Research summary
My research interests focus around developing techniques to investigate brain physiology, using MRI and MEG. My work includes measuring the physiological responses to inhaled gas challenges, with their application to calibrated fMRI techniques, and in developing novel MRI techniques for investigating brain energetic processes, such as susceptibility-based MRI oximetry and multi-nuclear MRI.
- McNabb, C. B. et al. 2025. WAND: A multi-modal dataset integrating advanced MRI, MEG, and TMS for multi-scale brain analysis. Scientific Data 12, article number: 220. (10.1038/s41597-024-04154-7)
- Wright, M. E. et al. 2024. Endocrine modulation of cortical and retinal blood flow across the menstrual cycle. [Online]. BioRXiv. (10.1101/2024.12.19.629235) Available at: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.12.19.629235
- Driver, I. D. et al. 2024. Breath-hold calibrated fMRI mapping of absolute cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen metabolism (CMRO2): an assessment of the accuracy and repeatability in a healthy adult population. Imaging Neuroscience 2, pp. 1-14. (10.1162/imag_a_00298)
- Wright, M. E. et al. 2024. OP-07 Retinal and cortical vascular function across the menstrual cycle. Presented at: Women in Vision UK Winter Meeting 2023, Cambridge, UK, 12 December 2023, Vol. 9., (10.1136/bmjoo-2024-WVUK.7)
- Woodward, O. B., Driver, I., Hart, E. and Wise, R. 2023. In search of a marker of altered cerebrovascular function in hypertension: Analysis of the fractional amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations in UK Biobank resting state fMRI data. Cerebral Circulation - Cognition & Behavior 6, article number: 100196. (10.1016/j.cccb.2023.100196)
- Lancaster, T. et al. 2023. Proof-of-concept recall-by-genotype study of extremely low and high Alzheimer’s polygenic risk reveals autobiographical deficits and cingulate cortex correlates. Alzheimer's Research and Therapy 15, article number: 213. (10.1186/s13195-023-01362-y)
- Woodward, O. B., Driver, I., Schwarz, S. T., Hart, E. and Wise, R. 2023. Assessment of brainstem function and haemodynamics by MRI: challenges and clinical prospects. British Journal of Radiology 96(1151), article number: 20220940. (10.1259/bjr.20220940)
- Rua, C. et al. 2020. Multi-centre, multi-vendor reproducibility of 7T QSM and R2* in the human brain: Results from the UK7T study. NeuroImage 223, article number: 117358. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.117358)
- Bright, M. G., Whittaker, J. R., Driver, I. D. and Murphy, K. 2020. Vascular physiology drives functional brain networks. NeuroImage 217, article number: 116907. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.116907)
- Driver, I. D., Traat, M., Fasano, F. and Wise, R. G. 2020. Most small cerebral cortical veins demonstrate significant flow pulsatility: a human phase contrast MRI study at 7T. Frontiers in Neuroscience 14, article number: 415. (10.3389/fnins.2020.00415)
- Rowland, B. C. et al. 2020. Whole brain 31P MRSI at 7T with a dual-tuned receive array. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 83(2), pp. 765-775. (10.1002/mrm.27953)
- Clarke, W. T. et al. 2020. Multi-site harmonization of 7 tesla MRI neuroimaging protocols. NeuroImage 206, article number: 116335. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.116335)
- Driver, I. D., Stobbe, R. W., Wise, R. G. and Beaulieu, C. 2020. The venous contribution to sodium MRI in the human brain. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 83(4), pp. 1331-1338. (10.1002/mrm.27996)
- Whittaker, J., Driver, I., Venzi, M., Bright, M. and Murphy, K. 2019. Cerebral autoregulation evidence by synchronized low frequency oscillations in blood pressure and resing-state fMRI. Frontiers in Neuroscience 13, article number: 433. (10.3389/fnins.2019.00433)
- Wesolowski, R., Blockley, N. P., Driver, I. D., Francis, S. T. and Gowland, P. A. 2019. Coupling between cerebral blood flow and cerebral blood volume: Contributions of different vascular compartments. NMR in Biomedicine, article number: e4061. (10.1002/nbm.4061)
