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Richard Day

Mr Richard Day

Senior Lecturer: Physiotherapy


I am a Senior Lecturer in the School of Medicine and the School of Healthcare Sciences. I am also a Chartered Physiotherapist with have a keen interest in Pain Education. Understanding and improving Pain Education for undergraduate, postgraduate healthcare workers is a key focus as well as supporting the understanding and self-management of Pain within the community. I predominantly teach on the MSc Pain Management programme within the School of Medicine, I am module leader for the Musculoskeletal Diagnosis and Treatment postgraduate module within the School of Healthcare Sciences.  I also have a strong interest in education theories, with the majority of my work based around online / distance learning environments, as well as creating real change in clinical practice from learning experiences. I am the incoming Vice Chair of the Education Awards Committee for the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, Charitable Trust (1/12/2020- 2022) and have been an active member of this panel since 2018. I have presented at a number of conferences, published two textbooks related to Musculoskeletal assessment, diagnosis and treatment, as well as a number of other notable outputs. I also present at large external organisations for Healthcare staff training and for members of the public on the topic of Pain Education.







Book sections





Journal Articles

Day, R. Dixon, A. Dunleavy, C. Durcan, M and Day, A. 2019. The Effect of SNAGS at L4/5 on the range of flexion compared to repeated flexion, assessed via three independent measures. Physiotherapy. Vol 105:S1p20.

Annetts, S. and Day, R. 2019. The Informed Study Project: An Innovative Online Self Evaluation of Fitness to Practice within a Professional Higher Education Degree Programme. Journal of Innovations in Education and Teaching International. Vol 56:4 p 529-541.


Day, R., Fox, J. and Paul-Taylor, G. 2009. Neuromusculoskeletal Clinical Tests: A Clinician's Guide. Physiotherapist's Toolbox. Oxford: Elsevier / Churchill Livingstone.

Fox, J. and Day, R. 2009. A physiotherapist's guide to clinical measurement. Physiotherapist's Toolbox. Oxford: Elsevier / Churchill Livingstone.

Book Sections

Annetts, S., Baker, T., Day, R. and Evans, E. 2012. Informing students of the requirements of higher education: A bespoke online solution. In: Andrews, J., Clark, R. and Thomas, L. eds. Compendium of effective practice in higher education retention and success.  Birmingham; York:  Aston University; Higher Education Academy, pp. 8-11.


Baker, T., Day, R. and Phillips, N. 2012. Physical Performance Assessment. PCT/GB2012/051148 [Patent].

Day, R., Phillips, N. and Baker, T. 2011. Intelligent Rehabilitation. GB1108577.6 [Patent].

Website Content

Day, R. 2019. Why the way healthcare professionals measure patient pain might soon be changing. The Conversation.


Invited Speaker

Day, R. 2018. Pain Refresher and Pain Taxonomy. Presented at: Ascenti - Continuing Professional Development Events. Leeds; 1st September 2018.

Day, R. 2018. Pain Refresher and Pain Taxonomy. Presented at: Ascenti - Continuing Professional Development Events. Reading; 18th August 2018.

Day, R. 2018. Pain Science… and why you need to know about it! Presented at: Brewin Dolphin & Darwin Gray Tour de Caerdydd. Cardiff; 7th September 2018.

Day, R. 2017 ‘Pain refresher’. Presented at: Association of Paediatric Chartered Physiotherapists Annual Conference – Expanding Horizons. Cardiff; 3rd-4th November 2017.

Day, R. 2015. Informed Study Project. Presented at: Radiographers Admission Tutor Forum. Society and College of Radiographers. London; 14th April 2015.

Conference Presentations

Morley, H. and Day, R. 2019. Single-arm Observational Service Evaluation: Efficacy of a single first contact practitioner intervention for patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain. Presented at: Physiotherapy UK 2010: National Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Conference. Birmingham; 1st-2nd November 2019.

Day, R. and Heathcote, S. 2019. Postgraduate Student reflective evaluation of a student selected case study analysis of the Biopsychosocial model within an e-Learning MSc in pain management. Presented at: 17th Pain Management Programme SIG National Conference. British Pain Society. Bristol; 12th September 2019.

Day, R. and Heathcote, S. 2019. Keeping it Clinical! Creating ‘real’ personal and professional change in PGT E-Learning. Presented at: Cardiff University’s Learning and Teaching Conference - Authentic Learning. Cardiff University; 11th September 2019.

Day, R. and Paul-Taylor, G. 2019. Persistent pain awareness Day Reflections. Presented at: Community Gateway Symposium/Connections to Grangetown. Cardiff University; 22nd May 2019.

Day, R., Dixon, A., Dunleavy, C. Durcan, M. and Day, A. 2018. The Effect of SNAGS at L4/5 on the range of flexion compared to repeated flexion, assessed via three independent measures. Presented at: Physiotherapy UK 2018: National Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Conference. Birmingham; 19th-20th October 2018.

Day, R., Binding, O., Bucknall, K. and Tucker, M. 2017 A study investigating the effect of ice on three sensory outcome measures of the contralateral limb in healthy subjects. Presented at: Physiotherapy UK 201: National Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Conference. Birmingham;10th-11th November 2017.

Day, R. and Annetts, S. 2017. What worked and What didn’t? The Informed Study Project, 5 years on from Phase one: lessons learnt from developing an online self-evaluation of students Fitness to Practice. Presented at: What works? Student retention and success change programme: Phase 2. Final Conference. London; 11th April 2017.

Day, R. and Annetts S. 2015. An Innovative on-line Self-evaluation for Fitness to Practice: Providing a Physiotherapy Graduate Workforce that’s Fit for the Future. Presented at: Physiotherapy UK 201: National Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Conference. Liverpool;16th-17th October 2015.

