Dr Andrew Treharne-Davies
Teams and roles for Andrew Treharne-Davies
Head Of Service Delivery
PSE Service Delivery Team
Within Cardiff University's Research Service, Andrew leads the School- and College-based professional services teams that provide research & innovation support across the Universiy's College of Physical Sciences and Engineering.
Having a background in research and innovation funding and management, Andrew has supported and contributed to the development of a wide range of research and innovation related funding bids and enterprise engagement initiatives, supporting academic colleagues and their collaborative partners.
While not having had a formal teaching role, Andrew has supported academic colleagues in the development of extra-curricular activities relating to student enterprise, public education and engagement, including those related to the circular economy through the PARC Institute's RemakerSpace facility.
Andrew holds a BSc (Joint Hons.) in Chemistry and Geology from the University of Keele (1993), a Masters degree in the Chemistry of Advanced Materials from the University of Manchester Institute of Science & Technology (UMIST, 1995) and a Doctorate in solid state catalytic chemistry from the Royal Institution of Great Britain, awarded via University College London (1999).
Following a postdoctoral research post at the University of Cambridge's School of Chemical Engineering, Andrew joined the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC ) in 2001, where he managed the Council's extensive programmes of built environment and renewable energy research, prior to overseeing the joint Research Councils' Energy Programme, working closely with colleagues from BBSRC, ESRC, NERC and PPARC (now STFC).
Andrew joined Cardiff University in October 2006 as Manager of the EPSRC funded Cardiff University Innovative Manufacturing Research Centre (superseded in 2010 by the Centre for Advanced Manufacturing Systems at Cardiff (CAMSAC)) and the EPSRC Green Logistics consortium. Up until september 2024 Andrew managed development of the research and knowledge exchange portfolios for two multidsciplinary research centres (CAMSAC and the PARC Institute of Manufacturing, Logistics & Inventory). He also oversaw delivery of strategic and operational project support for Cardiff University’s elements of the Advanced SusTainable manUfacturing TEchnologies (ASTUTE) operations, a highly successful multidisciplinary initiative running from May 2010 to December 2022 with public support totalling £53.6m, part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Welsh Government and the participating Welsh Higher Education Institutions to support the long term sustainability of the manufacturing sector across the whole of Wales. For every £1 of public funds spent the operations have generated over £10 for the Welsh economy, resulting in an economic impact of £541 million.
Prior to September 2024, Andrew was also responsible for managing a wide range of Enterprise and Innovation related activities within Cardiff Business School. He was the Professional Services lead, working closely with Professor Andrew Henley, for the School's successful bid, in May 2021, for full 5-year re-accreditation through the Chartered Association of Business Schools’ Small Business Charter, an important accreditation the school has now held since 2017, which celebrates UK and Irish business schools that play an effective role in supporting small businesses, local economies and student entrepreneurship.
In September 2024 Andrew took on the role of Head of Service Delivery within Cardiff University's Research Service. In this newly created role, Andrew leads the School- and College-based professional services teams that provide research & innovation support across the Universiy's College of Physical Sciences and Engineering.