Professor David Cowan
Journal of Law Society Chair in Socio Legal Studies
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Dave Cowan is Journal of Law and Society Professor of Socio-Legal Studies. He is an interdisciplinary socio-legal academic specialising in housing and land issues. He is editor of the Palgrave Socio-Legal Series of monographs, and is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Law and Society. He was appointed to the Journal of Law and Society Chair in Socio-Legal Studies at Cardiff Law School in May 2023. He will be teaching land law, and on various optional units, including research methods and poverty law.
He writes a weekly blog on Welsh housing law and policy at
- Cloatre, E., Cowan, D., Hammerslev, O. and Nielsen, S. P. P. 2024. The object(s) of legality. Journal of Law and Society 51(S1), pp. S30-S34. (10.1111/jols.12513)
- Cowan, D., Cowan, A. and Turnstones, C. L. 2024. The Housing Ombuds Service: Staying in lane? A housing provider perspective. Project Report. Unpublished.
- Cowan, D., Marsh, A. and Harris, J. 2024. Local authority intervention in private renting: From compliance to hardline enforcement. Journal of Law and Society 51(3), pp. 390-412. (10.1111/jols.12489)
- Cowan, D. and Wheeler, S. 2024. Discretion and power. In: Cowan, S. and Halliday, S. eds. Socio-legal Generation: Essays in Honour of Michael Adler. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 55-75., (10.1007/978-3-031-67244-6_4)
- Cowan, D. 2024. Home: socio-legal interventions. In: Jacobs, K. et al. eds. Research Handbook on Housing, the Home and Society. Edward Elgar, pp. 109-121., (10.4337/9781800375970.00015)
- Cowan, D. and Boroumand, K. 2024. The business of Universities: A case study of halls of residence. Critical Social Policy (10.1177/02610183241249694)
- Cloatre, E. and Cowan, D. 2024. Displacements: Objects and relationality. Law & Society Review 58(1), pp. 63-68. (10.1017/lsr.2023.9)
- Cowan, D. and Tomlinson, J. 2023. Crisis relief? Public resources and judicial review remedies. Public Law 2023(3), pp. 495-509.
- Cowan, D. and Hardy, B. 2023. Charitable purposes and the shaping effects of money. International Journal of Law in Context 19(2), pp. 161-176. (10.1017/S1744552322000313)
- Cowan, D., Fox O'Mahony, L. and Cobb, N. 2023. Great debates in land law. 3rd Edition. Bloomsbury.
- Carr, H., Cowan, D. and Kirton-Darling, E. 2022. Marginalisation, Grenfell Tower and the voice of the social-housing resident: A critical juncture in housing law and policy?. International Journal of Law in Context 18(1), pp. 10-24. (10.1017/S1744552322000088)
- Cowan, D. and McDermont, M. 2021. Regulating social housing: Governing decline. Taylor and Francis. (10.4324/9781003210832)
- Cowan, D. and Hardy, B. 2021. Governing canal life. Journal of Law and Society 48(1), pp. 40-59. (10.1111/jols.12277)
- Cowan, D. and Hardy, B. 2019. Regulating home: a case study. Housing, Theory and Society 37(5), pp. 597-614. (10.1080/14036096.2019.1683066)
- Cowan, D. 2019. Homelessness: The (in)appropriate applicant. [Homelessness: The (in)appropriate applicant]. London: Routledge. (10.4324/9780429399343)
- Cloatre, E. and Cowan, D. 2019. ‘Indefensible and irresponsible’: Interdisciplinarity, truth and #reviewer2. In: Creutzfeldt, N., Mason, M. and McConnachie, K. eds. Routledge Handbook of Socio-Legal Theory and Methods. Routledge, pp. 97-109., (10.4324/9780429952814-7)
- Cowan, D. 2019. Reducing homelessness or re-ordering the deckchairs?. Modern Law Review 82(1), pp. 105-128. (10.1111/1468-2230.12390)
- Cloatre, E. and Cowan, D. 2018. Legalities and materialities. In: Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, A. ed. Routledge Handbook of Law and Theory. , pp. 433-452., (10.4324/9781315665733)
- Cowan, D. and Marsh, A. 2018. A perennial problem? On underoccupation in English council housing. Housing Studies 34(2), pp. 319-337. (10.1080/02673037.2018.1487928)
