Dr Andrew Dowling
- Media commentator
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Teams and roles for Andrew Dowling
Reader in Hispanic Studies
I am a contemporary historian working in the Hispanic Studies Department within the School of Modern Languages and joined Cardiff University in 2002. Prior to this, I spent seven years in the city of Barcelona, where I completed my doctorate. My research has centred on Catalan history in the 20th century and in particular, the political articulation of Catalan nationalism under both the Franco dictatorship and democratic Spain. Recent research centred on the emergence of pro-independence mobilisation in Catalonia and I completed a research monograph for Routledge on this subject in 2018. I published Catalonia: A New History in 2022 in the Routledge Studies in Modern European History series. This monograph won the Serra d'Or Prize in 2024 for its contribution to Catalan studies.
I edited the Routledge Handbook of Spanish History, a volume which brings together 45 Spanish and international scholars of Spain, published in 2023. Following, this, myself, together with two editors, Jaume Claret and Ferran Archilés, are co-editing the Rouledge History Handbook of the Catalan-Speaking Countries, to be published in 2027.
I am series editor for the Catalan Studies series published by Anthem Press
I am a participant in a series of successful research funding bids with scholars from Spanish and other European universities, with projects focussing on regions, nationalism and identity in Spain. The most recent, with funding from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, runs from 2023 to 2026 and includes colleagues from the universities of Valencia and Barcelona.
I teach courses on the modern and contemporary history of Spain, and co-ordinate the School Final Year Module Protest and Dissent in the 1960s.
I welcome enquiries from prospective PhD students on any area of modern Catalan history and politics, nationalism in Spain and theoretical approaches to nationalism and have successfully supervised to completion four students, most recently in 2020.
I regularly comment in national and international media on issues of contemporary concern to Spain, including the BBC, CNN, France 24, the Associated Press and TRT World, and have been cited in a number of Spanish media outlets including El Pais, La Vanguardia, Vilaweb and CTXT.
- Dowling, A. 2024. De una cultura de destrucción a una cultura de dominación. La Maleta de Portbou 66, pp. 79-84.
- Dowling, A. 2023. The Routledge handbook of Spanish history. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. (10.4324/9781003218784)
- Dowling, A. 2023. The Basque and Catalan questions since 1980. Teaching Nationalism and Conflict in Spain.. Tiempo devorado 8(1) (10.5565/rev/tdevorado.186)
- Dowling, A. 2022. Catalonia: A new history. Routledge Studies in Modern European History. Routledge. (10.4324/9781003218791)
- Dowling, A. 2022. Violències i re-nacionalitzacions en territoris ocupats (1920-1945): Catalunya in Francesc Vilanova Ed. In: Violències i re-nacionalitzacions en territoris ocupats (1920-1945). Barcelona: Memorial Democràtic, pp. 69-93.
- Dowling, A. 2021. Reconfiguración estatal y protoregionalismo en la España franquista tardía. In: Claret, J. and Fuster-Sobrepere, J. eds. El regionalismo bien entendido: Ambigüedades y límites del regionalismo en la España franquista. Granada: Comares, pp. 39-54.
- Dowling, A. 2020. Introduction. In: The Madness, by Narcís Oller. Translated by Douglas Suttle. London: Fum d'Estampa Press, pp. 7-17.
- Dowling, A. 2020. La Assemblea Nacional Catalana: las limitaciones estratégicas de un movimiento social sui generis. Historia del Presente 35(1), pp. 53-68.
- Dowling, A. 2019. Catalonia's 9/11. Quarterly Journal of Military History 31(2), pp. 16-18.
- Dowling, A. 2019. Principal frames for interpretation of the Catalan independence challenge to Spain. Catalan Journal of Communication and Cultural Studies 11(2), pp. 303-309. (10.1386/cjcs_00009_7)
- Dowling, A. 2019. When national symbols divide: The case of pan-Catalanism and the Països Catalans. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies 25(1), pp. 143 -157. (10.1080/14701847.2019.1579494)
- Dowling, A. 2018. Prohibition, tolerance, co-option: cultural appropriation and Francoism in Catalonia, 1939-75. Contemporary European History 27(3), pp. 370-386. (10.1017/S0960777318000267)
- Dowling, A. 2017. The rise of Catalan independence: Spain's territorial crisis. Federalism Studies. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
- Dowling, A. 2017. La independència de Catalunya, la crisi i les emocions polítiques. L'Avenç April, pp. 50-58.
- Dowling, A. 2017. La calle como una plataforma para comunicar: De la Crida a la Assemblea Nacional Catalana. In: Forti, S., Cal, E. U. and Gonzlez i Vilalta, A. eds. El Proceso separatista en Cataluña. Crisis de elites, protesta y recambio generacional (2006-2017). Granada: Editorial Comares, pp. 171-187.
- Dowling, A. 2016. A tale of two cities. Madrid and Barcelona in Spain. In: Cole, A. and Payre, R. eds. Cities as Political Objects. Historical Evolution, Analytical Categorisations and Institutional Challenges of Metropolitanisation. Cities Series Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 79-95.