- Whittaker, J. R., Bright, M. G., Driver, I. D., Babic, A., Khot, S. and Murphy, K. 2019. Changes in arterial cerebral blood volume during lower body negative pressure measured with MRI. NeuroImage 187, pp. 166-175. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2017.06.041)
- Driver, I., Wise, R. and Murphy, K. 2017. Graded hypercapnia-calibrated BOLD: beyond the iso metabolic hypercapnic assumption. Frontiers in Neuroscience 11, article number: 276. (10.3389/fnins.2017.00276)
- Samaraweera, A. P. R. et al. 2017. The central vein sign in multiple sclerosis lesions is present irrespective of the T2* sequence at 3 T. Journal of Neuroimaging 27(1), pp. 114-121. (10.1111/jon.12367)
- Driver, I. D., Whittaker, J. R., Bright, M. G., Muthukumaraswamy, S. and Murphy, K. 2016. Arterial CO2 fluctuations modulate neuronal rhythmicity: Implications for MEG and fMRI studies of resting-state networks. Journal of Neuroscience 36(33), pp. 8541-8550. (10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4263-15.2016)
- Whittaker, J. R., Driver, I. D., Bright, M. G. and Murphy, K. 2016. The absolute CBF response to activation is preserved during elevated perfusion: Implications for neurovascular coupling measures. NeuroImage 125, pp. 198-207. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.10.023)
- Driver, I. D., Andoh, J., Blockley, N. P., Francis, S. T., Gowland, P. A. and Paus, T. 2015. Hemispheric asymmetry in cerebrovascular reactivity of the human primary motor cortex: an in vivo study at 7 T. NMR in Biomedicine 28(5), pp. 538-545. (10.1002/nbm.3282)
- Croal, P. L., Hall, E. L., Driver, I. D., Brookes, M. J., Gowland, P. A. and Francis, S. T. 2015. The effect of isocapnic hyperoxia on neurophysiology as measured with MRI and MEG. Neuroimage 105, pp. 323-331. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.10.036)
- Driver, I. D., Wharton, S. J., Croal, P. L., Bowtell, R., Francis, S. T. and Gowland, P. A. 2014. Global intravascular and local hyperoxia contrast phase-based blood oxygenation measurements. NeuroImage 101, pp. 458-465. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.07.050)
- McNabb, C. B. et al. 2025. WAND: A multi-modal dataset integrating advanced MRI, MEG, and TMS for multi-scale brain analysis. Scientific Data 12, article number: 220. (10.1038/s41597-024-04154-7)
- Driver, I. D. et al. 2024. Breath-hold calibrated fMRI mapping of absolute cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen metabolism (CMRO2): an assessment of the accuracy and repeatability in a healthy adult population. Imaging Neuroscience 2, pp. 1-14. (10.1162/imag_a_00298)
- Woodward, O. B., Driver, I., Hart, E. and Wise, R. 2023. In search of a marker of altered cerebrovascular function in hypertension: Analysis of the fractional amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations in UK Biobank resting state fMRI data. Cerebral Circulation - Cognition & Behavior 6, article number: 100196. (10.1016/j.cccb.2023.100196)
- Lancaster, T. et al. 2023. Proof-of-concept recall-by-genotype study of extremely low and high Alzheimer’s polygenic risk reveals autobiographical deficits and cingulate cortex correlates. Alzheimer's Research and Therapy 15, article number: 213. (10.1186/s13195-023-01362-y)
- Woodward, O. B., Driver, I., Schwarz, S. T., Hart, E. and Wise, R. 2023. Assessment of brainstem function and haemodynamics by MRI: challenges and clinical prospects. British Journal of Radiology 96(1151), article number: 20220940. (10.1259/bjr.20220940)
- Rua, C. et al. 2020. Multi-centre, multi-vendor reproducibility of 7T QSM and R2* in the human brain: Results from the UK7T study. NeuroImage 223, article number: 117358. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.117358)
- Bright, M. G., Whittaker, J. R., Driver, I. D. and Murphy, K. 2020. Vascular physiology drives functional brain networks. NeuroImage 217, article number: 116907. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.116907)
- Driver, I. D., Traat, M., Fasano, F. and Wise, R. G. 2020. Most small cerebral cortical veins demonstrate significant flow pulsatility: a human phase contrast MRI study at 7T. Frontiers in Neuroscience 14, article number: 415. (10.3389/fnins.2020.00415)
- Rowland, B. C. et al. 2020. Whole brain 31P MRSI at 7T with a dual-tuned receive array. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 83(2), pp. 765-775. (10.1002/mrm.27953)
- Clarke, W. T. et al. 2020. Multi-site harmonization of 7 tesla MRI neuroimaging protocols. NeuroImage 206, article number: 116335. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.116335)
- Driver, I. D., Stobbe, R. W., Wise, R. G. and Beaulieu, C. 2020. The venous contribution to sodium MRI in the human brain. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 83(4), pp. 1331-1338. (10.1002/mrm.27996)
- Whittaker, J., Driver, I., Venzi, M., Bright, M. and Murphy, K. 2019. Cerebral autoregulation evidence by synchronized low frequency oscillations in blood pressure and resing-state fMRI. Frontiers in Neuroscience 13, article number: 433. (10.3389/fnins.2019.00433)
- Wesolowski, R., Blockley, N. P., Driver, I. D., Francis, S. T. and Gowland, P. A. 2019. Coupling between cerebral blood flow and cerebral blood volume: Contributions of different vascular compartments. NMR in Biomedicine, article number: e4061. (10.1002/nbm.4061)
- Whittaker, J. R., Bright, M. G., Driver, I. D., Babic, A., Khot, S. and Murphy, K. 2019. Changes in arterial cerebral blood volume during lower body negative pressure measured with MRI. NeuroImage 187, pp. 166-175. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2017.06.041)
- Driver, I., Wise, R. and Murphy, K. 2017. Graded hypercapnia-calibrated BOLD: beyond the iso metabolic hypercapnic assumption. Frontiers in Neuroscience 11, article number: 276. (10.3389/fnins.2017.00276)
- Samaraweera, A. P. R. et al. 2017. The central vein sign in multiple sclerosis lesions is present irrespective of the T2* sequence at 3 T. Journal of Neuroimaging 27(1), pp. 114-121. (10.1111/jon.12367)
- Driver, I. D., Whittaker, J. R., Bright, M. G., Muthukumaraswamy, S. and Murphy, K. 2016. Arterial CO2 fluctuations modulate neuronal rhythmicity: Implications for MEG and fMRI studies of resting-state networks. Journal of Neuroscience 36(33), pp. 8541-8550. (10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4263-15.2016)
- Whittaker, J. R., Driver, I. D., Bright, M. G. and Murphy, K. 2016. The absolute CBF response to activation is preserved during elevated perfusion: Implications for neurovascular coupling measures. NeuroImage 125, pp. 198-207. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.10.023)
- Driver, I. D., Andoh, J., Blockley, N. P., Francis, S. T., Gowland, P. A. and Paus, T. 2015. Hemispheric asymmetry in cerebrovascular reactivity of the human primary motor cortex: an in vivo study at 7 T. NMR in Biomedicine 28(5), pp. 538-545. (10.1002/nbm.3282)
- Croal, P. L., Hall, E. L., Driver, I. D., Brookes, M. J., Gowland, P. A. and Francis, S. T. 2015. The effect of isocapnic hyperoxia on neurophysiology as measured with MRI and MEG. Neuroimage 105, pp. 323-331. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.10.036)
- Driver, I. D., Wharton, S. J., Croal, P. L., Bowtell, R., Francis, S. T. and Gowland, P. A. 2014. Global intravascular and local hyperoxia contrast phase-based blood oxygenation measurements. NeuroImage 101, pp. 458-465. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.07.050)
- Wright, M. E. et al. 2024. OP-07 Retinal and cortical vascular function across the menstrual cycle. Presented at: Women in Vision UK Winter Meeting 2023, Cambridge, UK, 12 December 2023, Vol. 9., (10.1136/bmjoo-2024-WVUK.7)
- Wright, M. E. et al. 2024. Endocrine modulation of cortical and retinal blood flow across the menstrual cycle. [Online]. BioRXiv. (10.1101/2024.12.19.629235) Available at: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.12.19.629235
Research topics and related papers
Research group
Research collaborators
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Undergraduate education
2007 MSc in Physics (University of Nottingham)
Postgraduate education
2012 PhD in Physics (University of Nottingham)
Honours and awards
Awards/external committees
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Current supervision