- Cowan, D., Carr, H. and Wallace, A. 2018. Messiness and Techniques of Simplification. In: Cowan, D., Carr, H. and Wallace, A. eds. Ownership, Narrative, Things. Palgrave Macmillan {UK}, (10.1057/978-1-137-59069-5_8)
- Cowan, D., Carr, H. and Wallace, A. 2018. Assembling shared ownership. In: Cowan, D., Carr, H. and Wallace, A. eds. Ownership, Narrative, Things. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 179-206., (10.1057/978-1-137-59069-5_7)
- Cowan, D., Carr, H. and Wallace, A. 2018. Experiencing shared ownership. In: Cowan, D., Carr, H. and Wallace, A. eds. Ownership, Narrative, Things. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 157-178., (10.1057/978-1-137-59069-5_6)
- Cowan, D., Carr, H. and Wallace, A. 2018. Shared Ownership and Housing Policy. In: Cowan, D., Carr, H. and Wallace, A. eds. Ownership, Narrative, Things. Palgrave Macmillan {UK}, pp. 43-71., (10.1057/978-1-137-59069-5_2)
- Cowan, D., Carr, H. and Wallace, A. 2018. Selling and Buying Shared Ownership. In: Cowan, D., Carr, H. and Wallace, A. eds. Ownership, Narrative, Things. Palgrave Macmillan {UK}, pp. 127-155., (10.1057/978-1-137-59069-5_5)
- Cowan, D., Carr, H. and Wallace, A. 2018. Ownership, Narrative, Things. Palgrave Socio-Legal Studies. Palgrave Macmillan {UK}. (10.1057/978-1-137-59069-5)
- Cowan, D., Carr, H. and Wallace, A. 2018. Managing shared ownership. In: Cowan, D., Carr, H. and Wallace, A. eds. Ownership, Narrative, Things. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 99-126., (10.1057/978-1-137-59069-5_4)
- Cowan, D., Helen, C. and Alison, W. 2017. “Thank heavens for the lease”: histories of shared ownership. Housing Studies 33(6), pp. 855-875. (10.1080/02673037.2017.1408782)
- Carr, H., Cowan, D. and Alison, W. 2017. Producing the product: a case study of law and its absence. Journal of Law and Society 44(S1), pp. S93-S110. (10.1111/jols.12051)
- Carr, H. and Cowan, D. 2016. What's the use of a hashtag? a case study. Journal of Law and Society 43(3), pp. 416-443. (10.1111/j.1467-6478.2016.00761.x)
- Bevan, C. and Cowan, D. 2016. Uses of macro social theory: a social housing case study. Modern Law Review 79(1), pp. 76-101. (10.1111/1468-2230.12167)
- Cowan, D. 2012. Housing and Property. In: Cane, P. and Kritzer, H. eds. The Oxford Handbook of Empirical Legal Research. Oxford Academic, pp. 331-352., (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199542475.013.0015)
- Cowan, D., Hunter, C. and Pawson, H. 2012. Jurisdiction and scale: rent arrears, social housing, and human rights. Journal of Law and Society 39(2), pp. 269-295. (10.1111/j.1467-6478.2012.00581.x)
- Cowan, D. and Hunter, C. 2011. ‘Yeah but, no but’ -Pinnock and Powellin the Supreme Court. Modern Law Review 75(1), pp. 78-91. (10.1111/j.1468-2230.2012.00889.x)
- McDermont, M., Cowan, D. and Prendergrast, J. 2009. Structuring governance: a case study of the new organizational provision of public service delivery. Critical Social Policy 29(4), pp. 677-702. (10.1177/0261018309341899)
- Cowan, D. and Carr, H. 2008. Actor-network theory, implementation, and the private landlord. Journal of Law and Society 35(s1), pp. 149-166. (10.1111/j.1467-6478.2008.00430.x)
- Cowan, D. and Hitchings, E. 2007. `Pretty boring stuff': district judges and housing possession proceedings. Social and Legal Studies 16(3), pp. 363-382. (10.1177/0964663907079764)
- Carr, H., Cowan, D. and Hunter, C. 2007. Policing the housing crisis. Critical Social Policy 27(1), pp. 100-127. (10.1177/0261018307072209)
- Cowan, D., Blandy, S., Hitchings, E., Hunter, C. and Nixon, J. 2006. District judges and possession proceedings. Journal of Law and Society 33(4), pp. 547-571. (10.1111/j.1467-6478.2006.00370.x)
- Carr, H. and Cowan, D. 2006. Labelling: Constructing definitions of anti-social behaviour?. In: Flint, J. ed. Housing, urban governance and anti-social behaviour: Perspectives, policy and practice. Oxford Academic, pp. 57-78., (10.1332/policypress/9781861346858.003.0004)
