Professor Mercedes Durham
- Media commentator
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Teams and roles for Mercedes Durham
I am member of the Centre for Language and Communication.
I am a sociolinguist focusing primarily on language variation and change. My research is broadly concerned with how linguistic variation (and with it, language change) is acquired, transmitted and viewed by individual speakers and across successive generations.
I have been at Cardiff University since September 2012. Before that I worked as a lecturer in English Linguistics at the University of Aberdeen from 2008 to 2012. I have also worked and taught at the Universities of York, Glasgow and Leeds.
I grew up and studied in Switzerland, getting my first degree at the University of Lausanne and my doctorate at the University of Fribourg.
Speak for Yersel - Wales (You can take the survey via the link as well as see the current results for it)
Research interests
- Language Variation and Change
- Sociolinguistics
- Native and non-native Acquisition of Variation
- Dialect shift
- Native and non-native varieties of English
Postgraduate students
I am interested in supervising doctoral projects broadly related to the fields of Sociolinguistics, and Language Variation and Change, particularly those from students with interests in the acquisition of variation, morphosyntax, and discourse, and in English, French or Italian dialects.
Press work
I often talk about my research and linguistic topics more generally on the radio (e.g BBC Wales, BBC Radio5Live, BBC Wiltshire, BBC Somerset, BBC South and Capital/HeartFM).
My research has also been discussed in newspapers and websites:
- The Traitors: Is the Welsh accent really more trustworthy? (BBC News 2025)
- Welsh accents: Is commuting changing how people speak? (BBC News 2024)
- Wenglish: Experts research how how the English language is used in day-to-day life in Wales (Nation Cymru 2024)
- The Welsh accent is officially lush (and that's according to genuine academic research) (Wales Online 2014)
- #LoveIt or #HateIt? 'Welsh accent' tweets studied (ITV 2014)
- The New Meaning of 'Cheeky' That's Got Americans Confused (Mental Floss 2015)
- English as a common language in Switzerland (SwissInfo 2021)
- Young, K., Durham, M. and Morris, J. 2024. Possessive pronouns in Welsh: Stylistic variation and the acquisition of sociolinguistic competence. Language Variation and Change 36(1), pp. 25-48. (10.1017/S0954394523000273)
- Durham, M. 2024. English. In: Glaser, E., Kabatek, J. and Sonnenhauser, B. eds. Sprachenräume der Schweiz (volume 1)., Vol. 1. Germany: Narr
- Smith, J. and Durham, M. 2024. The Orkney and Shetland Islands. In: Fox, S. ed. Language in Britain and Ireland. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- Durham, M. 2023. Book Reviews: Accent in North American film and television: a sociophonetic analysis. Journal of English Linguistics 51(3), pp. 294-297. (10.1177/00754242231175863)
- Durham, M. 2022. How many s in Wales? Performing a Welsh accent on Twitter. In: Cutler, C., Ahmar, M. and Bahri, S. eds. Digital Orality: Vernacular Writing in Online Spaces. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 189-217., (10.1007/978-3-031-10433-6_7)
- Durham, M. 2022. Content analysis of social media. In: Kircher, R. and Zipp, L. eds. Research Methods in Language Attitudes. Cambridge University Press, pp. 35-50., (10.1017/9781108867788.005)
- Bailey, L. R. and Durham, M. 2021. A cheeky investigation: Tracking the semantic change of cheeky from monkeys to wines: Can social media spread linguistic change?. English Today 37(4), pp. 214-223. (10.1017/S0266078420000073)
- Smith, J. and Durham, M. 2019. Sociolinguistic variation in children's language: Acquiring community norms. Studies in Language Variation and Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Durham, M. 2017. Teen Talk: the language of adolescents. by Tagliamonte Sali A.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016. xiv + 298. ISBN: 9781107676176. [Book Review]. Journal of English Linguistics 45(3), pp. 291-294., article number: 7542421771759. (10.1177/0075424217717590)
