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Erminia Calabrese

Professor Erminia Calabrese

Director of Research
Astronomy Instrumentation Group and Astronomy Group
Cardiff Hub for Astrophysics Research and Technology


I am a cosmologist using observations of the relic light from the Big Bang, the cosmic microwave background (CMB), to constrain the properties of the Universe.

Here at Cardiff, I am a Professor working between the Astronomy & Astrophysics and the Astonomy Instrumentation groups.

























My research combines theoretical work with statistical data analysis to answer fundamental questions about the Universe. I lead work on characterising multi-frequency CMB microwave data, on combining data from satellite and ground-based experiments, and on extracting the underlying primordial CMB signal carrying the imprint of the physics of the early Universe, leading to state-of-the-art constraints on neutrino physics, inflation, dark matter and dark energy physics.

I am a member of many CMB experiments: I am a long-standing science member of the Atacama Cosmology Telescope, a Scientist of the Planck mission, and a full member of the Simons Observatory for which I chaired the Theory and Analysis Committee during 2019-23 and lead pipeline development for characterizing small-scale data. I am a full member of the proposed, Japanese-led LiteBIRD mission for which I also serve as UK National coordinator and Science Lead, and European Deputy Spokesperson for LiteBIRD-Europe.

I am also a full member of the LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration, and a member of the Euclid Collaboration, looking at how to combine low-redshift data with the CMB.


Career Overview

  • 2024-date    Director of Research - Cardiff University (UK)
  • 2019-2024   Deputy Director of Research - Cardiff University (UK)
  • 2019-date    Professor - Cardiff University (UK)
  • 2017-2019   Lecturer - Cardiff University (UK)
  • 2017-2022   STFC Ernest Rutherford Fellow - University of Oxford (UK) / Cardiff University (UK)
  • 2015-16       Lyman Spitzer Jr. Fellow - Princeton University (USA)
  • 2014-15       Beecroft Fellow - University of Oxford (UK)
  • 2011-14       PDRA in astrophysics and cosmology - University of Oxford (UK)


  • 2008-11     PhD  in Astronomy - Sapienza, Universita` di Roma (Ita)
  • 2006-08     Master (MSc) in Astronomy and Astrophysics - Sapienza, Universita` di Roma (Ita)
  • 2003-06     Bachelor (BSc) in Physics and Astrophysics - Sapienza, Universita` di Roma (Ita)


  • 2024    Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales
  • 2022    UKRI/STFC awards for SO:UK
  • 2022    Institute of Physics Fred Hoyle Medal and Prize, Learned Society of Wales Dillwyn Medal and Prize for STEMM
  • 2021    H2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) consortium grant
  • 2019    European Research Council Starting Grant
  • 2019    Giuseppe and Vanna Cocconi Prize for the Planck Team
  • 2018    Gruber prize in cosmology as a member of the Planck team
  • 2018    Royal Astronomical Society Group Achievement Award for the Planck Team
  • 2018    Marcel Grossman Award to the Planck scientific collaboration
  • 2016    STFC Ernest Rutherford Fellowship
  • 2012    Junior Research Fellowship (non-stipendiary), Wolfson College, Oxford
  • 2011    Tito Maiani prize for thesis in physics

