamunā at Harivaṃśa 83. International Journal of Hindu Studies 24(3), pp. 313-343. (10.1007/s11407-020-09281-5)
- Brodbeck, S. 2020. The end of the Pāṇḍavas’ year in disguise. Journal of Hindu Studies 13(3), pp. 320-346. (10.1093/jhs/hiaa019)
- Brodbeck, S. 2020. Daśaratha’s horse sacrifice in the Rāmāyaṇa. Orientalia Suecana 69, pp. 1-28.
- Brodbeck, S. ed. 2019. Krishna's Lineage: the Harivamsha of Vyāsa's Mahābhārata, Translated from the Sanskrit.Brodbeck, S. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.
- Brodbeck, S. 2019. Translating Vaidya's Harivaṃśa. Asian Literature and Translation: A Journal of Religion and Culture 6(1), pp. 1-187. (10.18573/alt.45)
- Brodbeck, S. 2019. Harivamsha. In: Jacobsen, K. A. et al. eds. Brill’s Encyclopedia of Hinduism Online. Brill, (10.1163/2212-5019_beh_COM_1010069028)
- Brodbeck, S. 2018. Re-ending the Mahābhārata: the rejection of dharma in the Sanskrit epic, by Naama Shalom [Book Review]. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 81(1), pp. 154-156. (10.1017/S0041977X18000022)
- Brodbeck, S., Bowles, A. and Hiltebeitel, A. eds. 2018. The churning of the epics and puranas: Proceedings of the epics and puranas section at the 15th world sanskrit Conference. New Delhi: Dev Publishers & Distributors.
- Brodbeck, S., Bowles, A. and Hiltebeitel, A. 2018. Preface. In: Brodbeck, S., Bowles, A. and Hiltebeitel, A. eds. The Churning of the Epics and Puranas: Proceedings of the Epics and Puranas Section at the 15th World Sanskrit Conference. New Delhi: Dev Publishers & Distributors, pp. viii-ix.
- Brodbeck, S. 2018. Trishanku, Harishchandra, and the rajasuya. In: Brodbeck, S., Bowles, A. and Hiltebeitel, A. eds. The Churning of the Epics and Puranas: Proceedings of the Epics and Puranas Section at the 15th World Sanskrit Conference. New Delhi: Dev Publishers & Distributors, pp. 264-283.
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2018. The Upanishads and the Bhagavadgita. In: Cohen, S. ed. The Upanishads: A Complete Guide. London: Routledge, pp. 200-218.
- Hegarty, J. M. and Brodbeck, S. 2017. An appreciation of, and tribute to, Will Johnson on the occasion of his retirement. Asian Literature and Translation 4(1), pp. 1-32. (10.18573/j.2017.10128)
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2017. Compilation of the Bhagavad Gita. In: Curta, F. and Holt, A. eds. Great Events in Religion: an Encyclopedia of Pivotal Events in Religious History. Volume 1: Prehistory to AD 600. Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO, pp. 112-114.
- Brodbeck, S. 2016. Letter to the Editor: the Mahabharata. Times Literary Supplement(5931), article number: p.6.
- Brodbeck, S. 2016. Mapping masculinities in the Sanskrit Mahabharata and Ramayana. In: Zsolnay, I. ed. Being a Man: Negotiating Ancient Constructs of Masculinity. Studies in the History of the Ancient Near East London: Routledge, pp. 125-149.
- Brodbeck, S. 2016. Feeding the dead: ancestor worship in ancient India, by Matthew R. Sayers. [Book Review].. Religions of South Asia 9(2), pp. 250-254. (10.1558/rosa.v9i2.24664)
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2016. Upakhyanas and the Harivamsha. In: Adluri, V. and Bagchee, J. eds. Argument and Design: the Unity of the Mahabharata. Leiden: Brill, pp. 388-427.
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2016. Collins, Brian. The head beneath the altar: Hindu mythology and the critique of sacrifice. [Book Review]. The Journal of Religion 96(1), pp. 127-129. (10.1086/683808)
- Brodbeck, S. 2016. Krishna et ses métamorphoses dans les traditions indiennes: Récits d’enfance autour du Harivamsha, by André Couture and Christine Chojnacki [Book Review]. Religions of South Asia 10(3), pp. 327-329. (10.1558/rosa.35346)
- Brodbeck, S. 2014. On the lineal significance of the Rajasuya in the Mahabharata. Indologica Taurinensia 38, pp. 27-63.
