I am Chair in Mathematics at Cardiff University since August 2021.
I am a member of the Analysis Group and of the Analysis, Probablity and Stochastic Processes Group.
My research interests are mainly in the area of nonlinear PDEs, using techniques crossing analysis, geometry and stochastic analysis. In particular I work on geometric PDEs, associated to the Heisenberg group, Carnot groups and general sub-Riemannian geometries.
School Roles
- Senior Tutor
Other Roles
- Welsh Node Leader for the EPSRC Generalised and Low-Regularity Solutions of Nonlinear PDEs Network
EPSRC panel member
LSM Undergraduate Research Bursary Board
Conference, workshop and Research Network organisation
- Summer School in nonlinear PDEs, Swansea, July 2024
- Variational methods for nonlinear PDEs, Cardiff, July 2023
- Workshop on Nonlinear Equations: from theory to modelling, Cardiff, November 2022
- Workshop on Calculus of Variation and Nonlinear PDEs, Cardiff, April 2022
- 12th LMS Network worhshop, Cardiff, November 2018
- 11th LMS Network worhshop, Cardiff, May 2018
- 8th LMS Network worhshop, Cardiff, September 2017
- New Trends in nonlinear PDEs: from theory to applications, Cardiff, March 2016
- 2nd LMS Network worhshop, Cardiff, April 2016
- Stochastic methods and nonlinear PDEs, Cardiff, 2012
Outreach activities
- Maths Games Clubs at Caerphilly Library and Bargoed Library in collaboration with CTG - Caerphilly Table-Top & Gamers Society
External Links
- Citti, G., Dirr, N., Dragoni, F. and Grande, R. 2024. Horizontal mean curvature flow as a scaling limit of a mean field equation in the Heisenberg group. [Online]. arXiv: Cornell University.
- Dragoni, F., Liu, Q. and Zhang, Y. 2024. Horizontal semiconcavity for the square of Carnot-Carathéodory distance on step 2 Carnot groups and applications to Hamilton-Jacobi equations. [Online]. arXiv. (10.48550/arXiv.2402.19164) Available at: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2402.19164
- Dragoni, F., Garofalo, N., Giovannardi, G. and Salani, P. 2024. A fundamental solution for a subelliptic operator in finsler geometry. [Online]. arXiv: Cornell University. (10.48550/arXiv.2401.06736) Available at: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2401.06736
- Dragoni, F. 2024. Semiconcavity, viscosity solutions and the square distance in Carnot groups.. Presented at: Summer School Workshop IV, Ghent, November 2024.
- Dirr, N., Dragoni, F. and Grande, R. 2021. Asymptotics for optimal controls for horizontal mean curvature flow. Nonlinear Analysis 202, article number: 112076. (10.1016/j.na.2020.112076)
- Dirr, N., Dragoni, F., Mannucci, P. and Marchi, C. 2020. Gamma-convergence and homogenisation for a class of degenerate functionals. Nonlinear Analysis 190, article number: 111618. (10.1016/j.na.2019.111618)
- Dirr, N., Dragoni, F. and Grande, R. 2020. Asymptotics for optimal controls for horizontal mean curvature flow.. [Online]. arXiv. Available at: https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.10599
- Dragoni, F. and Filali, D. 2019. Starshaped and convex sets in Carnot groups and in the geometries of vector fields. Journal of Convex Analysis 4(24), pp. -.
- Dragoni, F., Garofalo, N. and Salani, P. 2019. Starshapedeness for fully non-linear equations in Carnot groups. Journal of the London Mathematical Society 99(3), pp. 901-918. (10.1112/jlms.12198)
- Dirr, N., Dragoni, F., Mannucci, P. and Marchi, C. 2018. Stochastic homogenization for functionals with anisotropic rescaling and noncoercive Hamilton--Jacobi equations. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 50(5), pp. 5198-5242. (10.1137/17M1144428)
- Dragoni, F. and Feleqi, E. 2018. Ergodic mean field games with Hörmander diffusions. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 57, article number: 116. (10.1007/s00526-018-1391-1)
- Bardi, M. and Dragoni, F. 2014. Subdifferential and properties of convex functions with respect to vector fields. Journal of Convex Analysis 21(3), pp. 785-810.