- Durham, M. 2017. Changing domains of dialect use: a real-time study of Shetland schoolchildren. In: Hancil, S. and Beal, J. C. eds. Perspectives on Northern British Englishes., Vol. 96. Topics in English Linguistics [TiEL] Berlin/Munich/Boston: De Gruyter, pp. 245-272., (10.1515/9783110450903-011)
- Reichelt, S. and Durham, M. 2017. Adjective intensification as a means of characterization: Portraying in-group membership and Britishness in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Journal of English Linguistics 45(1), pp. 60-87. (10.1177/0075424216669747)
- Durham, M. and Morris, J. eds. 2016. Sociolinguistics in Wales. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (10.1057/978-1-137-52897-1)
- Durham, M. 2016. Changing attitudes towards the Welsh English accent: A view from Twitter. In: Durham, M. and Morris, J. eds. Sociolinguistics in Wales. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 181-205., (10.1057/978-1-137-52897-1_7)
- Durham, M. and Morris, J. 2016. An overview of sociolinguistics in Wales. In: Durham, M. and Morris, J. eds. Sociolinguistics in Wales. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 3-28., (10.1057/978-1-137-52897-1_1)
- Durham, M. 2016. English as a lingua Franca: forms and features in a Swiss context. Cahiers de l'Institut de Linguistique et des Sciences du Langage 48, pp. 107-118.
- Lawson, E. et al. 2015. Dynamic Dialects: an articulatory web resource for the study of accents. [Online]. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Available at:
- Lawson, E. E. et al. 2015. Seeing Speech: an articulatory web resource for the study of phonetics. [Online]. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Available at:
- Tagliamonte, S. A., Durham, M. and Smith, J. 2014. Grammaticalization at an early stage: future 'be going to' in conservative British dialects. English Language and Linguistics 18(1), pp. 75-108. (10.1017/S1360674313000282)
- Durham, M. 2014. The acquisition of sociolinguistic competence in a Lingua Franca context. Second Language Acquisition. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
- Durham, M. 2014. 30 years later: real-time change and stability in attitudes towards the dialect in Shetland. In: Lawson, R. ed. Sociolinguistics In Scotland. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 296-318.
- Durham, M. 2013. Was/were alternation in Shetland English. World Englishes 32(1), pp. 108-128. (10.1111/weng.12009)
- Smith, J., Durham, M. and Richards, H. 2013. The social and linguistic in the acquisition of sociolinguistic norms: Caregivers, children and variation. Linguistics 51(2), pp. 285-324. (10.1515/ling-2013-0012)
- Durham, M. et al. 2012. Constant linguistic effects in the diffusion of 'be like'. Journal of English Linguistics 40(4), pp. 316-337. (10.1177/0075424211431266)
- Durham, M. 2012. Paul Baker, Sociolinguistics and corpus linguistics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2010. Pp. ix, 189. Pb. $24.50. [Book Review]. Language in Society 41(1), pp. 127-130. (10.1017/S0047404511000947)
- Smith, J. and Durham, M. 2012. Bidialectalism or dialect death? Explaining generational change in the Shetland Islands, Scotland. American Speech 87(1), pp. 57-88. (10.1215/00031283-1599959)
- Smith, J. and Durham, M. 2011. A tipping point in dialect obsolescence? Change across the generations in Lerwick, Shetland. Journal of Sociolinguistics 15(2), pp. 197-225. (10.1111/j.1467-9841.2011.00479.x)
- McColl Millar, R. and Durham, M. eds. 2011. Applied Linguistics, Global and Local: Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics, 9-11 September 2010, University of Aberdeen. London: Scitsiugnil Press.
- Durham, M. 2011. I think (that) something's missing: Complementizer deletion in nonnative e-mails. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching 1(3), pp. 421-445.
- Durham, M. 2011. Right dislocation in northern England: Frequency and use - perception meets reality. English World-Wide 32(3), pp. 257-279. (10.1075/eww.32.3.01dur)
- Smith, J., Durham, M. and Fortune, L. 2009. Universal and dialect-specific pathways of acquisition: Caregivers, children, and t/d deletion. Language Variation and Change 21(1), pp. 69-95. (10.1017/S0954394509000039)
- Durham, M. 2007. 'It's altered a lot has York': Right dislocation in Northern England. York Papers in Linguistics 8, pp. 60-71.