Day, R. and Annetts, S. 2015. The Informed Study Project: An Innovative Online Self Evaluation of Fitness to Practice. Presented at: National Association of Educators in Practice Conference: Preparing Students for Safe, Effective and Person-Centred Practice. Coventry; 27th March 2015.

Day, R., Phillips, N. and Baker, T. 2014. VECTOR. Presented at: Venturefest Wales. Cardiff; 9th July 2014.

Annetts, S., Baker, T., Day, R. Evans, L. 2012. Informing students of the requirements of higher education: A bespoke online solution. Presented at: What works? Student retention and success. York; 28th-29th March 2012.


Teaching is a very important part of my role and one that I value very highly. I currently teach on the MSc Pain Management programme, across the majority of modules. This programme is a well-established and respected interprofessional e-learning course designed for Healthcare Professionals. My role in this programme is facilitating the modules and supporting students with their studies, developing their critical analysis skills  and ultimately enabling them to transition through their MSc studies to become an emerging expert in Pain Management in their own area of practice. Another key role is supervising PGT students' MSc dissertations on a range of topics related to pain. My teaching roles and scholarship activities are closely related and the interest in education theory directly supports the innovation, design and evaluation of teaching material. This has resulted in scholarly outputs such as:

Day, R. and Heathcote, S. 2019. Postgraduate Student reflective evaluation of a student selected case study analysis of the Biopsychosocial model within an e-Learning MSc in pain management. Presented at: 17th Pain Management Programme SIG National Conference. British Pain Society. Bristol; 12th September 2019.

Within the School of Healthcare Sciences, I am the leader for the postgraduate Musculoskeletal Diagnosis and Treatment module. This module develops clinicals critical thinking skills and provide a space and opportunity to think and explore their own practice. Within the School of Healthcare Sciences, I also support the undergraduate programme with anatomy teaching, which has always been a key foundation stone of Physiotherapy for me. I teach on a wide range of other postgraduate programmes and modules, including the MSc Wound Healing, Non-medical Prescribing, and the Evidencing learning in Specialist Professional Practice module. I am also involved in teaching 3rd year medical students on 'Living with Persistent Pain'.

Externally to the University I have delivered CPD sessions for large Healthcare organisations aiming to improve the consistency and accuracy of discussion about pain. I have undertaken roles as External Panel member for periodic review of MSc programmes for other Higher Education institutions. I am always happy to receive enquiries about other external opportunities.


Having graduated as a Charted Physiotherapist from the University of Wales, College of Medicine, Cardiff in 1997 as a Charted Physiotherapist I worked within many NHS Trusts specialising in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy. In 2002, I undertook my first postgraduate study in the form of a Certificate in Orthopaedic Manual Theory at Curtin University, Perth, Australia. In 2004 I was successful in becoming a lecturer at Cardiff University, and mainly taught undergraduate Physiotherapy students. I completed my MSc in ‘Pain Management’ within the School of Medicine in 2009, which enabled me to develop my speciality into the study and teaching of pain. The same year I was co-author of two text books:

Day, R., Fox, J. and Paul-Taylor, G. 2009. Neuromusculoskeletal Clinical Tests: A Clinician's Guide. Physiotherapist's Toolbox. Oxford: Elsevier / Churchill Livingstone.


Fox, J. and Day, R. 2009. A physiotherapist's guide to clinical measurement. Physiotherapist's Toolbox. Oxford: Elsevier / Churchill Livingstone.

Both textbooks have sold worldwide and have been translated into German and Japanese respectively.

I have also had the pleasure of working on an innovative piece of rehabilitation equipment, designed to improve the transition of individuals back to sport. This project obtained external funding, and resulted in the publishing of an international patent. Baker, T., Day, R. and Phillips, N. 2012. Physical Performance Assessment. PCT/GB2012/051148 [Patent].

The opportunity to work on the same MSc Pain Management, within the school of Medicine that I had had graduated from, has enabled me to develop my speciality further into the study and teaching of the subject of Pain. Recently I have been successful in obtaining promotion to Senior Lecturer and currently work within two roles within the University: 3 days within the School of Medicine and 2 days within the School of Healthcare Sciences.

Honours and awards

  • Enriching Student Life Awards ‘Most uplifting Member of Staff’ (Nominated), Cardiff University, 2019
  • Enriching Student Life Awards ‘Most uplifting Member of Staff’ (Nominated), Cardiff University, 2018
  • Enriching Student Life Awards ‘Most Effective Teacher’ (Nominated), Cardiff University, 2017
  • Physiotherapy Lecturer of the Year Award (Winner), Cardiff University, 2016
  • Physiotherapy Lecturer of the Year Award (Runner up), Cardiff University, 2014
  • Cardiff University Outstanding Contribution to Innovation and Engagement, (Shortlisted), Cardiff University, 2013
  • Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Charitable Trust Award, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, 2011
  • School of Healthcare Studies Excellence in Learning and Teaching Award (Winner), Cardiff University, 2011
  • Physiotherapy Lecturer of the Year Award, (Winner), Cardiff University, 2007

Professional memberships

  • Member of the Physiotherapy Pain Association
  • Member of the National Association of Educators in Practice
  • Member / State Registered HCPC
  • Member Chartered Society of Physiotherapy

Committees and reviewing

  • Vice Chair Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, Charitable Trust Education Award Panel: due to commence 1/12/2020
  • External Reviewer, MSK Periodic Review Panel, School of Sport, Rehabilitation and Exercise Sciences, University of Essex 2019
  • Panel Member Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, Charitable Trust Education Award Panel 2018-present
  • Member of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, Admission Tutor Forum 2006-2013

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