- Cowan, D., Halliday, S. and Hunter, C. 2006. Adjudicating the implementation of homelessness law: the promise of socio-legal studies. Housing Studies 21(3), pp. 381-400. (10.1080/02673030600586019)
- Cowan, D. and Marsh, A. 2006. From need to choice, welfarism to advanced liberalism? problematics of social housing allocation. Legal Studies 25(1), pp. 22-48. (10.1111/j.1748-121x.2005.tb00269.x)
- Cowan, D. 2004. Legal consciousness: some observations. Modern Law Review 67(6), pp. 928-958. (10.1111/j.1468-2230.2004.00518.x)
- Cowan, D. and Marsh, A. 2004. Community, neighbourhood, responsibility: contemporary currents in housing studies. Housing Studies 19(6), pp. 845-853. (10.1080/0267303042000293964)
- Cowan, D. and Marsh, A. 2004. From need to choice: R(A) v Lambeth LBC; R(Lindsay) v Lambeth LBC. Modern Law Review 67(3), pp. 478-490. (10.1111/j.1468-2230.2004.496_1.x)
- Cowan, D. 2003. `Rage at Westsinster': sociolegal reflections on the power of sale. Social and Legal Studies 12(2), pp. 177-198. (10.1177/0964663903012002002)
- Cowan, D. and Lomax, D. 2003. Policing unauthorized camping. Journal of Law and Society 30(2), pp. 283-308. (10.1111/1467-6478.00257)
- Cowan, D., Pantazis, C. and Gilroy, R. 2001. Social housing as crime control: an examination of the role of housing management in policing sex offenders. Social and Legal Studies 10(4), pp. 435-457. (10.1177/a020305)
- Cowan, D. and Marsh, A. 2001. New Labour, same old Tory housing policy?. Modern Law Review 64(2), pp. 260-279. (10.1111/1468-2230.00319)
- Cowan, D. and Marsh, A. 2000. There’s regulatory crime, and then there’s landlord crime: from ‘Rachmanites’ to ‘partners’. Modern Law Review 64(6), pp. 855-874. (10.1111/1468-2230.00355)
- Cowan, D., Gilroy, R. and Pantazis, C. 1999. Risking housing need. Journal of Law and Society 26(4), pp. 403-426. (10.1111/1467-6478.00134)
- Cowan, D. 1998. Reforming the homelessness legislation. Critical social policy 18(57), pp. 435-464. (10.1177/026101839801805701)
- Cowan, D. 1995. Community care and homelessness: R v Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council, ex parte B. The Modern Law Review 58(2), pp. 256-261. (10.1111/j.1468-2230.1995.tb02008.x)
- Cowan, D. 1995. HIV and homelessness: lobbying, law, policy and practice. Journal of social welfare & family law 17(1), pp. 43-66. (10.1080/09649069508413635)
- Cowan, D. S. and Fionda, J. 1994. Meeting the need: the response of local authorities' housing departments to the housing of ex-offenders. British Journal of Criminology 34(4), pp. 444-458. (10.1093/oxfordjournals.bjc.a048446)
- Cowan, D. and Fionda, J. 1994. Back to basics: the government's homelessness consultation paper. The Modern Law Review 57(4), pp. 610-619. (10.1111/j.1468-2230.1994.tb01962.x)
- Cowan, D. S. and Fionda, J. 1993. New angles on homelessness. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 15(6), pp. 403-416. (10.1080/09649069308412416)
- Cowan, D. 1993. The public/private dichotomy and “suitable accommodation” under section 69(1) of the housing act 1985. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 15(4), pp. 236-247. (10.1080/09649069308412396)
- Cloatre, E., Cowan, D., Hammerslev, O. and Nielsen, S. P. P. 2024. The object(s) of legality. Journal of Law and Society 51(S1), pp. S30-S34. (10.1111/jols.12513)
- Cowan, D., Marsh, A. and Harris, J. 2024. Local authority intervention in private renting: From compliance to hardline enforcement. Journal of Law and Society 51(3), pp. 390-412. (10.1111/jols.12489)
- Cowan, D. and Boroumand, K. 2024. The business of Universities: A case study of halls of residence. Critical Social Policy (10.1177/02610183241249694)
- Cloatre, E. and Cowan, D. 2024. Displacements: Objects and relationality. Law & Society Review 58(1), pp. 63-68. (10.1017/lsr.2023.9)
- Cowan, D. and Tomlinson, J. 2023. Crisis relief? Public resources and judicial review remedies. Public Law 2023(3), pp. 495-509.