- Durham, M. 2007. Language choice on a Swiss mailing list. In: Danet, B. and Herring, S. eds. The Multilingual Internet: Language, Culture and Communication Online. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 319-339.
- Durham, M. 2007. Language choice on a Swiss mailing list. In: Goodman, S., Graddol, D. and Lillis, T. eds. Redesigning English. Exploring the English Language Routledge, pp. 231-240.
- Smith, J., Durham, M. and Fortune, L. 2007. "Mam, my trousers is fa'in doon!": Community, caregiver, and child in the acquisition of variation in a Scottish dialect. Language Variation and Change 19(1), pp. 63-99. (10.1017/S0954394507070044)
- Durham, M., Smith, J. and Fortune, L. 2006. Caregiver and child in the acquisition of (socio)linguistic norms in a Scottish dialect. Presented at: BUCLD 30 : Boston University conference on language development, Boston, MA, USA, 4-6 November 2005BUCLD 30: Proceedings of the 30th Annual Boston University Conference on Language. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press pp. 572-583.
- Durham, M. 2005. Also, too, as well: non-native variation of additive adverbials. Durham Working Papers in Linguistics 10, pp. 31-44.
- Droeschel, Y., Durham, M. and Rosenberger, L. 2005. Swiss English or simply non-native English? A discussion of two possible features. In: Allerton, D., Tschichold, C. and Wieser, J. eds. Linguistics, language learning and language teaching. ICSELL Vol. 10. Schwabe, pp. 161-176.
- Durham, M. 2004. The future of Swiss English: Variation in an English lingua franca. Presented at: 2nd International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE 2), Uppsala, Sweden, 12-14 June 2003 Presented at Gunnarsson, B. ed.Language Variation in Europe: Papers from the Second International Conference on Language Variation in Europe, ICLaVE 2, Uppsala University, Sweden, June 12-14, 2003. Uppsala: Dept. of Scandinavian Languages, Uppsala University pp. 156-167.
- Durham, M. 2003. Language choice on a Swiss mailing list. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 9(1) (10.1111/j.1083-6101.2003.tb00359.x)
- Young, K., Durham, M. and Morris, J. 2024. Possessive pronouns in Welsh: Stylistic variation and the acquisition of sociolinguistic competence. Language Variation and Change 36(1), pp. 25-48. (10.1017/S0954394523000273)
- Durham, M. 2023. Book Reviews: Accent in North American film and television: a sociophonetic analysis. Journal of English Linguistics 51(3), pp. 294-297. (10.1177/00754242231175863)
- Bailey, L. R. and Durham, M. 2021. A cheeky investigation: Tracking the semantic change of cheeky from monkeys to wines: Can social media spread linguistic change?. English Today 37(4), pp. 214-223. (10.1017/S0266078420000073)
- Durham, M. 2017. Teen Talk: the language of adolescents. by Tagliamonte Sali A.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016. xiv + 298. ISBN: 9781107676176. [Book Review]. Journal of English Linguistics 45(3), pp. 291-294., article number: 7542421771759. (10.1177/0075424217717590)
- Reichelt, S. and Durham, M. 2017. Adjective intensification as a means of characterization: Portraying in-group membership and Britishness in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Journal of English Linguistics 45(1), pp. 60-87. (10.1177/0075424216669747)
- Durham, M. 2016. English as a lingua Franca: forms and features in a Swiss context. Cahiers de l'Institut de Linguistique et des Sciences du Langage 48, pp. 107-118.
