Dr Mark Connolly
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Teams and roles for Mark Connolly
I am a Reader in Education in the School of Social Sciences. I first studied in the School for Masters, PGCE and PhD qualifications. My doctoral study was an interdisciplinary study of culture, creativity and education in urban cultural regeneration. My theoretical interest in creativity in various policy spheres is the focus of my 2025 monograph. While I retain an interest in cultural policy and creativity, the main of area of research and teaching relates education and educational policy. My research focuses on range of educational projects relating to: creativity; outdoor and Forest School learning; routes into teaching; teacher education; professional leadership; children's rights; children's play. I have been the Welsh representative on the council of the British Education Research Association and have been editor of the British Educational Research Journal.
- Connolly, M. 2025. Creativity in education, urban and cultural policy: a critique of a contemporary keyword. Palgrave MacMillan.
- Davies, A. J., Morgan, A., Connolly, M. and Milton, E. 2024. Addysg yng Nghymru ers datganoli: Tair Ton Polisi, a'r her fawr o ran gweithredu. Wales Journal of Education 26(2), pp. 24-40. (10.16922/wje.26.2.3cym)
- James Davies, A., Morgan, A., Connolly, M. and Milton, E. 2024. Education in Wales since devolution: Three waves of policy and the pressing and reocurring challenge of implementation. Wales Journal of Education 26(2), pp. 23-38. (10.16922/wje.26.2.3)
- Milton, E., Morgan, A., Davies, A. J., Connolly, M., Donnelly, D. and Ellis, I. 2023. Framing headship: a demand-side analysis of how the headteacher role is articulated in job descriptions. International Journal of Leadership in Education 26(2), pp. 339-358. (10.1080/13603124.2020.1811898)
- Connolly, M. and Huges-Stanton, J. 2020. The professional role and identity of teachers in the private and state education sectors. British Journal of Sociology of Education 41(5), pp. 717-732. (10.1080/01425692.2020.1764333)
- Mannello, M. and Connolly, M. 2019. Opening the school gates: facilitating after-school play in school grounds. In: Alcock, S. and Stobbs, N. eds. Rethinking Play as Pedagogy. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 121-138.
- Smith, P. and Connolly, M. 2019. Care and education. a case study: Understanding professional roles and identities of teachers within a Welsh PRU. Cylchgrawn Addysg Cymru / Wales Journal of Education 21(1), pp. 65-88. (10.16922/wje.21.1.5)
- Tyrie, J., Sarwar, S., Dumitrescu, S., Mannello, M., Haughton, C., Ellis, C. and Connolly, M. 2019. Power, rights and play: control of play in school grounds, an action research project from Wales. Education 3-13 47(6), pp. 627-636. (10.1080/03004279.2018.1515968)
- Davies, A., Milton, E., Connolly, M. and Barrance, R. 2018. Headteacher recruitment, retention and professional development in Wales: challenges and opportunities. Cylchgrawn Addysg Cymru / Wales Journal of Education 20(2), pp. 204-224. (10.16922/wje.20.2.11)
- Baker, W. and Connolly, M. 2018. Educational research journals: a partial view from the UK. Revista Española de Pedagogía 76(271), pp. 437-448. (10.22550/REP76-3-2018-02)
- Connolly, M., Milton, E., Davies, A. J. and Barrance, R. 2018. Turning Heads: the impact of political reform on the professional role, identity and recruitment of head teachers in Wales.. British Educational Research Journal 44(4), pp. 608-625. (10.1002/berj.3450)
- Connolly, M., Hadfield, M., Barnes, Y. and Snook, J. 2018. The accommodation of contested identities: The impact of participation in a practice-based Masters Programme on Beginning Teachers’ professional identity and sense of agency.. Teaching and Teacher Education 71, pp. 241-250. (10.1016/j.tate.2018.01.010)
- Hadfield, M., Connolly, M., Barnes, Y. and Snook, J. 2017. Developing the capacity to support beginning teachers in Wales: Lessons learnt from the Masters in Educational Practice. Welsh Journal of Education 19(1), pp. 90-106. (10.16922/wje.19.1.5)
- Connolly, M. and Haughton, C. 2017. The perception, management and performance of risk amongst Forest School educators. British Journal of Sociology of Education 38(2), pp. 105-124. (10.1080/01425692.2015.1073098)
- Davies, P., Connolly, M., Nelson, J., Hulme, M., Kirkham, J. and Greenway, C. 2016. 'Letting the right one in': provider contexts for recruitment to initial teacher education in the United Kingdom. Teaching and Teacher Education 60, pp. 291-302. (10.1016/j.tate.2016.09.003)
- Connolly, M. 2016. Choosing appropriate research methods for an educational context. In: Palaiologou, I., Needham, D. and Male, T. eds. Doing Research in Education: Theory and Practice. Sage, pp. 135-156.