- Brodbeck, S. 2014. Refuge and reform: snakes, gleaners, and nishadas in early kavya. In: Ciotti, G., Gornall, A. and Visigalli, P. eds. Pushpika: Tracing Ancient India through Texts and Traditions. Contributions to Current Research in Indology, Volume 2. Oxford: Oxbow Books, pp. 1-34.
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2013. The story of Savitri in the Mahabharata: a lineal interpretation. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 23(4), pp. 527-549. (10.1017/S1356186313000424)
- Brodbeck, S. 2013. Some textological observations on the analytic and synthetic modes. In: Adluri, V. ed. Ways and Reasons for Thinking about the Mahabharata as a Whole. Pune: Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, pp. 135-154.
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2013. Harivamsha. Oxford Bibliographies: Hinduism
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2012. Vaishampayana's Mahabharata patriline. In: Brockington, J. ed. Battle, Bards and Brahmins. Papers of the 13th World Sanskrit Conference Vol. 2. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, pp. 1-38.
- Brodbeck, S. P. and Hegarty, J. M. 2012. Genealogy and history in South Asia (Religions of South Asia, special issue): introduction. Religions of South Asia 5(1-2), pp. 5-28. (10.1558/rosa.v5i1/2.5)
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2012. Solar and lunar lines in the Mahabharata. Religions of South Asia 5(1-2), pp. 127-152. (10.1558/rosa.v5i1/2.127)
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2012. Putrika interpretation of the Mahabharata.. Samskritavimarshaha: Journal of the Rashtriya Sanskrit Santhan 6, pp. 143-159.
- Brodbeck, S. 2012. Dialogics of self, the Mahabharata and culture: the history of understanding and understanding of history, by Lakshmi Bandlamudi [Book Review]. Relegere: Studies in Religion and Reception 2(2), pp. 373-378.
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2011. Dharma. by Alf Hiltebeitel [Book Review]. Journal of Hindu Studies 4(1), pp. 101-103. (10.1093/jhs/hir003)
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2011. Bhagavad Gita. Oxford Bibliographies: Hinduism
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2011. Mahābhārata. Oxford Bibliographies: Hinduism
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2011. Rāmāyaṇa. Oxford Bibliographies: Hinduism
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2011. Analytic and synthetic approaches in light of the critical edition of the Mahabharata and Harivamsha. Journal of Vaishnava Studies 19(2), pp. 223-250.
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2011. The rejection of Shakuntala in the Mahabharata: dynastic considerations. In: Sengupta, S. and Tandon, D. eds. Revisiting Abhijnanashakuntalam: Love, Lineage and Language in Kalidasa's Nataka. New Delhi: Orient Blackswan, pp. 219-237.
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2011. Sanskrit epics: the Ramayana, Mahabharata and Harivamsha. In: Frazier, J. ed. The Continuum Companion to Hindu Studies. Continuum Companions London: Continuum, pp. 83-99.
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2010. Cardiff University International Workshop on 'Genealogy and History in South Asia' [Conference Report]. Bulletin of the British Association for the Study of Religions 117, pp. 13-15.
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2010. The Rāmāyaṇa of Vālmīki: an epic of ancient India. Volume VI: Yuddhakāṇḍa. trans Robert P. Goldman, Sally J. Sutherland Goldman, and Barend A. van Nooten. [Book Review]. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 20(4), pp. 556-559. (10.1017/S1356186310000374)
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2010. Jaiminīya Āśvamedhika Parva in the Mahābhārata, trans. Shekhar Sen ed. Pradip Bhattacharya [Book Review]. Religions of South Asia 4(1), pp. 125-127. (10.1558/rosa.v4i1.125)
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2010. Strī: women in epic Mahābhārata by Kevin McGrath [Book Review]. Indo-Iranian Journal 53(1), pp. 89-94. (10.1163/001972410X12686674794736)
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2010. Desire and motivation in Indian philosophy by Christopher G. Framarin [Book Review]. Religious Studies 46(1), pp. 135-140. (10.1017/S0034412509990461)
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2009. The Mahabharata Patriline: Gender, culture, and the royal hereditary. Farnham: Ashgate.
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2009. Janamejaya's big brother: new light on the Mahabharata's frame story.. Religions of South Asia 2(2), pp. 161-176.