- Dragoni, F., Manfredi, J. J. and Vittone, D. 2013. Weak Fubini property and infinity harmonic functions in Riemannian and sub-Riemannian manifolds. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 365, pp. 837-859. (10.1090/S0002-9947-2012-05612-1)
- Dragoni, F., Kontis, V. and Zegarliński, B. 2012. Ergodicity of Markov semigroups with Hörmander type generators in infinite dimensions. Potential Analysis 37(3), pp. 199-227. (10.1007/s11118-011-9253-x)
- Bardi, M. and Dragoni, F. 2011. Convexity and semiconvexity along vector fields. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 42(3-4), pp. 405-427. (10.1007/s00526-011-0392-0)
- Gentil, I., Qian, Z., Roberto, C., Dragoni, F., Inglis, J. and Kontis, V. Zegarlinski, B. ed. 2011. Aspects of analysis curvature criterion, isoperimetry, evolution equations. Mathematical Notebooks Vol. 3. Matrix Press.
- Dirr, N. P., Dragoni, F. and Von Renesse, M. 2010. Evolution by mean curvature flow in sub-Riemannian geometries: a stochastic approach. Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 9(2), pp. 307-326. (10.3934/cpaa.2010.9.307)
- Bardi, M. and Dragoni, F. 2010. Convexity along vector fields and applications to equations of Monge-Ampére type. In: Ruzhansky, M. and Wirth, J. eds. Progress in Analysis and Its Applications. Proceedings of the 7th international ISAAC Congress.. World Scientific, (10.1142/9789814313179_0059)
- Bieske, T., Dragoni, F. and Manfredi, J. J. 2009. The Carnot-Carathéodory Distance and the Infinite Laplacian. Journal of Geometric Analysis 19(4), pp. 737-754. (10.1007/s12220-009-9087-6)
- Dragoni, F. 2007. Metric Hopf-Lax formula with semicontinuous data. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 17(4), pp. 713-729. (10.3934/dcds.2007.17.713)
- Dragoni, F. 2007. Limiting behavior of solutions of subelliptic heat equations. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Application NoDEA 14(3-4), pp. 429-441. (10.1007/s00030-007-6013-0)
- Dragoni, F. 2006. Carnot-Carathéodory metrics and viscosity solutions. PhD Thesis, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy.
- Barletti, L. and Dragoni, F. 2005. An inverse problem for two-frequency photon transport in a slab. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 28(14), pp. 1695-1714. (10.1002/mma.633)
- Dirr, N., Dragoni, F. and Grande, R. 2021. Asymptotics for optimal controls for horizontal mean curvature flow. Nonlinear Analysis 202, article number: 112076. (10.1016/j.na.2020.112076)
- Dirr, N., Dragoni, F., Mannucci, P. and Marchi, C. 2020. Gamma-convergence and homogenisation for a class of degenerate functionals. Nonlinear Analysis 190, article number: 111618. (10.1016/j.na.2019.111618)
- Dragoni, F. and Filali, D. 2019. Starshaped and convex sets in Carnot groups and in the geometries of vector fields. Journal of Convex Analysis 4(24), pp. -.
- Dragoni, F., Garofalo, N. and Salani, P. 2019. Starshapedeness for fully non-linear equations in Carnot groups. Journal of the London Mathematical Society 99(3), pp. 901-918. (10.1112/jlms.12198)
- Dirr, N., Dragoni, F., Mannucci, P. and Marchi, C. 2018. Stochastic homogenization for functionals with anisotropic rescaling and noncoercive Hamilton--Jacobi equations. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 50(5), pp. 5198-5242. (10.1137/17M1144428)
- Dragoni, F. and Feleqi, E. 2018. Ergodic mean field games with Hörmander diffusions. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 57, article number: 116. (10.1007/s00526-018-1391-1)
- Bardi, M. and Dragoni, F. 2014. Subdifferential and properties of convex functions with respect to vector fields. Journal of Convex Analysis 21(3), pp. 785-810.
