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Emmanuel Brousseau  PhD, CEng, FHEA, FIMechE

Professor Emmanuel Brousseau

PhD, CEng, FHEA, FIMechE

Media commentator
Available for postgraduate supervision

Teams and roles for Emmanuel Brousseau


Emmanuel is a Professor at Cardiff School of Engineering. He is also the Head of Teaching for the Department of Mechanical and Medical Engineering within the School. His current research interest lies in the field of advanced manufacturing technologies with a specific focus on nano mechanical machining (i.e. AFM probe-based) and micro thermal machining (i.e laser-based). He teaches Mathematics for first year Mechanical and Medical Engineering students as well as Reliability Engineering to MEng and MSc students. He is also responsible for the delivery of CAD labs in the first year and for the supervision of individual undergraduate and MSc projects. He received Teaching of the Year awards in 2017 and 2024 for modules EN1090 (Engineering Analysis) and EN4110 (Mechatronics), respectively, and was shortlisted for an Enriching Student Life Award in 2022 in the category of Most Innovative Staff Member of the Year.

Prior to his first appointment as a Lecturer in 2012, he was the recipient of a five-year Academic Fellowship from the Research Councils UK. Emmanuel has published more than 100 peer-reviewed scientific papers (including over 70 journal papers), principally in the area of advanced manufacturing. 

Emmanuel has secured, as Principal Investigator (PI), research income for a total value of £1.2m. This includes three EPSRC Grants (EP/I012133/1, EP/M020703/1 and EP/T01489X/1). He has also been co-investigator on projects worth £1.1m, which comprise two EPSRC grants (EP/F056745/1 and EP/K031635/1). Finally, he has also served as acting PI on two FP7 projects (MULTILAYER and POLARIC) for a combined value of £1.1m.























  • Dimov, S. S., Brousseau, E. B. J. P. and Setchi, R. 2005. Automatic extraction of rules for feature recognition in solid models. Presented at: 1st I*PROMS: Intelligent Production Machines and Systems, Online, 4-15 July 2005 Presented at Pham, D. ed.Intelligent Production Machines And Systems - First I*proms Virtual Conference Proceedings. Elsevier pp. 49-54.



Book sections





AFM-based nano-machining: developing and validating a novel modelling approach for effective process implementation in nanotechnology applications Brousseau E, Kulasegaram S, Read D (PHYSX)EPSRCPrinicpal investigator£692,6562020  - 2023
Novel instrumentation for high-speed AFM-based nano machiningBrousseau E, Read D (PHYSX), Bowen C (Bath University)EPSRCPrinicpal investigator£314,1722015 - 2018
Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) InstrumentationBrousseau E, Evans S, Qiu C, Pacella M, Eaton M, Bernechea M, Garcia Rocha V, Smowton P, Williams O, Caroff-Gaonac'h P, Davies P, He Q, Prokopovich PCardiff University Research Infrastructure FundPrinicpal investigator£51,7322017
Feasibility of optimising corona discharge surface activation of polystyrene micro wells to increase production efficiency and performance of in vitro clinical diagnostic testsBrousseau E, Marsh JMRCPrinicpal investigator£13,7412016
Selective modification of the microstructure of bulk metallic glass materials through pulsed laser processingBrousseau E, Harris K (CHEMY), Lavery N (Swansea University)Welsh Government Ser Cymru NRN schemePrinicpal investigator£69,9972014 - 2016
ECO-Laserfact: ECO-efficient LASER technology FACTories of the futureBigot S, Setchi RM, Brousseau E, Petkov P, Barrow DEuropean CommissionCo-Investigator£123,0912012 - 2015
Upgrading the small equipment base for early career researchers in the Engineering and Physical SciencesHolford K, Whatling G, Lees J, Anderson P I, Brousseau E, Cipcigan L M, Pullin R, Bigot S, Theobald P, Simpson R N, Kawashita L F, Clarke AEPSRCCo-Investigator£498,3262012 - 2013
Astute - Advanced Sustainable Manufacturing TechnologyNaim M (CARBS), Setchi R, Bigot S, Brousseau E, Prickett P, Davies A, Bowen P, Packianather M, Grosvenor RI (with CARBS)WEFOCo-Investigator£1,903,1172010 - 2015
Academic FellowshipProf R McNabb (CARBS), Brousseau EResearch Councils UKRecipient£83,3332007 - 2013
Printable, organic and large-area realisation of integrated circuits (POLARIC)Brousseau E, Hirshy H, Popov KBCommission of European CommunitiesActing Principal Investigator£753,0272010 - 2013
Nano ToolingBrousseau EEPSRCPrincipal Investigator£98,9952011 - 2012
Access to nanoscience and nanotechnology equipment at CardiffHutchings GJ, Bigot S, Bowker M, Brousseau E, Karihaloo BL, MacDonald JEEPSRCCo-Investigator£526,7572008 - 2012
Rolled multi material layered 3D shaping technology (MULTILAYER)Brousseau E, Petkov PVCommission of European CommunitiesActing Principal Investigator£251,5802008 - 2012
A novel solution for 3D tactile micro-measurementsDiomv S, Brousseau E, Fatikow S (Oldenburg University)British CouncilCo-Investigator£2,2002007 - 2009
Distinguished Visiting FellowshipBrousseau E, Fatikow SRoyal Academy of EngineeringPrincipal Investigator£4,8602008

