Professor Dominic Dwyer
- Media commentator
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Research summary
Research theme: Neuroscience
My research addresses how animals and people learn – and how that learning is expressed in behaviour (in particular with respect to hedonic reactions). This research includes computational modelling, the analysis of animal models of human psychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders (in particular schizophrenia, depression and dementia), as well as the assessment of individual differences in human and non-humans.
Teaching summary
I am the chair for the BSc and MSc exam boards.
Years 1 and 2: I teach introductory statistics. I also run perception practicals and give tutorials on social, perception, cognition and abnormal/clinical psychology.
Final year: I lecture of animal learning & cognition. I supervise projects on a variety of topics including face perception and evaluative conditioning.
- Honey, R., Dwyer, D. and Navarro, V. 2025. The spatio-temporal dynamics of conditioned behavior: First-order and higher-order conditioning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition (10.1037/xan0000392)
- George, D. N., Dwyer, D. M., Haselgrove, M. and Le Pelley, M. 2024. Apparent statistical inference in crows may reflect simple reinforcement learning. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (10.1177/17470218241305622)
- Navarro, V., Dwyer, D. M. and Honey, R. C. 2024. Variation in the effectiveness of reinforcement and nonreinforcement in generating different conditioned behaviors. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 211, article number: 107915. (10.1016/j.nlm.2024.107915)
- Gasalla, P., Figueroa, J., Waldmann, M. R. and Dwyer, D. M. 2024. Beyond the information (not) given: Associative mechanisms vs representations of uncertainty in 3 extinction in laboratory rats (Rattus norvegicus). Journal of Comparative Psychology (10.1037/com0000380)
- Griesius, S. et al. 2023. A mild impairment in reversal learning in a bowl-digging substrate deterministic task but not other cognitive tests in the Dlg2+/- rat model of genetic risk for psychiatric disorder. Genes, Brain and Behavior 22(6), article number: e12865. (10.1111/gbb.12865)
- López, M., Dwyer, D. M., Begega, A., Jove, C. and Alcorta, E. 2023. An evaluation of hedonic responses in taste-potentiated odor aversion using the analysis of licking microstructure and orofacial reactivity. Behavioural Processes 213, article number: 104970. (10.1016/j.beproc.2023.104970)
- Navarro, V. M., Dwyer, D. M. and Honey, R. C. 2023. Prediction error in models of adaptive behavior. Current Biology 33(19), pp. 4238-4243. (10.1016/j.cub.2023.08.043)
- Rehn, S., Boakes, R. and Dwyer, D. 2023. Switching from sucrose to saccharin: Extended successive negative contrast is not maintained by hedonic changes.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition 49(4), pp. 289-295. (10.1037/xan0000362)
- Huenul, E., Salazar, L., Frias, D., Videka, M., Luna, D., Dwyer, D. M. and Figueroa, J. 2023. Effects of flavour variety on the intake and palatability of commercial feed in nursery pigs. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 10, article number: 1218198. (10.3389/fvets.2023.1218198)
- Lopez, M., Dwyer, D., Gasalla, P., Begega, A. and Jove, C. 2023. Odor-taste pairings lead to the acquisition of negative hedonic qualities by the odor in aversion learning. Physiology & Behavior 269, article number: 114269. (10.1016/j.physbeh.2023.114269)
- Gasalla Canto, P., Manahan-Vaughan, D., Dwyer, D. M., Hall, J. and Méndez-Couz, M. 2023. Characterisation of the neural basis underlying appetitive extinction & renewal in a Cacna1c rats. Neuropharmacology 227, article number: 109444. (10.1016/j.neuropharm.2023.109444)