- Tagliamonte, S. A., Durham, M. and Smith, J. 2014. Grammaticalization at an early stage: future 'be going to' in conservative British dialects. English Language and Linguistics 18(1), pp. 75-108. (10.1017/S1360674313000282)
- Durham, M. 2013. Was/were alternation in Shetland English. World Englishes 32(1), pp. 108-128. (10.1111/weng.12009)
- Smith, J., Durham, M. and Richards, H. 2013. The social and linguistic in the acquisition of sociolinguistic norms: Caregivers, children and variation. Linguistics 51(2), pp. 285-324. (10.1515/ling-2013-0012)
- Durham, M. et al. 2012. Constant linguistic effects in the diffusion of 'be like'. Journal of English Linguistics 40(4), pp. 316-337. (10.1177/0075424211431266)
- Durham, M. 2012. Paul Baker, Sociolinguistics and corpus linguistics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2010. Pp. ix, 189. Pb. $24.50. [Book Review]. Language in Society 41(1), pp. 127-130. (10.1017/S0047404511000947)
- Smith, J. and Durham, M. 2012. Bidialectalism or dialect death? Explaining generational change in the Shetland Islands, Scotland. American Speech 87(1), pp. 57-88. (10.1215/00031283-1599959)
- Smith, J. and Durham, M. 2011. A tipping point in dialect obsolescence? Change across the generations in Lerwick, Shetland. Journal of Sociolinguistics 15(2), pp. 197-225. (10.1111/j.1467-9841.2011.00479.x)
- Durham, M. 2011. I think (that) something's missing: Complementizer deletion in nonnative e-mails. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching 1(3), pp. 421-445.
- Durham, M. 2011. Right dislocation in northern England: Frequency and use - perception meets reality. English World-Wide 32(3), pp. 257-279. (10.1075/eww.32.3.01dur)
- Smith, J., Durham, M. and Fortune, L. 2009. Universal and dialect-specific pathways of acquisition: Caregivers, children, and t/d deletion. Language Variation and Change 21(1), pp. 69-95. (10.1017/S0954394509000039)
- Durham, M. 2007. 'It's altered a lot has York': Right dislocation in Northern England. York Papers in Linguistics 8, pp. 60-71.
- Smith, J., Durham, M. and Fortune, L. 2007. "Mam, my trousers is fa'in doon!": Community, caregiver, and child in the acquisition of variation in a Scottish dialect. Language Variation and Change 19(1), pp. 63-99. (10.1017/S0954394507070044)
- Durham, M. 2005. Also, too, as well: non-native variation of additive adverbials. Durham Working Papers in Linguistics 10, pp. 31-44.
- Durham, M. 2003. Language choice on a Swiss mailing list. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 9(1) (10.1111/j.1083-6101.2003.tb00359.x)
Book sections
- Durham, M. 2024. English. In: Glaser, E., Kabatek, J. and Sonnenhauser, B. eds. Sprachenräume der Schweiz (volume 1)., Vol. 1. Germany: Narr
- Smith, J. and Durham, M. 2024. The Orkney and Shetland Islands. In: Fox, S. ed. Language in Britain and Ireland. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- Durham, M. 2022. How many s in Wales? Performing a Welsh accent on Twitter. In: Cutler, C., Ahmar, M. and Bahri, S. eds. Digital Orality: Vernacular Writing in Online Spaces. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 189-217., (10.1007/978-3-031-10433-6_7)
- Durham, M. 2022. Content analysis of social media. In: Kircher, R. and Zipp, L. eds. Research Methods in Language Attitudes. Cambridge University Press, pp. 35-50., (10.1017/9781108867788.005)
- Durham, M. 2017. Changing domains of dialect use: a real-time study of Shetland schoolchildren. In: Hancil, S. and Beal, J. C. eds. Perspectives on Northern British Englishes., Vol. 96. Topics in English Linguistics [TiEL] Berlin/Munich/Boston: De Gruyter, pp. 245-272., (10.1515/9783110450903-011)
- Durham, M. 2016. Changing attitudes towards the Welsh English accent: A view from Twitter. In: Durham, M. and Morris, J. eds. Sociolinguistics in Wales. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 181-205., (10.1057/978-1-137-52897-1_7)
- Durham, M. and Morris, J. 2016. An overview of sociolinguistics in Wales. In: Durham, M. and Morris, J. eds. Sociolinguistics in Wales. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 3-28., (10.1057/978-1-137-52897-1_1)
- Durham, M. 2014. 30 years later: real-time change and stability in attitudes towards the dialect in Shetland. In: Lawson, R. ed. Sociolinguistics In Scotland. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 296-318.