- Connolly, M. 2013. Extended Review: Economy, work and education: critical connections. British Journal of Sociology of Education 34(3), pp. 467-474., article number: 7. (10.1080/01425692.2013.773736)
- Connolly, M. 2013. The ‘Liverpool model(s)’: cultural planning, Liverpool and Capital of Culture 2008. International Journal of Cultural Policy 19(2), pp. 162-181.
- Power, S. A., Taylor, C. M., Lewis, J. T., Connolly, M., Thomas, G. and Jones, S. W. 2010. Realizing the ‘learning country'? Research activity and capacity within Welsh local authorities. Contemporary Wales 23(1), pp. 71-92.
- Power, S., Lewis, J. T., Taylor, C., Connolly, M., Thomas, G. and Wyn Jones, S. 2009. Local authorities and education research in Wales. The final report of LINK-Wales: the learning in Wales network. Technical Report.
- Connolly, M., Rees, G. M. and Furlong, C. 2008. The wider benefits of adult learning. Technical Report.
- Taylor, C. M., Connolly, M., Power, S. A. R. and Rees, G. M. 2007. Formative evaluation of the applied educational research scheme (AERS). Project Report. [Online]. Edinburgh: Education Information and Analytical Services, Scottish Government. Available at: http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2008/01/07140223/0
- Connolly, M. 2007. Capital and culture: An investigation into New Labour cultural policy and the European Capital of Culture 2008.. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Davies, A. J., Morgan, A., Connolly, M. and Milton, E. 2024. Addysg yng Nghymru ers datganoli: Tair Ton Polisi, a'r her fawr o ran gweithredu. Wales Journal of Education 26(2), pp. 24-40. (10.16922/wje.26.2.3cym)
- James Davies, A., Morgan, A., Connolly, M. and Milton, E. 2024. Education in Wales since devolution: Three waves of policy and the pressing and reocurring challenge of implementation. Wales Journal of Education 26(2), pp. 23-38. (10.16922/wje.26.2.3)
- Milton, E., Morgan, A., Davies, A. J., Connolly, M., Donnelly, D. and Ellis, I. 2023. Framing headship: a demand-side analysis of how the headteacher role is articulated in job descriptions. International Journal of Leadership in Education 26(2), pp. 339-358. (10.1080/13603124.2020.1811898)
- Connolly, M. and Huges-Stanton, J. 2020. The professional role and identity of teachers in the private and state education sectors. British Journal of Sociology of Education 41(5), pp. 717-732. (10.1080/01425692.2020.1764333)
- Smith, P. and Connolly, M. 2019. Care and education. a case study: Understanding professional roles and identities of teachers within a Welsh PRU. Cylchgrawn Addysg Cymru / Wales Journal of Education 21(1), pp. 65-88. (10.16922/wje.21.1.5)
- Tyrie, J., Sarwar, S., Dumitrescu, S., Mannello, M., Haughton, C., Ellis, C. and Connolly, M. 2019. Power, rights and play: control of play in school grounds, an action research project from Wales. Education 3-13 47(6), pp. 627-636. (10.1080/03004279.2018.1515968)
- Davies, A., Milton, E., Connolly, M. and Barrance, R. 2018. Headteacher recruitment, retention and professional development in Wales: challenges and opportunities. Cylchgrawn Addysg Cymru / Wales Journal of Education 20(2), pp. 204-224. (10.16922/wje.20.2.11)
- Baker, W. and Connolly, M. 2018. Educational research journals: a partial view from the UK. Revista Española de Pedagogía 76(271), pp. 437-448. (10.22550/REP76-3-2018-02)
- Connolly, M., Milton, E., Davies, A. J. and Barrance, R. 2018. Turning Heads: the impact of political reform on the professional role, identity and recruitment of head teachers in Wales.. British Educational Research Journal 44(4), pp. 608-625. (10.1002/berj.3450)
- Connolly, M., Hadfield, M., Barnes, Y. and Snook, J. 2018. The accommodation of contested identities: The impact of participation in a practice-based Masters Programme on Beginning Teachers’ professional identity and sense of agency.. Teaching and Teacher Education 71, pp. 241-250. (10.1016/j.tate.2018.01.010)
- Hadfield, M., Connolly, M., Barnes, Y. and Snook, J. 2017. Developing the capacity to support beginning teachers in Wales: Lessons learnt from the Masters in Educational Practice. Welsh Journal of Education 19(1), pp. 90-106. (10.16922/wje.19.1.5)