Professional services

  • Review/Editorial Board
    • Reviewer for PRD, PRL, JCAP, ApJ, MNRAS, A&A.
    • Review for STFC, UKRI, Royal Society grants.
    • Editor for JCAP.
    • Panel Member for the Fundação para Ciência e a Tecnologia, I. P. (FCT), 4th edition of the ‘Stimulus of Scientific Employment, Individual Support Call’; External reviewer for the Italian ‘Valutazione Qualita` Ricerca Italiana, Scienze Fisiche’
    • Mentor for the UKRI Future Leaders Fellows Development Network Leadership Mentoring Programme 
  • Speaking Engagement
    • I get regular invitations to give seminars, colloquia and conference/workshop talks. Over the last 10 years I have spoken at Aachen, Rome, Tenerife, Royal Astronomical Society-London, Stockholm, Florence, Louvain, Kings College London, Leiden, EPFL-Lausanne, UCL-London, Liverpool, Cardiff, Portsmouth, Sussex, Cambridge, Queen Mary-London, Crete, Oxford, Imperial College-London, Durham, Manchester, Amsterdam, Bielefeld, Heidelberg, SISSA-Trieste, and Bonn in Europe; BNL/Brookhaven, Ann Arbor-Michigan, Cornell, IAS-Princeton, and Chicago in the USA; JAXA in Tokyo, and Kyoto Japan. In 2022 I was a guest speaker at the UK Research Office and Greenwich ERC Starting Grant webinars.
  • Memberships of Scientific Societies
    • 2016-date     Member of the Cosmology and Astrophysics Network for Theoretical Advances and Training Actions (CANTATA) supported by the European Cooperation in Science and Technology
    • 2015-date     Member of the International Astronomical Union
  • Committees
    • 2024/25     'The Dawn of Gravitational Waves Cosmology' workshop, Scientific organising committee
    • 2023          'ISAPP 2023: Neutrino physics, astrophysics and cosmology', Scientific organising committee
    • 2022          'Simons Observaory:UK community meeting', Scientific organising committee
    • 2022          ‘From Planck to the Future of CMB’, Scientific organising committee
    • 2021          ‘Cosmo21’, Convener of the CMB session; ‘CMB-S4 spring meeting’, Scientific organising committee
    • 2021-date  Board member of the Rome Astronomy, Astrophysics and Space Science PhD Program
    • 2019         ‘B-modes from space’, Munich (Germany), Scientific organising committee; ‘LSST:UK all hands meeting’, Cardiff (UK), Co-organiser
    • 2018-date  Ambassador for the Data Innovation Research Institute, Cardiff University
    • 2018-19     PhD admission committee, Cardiff Astronomy
    • 2018          ‘CMB UK Townhall meeting’, Royal Astronomical Society, London (UK), Co-organiser
    • 2017          PhD admission committee, Oxford Astrophysics
    • 2016          Symposium on ‘CMB polarization foregrounds’ at EWASS 2016, Athens, Greece, Co-organiser
    • 2016          LOC member of the LSST DESC Collaboration meeting, Oxford
    • 2016          Co-organiser of the Astrophysics journal club, Oxford
    • 2014          Co-organizer of the ACT Collaboration meeting, Oxford
    • 2012-13     Co-organiser of the cosmology seminars, Oxford
    • 2013          ‘Synergetic Science with Euclid and the Square Kilometre Array’ workshop, Oxford (UK), LOC member

  • Outreach
    • 2023          BBC Science Cafe, BBC Sky at night magazine podcast
    • 2022          Talk at the Guilford Astronomical Society
    • 2019          Podcast on the Hubble constant for Pythagorean Astronomy and BBC Wales
    • 2019          Talk at the Cardiff Sixth Form College for A-level students
    • 2018          Interviews for Nature Astronomy and New Scientist magazine
    • 2018          Panel member at "Beyond Einstein: The Future of Physics", the Cheltenham Science Festival, UK
    • 2017          Panel member at "The Universe: What Don't We Know", the Cheltenham Science Festival, UK
    • 2015-17     Interviews for Symmetry Magazine and New Scientist UK
    • 2011-15     Stargazing Oxford
    • 2013          Royal Societry Summer Science Exhibition, London


  • Hidde Jense, Phd student at Cardiff (2020-date) -- kSZ and reionization from CMB data
  • Charlotte Braithwaite, PhD student at Cardiff (2019-date) -- Simons Observatory optics characterization.
  • Christiane Lorenz, PhD student at the University of Oxfrod (2016-2019) -- constraining neutrino physics and dark energy with low- and high-redshift data.

During 2013-2017 I have served as Advisor for graduate students at Wolfson College, Oxford.

Current supervision

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 75031
Campuses Queen's Buildings, Room N/0.27, 5 The Parade, Newport Road, Cardiff, CF24 3AA