Supervised Students

A Novel Modelling Approach to Enhance the Predictability of Nano-scale Mechanical MachiningSHEN HaoCurrentPhD
Low-cycle Fatigue Models Applied to High Frequency Tip-based Nano-machiningBAQUAIN SameehCurrentPhD
Nanosecond Laser Processing of a Zr-based Bulk Metallic Glass for Potential Orthopaedic Implant ApplicationsYANG JiaoGraduatePhD
Controlling Magnetic Domain Wall Pinning Using Atomic Force Microscope Tip-based NanomachiningJONES JoshGraduatePhD
Express Analysis of the Bluntness of AFM Probe TipsALRAZIQI Zaynab Naif RasheedGraduatePhD
Theoretical and Experimental Investigations about the AFM Tip-Based Nanomachining ProcessAL MUSAWI Raheem Sadoon JamelGraduatePhD
Characterisation of Tip Wear during AFM Probe-Based NanomachiningMUKHTAR Nur Farah Hafizah BintiGraduatePhD
Study of a Novel Material Solution for Vibration IsolationELDERRAT HaithemGraduatePhD
Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of Nanosecond Fibre Laser MicromachiningWILLIAMS EleriGraduatePhD
Hot Embossing Process Parameters: Simulation and Experimental StudiesOMAR FuadGraduatePhD
Beyond Lean: A Framework For Fit Production SystemsWILLIAMS Oludare AdebayoGraduatePhD
Novel Computational Technique For Determining Depth Using The Bees Algorithm and Blind Image DeconvolutionYUCE BarisGraduate PhD
Manipulation of Nanoparticles by Pushing Operations Using an Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)  GONZALEZ ROMO Mario JavierGraduatePhD


Honours and awards

  • Outstanding Associate Editor of the Year for the journal Manufacturing Letters published by the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (2021).
  • Visiting professor at Changchun University of Science and Technology (2021-2022).
  • Ranked by EPSRC in the top 6% of College members for participating in peer review activities during the academic years 2017/18 and 2019/20.
  • Teaching of the Year Award at Cardiff School of Engineering (2017).
  • Named as one of the three Scientific Chairs for the 2017 World Congress on Micro and Nano Manufacturing (March 27-30, 2017, Kaohsiung, Taiwan).
  • Nominated for an 'Enriching Student Life Award' at Cardiff University (2016, 2018, 2022, 2023).
  • Shortlisted for an 'Enriching Student Life Award' at Cardiff University (2022).
  • Top downloaded paper and inclusion in the '2014 Article Highlights' collection for the IOP Journal 'Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties' (2014).
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (2013).
  • Richard L. Kegg Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award from the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (2011).

Professional memberships

  • Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME): Senior Member
  • International Institution for MicroManufacturing (I2M2): Member
  • Chartered Engineer and Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers

Committees and reviewing

  • Funding bodies: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (UK), Slovenian Research Agency (Slovenia), German Research Foundation / Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) (Germany), the European Commission, the Leverhulme Trust (UK), Agence Nationale de la Recherche (France), Dutch Research Council / Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO) (The Netherlands), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada / Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et en génie du Canada (NSERC) (Canada).
  • PhD and EngD theses: external examiner at Strathclyde University (UK), Brunel University London (UK), Birmingham University (UK), Nottingham University (UK), Loughborough University (UK), the University of Huddersfield (UK), Swansea University (UK), the University of Franche-Comte (France), the University of Lyon (France) and the University of the Basque Country (Spain).
  • Associate editor for the journal Manufacturing Letters.
  • Youth editor for the International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing.


Current supervision

Zhihao Zhong

Zhihao Zhong

Jiangpeishan Zheng

Jiangpeishan Zheng

Shuai Zhu Zhu

Shuai Zhu Zhu

Contact Details