- Connolly, M. and Haughton, C. 2017. The perception, management and performance of risk amongst Forest School educators. British Journal of Sociology of Education 38(2), pp. 105-124. (10.1080/01425692.2015.1073098)
- Davies, P., Connolly, M., Nelson, J., Hulme, M., Kirkham, J. and Greenway, C. 2016. 'Letting the right one in': provider contexts for recruitment to initial teacher education in the United Kingdom. Teaching and Teacher Education 60, pp. 291-302. (10.1016/j.tate.2016.09.003)
- Connolly, M. 2013. Extended Review: Economy, work and education: critical connections. British Journal of Sociology of Education 34(3), pp. 467-474., article number: 7. (10.1080/01425692.2013.773736)
- Connolly, M. 2013. The ‘Liverpool model(s)’: cultural planning, Liverpool and Capital of Culture 2008. International Journal of Cultural Policy 19(2), pp. 162-181.
- Power, S. A., Taylor, C. M., Lewis, J. T., Connolly, M., Thomas, G. and Jones, S. W. 2010. Realizing the ‘learning country'? Research activity and capacity within Welsh local authorities. Contemporary Wales 23(1), pp. 71-92.
Book sections
- Mannello, M. and Connolly, M. 2019. Opening the school gates: facilitating after-school play in school grounds. In: Alcock, S. and Stobbs, N. eds. Rethinking Play as Pedagogy. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 121-138.
- Connolly, M. 2016. Choosing appropriate research methods for an educational context. In: Palaiologou, I., Needham, D. and Male, T. eds. Doing Research in Education: Theory and Practice. Sage, pp. 135-156.
- Connolly, M. 2025. Creativity in education, urban and cultural policy: a critique of a contemporary keyword. Palgrave MacMillan.
- Power, S., Lewis, J. T., Taylor, C., Connolly, M., Thomas, G. and Wyn Jones, S. 2009. Local authorities and education research in Wales. The final report of LINK-Wales: the learning in Wales network. Technical Report.
- Connolly, M., Rees, G. M. and Furlong, C. 2008. The wider benefits of adult learning. Technical Report.
- Taylor, C. M., Connolly, M., Power, S. A. R. and Rees, G. M. 2007. Formative evaluation of the applied educational research scheme (AERS). Project Report. [Online]. Edinburgh: Education Information and Analytical Services, Scottish Government. Available at: http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2008/01/07140223/0
- Connolly, M. 2007. Capital and culture: An investigation into New Labour cultural policy and the European Capital of Culture 2008.. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
I have a diverse range of research interests in the area of culture, creativity and education. My doctoral study related to the role of culture, creativity and learning in culture led urban regeneration projects. While I retain an interest in cultural policy my recent research interests relate education. I have published in areas such as: motivations for adult learning; culture-led regeneration;outdoor education and risk perception; children's rights; children's play; forest school education; teacher recruitment; teacher professionalism; school leadership.
I teach on various education-related programmes at undergraduate, masters and doctoral level. The two undergraduate modules I am most closely involved in are first year introductory module An Introduction to Education and Solving Educational Problems. At Masters' level I teach across a range of modules relating to education and childhood. At doctoral level I am module convenor for the Changing Modes of Professionalism module which is the introductory module in our professional doctorate programme.
Reader in Education, 08/2024 to present
Cardiff University - Cardiff, Wales
September 2015- present Director of Undergraduate Studies for the School of Social Sciences.
- Module convenor for foundational module in Professional Doctorate
- Chair of Undergraduate Board of Studies
- Chair of Extenuating Circumstances Committee
- January 2014- Sept 2015: Programme Coordinator for Year Two and assessment lead for the Masters in Educational Practice.