- Burgess, K. V., Honey, R. C. and Dwyer, D. M. 2023. Instrumental responses and Pavlovian stimuli as temporal referents in a peak procedure. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 76(2), pp. 248-256. (10.1177/17470218221090418)
- Dwyer, D. and Heyes, C. 2023. Fearfulness: An important addition to the starter kit for distinctively human minds "Commentary". Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46, article number: e62. (10.1017/S0140525X22001972)
- Sedgwick, K. S., Dwyer, D., Good, M. A. and Saito, T. 2022. The role of the Locus Coeruleus in depression in Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association 18(S7), article number: e062257. (10.1002/alz.062257)
- Honey, R. C. and Dwyer, D. M. 2022. Higher-order conditioning: A critical review and computational model. Psychological Review 129(6), pp. 1338-1357. (10.1037/rev0000368)
- Honey, R. C., Dwyer, D. M. and Iliescu, A. F. 2022. Associative change in Pavlovian conditioning: a re-appraisal. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition 48(4), pp. 281-294. (10.1037/xan0000318)
- Sanchez, J., Dwyer, D. M., Honey, R. C. and Brugada, I. d. 2022. Perceptual learning after rapidly alternating exposure to taste compounds: Assessment with different indices of generalization. Journal of Experimental Psychology 48(3), pp. 169-178. (10.1037/xan0000333)
- Griesius, S. et al. 2022. Reduced expression of the psychiatric risk gene DLG2 (PSD93) impairs hippocampal synaptic integration and plasticity. Neuropsychopharmacology 47, pp. 1367-1378. (10.1038/s41386-022-01277-6)
- López, M. and Dwyer, D. M. 2022. Disgust. In: Vonk, J. and Shackelford, T. K. eds. Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior.. Cham: Springer, (10.1007/978-3-319-55065-7_243)
- Waldron, S. et al. 2022. Behavioural and molecular characterisation of the Dlg2 haploinsufficiency rat model of genetic risk for psychiatric disorder. Genes, Brain and Behavior 21(4), article number: e12797. (10.1111/gbb.12797)
- Grenville, E. and Dwyer, D. M. 2022. Face masks have emotion-dependent dissociable effects on accuracy and confidence in identifying facial expressions of emotion. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications 7, article number: 15. (10.1186/s41235-022-00366-w)
- Harrison, D. J. et al. 2021. Placental endocrine insufficiency programs anxiety, deficits in cognition and atypical social behaviour in offspring. Human Molecular Genetics 30(19), pp. 1863-1880., article number: ddab154. (10.1093/hmg/ddab154)
- Honey, R. C. and Dwyer, D. M. 2021. Higher-order conditioning: What is learnt and how it is expressed. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 15, article number: 726218. (10.3389/fnbeh.2021.726218)
- Honey, R. C., Dwyer, D. M. and Iliescu, A. F. 2021. Elaboration of a model of Pavlovian learning and performance: HeiDI. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition 46(3), pp. 170-184. (10.1037/xan0000239)
- Figueroa, J., Luna, D., Salazar, L. C., Morales, P., Valdivia, C., Müller, M. and Dwyer, D. 2021. Effects of trial and error and social learning on flavour palatability in nursery pigs. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 236, article number: 105265. (10.1016/j.applanim.2021.105265)
- Honey, R. C., Dwyer, D. M. and Iliescu, A. F. 2020. Individual variation in the vigor and form of Pavlovian conditioned responses: analysis of a model system. Learning and Motivation 72, article number: 101658. (10.1016/j.lmot.2020.101658)
- Heyes, C., Chater, N. and Dwyer, D. 2020. Sinking in: the peripheral Baldwinisation of human cognition. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 24(11), pp. 884-899. (10.1016/j.tics.2020.08.006)
