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Lesley Butcher

Ms Lesley Butcher


Senior Lecturer: Adult Nursing


I qualified as a Registered Nurse (Adult and Mental Health) in 1994 (Deakin University, Australia). During my career I have experienced a variety of roles and settings. These have included senior management positions, assessing and caring for older people and people living with dementia in hospitals, care homes and community settings. I am qualified to advanced practice level and am a non-medical prescriber. 

I have worked as a lecturer for Cardiff University since 2015, attaining promotion to Senior Lecturer in 2022. During this time I have gained experience in working alongside, and involving people with dementia in teaching, civic mission, curriculum development and different outputs including VLOG's and podcasts. 

In 2019 I was successful in a funding bid for a civic mission dementia project from HEFCW. I was Principal Investigator (PI) in qualitative focus group research, exploring Human Rights for people living with dementia in care homes. I led on all aspects including design, writing protocols, ethics application, group facilitation, thematic analysis, and dissemination.

In 2022 I was a Co-applicant in NIHR funded research into restrictive practices utilised with people with dementia who have been admitted to hospital and was funded for 20% FTE for 20 months. 

I am founder of a social care campaign titled ‘A Person Like Me’ which supports social care workers and interested public in upholding human rights for people with dementia

I have extensive teaching experience in dementia, and carried out essential mapping of dementia-related curriculum in the undergraduate nursing programme to ensure it reflects National guidance for Higher Education Institutions. I have been an invited international speaker on subjects related to dementia, emotional care, and experiential teaching methods. 

I am passionate about promoting dignity, and understanding the lived experience of the person requiring care. I have a Masters' degree in Psychotherapy and have a psychodynamic focus to my clinical work. I seek to convey the importance of empathy during my lectures and via experiential teaching methods.














In 2019 I led on some qualitative focus group research, which sought the perceptions of key stakeholders in ascertaining the barriers and facilitators to upholding human rights for people living with dementia in care homes. There were 7 focus groups of between 7-9 mixed participants including people living with dementia, care home workers (care assistants, managers, nurses and activities coordinators), family members of people with dementia, and student nurses. 

In previous years I have conducted research into 'Locus of Control' and the relationship to Behavioural Therapy (Biofeedback) for people with functional bowel disorders.


I teach on the Undergraduate Nursing Programme as well as the  Postgraduate Teaching and Masters' Programmes. My main teaching interest is in Dementia care and I teach varying elements of this accross all programmes.

Undergraduate Programme teaching and Return to Practice:

All dementia-related curriculum, mental Capacity and cognitive assessment, safeguarding. I am the lead for Global Health (year 2) spring module. 

Postgraduate and Masters Programme teaching:

Non-Medical Prescribing, Clinical Patient Assessment, Advanced Physical Assessment, 'At risk' adults (previously POVA) and Dementia Care. I lead 'Advanced Practice in the management of Minor Illness HCT352' module at level 7 and teach extensively on this. 


I have been working as a Lecturer in Nursing at Cardiff University since 2015, and attained academic promotion to Senior Lecturer in 2022. I completed my Bachelor of Nursing degree in 1994 at Deakin University, Geelong, Australia. I obtained my Masters' degree in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy at the Tavistock Centre in London in 2007. I have worked in both Adult and Mental Health Nursing fields throughout my career. I have lived and worked in the United Kingdom since 1999. During this time I have had a wide range of experience in hospitals and Community setting including (in reverse chroniological order with most recent first):

  • Nursing Home Manager (Homes specialising in Dementia care)
  • Clinical Nurse Specialist (Short stay, Nurse-led ward within a Community Hospital- physical/emotional/cogitive assessment and prescribing for mostly older people with medical conditions requiring short term interventions)
  • Community Matron (Case-managing, rapid response, assessment and prescribing for patients in the Community living with a range of long term conditions)
  • Community Chronic Disease Nurse Practitioner (Case-managing, rapid response, assessment and prescribing for patients in the Community who were living with chronic respiratory disease)
  • Respiratory Nurse Specialist (Within a GP practice, assessing and prescribing for patients with Asthma, COPD and other respiratory complaints)
  • Biofeedback Nurse Specialist (Nurse-led clinic for patients with functional bowel disorders)
  • Research Nurse (Coordinating local and Multi-centre studies with Gastrointestinal medicine)
  • Staff Nurse (Colorectal ward)
  • Staff Nurse (Prison ward)
  • Staff Nurse (General medical/surgical wards)
  • Qualified as a Registered Nurse at Deakin University in 1994.


Professional memberships

  • Royal College of Nursing
  • Nursing and Midwifery Council

Committees and reviewing

  • Editorial Board member for 'Signpost'; a journal specialising in Older People's Mental Health

Contact Details

Research themes


  • Aged care nursing
  • emotional intelligence