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Hannah Chandler

Miss Hannah Chandler

Research Associate

Available for postgraduate supervision


Research summary

The brain requires a constant supply of energy, where the flow of blood via an intricate network of blood vessels needs to be well choreographed to meet tissue energy demands. My research has revealed that young individuals with an increased genetic risk for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) have significantly reduced cerebral blood flow that remains consistent across the lifespan, where higher regional AD-risk gene expression is associated with reduced cerebral blood flow. My research along with others in the field of dementia has shown that breakdown in the regulation of the brain’s vascular system is one of the earliest detectable changes in Alzheimer’s disease. Therefore, targeting the brain’s vascular system for preventative strategies may help to alleviate vascular dysregulation in those at risk, and delay the progression of AD related pathophysiology.

I have supported the validation of novel MRI methods that have clinical utility for diagnosing vascular dysregulation in disease. I am now applying these novel MRI imaging methods to a number of clinical cohorts including multiple sclerosis, dementia, epilepsy, and rheumatoid arthritis. My work also involves the use of PET imaging methodologies to assess brain physiology. As an ECR in PET imaging I have teamed up with Dr Mattia Veronese and Professor Federico Turkheimer at King’s College London where we co-founded the PET Partnership UK (PPUK). The PPUK was developed to enable larger scale collaborations across the UK and beyond to tackle important research questions in the study of disease. It also provides a resource for ECR’s to find support with PET imaging study design, data collection and analysis.

For PPUK see:














ESRC - PhD funding

MRC - Confidence in Concept.

Research group

MRI methods development and application in health and disease.

Research collaborators


  • Professor Julie Williams (UK DRI)
  • Professor Neil Harrison (CUBRIC)
  • Professor Christopher Marshall (PETIC)
  • Professor Kevin Murphy (CUBRIC/Physics)
  • Professor Ernest Choy (Consultant clinician, Rheumatology)
  • Dr Chineze Ivenso (Consultant Psychiatrist at Aneurin Bevan, UHB)


  • Professor Felix Wehrli (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
  • Professor Xiang He (Stony Brook University, New York, USA)
  • Professor Federico Turkheimer and Dr Mattia Veronese (King's College London, UK)
  • Professor Alexander Hammers (King's College London, UK)
  • Professor Andy Jones (University of Exeter, UK)
  • Dr Thomas Lancaster (University of Bath)
  • Professor Clive Ballard and Dr Byron Creese (University of Exeter, UK).
  • Dr Axel Montagne (UK DRI, Edinburgh).
  • Professor Richard Wise (University of Chieti-Pescara, Italy)


BSc Psychology - Research Methods and Statistics

MSc Neuroimaging - MRI/fMRI methods and analysis

MSc Neuroimaging - MRI practical sessions.

MSc Neuroimaging - Journal clubs


Undergraduate education

  • Psychology with Neuropsychology (First class hons)

Postgraduate education

  • M.Sc Neuroimaging (Distinction)
  • Ph.D Cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging


  • Research associate MRC-CiC funded (December 2017 - April 2018)
  • Cardiff University Wellcome Trust Strategic Award post-doctoral research associate (April 2018- present)

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 74000 ext 20057
Campuses Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre, Maindy Road, Cardiff, CF24 4HQ