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2009. The Bharadvaja pattern in the Mahabharata. In: Koskikallio, P. ed. Parallels and Comparisons: Proceedings of the Fourth Dubrovnik International Conference on the Sanskrit Epics and Puranas, September 2005. Zagreb: Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, pp. 137-179.
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2009. Husbands of earth: Kshatriyas, females, and female Kshatriyas in the Striparvan of the Mahabharata. In: Goldman, R. and Tokunaga, M. eds. Epic Undertakings. Papers of the 12th World Sanskrit Conference Vol. 2. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, pp. 33-63.
- Brodbeck, S. 2008. The table is laid: the Oxford anthology of South Asian food writing, ed. John Thieme and Ira Raja [Book Review]. Culture and Religion 9(2), pp. 199-201. (10.1080/14755610802211601)
- Brodbeck, S. and Black, B. eds. 2007. Gender and narrative in the Mahabharata. Routledge Hindu Studies Series. London: Routledge.
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2007. Stages and transitions: temporal and historical frameworks in Epic and Puranic literature. Mary Brockington ed. Epics, Khilas, and Purānas: continuities and ruptures. Petteri Koskikallio ed. [Book Review]. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 17(1), pp. 81-86. (10.1017/S135618630633684X)
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2007. Gendered soteriology: marriage and the Karmayoga.. In: Brodbeck, S. P. and Black, B. eds. Gender and Narrative in the Mahabharata. Routledge Hindu Studies Series London: Routledge, pp. 144-175.
- Brodbeck, S. P. and Black, B. 2007. Introduction. In: Brodbeck, S. P. and Black, B. eds. Gender and Narrative in the Mahabharata. Routledge Hindu Studies Series London: Routledge, pp. 1-34.
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2007. Cricket and the Karmayoga: a comparative study of peak performance. Sport in Society 10(5), pp. 787-801. (10.1080/17430430701442488)
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2007. Mahābhārata book two: The Great Hall, trans. Paul Wilmot. Mahābhārata book three: The Forest, volume four, trans. W. J. Johnson. Mahābhārata book four: Virāṭa, trans. Kathleen Garbutt. Mahābhārata book seven: Droṇa, volume one, trans. Vaughan Pilikian. Mahābhārata book eight: Karṇa, volume one, trans. Adam Bowles. Mahābhārata book nine: Salya, volume one, trans. Justin Meiland [Book Review]. Religions of South Asia 1(1), pp. 132-134.
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2006. Myth and ideology of the Imperial Kshatriya: viewing the Mahabharata from here and now. Journal of Vaishnava Studies 14(2), pp. 93-102.
- Brodbeck, S. P. and Black, B. 2006. Mahabharata conference: introduction. Journal of Vaishnava Studies 14(2), pp. 1-8.
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2006. Pancha-Kanya by Pradip Bhattacharya: the five virgins of Indian epics. A quest in search of meaning [Book Review]. South Asia Research 26(1), pp. 101-105. (10.1177/026272800602600109)
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2006. Ekalavya and Mahabharata 1.121-28. International Journal of Hindu Studies 10(1), pp. 1-34. (10.1007/s11407-006-9000-x)
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2005. Epic constructions: gender, myth and society in the Mahabrahata: SOAS, University of London, 7-9 July 2005 [Conference Report]. Bulletin of the British Association for the Study of Religions 106, pp. 37-40.
- Brodbeck, S. 2005. Origins of Sanskrit [Letter]. The Guardian(2 Apr), pp. 8-8.
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2005. The Mahābhārata, volume 7: book 11, The Book of Women; book 12, The Book of Peace, part one, trans James L. Fitzgerald [Book Review]. South Asia Research 25(2), pp. 238-243. (10.1177/026272800502500213)
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2004. The story of Ekalavya in the Mahabharata. In: Leslie, J. and Clark, M. eds. Creating a Dialogue: Text, Belief and Personal Identity. Proceedings of the Valmiki Studies Workshop 2004. London: School of Oriental and African Studies, pp. 15-24.
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2004. Calling Krishna's bluff: non-attached action in the Bhagavadgita. Journal of Indian Philosophy 32(1), pp. 81-103. (10.1023/B:INDI.0000014005.76726.ea)
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2003. Krishna's action as the paradigm of asakta karman in the Bhagavadgita.. In: Czekalska, R. and Marlewicz, H. eds. 2nd International Conference on Indian Studies: Proceedings. Cracow Indological Studies Vol. 4-5. Cracow: Ksiegarnia Akademicka, pp. 85-112.