- Honey, R. C., Dwyer, D. M. and Iliescu, A. F. 2020. HeiDI: A model for Pavlovian learning and performance with reciprocal associations. Psychological Review 127(5), pp. 829-852. (10.1037/rev0000196)
- Iliescu, A. F., Dwyer, D. M. and Honey, R. C. 2020. Individual differences in the nature of conditioned behavior across a conditioned stimulus: adaptation and application of a model. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition 46(4), pp. 460-269. (10.1037/xan0000270)
- Figueroa, J., Gasalla, P., Müller, M. and Dwyer, D. 2020. Socially conditioned flavor preferences with fluids: transfer with solid foods, palatability, and testing constraints. Physiology and Behavior 223, article number: 112976. (10.1016/j.physbeh.2020.112976)
- Wright, R. L., Gilmour, G. and Dwyer, D. 2020. Wistar Kyoto Rats display anhedonia in consumption but retain some sensitivity to the anticipation of palatable solutions. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 14, article number: 70. (10.3758/s13420-013-0110-1)
- Riordan, J. E. and Dwyer, D. 2019. Licking microstructure and hedonic changes after flavour preference learning in rats. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 72(12), pp. 2717-2725. (10.1177/1747021819857052)
- Lewis, L. R., Benn, A., Dwyer, D. and Robinson, E. S. J. 2019. Affective biases and their interaction with other reward-related deficits in 1 rodent models of psychiatric disorders. Behavioural Brain Research 372, article number: 112051. (10.1016/j.bbr.2019.112051)
- Wills, A. J., Edmunds, C. E., Le Pelley, M., Milton, F., Newell, B. R., Dwyer, D. and Shanks, D. R. 2019. Dissociable learning processes, associative theory, and testimonial reviews: a comment on Smith and Church (2018). Psychonomic Bulletin and Review 26(6), pp. 1988-1993. (10.3758/s13423-019-01644-3)
- Dwyer, D., Gasalla Canto, P. and Lopez, M. 2019. Partial reinforcement and conditioned taste aversion: No evidence for resistance to extinction. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 72(2), pp. 274-284. (10.1080/17470218.2017.1347191)
- Matias, L., Dwyer, D. and Gasalla Canto, P. 2019. Conditioned hedonic responses elicited by contextual cues paired with nausea or with internal pain. Behavioral Neuroscience 133(1), pp. 86-97. (10.1037/bne0000291)
- Uengoer, M., Dwyer, D. M., Koenig, S. and Pearce, J. M. 2019. A test for a difference in the associability of blocked and uninformative cues in human predictive learning. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 72(2), pp. 222-237. (10.1080/17470218.2017.1345957)
- Iliescu, A. F., Hall, J., Wilkinson, L. S., Dwyer, D. M. and Honey, R. C. 2018. The nature of phenotypic variation in Pavlovian conditioning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition 44(4), pp. 358-369. (10.1037/xan0000177)
- Dwyer, D. 2018. Associations and hallucinations in mice and men. Learning & Behavior 46(3), pp. 223-224. (10.3758/s13420-017-0309-7)
- Clarkson, J. M., Dwyer, D. M., Flecknell, P. A., Leach, M. C. and Rowe, C. 2018. Handling method alters the hedonic value of reward in laboratory mice. Scientific Reports 8, article number: 2448. (10.1038/s41598-018-20716-3)
- Dwyer, D. M., Figueroa, J., Gasalla, P. and López, M. 2018. Reward adaptation and the mechanisms of learning: contrast changes reward value in rats and drives learning. Psychological Science 29(2), pp. 219-227. (10.1177/0956797617729825)
- Dwyer, D., Gasalla Canto, P., Bura, S. and Lopez, M. 2017. Flavors paired with internal pain or with nausea elicit divergent types of hedonic responses. Behavioral Neuroscience 131(3), pp. 235-248. (10.1037/bne0000197)