- Dragoni, F., Manfredi, J. J. and Vittone, D. 2013. Weak Fubini property and infinity harmonic functions in Riemannian and sub-Riemannian manifolds. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 365, pp. 837-859. (10.1090/S0002-9947-2012-05612-1)
- Dragoni, F., Kontis, V. and Zegarliński, B. 2012. Ergodicity of Markov semigroups with Hörmander type generators in infinite dimensions. Potential Analysis 37(3), pp. 199-227. (10.1007/s11118-011-9253-x)
- Bardi, M. and Dragoni, F. 2011. Convexity and semiconvexity along vector fields. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 42(3-4), pp. 405-427. (10.1007/s00526-011-0392-0)
- Dirr, N. P., Dragoni, F. and Von Renesse, M. 2010. Evolution by mean curvature flow in sub-Riemannian geometries: a stochastic approach. Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 9(2), pp. 307-326. (10.3934/cpaa.2010.9.307)
- Bieske, T., Dragoni, F. and Manfredi, J. J. 2009. The Carnot-Carathéodory Distance and the Infinite Laplacian. Journal of Geometric Analysis 19(4), pp. 737-754. (10.1007/s12220-009-9087-6)
- Dragoni, F. 2007. Metric Hopf-Lax formula with semicontinuous data. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 17(4), pp. 713-729. (10.3934/dcds.2007.17.713)
- Dragoni, F. 2007. Limiting behavior of solutions of subelliptic heat equations. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Application NoDEA 14(3-4), pp. 429-441. (10.1007/s00030-007-6013-0)
- Barletti, L. and Dragoni, F. 2005. An inverse problem for two-frequency photon transport in a slab. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 28(14), pp. 1695-1714. (10.1002/mma.633)
Book sections
- Bardi, M. and Dragoni, F. 2010. Convexity along vector fields and applications to equations of Monge-Ampére type. In: Ruzhansky, M. and Wirth, J. eds. Progress in Analysis and Its Applications. Proceedings of the 7th international ISAAC Congress.. World Scientific, (10.1142/9789814313179_0059)
- Gentil, I., Qian, Z., Roberto, C., Dragoni, F., Inglis, J. and Kontis, V. Zegarlinski, B. ed. 2011. Aspects of analysis curvature criterion, isoperimetry, evolution equations. Mathematical Notebooks Vol. 3. Matrix Press.
- Dragoni, F. 2024. Semiconcavity, viscosity solutions and the square distance in Carnot groups.. Presented at: Summer School Workshop IV, Ghent, November 2024.
- Dragoni, F. 2006. Carnot-Carathéodory metrics and viscosity solutions. PhD Thesis, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy.
- Citti, G., Dirr, N., Dragoni, F. and Grande, R. 2024. Horizontal mean curvature flow as a scaling limit of a mean field equation in the Heisenberg group. [Online]. arXiv: Cornell University.
- Dragoni, F., Liu, Q. and Zhang, Y. 2024. Horizontal semiconcavity for the square of Carnot-Carathéodory distance on step 2 Carnot groups and applications to Hamilton-Jacobi equations. [Online]. arXiv. (10.48550/arXiv.2402.19164) Available at: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2402.19164
- Dragoni, F., Garofalo, N., Giovannardi, G. and Salani, P. 2024. A fundamental solution for a subelliptic operator in finsler geometry. [Online]. arXiv: Cornell University. (10.48550/arXiv.2401.06736) Available at: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2401.06736
- Dirr, N., Dragoni, F. and Grande, R. 2020. Asymptotics for optimal controls for horizontal mean curvature flow.. [Online]. arXiv. Available at: https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.10599
Research interests
My research is motivated by a broad range of interrelated problems in the area of analysis in sub-Riemannian manifolds and degenerate nonlinear PDEs. In this settings I have dealt with very different questions, making use of many interdisciplinary methods and techniques from probability, analysis, differential geometry, Lie algebras, metric spaces, calculus of variations and measure theory. Sub-Riemannian geometries and related PDEs (as subelliptic/ultraparabolic PDEs) turn out to be extremely useful to create mathematical models to describe many different phenomena from applications. An example are the use of the Rototranslation geometry for modelling the first layer of the visual cortex and problems in finance related to pricing so-called Asian options.Unlike Riemannian manifolds (where the structure looks locally always like the Euclidean RN), sub-Riemannian spaces are never, at any scale, isomorphic to the Euclidean space. In particular they are highly anisotropic in the sense that at any point some directions for the motion on the manifold turn out to be forbidden, making the metric and geometric structure much more complicated than in the non-degenerate case (Euclidean space and Riemannian manifolds). The admissible directions for the motion are described by vector fields which do not span at any point the whole tangent space. PDEs on these geometries are defined by replacing the standard partial derivatives by the vector fields.