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2003. Introduction. In: The Bhagavad Gita, trans Mascaro, J. Penguin Classics London: Penguin, pp. ix-xxxii.
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2002. Asakta Karman (Action without Attachment) in the Bhagavadgita. PhD Thesis, University of London.
- Pupynin, O. and Brodbeck, S. P. 2001. Religious experience in London. Project Report. Lampeter: Religious Experience Research Centre.
- Brodbeck, S. 2024. After the War: The Last Books of the Mahabharata, translated by Wendy Doniger [Book Review]. Religions of South Asia 18(3), pp. 408-411. (10.1558/rosa.31154)
- Brodbeck, S. 2024. Temporal transitions and the character of the earth in the Mahābhārata. Journal of the British Association for the Study of Religions
- Brodbeck, S. 2024. World of wonders: The work of Adbhutarasa in the Mahābhārata and the Harivaṃśa, by Alf Hiltebeitel [Book Review]. Religions of South Asia 18(1–2), pp. 245-247. (10.1558/rosa.28987)
- Brodbeck, S. 2023. The Dharma of Justice in the Sanskrit Epics: Debates on Gender, Varna, and Species, by Ruth Vanita [Book review]. Sophia 62(4), pp. 747-749. (https://doi.org/10.1007/s11841-023-00978-9)
- Brodbeck, S. 2022. Who was it was cursed by the first śloka verse?. Religions of South Asia 16(2-3), pp. 158-183. (10.1558/rosa.24399)
- Brodbeck, S. 2022. Holst’s Sāvitri Libretto. Religions of South Asia 16(2-3), pp. 342-369. (10.1558/rosa.24408)
- Brodbeck, S. 2022. The Viṣṇu Purāṇa: Ancient Annals of the God with Lotus Eyes, translated by McComas Taylor [Book Review]. Religions of South Asia 16(1), pp. 90-92. (10.1558/rosa.23307)
- Brodbeck, S. 2022. In Dialogue with the Mahābhārata, by Brian Black [Book Review]. Religions of South Asia 15(2), pp. 204-206. (10.1558/rosa.21002)
- Brodbeck, S. 2021. Philology and criticism: a Guide to Mahābhārata Textual Criticism, by Vishwa Adluri and Joydeep Bagchee [Book Review]. International Journal of Hindu Studies 25(3), pp. 300-302. (10.1007/s11407-021-09308-5)
- Brodbeck, S. 2021. What difference does the Harivaṃśa make to the Mahābhārata?. Journal of the American Oriental Society 141(1), pp. 73-92.
- Brodbeck, S. 2021. Patrilocality in the Harivaṃśa’s Viṣṇuparvan. Religions of South Asia 13(3), pp. 266-288. (10.1558/rosa.19011)
- Brodbeck, S. 2021. Interpretation of Baladeva and Yamunā at Harivaṃśa 83. International Journal of Hindu Studies 24(3), pp. 313-343. (10.1007/s11407-020-09281-5)
- Brodbeck, S. 2020. The end of the Pāṇḍavas’ year in disguise. Journal of Hindu Studies 13(3), pp. 320-346. (10.1093/jhs/hiaa019)
- Brodbeck, S. 2020. Daśaratha’s horse sacrifice in the Rāmāyaṇa. Orientalia Suecana 69, pp. 1-28.
- Brodbeck, S. 2019. Translating Vaidya's Harivaṃśa. Asian Literature and Translation: A Journal of Religion and Culture 6(1), pp. 1-187. (10.18573/alt.45)
- Brodbeck, S. 2018. Re-ending the Mahābhārata: the rejection of dharma in the Sanskrit epic, by Naama Shalom [Book Review]. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 81(1), pp. 154-156. (10.1017/S0041977X18000022)
- Hegarty, J. M. and Brodbeck, S. 2017. An appreciation of, and tribute to, Will Johnson on the occasion of his retirement. Asian Literature and Translation 4(1), pp. 1-32. (10.18573/j.2017.10128)
- Brodbeck, S. 2016. Letter to the Editor: the Mahabharata. Times Literary Supplement(5931), article number: p.6.
