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Lowri Davies

Mrs Lowri Davies

National Sabbatical Scheme for Welsh Language Training Manager

Welsh speaking


Originally from the Gwendraeth Valley, I began my time at Ysgol y Gymraeg in 1999 as an MA student and completed an MA thesis researching the language initiatives in Wales and the promotion of Welsh in Welsh communities. I was subsequently appointed tutor and then lecturer at the School of Welsh where I was responsible for teaching and developing courses for the School's second-language students. I now work as the Project Manager for the Sabbatical Scheme for Welsh Language Training. The Welsh Government funded Sabbatical Scheme offers a programme of language training courses for lecturers, teachers and classroom assistants. Cardiff University is one of three locations responsible for delivering Welsh language Training Scheme courses.    


Cynllun Sabothol ar gyfer Hyfforddiant Iaith Gymraeg:

*Modiwlau ar gyfer athrawon cynradd sy'n addysgu'r Gymraeg fel ail iaith

*Modiwlau ar gyfer dartlithwyr, athrawon uwchradd a chynradd a chynorthwywyr dysgu sy'n dysgu trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg

*Cyrsiau ar gyfer cynorthwywyr dysgu ysgolion cynradd cyfrwng Saesneg

*Cyrsiau ar gyfer cynorthwywyr dysgu ysgolion cynradd cyfrwng Cymraeg