Some of the topics I am interested in are listed below.
- Nonlinear PDEs, in particular degenerate ellipitc and parabolic PDEs.
- PDEs in the Heisenberg groups and Carnot groups
- PDEs in sub-Riemannian manifolds and in general related to Hoermander vector fields
- Geometrical properties for PDEs
- Convexity and starshapedness in non Euclidean spaces
- Stochastic methods for deterministc PDEs
- Stochastic Homogenization
- Hamilton-Jacobi equations and Hopf-Lax formulas
- Absolutely Minimizing Lipschitz extensions
- Infinite-Laplacian
- Mean Field Games
- Tug-of-war, more in general deterministic and stochastic differential games
Research group
External funding and grants
- 2023-2024: LMS Scheme 4; Cardiff University Research Leave
- 2020-2024: Welsh Node for EPSRC Network on Generalised and Low-regularity Solutions for Nonlinear PDEs
- 2019-2020: ERASMUS Mobility Grant; CU Funds to visit Campinas
- 2018-2019: LMS Scheme 5 (Collaborations with developing countries)
- 2017-2018: Cardiff University Research Leave; LMS Scheme 3; LMS Educational Grant
- 2016-2017: LMS Grant Scheme 4; LMS Grant Scheme 3
- 2015-2016: EPSRC First Grant; LMS Grant Scheme 3
- 2012-2013: LMS grant Scheme 1; OxPDE grant for conference; WIMCS grant for conference
- 2010: LMS collaborative small grant
- 2007: INDAM research grant
I am currently teaching the following modules:
- MA20006 Real Analysis (Spring Term)
Former teaching experience
- Real Analysis. year 2, Cardiff (2021-present)
- Further topics in Analysis with applications to PDEs, Postgraduate and MMath course, Cardiff University (2016-2023)
Foundation II, year 1, Cardiff (2016-2020)
Analysis 2, year 1, Cardiff (2012, 2014, 2015)
Theoretical and computational PDEs, year 3, Cardiff (2012, 2013)
Linear Algebra, year 1, University of Bristol (2010)
Calculus 2, year 1, University of Bristol (2010)
Introduction to viscosity theory for Nonlinear PDEs, Postgraduate and MMath course, Imperial College London (2009)
Calculus I and Geometry and Linear Algebra (teaching assistant), year 1, Department of Engineering, University of Florence (2007)
Preparatory class of Mathematics, University of Florence (2006)
Mathematics and Physics at Secondary Schools, Florence (2006)
Education and Qualification
- 2013: Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), Cardiff University.
- 2006: PhD in Mathematics, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Italy. Mark: 70/70 cum Laude. Title: Carnot-Carathéodory metrics and viscosity solutions. Advisor: Prof. Italo Capuzzo Dolcetta.
- 2002: Laurea (equivalent of Master Degree) in Mathematics, University of Florence, Italy. Mark: 110/110 cum Laude. Title: Photon transport in an interstellar cloud: direct and inverse problems. Advisor: Prof. Luigi Barletti
- 2021-present: Chain in Mathematics at Cardiff School of Mathematics, Cardiff University
- 2016-2021: Senior Lecturer and the Reader at Cardiff School of Mathematics, Cardiff University
- 2011-2016: Lecturer at Cardiff School of Mathematics, (including two breaks of maternity leave in 2011 and 2013)
- 2010: Research associate at University of Padova, Italy and temporary position, University of Bristol
- 2009: Research associate at Imperial College London
- 2008-2009: Research associate at University of Padova, Italy
- 2007-2008: Post-doc position at Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig, Germany
- 2007: INDAM research position, at University of Pittsburgh, USA
- Nonlinear PDEs degenerate elliptic and parabolic.
- PDEs in Carnot groups, subRiemannian manifolds and related to Hoermander vector fields.
- Geometrical properties for PDEs.
- Convexity in non Euclidean spaces.
- Periodic Homogenization
- Stochastic Homogenizitaion
- Mean Field Games
Current supervision
Contact Details
+44 29208 75529
Abacws, Room 2.19, Senghennydd Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF24 4AG