- Brodbeck, S. 2016. Feeding the dead: ancestor worship in ancient India, by Matthew R. Sayers. [Book Review].. Religions of South Asia 9(2), pp. 250-254. (10.1558/rosa.v9i2.24664)
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2016. Collins, Brian. The head beneath the altar: Hindu mythology and the critique of sacrifice. [Book Review]. The Journal of Religion 96(1), pp. 127-129. (10.1086/683808)
- Brodbeck, S. 2016. Krishna et ses métamorphoses dans les traditions indiennes: Récits d’enfance autour du Harivamsha, by André Couture and Christine Chojnacki [Book Review]. Religions of South Asia 10(3), pp. 327-329. (10.1558/rosa.35346)
- Brodbeck, S. 2014. On the lineal significance of the Rajasuya in the Mahabharata. Indologica Taurinensia 38, pp. 27-63.
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2013. The story of Savitri in the Mahabharata: a lineal interpretation. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 23(4), pp. 527-549. (10.1017/S1356186313000424)
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2013. Harivamsha. Oxford Bibliographies: Hinduism
- Brodbeck, S. P. and Hegarty, J. M. 2012. Genealogy and history in South Asia (Religions of South Asia, special issue): introduction. Religions of South Asia 5(1-2), pp. 5-28. (10.1558/rosa.v5i1/2.5)
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2012. Solar and lunar lines in the Mahabharata. Religions of South Asia 5(1-2), pp. 127-152. (10.1558/rosa.v5i1/2.127)
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2012. Putrika interpretation of the Mahabharata.. Samskritavimarshaha: Journal of the Rashtriya Sanskrit Santhan 6, pp. 143-159.
- Brodbeck, S. 2012. Dialogics of self, the Mahabharata and culture: the history of understanding and understanding of history, by Lakshmi Bandlamudi [Book Review]. Relegere: Studies in Religion and Reception 2(2), pp. 373-378.
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2011. Dharma. by Alf Hiltebeitel [Book Review]. Journal of Hindu Studies 4(1), pp. 101-103. (10.1093/jhs/hir003)
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2011. Bhagavad Gita. Oxford Bibliographies: Hinduism
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2011. Mahābhārata. Oxford Bibliographies: Hinduism
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2011. Rāmāyaṇa. Oxford Bibliographies: Hinduism
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2011. Analytic and synthetic approaches in light of the critical edition of the Mahabharata and Harivamsha. Journal of Vaishnava Studies 19(2), pp. 223-250.
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2010. Cardiff University International Workshop on 'Genealogy and History in South Asia' [Conference Report]. Bulletin of the British Association for the Study of Religions 117, pp. 13-15.
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2010. The Rāmāyaṇa of Vālmīki: an epic of ancient India. Volume VI: Yuddhakāṇḍa. trans Robert P. Goldman, Sally J. Sutherland Goldman, and Barend A. van Nooten. [Book Review]. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 20(4), pp. 556-559. (10.1017/S1356186310000374)
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2010. Jaiminīya Āśvamedhika Parva in the Mahābhārata, trans. Shekhar Sen ed. Pradip Bhattacharya [Book Review]. Religions of South Asia 4(1), pp. 125-127. (10.1558/rosa.v4i1.125)
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2010. Strī: women in epic Mahābhārata by Kevin McGrath [Book Review]. Indo-Iranian Journal 53(1), pp. 89-94. (10.1163/001972410X12686674794736)
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2010. Desire and motivation in Indian philosophy by Christopher G. Framarin [Book Review]. Religious Studies 46(1), pp. 135-140. (10.1017/S0034412509990461)
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2009. Janamejaya's big brother: new light on the Mahabharata's frame story.. Religions of South Asia 2(2), pp. 161-176.
- Brodbeck, S. 2008. The table is laid: the Oxford anthology of South Asian food writing, ed. John Thieme and Ira Raja [Book Review]. Culture and Religion 9(2), pp. 199-201. (10.1080/14755610802211601)
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2007. Stages and transitions: temporal and historical frameworks in Epic and Puranic literature. Mary Brockington ed. Epics, Khilas, and Purānas: continuities and ruptures. Petteri Koskikallio ed. [Book Review]. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 17(1), pp. 81-86. (10.1017/S135618630633684X)
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2007. Cricket and the Karmayoga: a comparative study of peak performance. Sport in Society 10(5), pp. 787-801. (10.1080/17430430701442488)
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2007. Mahābhārata book two: The Great Hall, trans. Paul Wilmot. Mahābhārata book three: The Forest, volume four, trans. W. J. Johnson. Mahābhārata book four: Virāṭa, trans. Kathleen Garbutt. Mahābhārata book seven: Droṇa, volume one, trans. Vaughan Pilikian. Mahābhārata book eight: Karṇa, volume one, trans. Adam Bowles. Mahābhārata book nine: Salya, volume one, trans. Justin Meiland [Book Review]. Religions of South Asia 1(1), pp. 132-134.