- Jones, S. P., Dwyer, D. M. and Lewis, M. B. 2017. The utility of multiple synthesized views in the recognition of unfamiliar faces. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Physiology 70(5), pp. 906-918. (10.1080/17470218.2016.1158302)
- Gasalla, P., Soto, A., Dwyer, D. M. and López, M. 2017. Blocking of flavor-nausea learning by non-flavor cues: assessment through orofacial reactivity responses. Journal of Experimental Psychology 43(2), pp. 171-182. (10.1037/xan0000135)
- Ahmed, J., Dwyer, D., Farr, T. D., Harrison, D., Dunnett, S. and Trueman, R. C. 2017. Lickometry: a novel and sensitive method for assessing functional deficits in rats after stroke. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 37(3), pp. 755-761. (10.1177/0271678X16684141)
- Gasalla Canto, P., Begega, A., Soto, A., Dwyer, D. M. and López, M. 2016. Functional brain networks underlying latent inhibition of conditioned disgust in rats. Behavioural Brain Research 315, pp. 36-44. (10.1016/j.bbr.2016.07.051)
- McNamara, G. I., Davis, B. A., Dwyer, D. M., John, R. M. and Isles, A. R. 2016. Behavioural abnormalities in a novel mouse model for Silver Russell Syndrome. Human Molecular Genetics 25(24), pp. 5407-5417. (10.1093/hmg/ddw357)
- Patitucci, E., Nelson, A. J. D., Dwyer, D. M. and Honey, R. C. 2016. The origins of individual differences in how learning is expressed in rats: a general-process perspective. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition 42(4), pp. 313-324. (10.1037/xan0000116)
- Beckers, T., De Houwer, J. and Dwyer, D. M. 2016. Reasoning versus association in animal cognition: current controversies and possible ways forward. Journal of Comparative Psychology 130(3), pp. 187-191. (10.1037/com0000024)
- Dwyer, D. M. and Waldmann, M. R. 2016. Beyond the information (not) given: representations of stimulus absence in rats (Rattus norvegicus). Journal of Comparative Psychology 130(3), pp. 192-204. (10.1037/a0039733)
- Frías, D., Tadich, T., Franco-Rosselló, R., Dwyer, D. M. and Figueroa, J. 2016. Consumption patterns: A proposed model for measurement of solution palatability in pigs. Journal of Animal Science 94(S3), pp. 103-105. (10.2527/jas.2015-9699)
- Figueroa, J., Solà-Oriol, D., Manteca, X., Pérez, J. F. and Dwyer, D. M. 2015. Anhedonia in pigs? Effects of social stress and restraint stress on sucrose preference. Physiology & Behavior 151, pp. 509-515. (10.1016/j.physbeh.2015.08.027)
- Davies, J. R. et al. 2015. Calorie seeking, but not hedonic response, contributes to hyperphagia in a mouse model for Prader-Willi syndrome. European Journal of Neuroscience 42(4), pp. 2105-2113. (10.1111/ejn.12972)
- Guzmán-Pino, S. A., Solà-Oriol, D., Figueroa, J., Dwyer, D. M. and Pérez, J. F. 2015. Effect of a long-term exposure to concentrated sucrose and maltodextrin solutions on the preference, appetence, feed intake and growth performance of post-weaned piglets. Physiology & Behavior 141, pp. 85-91. (10.1016/j.physbeh.2015.01.009)
- Jones, S. P., Dwyer, D. M. and Lewis, M. B. 2015. Learning faces: similar comparator faces do not improve performance. PLoS ONE 10(1), article number: e0116707. (10.1371/journal.pone.0116707)
- Mundy, M. E., Downing, P. E., Honey, R. C., Singh, K. D., Graham, K. S. and Dwyer, D. M. 2014. Brain correlates of experience-dependent changes in stimulus discrimination based on the amount and schedule of exposure. PLoS ONE 9(6), article number: e101011. (10.1371/journal.pone.0101011)
- Neill, J. C., Harte, M. K., Haddad, P. M., Lydall, E. S. and Dwyer, D. M. 2014. Acute and chronic effects of NMDA receptor antagonists in rodents, relevance to negative symptoms of schizophrenia: A translational link to humans. European Neuropsychopharmacology 24(5), pp. 822-835. (10.1016/j.euroneuro.2013.09.011)