- Cowan, D. and Hardy, B. 2023. Charitable purposes and the shaping effects of money. International Journal of Law in Context 19(2), pp. 161-176. (10.1017/S1744552322000313)
- Carr, H., Cowan, D. and Kirton-Darling, E. 2022. Marginalisation, Grenfell Tower and the voice of the social-housing resident: A critical juncture in housing law and policy?. International Journal of Law in Context 18(1), pp. 10-24. (10.1017/S1744552322000088)
- Cowan, D. and Hardy, B. 2021. Governing canal life. Journal of Law and Society 48(1), pp. 40-59. (10.1111/jols.12277)
- Cowan, D. and Hardy, B. 2019. Regulating home: a case study. Housing, Theory and Society 37(5), pp. 597-614. (10.1080/14036096.2019.1683066)
- Cowan, D. 2019. Reducing homelessness or re-ordering the deckchairs?. Modern Law Review 82(1), pp. 105-128. (10.1111/1468-2230.12390)
- Cowan, D. and Marsh, A. 2018. A perennial problem? On underoccupation in English council housing. Housing Studies 34(2), pp. 319-337. (10.1080/02673037.2018.1487928)
- Cowan, D., Helen, C. and Alison, W. 2017. “Thank heavens for the lease”: histories of shared ownership. Housing Studies 33(6), pp. 855-875. (10.1080/02673037.2017.1408782)
- Carr, H., Cowan, D. and Alison, W. 2017. Producing the product: a case study of law and its absence. Journal of Law and Society 44(S1), pp. S93-S110. (10.1111/jols.12051)
- Carr, H. and Cowan, D. 2016. What's the use of a hashtag? a case study. Journal of Law and Society 43(3), pp. 416-443. (10.1111/j.1467-6478.2016.00761.x)
- Bevan, C. and Cowan, D. 2016. Uses of macro social theory: a social housing case study. Modern Law Review 79(1), pp. 76-101. (10.1111/1468-2230.12167)
- Cowan, D., Hunter, C. and Pawson, H. 2012. Jurisdiction and scale: rent arrears, social housing, and human rights. Journal of Law and Society 39(2), pp. 269-295. (10.1111/j.1467-6478.2012.00581.x)
- Cowan, D. and Hunter, C. 2011. ‘Yeah but, no but’ -Pinnock and Powellin the Supreme Court. Modern Law Review 75(1), pp. 78-91. (10.1111/j.1468-2230.2012.00889.x)
- McDermont, M., Cowan, D. and Prendergrast, J. 2009. Structuring governance: a case study of the new organizational provision of public service delivery. Critical Social Policy 29(4), pp. 677-702. (10.1177/0261018309341899)
- Cowan, D. and Carr, H. 2008. Actor-network theory, implementation, and the private landlord. Journal of Law and Society 35(s1), pp. 149-166. (10.1111/j.1467-6478.2008.00430.x)
- Cowan, D. and Hitchings, E. 2007. `Pretty boring stuff': district judges and housing possession proceedings. Social and Legal Studies 16(3), pp. 363-382. (10.1177/0964663907079764)
- Carr, H., Cowan, D. and Hunter, C. 2007. Policing the housing crisis. Critical Social Policy 27(1), pp. 100-127. (10.1177/0261018307072209)
- Cowan, D., Blandy, S., Hitchings, E., Hunter, C. and Nixon, J. 2006. District judges and possession proceedings. Journal of Law and Society 33(4), pp. 547-571. (10.1111/j.1467-6478.2006.00370.x)
- Cowan, D., Halliday, S. and Hunter, C. 2006. Adjudicating the implementation of homelessness law: the promise of socio-legal studies. Housing Studies 21(3), pp. 381-400. (10.1080/02673030600586019)
- Cowan, D. and Marsh, A. 2006. From need to choice, welfarism to advanced liberalism? problematics of social housing allocation. Legal Studies 25(1), pp. 22-48. (10.1111/j.1748-121x.2005.tb00269.x)
- Cowan, D. 2004. Legal consciousness: some observations. Modern Law Review 67(6), pp. 928-958. (10.1111/j.1468-2230.2004.00518.x)
- Cowan, D. and Marsh, A. 2004. Community, neighbourhood, responsibility: contemporary currents in housing studies. Housing Studies 19(6), pp. 845-853. (10.1080/0267303042000293964)
- Cowan, D. and Marsh, A. 2004. From need to choice: R(A) v Lambeth LBC; R(Lindsay) v Lambeth LBC. Modern Law Review 67(3), pp. 478-490. (10.1111/j.1468-2230.2004.496_1.x)
- Cowan, D. 2003. `Rage at Westsinster': sociolegal reflections on the power of sale. Social and Legal Studies 12(2), pp. 177-198. (10.1177/0964663903012002002)