- Durham, M. 2007. Language choice on a Swiss mailing list. In: Danet, B. and Herring, S. eds. The Multilingual Internet: Language, Culture and Communication Online. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 319-339.
- Durham, M. 2007. Language choice on a Swiss mailing list. In: Goodman, S., Graddol, D. and Lillis, T. eds. Redesigning English. Exploring the English Language Routledge, pp. 231-240.
- Droeschel, Y., Durham, M. and Rosenberger, L. 2005. Swiss English or simply non-native English? A discussion of two possible features. In: Allerton, D., Tschichold, C. and Wieser, J. eds. Linguistics, language learning and language teaching. ICSELL Vol. 10. Schwabe, pp. 161-176.
- Smith, J. and Durham, M. 2019. Sociolinguistic variation in children's language: Acquiring community norms. Studies in Language Variation and Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Durham, M. and Morris, J. eds. 2016. Sociolinguistics in Wales. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (10.1057/978-1-137-52897-1)
- Durham, M. 2014. The acquisition of sociolinguistic competence in a Lingua Franca context. Second Language Acquisition. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
- McColl Millar, R. and Durham, M. eds. 2011. Applied Linguistics, Global and Local: Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics, 9-11 September 2010, University of Aberdeen. London: Scitsiugnil Press.
- Durham, M., Smith, J. and Fortune, L. 2006. Caregiver and child in the acquisition of (socio)linguistic norms in a Scottish dialect. Presented at: BUCLD 30 : Boston University conference on language development, Boston, MA, USA, 4-6 November 2005BUCLD 30: Proceedings of the 30th Annual Boston University Conference on Language. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press pp. 572-583.
- Durham, M. 2004. The future of Swiss English: Variation in an English lingua franca. Presented at: 2nd International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE 2), Uppsala, Sweden, 12-14 June 2003 Presented at Gunnarsson, B. ed.Language Variation in Europe: Papers from the Second International Conference on Language Variation in Europe, ICLaVE 2, Uppsala University, Sweden, June 12-14, 2003. Uppsala: Dept. of Scandinavian Languages, Uppsala University pp. 156-167.
- Lawson, E. et al. 2015. Dynamic Dialects: an articulatory web resource for the study of accents. [Online]. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Available at:
- Lawson, E. E. et al. 2015. Seeing Speech: an articulatory web resource for the study of phonetics. [Online]. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Available at:
- Durham, M. 2022. How many s in Wales? Performing a Welsh accent on Twitter. In: Cutler, C., Ahmar, M. and Bahri, S. eds. Digital Orality: Vernacular Writing in Online Spaces. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 189-217., (10.1007/978-3-031-10433-6_7)
I work in sociolinguistics, the subfield of linguistics which examines language in a societal context: namely why and how different social groups (as defined by social class, gender, age, ethnicity, etc) make use of the linguistic resources present in the language(s) they speak to signal affiliation with or dissimilarity from other groups across various contexts.
My research focuses primarily on aspects of Language Variation and Change (LVC), and involves the use of quantitative methods to analyse linguistic features (predominantly morphosyntactic and/or pragmatic, but also phonological in some instances) to establish what affects their use.
As well as standard statistical methods, I often employ multivariate analysis and mixed effect models in the interpretation of my data, using the methodologies of comparative sociolinguistics to find similarities in the speech patterns of different varieties.
I have worked a range of different projects, different dialects of English and different features (main projects listed below). Although there is considerable breadth and depth in these projects, they are all broadly concerned with how variation (and with it, language change) is acquired, viewed and transmitted either in individual speakers (native or non-native) or across successive generations.
My focus on the acquisition of variation and the fact that I have examined both native and non-native data makes my LVC research somewhat different from the bulk of studies conducted in the field, but, in many ways, understanding acquisition is crucial to understanding transmission (i.e. change) as well and is a fruitful venue for further research that can lead to more fine-tuned theories into precisely how language changes.