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2006. Myth and ideology of the Imperial Kshatriya: viewing the Mahabharata from here and now. Journal of Vaishnava Studies 14(2), pp. 93-102.
- Brodbeck, S. P. and Black, B. 2006. Mahabharata conference: introduction. Journal of Vaishnava Studies 14(2), pp. 1-8.
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2006. Pancha-Kanya by Pradip Bhattacharya: the five virgins of Indian epics. A quest in search of meaning [Book Review]. South Asia Research 26(1), pp. 101-105. (10.1177/026272800602600109)
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2006. Ekalavya and Mahabharata 1.121-28. International Journal of Hindu Studies 10(1), pp. 1-34. (10.1007/s11407-006-9000-x)
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2005. Epic constructions: gender, myth and society in the Mahabrahata: SOAS, University of London, 7-9 July 2005 [Conference Report]. Bulletin of the British Association for the Study of Religions 106, pp. 37-40.
- Brodbeck, S. 2005. Origins of Sanskrit [Letter]. The Guardian(2 Apr), pp. 8-8.
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2005. The Mahābhārata, volume 7: book 11, The Book of Women; book 12, The Book of Peace, part one, trans James L. Fitzgerald [Book Review]. South Asia Research 25(2), pp. 238-243. (10.1177/026272800502500213)
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2004. Calling Krishna's bluff: non-attached action in the Bhagavadgita. Journal of Indian Philosophy 32(1), pp. 81-103. (10.1023/B:INDI.0000014005.76726.ea)
Book sections
- Brodbeck, S. 2024. Dhṛtarāṣṭra reconsidered in light of the divine plan. In: Andrijanić, I. and Sellmer, S. eds. Dubrovnik International Conference on the Sanskrit Epics and Purāṇas. Zagreb: Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts
- Brodbeck, S. 2023. The Bhagavadgītā's determinism and world literature. In: Balkaran, R. and Taylor, M. eds. Visions and Revisions in Sanskrit Narrative: Studies in the Sanskrit Epics and Purāṇas. Canberra: Australian National University Press, pp. 227-249., (10.22459/VRSN.2023)
- Brodbeck, S. 2023. Harivaṃśa. In: Jacobsen, K. A. ed. Brill's Encyclopedia of Hinduism., Vol. 7. Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 2 South Asi Leiden: Brill, pp. 135-141.
- Brodbeck, S. 2023. Violence and peace in the Mahābhārata and Rāmāyaṇa. In: Paynter, H. and Power, M. eds. Violence and Peace in Sacred Texts: Interreligious Perspectives. Power, M. and Paynter, H. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 9-28., (10.1007/978-3-031-17804-7_2)
- Brodbeck, S. 2022. Mercy, my jewels! The Syamantaka, Aśvatthāman's maṇi, and the earrings. In: Andrijanić, I., Sellmer, S. and Jezic, M. eds. Mythic Landscapes and Argumentative Trails in Sanskrit Epic Literature: Dubrovnik International Conference on the Sanskrit Epics and Puranas (DICSEP 6). Zagreb: Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, pp. 233-274.
- Brodbeck, S. 2019. Harivamsha. In: Jacobsen, K. A. et al. eds. Brill’s Encyclopedia of Hinduism Online. Brill, (10.1163/2212-5019_beh_COM_1010069028)
- Brodbeck, S., Bowles, A. and Hiltebeitel, A. 2018. Preface. In: Brodbeck, S., Bowles, A. and Hiltebeitel, A. eds. The Churning of the Epics and Puranas: Proceedings of the Epics and Puranas Section at the 15th World Sanskrit Conference. New Delhi: Dev Publishers & Distributors, pp. viii-ix.
- Brodbeck, S. 2018. Trishanku, Harishchandra, and the rajasuya. In: Brodbeck, S., Bowles, A. and Hiltebeitel, A. eds. The Churning of the Epics and Puranas: Proceedings of the Epics and Puranas Section at the 15th World Sanskrit Conference. New Delhi: Dev Publishers & Distributors, pp. 264-283.