- Wright, R. L., Gilmour, G. and Dwyer, D. M. 2013. Microstructural analysis of negative anticipatory contrast: A reconsideration of the devaluation account. Learning & Behavior 41(4), pp. 353-359. (10.3758/s13420-013-0110-1)
- Dwyer, D. M., Gasalla, P. and López, M. 2013. Nonreinforced flavor exposure attenuates the effects of conditioned taste aversion on both flavor consumption and cue palatability. Learning & Behavior 41(4), pp. 390-401. (10.3758/s13420-013-0114-x)
- Mundy, M. E., Downing, P. E., Dwyer, D. M., Honey, R. C. and Graham, K. S. 2013. A critical role for the hippocampus and perirhinal cortex in perceptual learning of scenes and faces: complementary findings from amnesia and fMRI. Journal of Neuroscience 33(25), pp. 10490-10502. (10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2958-12.2013)
- Jones, S. P. and Dwyer, D. M. 2013. Perceptual learning with complex visual stimuli is based on location, rather than content, of discriminating features. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 39(2), pp. 152-165. (10.1037/a0031509)
- Lin, T. E., Dumigan, N., Dwyer, D. M., Good, M. A. and Honey, R. C. 2013. Assessing the encoding specificity of associations with sensory preconditioning procedures. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 39(1), pp. 67-75. (10.1037/a0030662)
- Honey, R. C., Mundy, M. E. and Dwyer, D. M. 2012. Remembering kith and kin is underpinned by rapid memory updating: Implications for exemplar theory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 38(4), pp. 433-439. (10.1037/a0029518)
- Dwyer, D. M., Burgess, K. and Honey, R. C. 2012. Avoidance but not aversion following sensory preconditioning with flavors: a challenge to stimulus substitution. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 38(4), pp. 359-368. (10.1037/a0029784)
- Burgess, K. V., Dwyer, D. M. and Honey, R. C. 2012. Re-assessing causal accounts of learnt behavior in rats. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 38(2), pp. 148-156. (10.1037/a0027266)
- Dwyer, D. M. 2012. Licking and liking: The assessment of hedonic responses in rodents. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 65(3), pp. 371-394. (10.1080/17470218.2011.652969)
- Dwyer, D. M., Lydall, E. S. and Gilmour, G. 2011. Haloperidol, but not clozapine, reduces the palatability and consumption of sucrose in rats [Abstract]. Behavioural Pharmacology 22(4), pp. E59-E59.
- Dwyer, D. M. 2011. Lesions of the basolateral, but not central, amygdala impair flavour-taste learning based on fructose or quinine reinforcers. Behavioural Brain Research 220(2), pp. 349-353. (10.1016/j.bbr.2011.02.007)
- Dwyer, D. M., Lydall, E. S. and Hayward, A. J. 2011. Simultaneous contrast: Evidence from licking microstructure and cross-solution comparisons. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 37(2), pp. 200-210. (10.1037/a0021458)
- Dwyer, D. M., Haselgrove, M. and Jones, P. M. 2011. Cue interactions in flavor preference learning: A configural analysis. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 37(1), pp. 41-57. (10.1037/a0021033)
- Dwyer, D. M., Mundy, M. E. and Honey, R. C. 2011. The role of stimulus comparison in human perceptual learning: Effects of distractor placement. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 37(3), pp. 300-307. (10.1037/a0023078)
- Trueman, R. C., Harrison, D. J., Dwyer, D. M., Dunnett, S. B., Hoehn, M. and Farr, T. D. 2011. A critical re-Examination of the intraluminal filament MCAO model: impact of External Carotid Artery transection. Translational Stroke Research 2(4), pp. 651-661. (10.1007/s12975-011-0102-4)
- Dwyer, D. M. and Burgess, K. V. 2011. Rational accounts of animal behaviour? Lessons from C. Lloyd Morgan's Canon. International Journal of Comparative Psychology 24(4), pp. 349-364.