- Cowan, D. and Lomax, D. 2003. Policing unauthorized camping. Journal of Law and Society 30(2), pp. 283-308. (10.1111/1467-6478.00257)
- Cowan, D., Pantazis, C. and Gilroy, R. 2001. Social housing as crime control: an examination of the role of housing management in policing sex offenders. Social and Legal Studies 10(4), pp. 435-457. (10.1177/a020305)
- Cowan, D. and Marsh, A. 2001. New Labour, same old Tory housing policy?. Modern Law Review 64(2), pp. 260-279. (10.1111/1468-2230.00319)
- Cowan, D. and Marsh, A. 2000. There’s regulatory crime, and then there’s landlord crime: from ‘Rachmanites’ to ‘partners’. Modern Law Review 64(6), pp. 855-874. (10.1111/1468-2230.00355)
- Cowan, D., Gilroy, R. and Pantazis, C. 1999. Risking housing need. Journal of Law and Society 26(4), pp. 403-426. (10.1111/1467-6478.00134)
- Cowan, D. 1998. Reforming the homelessness legislation. Critical social policy 18(57), pp. 435-464. (10.1177/026101839801805701)
- Cowan, D. 1995. Community care and homelessness: R v Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council, ex parte B. The Modern Law Review 58(2), pp. 256-261. (10.1111/j.1468-2230.1995.tb02008.x)
- Cowan, D. 1995. HIV and homelessness: lobbying, law, policy and practice. Journal of social welfare & family law 17(1), pp. 43-66. (10.1080/09649069508413635)
- Cowan, D. S. and Fionda, J. 1994. Meeting the need: the response of local authorities' housing departments to the housing of ex-offenders. British Journal of Criminology 34(4), pp. 444-458. (10.1093/oxfordjournals.bjc.a048446)
- Cowan, D. and Fionda, J. 1994. Back to basics: the government's homelessness consultation paper. The Modern Law Review 57(4), pp. 610-619. (10.1111/j.1468-2230.1994.tb01962.x)
- Cowan, D. S. and Fionda, J. 1993. New angles on homelessness. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 15(6), pp. 403-416. (10.1080/09649069308412416)
- Cowan, D. 1993. The public/private dichotomy and “suitable accommodation” under section 69(1) of the housing act 1985. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 15(4), pp. 236-247. (10.1080/09649069308412396)
Book sections
- Cowan, D. and Wheeler, S. 2024. Discretion and power. In: Cowan, S. and Halliday, S. eds. Socio-legal Generation: Essays in Honour of Michael Adler. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 55-75., (10.1007/978-3-031-67244-6_4)
- Cowan, D. 2024. Home: socio-legal interventions. In: Jacobs, K. et al. eds. Research Handbook on Housing, the Home and Society. Edward Elgar, pp. 109-121., (10.4337/9781800375970.00015)
- Cloatre, E. and Cowan, D. 2019. ‘Indefensible and irresponsible’: Interdisciplinarity, truth and #reviewer2. In: Creutzfeldt, N., Mason, M. and McConnachie, K. eds. Routledge Handbook of Socio-Legal Theory and Methods. Routledge, pp. 97-109., (10.4324/9780429952814-7)
- Cloatre, E. and Cowan, D. 2018. Legalities and materialities. In: Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, A. ed. Routledge Handbook of Law and Theory. , pp. 433-452., (10.4324/9781315665733)
- Cowan, D., Carr, H. and Wallace, A. 2018. Messiness and Techniques of Simplification. In: Cowan, D., Carr, H. and Wallace, A. eds. Ownership, Narrative, Things. Palgrave Macmillan {UK}, (10.1057/978-1-137-59069-5_8)
- Cowan, D., Carr, H. and Wallace, A. 2018. Assembling shared ownership. In: Cowan, D., Carr, H. and Wallace, A. eds. Ownership, Narrative, Things. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 179-206., (10.1057/978-1-137-59069-5_7)
- Cowan, D., Carr, H. and Wallace, A. 2018. Experiencing shared ownership. In: Cowan, D., Carr, H. and Wallace, A. eds. Ownership, Narrative, Things. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 157-178., (10.1057/978-1-137-59069-5_6)
- Cowan, D., Carr, H. and Wallace, A. 2018. Shared Ownership and Housing Policy. In: Cowan, D., Carr, H. and Wallace, A. eds. Ownership, Narrative, Things. Palgrave Macmillan {UK}, pp. 43-71., (10.1057/978-1-137-59069-5_2)