The various facets of my research each attempt to bring further insight into the question of how and why features that vary are transmitted and will, I hope, ultimately allow me to posit a cohesive theory which will allow us to better understand these processes.
Current research project
I am currently working on a Leverhulme Trust funded project titled "Sociolinguistic Variation in South East Wales: Change and Contact" (September 2022 - September 2025). By combining existing material from Cardiff with new sociolinguistic interviews from Barry, Pontypridd and Caerphilly, I hope to gain insight into similarities and differences in the varieties spoken in South East Wales. Which linguistic features are found across the communities? Which are found only in one (or two)? How are the dialects changing over time in each community?
Older research strands
Non-Native Variation
One strand of my research focuses on the acquisition of sociolinguistic competence by non-native speakers and I have worked on non-native speakers of English in Switzerland. This is an important direction of research in a world where English is increasingly used as a lingua franca and the number of non-native speakers is steadily growing, as it is vital to establish which features of native competence are likely to be lost or modified. Moreover, examining how non-native speakers gain sociolinguistic competence can also help us to better understand why some features may turn out to be particularly prone to change in native speech as well.
Variation in Child Language
Another strand of my research focuses on children's acquisition of sociolinguistic competence. I have worked with Professor Jennifer Smith (of Glasgow University) on this topic, and our research (funded by the ESRC) has focused on a range of phonological, morphosyntactic and lexical items found in a dialect of North-East Scots in the speech of 29 children and their primary caregivers (i.e. their mother), and has shown that age, the complexity of the feature, and the social awareness of it, all impact on how soon children are able to produce native-like patterns, but that it is often earlier than previously reported.
Processes of dialect shift
I have worked on two separate projects examining dialect shift on the Shetland Islands. One (funded by the ESRC) with Professor Jennifer Smith focused on language change across three generations in the main town of Lerwick, while the other (funded by the British Academy) focused on changes in the dialect attitudes of Shetland school children over the past 30 years.
Non-canonical word order
I am also interested how non-canonical word order forms differ with respect to rates and use across dialects of English. While the use of the forms is linked to information structure, there are social factors at play in their selection as well and this is what I want to focus on. Having examined right dislocation forms in York, I intend to extend my research to other features and other areas.
Additional Collaborative Projects
- Quotative be like (with Dr William Haddican, CUNY Queens College)
- Grammaticalisation of the going to future form (with Professor Sali Tagliamonte, University of Toronto, and Dr Jennifer Smith, Glasgow University)
My teaching in Cardiff mainly focuses on aspects of sociolinguistics and language variation and change, although I’ve also taught Quantitative Research Methods here and modules on phonetics, morphology, and first and second language acquisition elsewhere in the past.
In 2024-25, I'll be teaching SET006 (Current Issues in Sociolinguistics) and co-teaching SE1369 (Sociolinguistics).
I am interested in supervising doctoral projects broadly related to the fields of Sociolinguistics, and Language Variation and Change, particularly those from students with interests in the acquisition of variation, morphosyntax, and discourse, and in English, French or Italian dialects.
Current supervision

Katharine Young

Lewis Greenaway

Abdulrahman Alasmari
Past projects
- Dr Susan Reichelt (completed 2018) The sociolinguistic construction of character diversity in fictional television series.
- Dr Muhammed Altheeby (completed 2018) Differences in the pragmatic competence of Saudi EFL and ESL learners.
- Dr Eimi Watanabe (completed 2018) British attitudes towards Japanese-English bilinguals.
- Dr Reem Al Madani (completed 2022) The role of digital multilingual patterns and functions in branding and self-branding: An investigation of practices by Saudi users on Twitter.
Contact Details
+44 29208 74244
John Percival Building, Room 3.30, Colum Drive, Cardiff, CF10 3EU
Research themes
- Sociolinguistics
- Language variation and change
- Linguistic Attitudes
- Welsh English