- Dwyer, D. M. and Iordanova, M. D. 2010. The amygdala and flavour preference conditioning: Crossed lesions and inactivation. Physiology & Behavior 101(4), pp. 403-412. (10.1016/j.physbeh.2010.07.004)
- Lydall, E. S., Gilmour, G. and Dwyer, D. M. 2010. Analysis of licking microstructure provides no evidence for a reduction in reward value following acute or sub-chronic phencyclidine administration. Psychopharmacology 209(2), pp. 153-162. (10.1007/s00213-010-1779-x)
- Lydall, E. S., Gilmour, G. and Dwyer, D. M. 2010. Rats place greater value on rewards produced by high effort: an animal analogue of the 'effort justification' effect. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 46(6), pp. 1134-1137. (10.1016/j.jesp.2010.05.011)
- Dwyer, D. M., Dunn, M. J., Rhodes, S. E. V. and Killcross, A. S. 2010. Lesions of the prelimbic prefrontal cortex prevent response conflict produced by action-outcome associations. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 63(3), pp. 417-424. (10.1080/17470210903411049)
- Dwyer, D. M., Starns, J. and Honey, R. C. 2009. "Causal reasoning" in rats: A reappraisal. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 35(4), pp. 578-586. (10.1037/a0015007)
- Dwyer, D. M. 2009. The effects of midazolam on the acquisition and expression of fructose- and maltodextrin-based flavour preferences. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 91(4), pp. 503-510. (10.1016/j.pbb.2008.09.001)
- Dwyer, D. M., Pincham, H. L., Thein, T. and Harris, J. A. 2009. A learned flavor preference persists despite the extinction of conditioned hedonic reactions to the cue flavors. Learning & Behavior 37(4), pp. 305-310. (10.3758/LB.37.4.305)
- Mundy, M. E., Honey, R. C., Downing, P. E., Wise, R. G., Graham, K. S. and Dwyer, D. M. 2009. Material-independent and material-specific activation in functional MRI after perceptual learning. NeuroReport 20(16), pp. 1397-1401. (10.1097/WNR.0b013e32832f81f4)
- Dwyer, D. M. and Vladeanu, M. C. 2009. Perceptual learning in face processing: comparison facilitates face recognition. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 62(10), pp. 2055-2067. (10.1080/17470210802661736)
- Dwyer, D. M., Le Pelley, M. E., George, D. N., Haselgrove, M. and Honey, R. C. 2009. Straw-men and selective citation are needed to argue that associative-link formation makes no contribution to human learning. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32(2), pp. 206-207. (10.1017/S0140525X09000946)
- Dwyer, D. M., Mundy, M. E., Vladeanu, M. C. and Honey, R. C. 2009. Perceptual learning and acquired face familiarity: evidence from inversion, use of internal features, and generalization between viewpoints. Visual Cognition 17(3), pp. 334-355. (10.1080/13506280701757577)
- Mundy, M. E., Honey, R. C. and Dwyer, D. M. 2009. Superior discrimination between similar stimuli after simultaneous exposure. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 62(1), pp. 18-25. (10.1080/17470210802240614)
- Dwyer, D. M. 2009. Microstructural analysis of ingestive behaviour reveals no contribution of palatability to the incomplete extinction of a conditioned taste aversion. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 62(1), pp. 9-17. (10.1080/17470210802215152)
- Dwyer, D. M. and Quirk, R. H. 2008. Context conditional flavor preferences in the rat based on fructose and maltodextrin reinforcers. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 34(2), pp. 294-302. (10.1037/0097-7403.34.2.294)
- Dwyer, D. M. 2008. Perceptual Learning: Complete Transfer across Retinal Locations. Current Biology 18(24), pp. R1134-R1136. (10.1016/j.cub.2008.10.037)
- Dwyer, D. M. 2008. Microstructural analysis of conditioned and unconditioned responses to maltodextrin. Learning & Behavior 36(2), pp. 149-158. (10.3758/LB.36.2.149)
- Dwyer, D. M., Boakes, R. A. and Hayward, A. J. 2008. Reduced Palatability in Lithium- and Activity-Based, but Not in Amphetamine-Based, Taste Aversion Learning. Behavioral Neuroscience 122(5), pp. 1051-1060. (10.1037/a0012703)
- Mundy, M. E., Honey, R. C. and Dwyer, D. M. 2007. Simultaneous Presentation of Similar Stimuli Produces Perceptual Learning in Human Picture Processing. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 33(2), pp. 124-138. (10.1037/0097-7403.33.2.124)