- Dowling, A. 2015. Political cultures, ruptures, and continuity in Catalonia under the Franco regime. In: Fernandez, J. and Subirana, J. eds. Funcions del Passat en la Cultura Catalana Contemporània. Lleida: Punctum, pp. 221-239.
- Dowling, A. 2014. Accounting for the turn towards secession in Catalonia. International Journal of Iberian Studies 27(2-3), pp. 219-234. (10.1386/ijis.27.2-3.219_1)
- Dowling, A. 2013. The leading role of the party: Catalan communism and the Franco regime, 1939-1975. European History Quarterly 43(3), pp. 489-507. (10.1177/0265691413491053)
- Dowling, A. 2013. Catalonia since the Spanish Civil War: reconstructing the nation. Portland, Or.: Sussex Academic Press.
- Dowling, A. 2013. La reconstrucció nacional de Catalunya 1939-2012. Barcelona: Pasado y Presente.
- Dowling, A. 2012. For Christ and Catalonia: Catholic Catalanism and nationalist revival in late Francoism. Journal of Contemporary History 47(3), pp. 594-610. (10.1177/0022009412441648)
- Dowling, A. 2009. Autonomistes, Catalanistes and Independentistes: politics in contemporary Catalonia. International Journal of Iberian Studies 22(3), pp. 185-200. (10.1386/ijis.22.3.185/1)
- Dowling, A. 2009. ETA Liberation Front (Euskadi ta Askatasuna) and Basque nationalism. In: Ness, I. ed. International Encylopedia of Revolution and Protest. Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 1127-1132.
- Dowling, A. 2009. Catalan protests against centralism. In: Ness, I. ed. International Encylopedia of Revolution and Protest. Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 629-632.
- Phelps, N. A., Ballas, D., Parsons, N. and Dowling, A. 2006. Post-suburban Europe: planning and politics at the margins of Europe's capital cities. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Phelps, N. A., Parsons, N., Ballas, D. and Dowling, A. 2006. Business at the margins? Business interests in edge urban politics. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 30(2), pp. 362-383. (10.1111/j.1468-2427.2006.00663.x)
- Dowling, A. 2006. The Catholic Church in Catalonia. From Cataclysm in the Civil War to the "Euphoria" of the 1950s. Catalan Review 20(1), pp. 83-100.
- Dowling, A. 2005. Convergència i Unió, Catalonia and the new Catalanism. In: Balfour, S. ed. The Politics of Contemporary Spain. Routledge, pp. 106-120.
- Dowling, A. 2001. The reconstitution of political Catalanism, 1939-1975. International Journal of Iberian Studies 14(1), pp. 17-25. (10.1386/ijis.14.1.17)
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- Dowling, A. 2022. Violències i re-nacionalitzacions en territoris ocupats (1920-1945): Catalunya in Francesc Vilanova Ed. In: Violències i re-nacionalitzacions en territoris ocupats (1920-1945). Barcelona: Memorial Democràtic, pp. 69-93.
- Dowling, A. 2021. Reconfiguración estatal y protoregionalismo en la España franquista tardía. In: Claret, J. and Fuster-Sobrepere, J. eds. El regionalismo bien entendido: Ambigüedades y límites del regionalismo en la España franquista. Granada: Comares, pp. 39-54.
- Dowling, A. 2020. Introduction. In: The Madness, by Narcís Oller. Translated by Douglas Suttle. London: Fum d'Estampa Press, pp. 7-17.
- Dowling, A. 2017. La calle como una plataforma para comunicar: De la Crida a la Assemblea Nacional Catalana. In: Forti, S., Cal, E. U. and Gonzlez i Vilalta, A. eds. El Proceso separatista en Cataluña. Crisis de elites, protesta y recambio generacional (2006-2017). Granada: Editorial Comares, pp. 171-187.
- Dowling, A. 2016. A tale of two cities. Madrid and Barcelona in Spain. In: Cole, A. and Payre, R. eds. Cities as Political Objects. Historical Evolution, Analytical Categorisations and Institutional Challenges of Metropolitanisation. Cities Series Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 79-95.
- Dowling, A. 2015. Political cultures, ruptures, and continuity in Catalonia under the Franco regime. In: Fernandez, J. and Subirana, J. eds. Funcions del Passat en la Cultura Catalana Contemporània. Lleida: Punctum, pp. 221-239.
- Dowling, A. 2009. ETA Liberation Front (Euskadi ta Askatasuna) and Basque nationalism. In: Ness, I. ed. International Encylopedia of Revolution and Protest. Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 1127-1132.
- Dowling, A. 2009. Catalan protests against centralism. In: Ness, I. ed. International Encylopedia of Revolution and Protest. Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 629-632.
- Dowling, A. 2005. Convergència i Unió, Catalonia and the new Catalanism. In: Balfour, S. ed. The Politics of Contemporary Spain. Routledge, pp. 106-120.
- Dowling, A. 2024. De una cultura de destrucción a una cultura de dominación. La Maleta de Portbou 66, pp. 79-84.