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2018. The Upanishads and the Bhagavadgita. In: Cohen, S. ed. The Upanishads: A Complete Guide. London: Routledge, pp. 200-218.
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2017. Compilation of the Bhagavad Gita. In: Curta, F. and Holt, A. eds. Great Events in Religion: an Encyclopedia of Pivotal Events in Religious History. Volume 1: Prehistory to AD 600. Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO, pp. 112-114.
- Brodbeck, S. 2016. Mapping masculinities in the Sanskrit Mahabharata and Ramayana. In: Zsolnay, I. ed. Being a Man: Negotiating Ancient Constructs of Masculinity. Studies in the History of the Ancient Near East London: Routledge, pp. 125-149.
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2016. Upakhyanas and the Harivamsha. In: Adluri, V. and Bagchee, J. eds. Argument and Design: the Unity of the Mahabharata. Leiden: Brill, pp. 388-427.
- Brodbeck, S. 2014. Refuge and reform: snakes, gleaners, and nishadas in early kavya. In: Ciotti, G., Gornall, A. and Visigalli, P. eds. Pushpika: Tracing Ancient India through Texts and Traditions. Contributions to Current Research in Indology, Volume 2. Oxford: Oxbow Books, pp. 1-34.
- Brodbeck, S. 2013. Some textological observations on the analytic and synthetic modes. In: Adluri, V. ed. Ways and Reasons for Thinking about the Mahabharata as a Whole. Pune: Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, pp. 135-154.
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2012. Vaishampayana's Mahabharata patriline. In: Brockington, J. ed. Battle, Bards and Brahmins. Papers of the 13th World Sanskrit Conference Vol. 2. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, pp. 1-38.
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2011. The rejection of Shakuntala in the Mahabharata: dynastic considerations. In: Sengupta, S. and Tandon, D. eds. Revisiting Abhijnanashakuntalam: Love, Lineage and Language in Kalidasa's Nataka. New Delhi: Orient Blackswan, pp. 219-237.
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2011. Sanskrit epics: the Ramayana, Mahabharata and Harivamsha. In: Frazier, J. ed. The Continuum Companion to Hindu Studies. Continuum Companions London: Continuum, pp. 83-99.
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2009. The Bharadvaja pattern in the Mahabharata. In: Koskikallio, P. ed. Parallels and Comparisons: Proceedings of the Fourth Dubrovnik International Conference on the Sanskrit Epics and Puranas, September 2005. Zagreb: Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, pp. 137-179.
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2009. Husbands of earth: Kshatriyas, females, and female Kshatriyas in the Striparvan of the Mahabharata. In: Goldman, R. and Tokunaga, M. eds. Epic Undertakings. Papers of the 12th World Sanskrit Conference Vol. 2. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, pp. 33-63.
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2007. Gendered soteriology: marriage and the Karmayoga.. In: Brodbeck, S. P. and Black, B. eds. Gender and Narrative in the Mahabharata. Routledge Hindu Studies Series London: Routledge, pp. 144-175.
- Brodbeck, S. P. and Black, B. 2007. Introduction. In: Brodbeck, S. P. and Black, B. eds. Gender and Narrative in the Mahabharata. Routledge Hindu Studies Series London: Routledge, pp. 1-34.
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2004. The story of Ekalavya in the Mahabharata. In: Leslie, J. and Clark, M. eds. Creating a Dialogue: Text, Belief and Personal Identity. Proceedings of the Valmiki Studies Workshop 2004. London: School of Oriental and African Studies, pp. 15-24.
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2003. Krishna's action as the paradigm of asakta karman in the Bhagavadgita.. In: Czekalska, R. and Marlewicz, H. eds. 2nd International Conference on Indian Studies: Proceedings. Cracow Indological Studies Vol. 4-5. Cracow: Ksiegarnia Akademicka, pp. 85-112.
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2003. Introduction. In: The Bhagavad Gita, trans Mascaro, J. Penguin Classics London: Penguin, pp. ix-xxxii.
- Brodbeck, S. 2022. Divine descent and the four world-ages in the Mahābhārata – or, why does the Krsna Avatara inaugurate the worst yuga?. Cardiff: Cardiff University Press. (10.18573/book9)
- Brodbeck, S. ed. 2019. Krishna's Lineage: the Harivamsha of Vyāsa's Mahābhārata, Translated from the Sanskrit.Brodbeck, S. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.