- July 2013- Jan 2014: Assessment Coordinator for the Masters in Educational Practice.
Lecturer in Educational Studies, 09/2008 to 08/2013
Cardiff Metropolitan University - Cardiff, Wales
Researcher/academic tutor, 08/2007 to 09/2008
Cardiff University - Cardiff, Wales
I worked as a tutor on undergraduate and masters modules and worked as a researcher on
projects sponsored by the Scottish Executive and the National Institute for Adult and
Community Education.
FE Lecturer (PT) Coleg Glan Hafren Cardiff 2003-2005
Lecturer in EFL and TESOL
Doctoral student, 08/2003 to 12/2006
Cardiff University - Cardiff, Wales
From 2003-2006 I studied for my doctoral thesis on a fellowship provided by the Economic and Social Research Council.
Researcher/writer, 01/1999 to 09/2003
Rough Guides - London, England
Researcher and writer for the Rough Guide travel company working on editions on Dublin, Ireland and Europe.
Headteacher, 01/1996 to 12/2001
Trinity Academy - Tokyo, Japan
In this role I was the headteacher of a small English language school in Tokyo Japan.
Teacher English/History, 09/1994 to 07/1995
St. Patrick's Secondary School - Ballymena, N.Ireland
I taught English and History in a large secondary school in N.Ireland.
Professional memberships
Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy;
Member of the British Educational Research Association
Academic positions
Senior Lecturer in Education, 08/2013 to present
Cardiff University - Cardiff, Wales
September 2015- present Director of Undergraduate Studies for the School of Social Sciences.
- Module convenor for foundational module in Professional Doctorate
- Chair of Undergraduate Board of Studies
- Chair of Extenuating Circumstances Committee
- January 2014- Sept 2015: Programme Coordinator for Year Two and assessment lead for the Masters in Educational Practice.
- July 2013- Jan 2014: Assessment Coordinator for the Masters in Educational Practice.
Lecturer in Educational Studies, 09/2008 to 08/2013
Cardiff Metropolitan University - Cardiff, Wales
Researcher/academic tutor, 08/2007 to 09/2008
Cardiff University - Cardiff, Wales
I worked as a tutor on undergraduate and masters modules and worked as a researcher on
projects sponsored by the Scottish Executive and the National Institute for Adult and
Community Education.
FE Lecturer (PT) Coleg Glan Hafren Cardiff 2003-2005
Lecturer in EFL and TESOL
Doctoral student, 08/2003 to 12/2006
Cardiff University - Cardiff, Wales
From 2003-2006 I studied for my doctoral thesis on a fellowship provided by the Economic and Social Research Council.
Committees and reviewing
Welsh Representative on Council of British Educational Research Association
Editor British Educational Research Journal
Educational policy
Professional practice
Outdoor learning
Home/school relationships
Further and Higher Education
Current students:
Ross Goldstone (50%) The Relationship Between Social Class And Participation And Experiences In Further Education
Imran Mohammed (50%) The Exploration Of The Evolving Practice Educator Role In Wales
Verena Stein (50%) Social And Pedagogical Aspects Of Mindfulness Training, A Discourse Analysis
Nikki Jones (50%) A Longitudinal Evaluation Of The Foundation Phase: Ten Years Of Curriculum Design And Implementation
Gill Ellis (50%) Professional Learning within the National Academy of Educational Leadership.
Thomas Dunne (50%) School music provision in Wales
Andrea Beetles (50%): An Examination Of The Effects Of Tef On Professional Identity And Professional Agency
Adam Pierce (50%): The Relationship Between The Welsh Language And Higher Education Participation
Yvonne Coffey (50%) Foundation Degrees: Are They True To Their New Labour Roots And What Is The Effectiveness Of Part Time Study In Relation To Full Time Routes?
Maymouna Mohammed Rashid Al-Kalbaniya: Parental Involvement In Children's Education
Julia Holloway (50%) Qualitative Study Of The Perspectives Of All Stakeholders In New Itt In Wales With Increased Emphasis On Teacher Research
Katie Spendiff: Frontline Practitioners’ Enactment Of The Rights Of Children And Young Persons (Wales) Measure (2011)
Contact Details
+44 29208 75097
Glamorgan Building, Room Room 2.26, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3WA