- Dowling, A. 2023. The Basque and Catalan questions since 1980. Teaching Nationalism and Conflict in Spain.. Tiempo devorado 8(1) (10.5565/rev/tdevorado.186)
- Dowling, A. 2020. La Assemblea Nacional Catalana: las limitaciones estratégicas de un movimiento social sui generis. Historia del Presente 35(1), pp. 53-68.
- Dowling, A. 2019. Catalonia's 9/11. Quarterly Journal of Military History 31(2), pp. 16-18.
- Dowling, A. 2019. Principal frames for interpretation of the Catalan independence challenge to Spain. Catalan Journal of Communication and Cultural Studies 11(2), pp. 303-309. (10.1386/cjcs_00009_7)
- Dowling, A. 2019. When national symbols divide: The case of pan-Catalanism and the Països Catalans. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies 25(1), pp. 143 -157. (10.1080/14701847.2019.1579494)
- Dowling, A. 2018. Prohibition, tolerance, co-option: cultural appropriation and Francoism in Catalonia, 1939-75. Contemporary European History 27(3), pp. 370-386. (10.1017/S0960777318000267)
- Dowling, A. 2017. La independència de Catalunya, la crisi i les emocions polítiques. L'Avenç April, pp. 50-58.
- Dowling, A. 2014. Accounting for the turn towards secession in Catalonia. International Journal of Iberian Studies 27(2-3), pp. 219-234. (10.1386/ijis.27.2-3.219_1)
- Dowling, A. 2013. The leading role of the party: Catalan communism and the Franco regime, 1939-1975. European History Quarterly 43(3), pp. 489-507. (10.1177/0265691413491053)
- Dowling, A. 2012. For Christ and Catalonia: Catholic Catalanism and nationalist revival in late Francoism. Journal of Contemporary History 47(3), pp. 594-610. (10.1177/0022009412441648)
- Dowling, A. 2009. Autonomistes, Catalanistes and Independentistes: politics in contemporary Catalonia. International Journal of Iberian Studies 22(3), pp. 185-200. (10.1386/ijis.22.3.185/1)
- Phelps, N. A., Parsons, N., Ballas, D. and Dowling, A. 2006. Business at the margins? Business interests in edge urban politics. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 30(2), pp. 362-383. (10.1111/j.1468-2427.2006.00663.x)
- Dowling, A. 2006. The Catholic Church in Catalonia. From Cataclysm in the Civil War to the "Euphoria" of the 1950s. Catalan Review 20(1), pp. 83-100.
- Dowling, A. 2001. The reconstitution of political Catalanism, 1939-1975. International Journal of Iberian Studies 14(1), pp. 17-25. (10.1386/ijis.14.1.17)
- Dowling, A. 2023. The Routledge handbook of Spanish history. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. (10.4324/9781003218784)
- Dowling, A. 2022. Catalonia: A new history. Routledge Studies in Modern European History. Routledge. (10.4324/9781003218791)
- Dowling, A. 2017. The rise of Catalan independence: Spain's territorial crisis. Federalism Studies. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
- Dowling, A. 2013. Catalonia since the Spanish Civil War: reconstructing the nation. Portland, Or.: Sussex Academic Press.
- Dowling, A. 2013. La reconstrucció nacional de Catalunya 1939-2012. Barcelona: Pasado y Presente.
- Phelps, N. A., Ballas, D., Parsons, N. and Dowling, A. 2006. Post-suburban Europe: planning and politics at the margins of Europe's capital cities. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Dowling, A. 2013. The leading role of the party: Catalan communism and the Franco regime, 1939-1975. European History Quarterly 43(3), pp. 489-507. (10.1177/0265691413491053)
- Dowling, A. 2013. Catalonia since the Spanish Civil War: reconstructing the nation. Portland, Or.: Sussex Academic Press.
- Dowling, A. 2013. La reconstrucció nacional de Catalunya 1939-2012. Barcelona: Pasado y Presente.
- Dowling, A. 2012. For Christ and Catalonia: Catholic Catalanism and nationalist revival in late Francoism. Journal of Contemporary History 47(3), pp. 594-610. (10.1177/0022009412441648)
- Dowling, A. 2009. Autonomistes, Catalanistes and Independentistes: politics in contemporary Catalonia. International Journal of Iberian Studies 22(3), pp. 185-200. (10.1386/ijis.22.3.185/1)
My scholarship on Catalonia and Spain, which straddles historical sociology, political science and contemporary history, is ideally situated to combine academic rigour and reach wider audiences. My third sole authored monograph Catalonia: A New History, published by Routledge, provides a social, political and economic analysis of a minority nation and fully engages with the theory of nationalism, historical sociology and historiography.
- Introduction to Spain (Year One)
- Business Spanish (Year Two)
- Spain 1898-1975 (Year Two)
- May 68: Marking Changes in European Politics and Culture (Year Four) Module Lead
- Cultures of Dissent and Rebellion in Spain (Four)
- Politics and Society in Spain (Four)
- MA Global Studies
- MA Translation Studies
- Research Methods and Skills
I supervise students in the areas of historical sociology, comparative and national history, with a particular focus on questions of national identity.
I welcome applications from students of:
Historical sociology
Nationalism and Identity
Modern and Contemporary Spain
Catalan studies
Historical sociology
Music and dissent
Radical politics