- Cowan, D., Carr, H. and Wallace, A. 2018. Selling and Buying Shared Ownership. In: Cowan, D., Carr, H. and Wallace, A. eds. Ownership, Narrative, Things. Palgrave Macmillan {UK}, pp. 127-155., (10.1057/978-1-137-59069-5_5)
- Cowan, D., Carr, H. and Wallace, A. 2018. Managing shared ownership. In: Cowan, D., Carr, H. and Wallace, A. eds. Ownership, Narrative, Things. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 99-126., (10.1057/978-1-137-59069-5_4)
- Cowan, D. 2012. Housing and Property. In: Cane, P. and Kritzer, H. eds. The Oxford Handbook of Empirical Legal Research. Oxford Academic, pp. 331-352., (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199542475.013.0015)
- Carr, H. and Cowan, D. 2006. Labelling: Constructing definitions of anti-social behaviour?. In: Flint, J. ed. Housing, urban governance and anti-social behaviour: Perspectives, policy and practice. Oxford Academic, pp. 57-78., (10.1332/policypress/9781861346858.003.0004)
- Cowan, D., Fox O'Mahony, L. and Cobb, N. 2023. Great debates in land law. 3rd Edition. Bloomsbury.
- Cowan, D. and McDermont, M. 2021. Regulating social housing: Governing decline. Taylor and Francis. (10.4324/9781003210832)
- Cowan, D. 2019. Homelessness: The (in)appropriate applicant. [Homelessness: The (in)appropriate applicant]. London: Routledge. (10.4324/9780429399343)
- Cowan, D., Carr, H. and Wallace, A. 2018. Ownership, Narrative, Things. Palgrave Socio-Legal Studies. Palgrave Macmillan {UK}. (10.1057/978-1-137-59069-5)
- Cowan, D., Cowan, A. and Turnstones, C. L. 2024. The Housing Ombuds Service: Staying in lane? A housing provider perspective. Project Report. Unpublished.
My research is socio-legal and coalesces on issues around housing and land from peripatetic perspectives. Currently working on projects around financialisation (halls of residence), objects (legal consciousness and homelessness), privately rented housing, and housing precarity.
I will be teaching land law, poverty law, research methods.
Dave is a socio-legal academic who was appointed to the Journal of Law and Society Chair in socio-legal studies in May 2023. Prior to that he was at the University of Bristol Law School for 28 years where he was Professor of Law and Policy from 2003. He is the editor of the Palgrave Socio-Legal Series, and a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Law and Society.
Dave predominantly researches in the interdisciplinary areas of housing and land, and has written more than 10 books and 40 peer reviewed journal articles in those areas. His books include Ownership, Narrative, Things (Palgrave, 2018), Great Debates in Land Law (3rd ed, Bloomsbury, 2023), Pandemic Legalities (Bristol UP, 2021). He has conducted research projects on subjects across housing and land, including on shared ownership, health and safety in housing, possession proceedings, canal boats, and homelessness decision-making. His work has been funded by a range of government and charitable agencies.
Dave's research also influences policy and practice. He was involved in the Renting Homes (Wales) Bill and work for Shelter influenced the Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Bill. His work provided an impact case study for REF 2021.
Honours and awards
Dave has been a recipient of the Annual Excellence Award of the Association of Law, Property and Society (2016), and the Socio-Legal Studies Associon's Contribution to the Socio-Legal Community award (2021). He is also a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences (2012) and of the Royal Society of Arts (2015).
He is an associate tenant at Doughty Street Chambers.
Professional memberships
- Socio-Legal Studies Association
- Law and Society Association
Housing, land, socio-legal studies, government.
Contact Details
Research themes
- Administrative law
- Housing policy
- Social policy
- Welfare, insurance, disability and social security law
- Homelessness