- Brodbeck, S., Bowles, A. and Hiltebeitel, A. eds. 2018. The churning of the epics and puranas: Proceedings of the epics and puranas section at the 15th world sanskrit Conference. New Delhi: Dev Publishers & Distributors.
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2009. The Mahabharata Patriline: Gender, culture, and the royal hereditary. Farnham: Ashgate.
- Brodbeck, S. and Black, B. eds. 2007. Gender and narrative in the Mahabharata. Routledge Hindu Studies Series. London: Routledge.
- Pupynin, O. and Brodbeck, S. P. 2001. Religious experience in London. Project Report. Lampeter: Religious Experience Research Centre.
- Brodbeck, S. P. 2002. Asakta Karman (Action without Attachment) in the Bhagavadgita. PhD Thesis, University of London.
Annotated Translation of the Mahabharata's Dronaparvan
I am involved in an international collaborative attempt to complete the English translation of the critically reconstituted Sanskrit Mahabharata that was begun in the late 1960s by J. A. B. van Buitenen. Since late 2020, I have been working on a lightly annotated translation of the Mahabharata's seventh book, the Dronaparvan. This book is 173 chapters long and narrates the events of the eleventh to fifteenth days of the eighteen-day war, during which the Kaurava army was led by Drona, the aged brahmin maestro.
Transdisciplinary Approaches to the Ramayana and Mahabharata
This open-ended project began in 2020 as a collaboration between myself, Laxshmi Greaves, and James Hegarty, with the aim of providing a platform for expanding and strengthening the dialogue between the disciplines within Indology and art history. An international online seminar series was held in the summer of 2021, and a volume of proceedings was published in 2022.
Text, Translation, and Interpretation of the Early Krishna Story: the Cardiff Harivamsha Project
This project ran in the Department of Religious and Theological Studies and was funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council from October 2011 to September 2014. Under the mentorship of Will Johnson, I produced an English translation of the Sanskrit Harivamsha as critically reconstituted in 118 chapters by P. L. Vaidya in 1969. I investigated the text-critical method that was used to reconstitute the text: how suitable was it for the Harivamsha, and what is the status of the critically reconstituted version? I also attempted to reevaluate the relationship between the Harivamsha and the Mahabharata.
The History of Genealogy, the Genealogy of History: Family and the Narrative Construction of the Significant Past in Early South Asia
Pre-modern South Asia has consistently but erroneously been presented as a land without 'history'; but in the Genealogy and History project (September 2008 to August 2011), James Hegarty and I explored how, in South Asia, 'family history' or 'genealogical narrative' has been an enduring resource for the formation and transformation of understandings of the past. Our key research question was: What is the role of genealogical narrative in early South Asia?
Family history has been used -- and is still used -- as something of a speculative laboratory in which to debate ideas of how one might, could, or should live (and much else besides). This project explored the forms and functions of family histories in Sanskrit literary and inscriptional sources. By doing so, it shed light on the cultural history of early South Asia, and also explored the ways in which human social groups originate, maintain, and transform understandings of the significant past. Funded by the AHRC.
Epic Constructions: Gender, Myth, and Society in the Mahabharata
This project was led by myself and Brian Black in the Department of the Study of Religions at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, from April 2004 to March 2007. It explored how issues of gender are used by the Sanskrit Mahabharata in terms of its narrative and its philosophy. It explored in historical context the text's construction of various normative gender roles, and it explored certain specific themes in the Mahabharata in detail, such as the relation between patriliny, kingship, and sacrifice; the significance of female listeners; the gendering of the philosophical ideas of purusha and prakriti; the bi-gendered representational dimension of royalty; the representation of ambiguous genders; and the dialogical construction of gendered identities. Funded by the AHRC.
- BA (Clare College, Cambridge, 1992).
- PGCE (King's College, London, 1993).
- MA, PhD (School of Oriental and African Studies, London, 1995, 2002).
- Lecturer, Department of Asian Studies (Sanskrit), Edinburgh University (2002--2004).
- Research Assistant, Department of the Study of Religions, School of Oriental and African Studies, London (2004--2007).
- Translator and Editor, Clay Sanskrit Library, Wolfson College, Oxford (2007--2008).
- Lecturer (2008--2013), Serious Brain Power Fellow (2012--2017), Reader (2013--2023), then Professor (since 2023), Department of Religious and Theological Studies, Cardiff University.
Professional memberships
- British Association for the Study of Religions
- Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland