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Isabelle Durance  AE, PhD

Professor Isabelle Durance


Professor and Director of the Water Research Institute

Media commentator
School of Biosciences


Freshwaters are hot spots of biodiversity and also vital natural resources on which human well-being depends. However, multiple and often conflicting uses of these waters and their catchments have significantly degraded freshwater ecosystems worldwide. Evidence and tools are urgently needed to guide the management of freshwaters and their catchments within safe environmental limits.

Using an ecosystem approach, my work blends large scale empirical analysis with smaller scale in-situ manipulations, to address pressing questions on:

  1. The role of river biodiversity in sustaining key ecosystem services
  2. The role of landscape processes in regulating freshwater biodiversity
  3. The impact of global changes on freshwater ecosystems


Director, Water Research Institute

The Water Research Institute was launched in 2015 to address the grand challenge of sustainable water management for people and ecosystems in a changing world.

Our mission is to foster world-leading interdisciplinary research that will have strong impact and be used as evidence by decision makers. We do this by providing a creative environment where researchers from different disciplines co-design and co-deliver research with stakeholders and end-users to provide integrated understanding and solutions to tackle global water challenges.

Director, GW4 Water Security Alliance

Water security means making sure there is enough water of the right quality in the right place at the right time for people, farming, businesses and the environment.

With 200+ academics across four leading UK research institutions (Bath, Bristol, Cardiff, Exeter), the GW4 Water Security Alliance (WSA) is the largest UK water research group – and one of the largest worldwide. It brings together academics and stakeholders with a common vision of addressing regional, national and global water security challenges

Director, NERC FRESH Centre for Doctoral Training

The NERC Centre for Doctoral Training in Freshwater Biosciences and Sustainability (GW4 FRESH CDT) provides a world-class doctoral research and training environment, for the next generation of interdisciplinary freshwater scientists equipped to tackle future global water challenges.

The FRESH CDT harnesses freshwater scientists from four of the UK’s most research-intensive universities (Bath, Bristol, Cardiff and Exeter) plus world-class research organisations the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH) and British Geological Survey (BGS). FRESH builds on established networks in place, with tried and tested collaboration agreements, and exceptional long-standing stakeholder support from a range of backgrounds.































Book sections



My interests span a wide array of environmental challenges. From a background in agronomy, my research straddles the frontier between physical, ecological and social sciences, crossing disciplinary boundaries in a holistic perspective. My work is focused on freshwaters as an integrating lens through which environmental challenges are viewed. Freshwater is critical to life, the environment and economies, but its sustainable management worldwide is at risk through the whole water cycle from global change, burgeoning demand and inadequate control. Given the complexities of the problem, this is a prime example where sustainable solutions require a whole-systems approach that integrates multiple sectors at multiple scales. 

This research has been funded over the past decade by a range of funders (UKRI, EU, industry, charities) and over the past 10 years I have been involved as PI or co-PI in environmental research endeavours totalling over £20m. 


Following a degree in Natural Sciences and a Masters in Engineering (Ingenieur Agronome, Agrotech Paris), I worked in Research & Development in an industrial context (Danone Belgium). I then embarked on a PhD in Landscape Ecology working in Ukraine and France, and developed my research increasingly using freshwater ecosystems as a model during a 10 year lectureship in France (Rouen).

With the support of the Daphne Jackson charity, a charity established to help women back into science, I obtained 3 independent research fellowships after my career break, before being awarded a senior lectureship in Cardiff School of Biosceinces where I now hold a Chair in Integrated Water Sciences.

In turn, I now have the chance to contribute to academic and public life, for example through involvement with:

  • the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and the UKRI, as panel member but also as part of advisory groups: Chair NERC ReFIT Steering Committee since Apr 2023 (Capital), NERC Water Quality programme Advisory group (since 2023), Chair NERC Strategic Needs Advisory Group (S&F, 2020-21), Chair NERC Deep Dive Working Group 2022, NERC Floods and Drought (FDRI) Steering committee since 2020 (2 terms), NERC Strategic Programme Advisory group (2016-2019, 2 terms), NERC Joint Capacity Advisory group (2016-2019, 2 terms).
  • the Education and Research sector more broadly, nationally and internationally, in advisory roles for: Centres for Doctoral Training boards (NERC FRESH CDT 2017-24, EPSRC Sustainable Plastics DTH 2020-28, NERC ECORISC CDT 2020-28), Cardiff University Directors of Research Board, H2O Doctoral Scheme (France) International Advisory Board since 2020, Brazil Water Research Centre International Advisory Board since 2020, Environment Platform Wales Advisory Board since 2022, Horizon 2020 panels (2014, 2018, 2022), EU Water4All programme 2023. 
  • the Water and Environmental sector, for example in advisory roles as part of: DCWW – Welsh Water Independent Environment Advisory Panel since 2019, Spring Water Sector Innovation Co-leads team since 2021, WWF Impact committee since 2018 (3 terms)





Committees and reviewing

NERC Changing the Environment Scheme Assessment Panel, 27 and 28 October 2021 - Chaired by NERC Chief Executive, several £10m investments to support the UK research and innovation communities to not just articulate environmental problems, but to devise and develop the whole system solutions utilising interdisciplinary approaches.

NERC Community Diversity Town Hall invited workshop, 10 Nov 2021

Collaborative Inclusivity roundtable led by Susan Waldron, 24 June 2021 - Focused on Advocating and promoting environmental science to create an inclusive talent and skills pipeline

UKRI invited roundtable - a 'new deal' for postgraduate research,1 February 2021

NERC Fellowship workshop - invited workshop to shape the future development and improvement of NERC Fellowships, 4 June 2021

Chair of NERC Strategic Need Advisory Group, January 2021 - August 2021 - Chaired an independent group to give advice on the strategic direction of NERC's Scientific support and Facilities portfolio.

NERC Deep Dive Working Group on Earth and Terrestrial Scientific Support and Facilities (S&F), January - May 2022.

Floods and Droughts Resilience (FDR) steering committee member, July 2020 - December 2021

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 74484
Campuses Sir Martin Evans Building, Museum Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3AX