- Dwyer, D. M. and Honey, R. C. 2007. The effects of habituation training on compound conditioning are not reversed by an associative activation treatment. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 33(2), pp. 185-190. (10.1037/0097-7403.33.2.185)
- Dwyer, D. M., Jarratt, F. C. and Dick, K. 2007. Evaluative conditioning with foods as CSs and body shapes as USs: no evidence for sex differences, extinction, or overshadowing. Cognition & Emotion 21(2), pp. 281-299. (10.1080/02699930600551592)
- Dwyer, D. M. and Killcross, A. S. 2006. Lesions of the basolateral amygdala disrupt conditioning based on the retrieved representations of motivationally significant events. Journal of Neuroscience 26(32), pp. 8305-8309. (10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1647-06.2006)
- Mundy, M. E., Dwyer, D. M. and Honey, R. C. 2006. Inhibitory associations contribute to perceptual learning in humans. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 32(2), pp. 178-184. (10.1037/0097-7403.32.2.178)
- Dwyer, D. M. 2005. Reinforcer devaluation in palatability-based learned flavor preferences. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 31(4), pp. 487-492. (10.1037/0097-7403.31.4.487)
- Dwyer, D. M., Hodder, K. I. and Honey, R. C. 2004. Perceptual learning in humans: Roles of preexposure schedule, feedback, and discrimination assay. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. B: Comparative and Physiological Psychology 57(3), pp. 245-259. (10.1080/02724990344000114)
- Dwyer, D. M. 2003. Learning about cues in their absence: evidence from flavour preferences and aversions. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. B: Comparative and Physiological Psychology 56(1), pp. 56-67. (10.1080/02724990244000160)
- Dwyer, D. M. and Clayton, N. S. 2002. A reply to the defenders of the faith. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 6(3), pp. 109-111. (10.1016/S1364-6613(00)01857-X)
- Dwyer, D. M. and Mackintosh, N. J. 2002. Alternating exposure to two compound flavors creates inhibitory associations between their unique features. Animal Learning & Behavior 30(3), pp. 201-207. (10.3758/BF03192829)
- Dwyer, D. M., Bennett, C. H. and Mackintosh, N. J. 2001. Evidence for inhibitory associations between the unique elements of two compound flavours. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. B: Comparative and Physiological Psychology 54(2), pp. 97-107. (10.1080/713932748)
- Dwyer, D. M. 2001. Mediated conditioning and retrospective revaluation with LiCl then flavour pairings. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. B: Comparative and Physiological Psychology 54(2), pp. 145-165. (10.1080/02724990042000146)
- Dwyer, D. M. 2000. Formation of a novel preference and aversion by simultaneous activation of the representations of absent cues. Behavioural Processes 48(3), pp. 159-164. (10.1016/S0376-6357(99)00080-7)
- Dwyer, D. M. 1999. Retrospective revaluation or mediated conditioning? The effect of different reinforcers. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. B: Comparative and Physiological Psychology 52(4), pp. 289-306. (10.1080/713932711)
- Dwyer, D. M., Mackintosh, N. J. and Boakes, R. A. 1998. Simultaneous activation of the representations of absent cues results in the formation of an excitatory association between them. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 24(2), pp. 163-171. (10.1037/0097-7403.24.2.163)
- Killcross, A. S., Keirnan, M. J., Dwyer, D. M. and Westbrook, R. F. 1998. Loss of latent inhibition of contextual conditioning following non-reinforced context exposure in rats. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. B: Comparative and Physiological Psychology 51(1), pp. 75-90. (10.1080/713932668)
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- George, D. N., Dwyer, D. M., Haselgrove, M. and Le Pelley, M. 2024. Apparent statistical inference in crows may reflect simple reinforcement learning. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (10.1177/17470218241305622)
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- Gasalla, P., Figueroa, J., Waldmann, M. R. and Dwyer, D. M. 2024. Beyond the information (not) given: Associative mechanisms vs representations of uncertainty in 3 extinction in laboratory rats (Rattus norvegicus). Journal of Comparative Psychology (10.1037/com0000380)
- Griesius, S. et al. 2023. A mild impairment in reversal learning in a bowl-digging substrate deterministic task but not other cognitive tests in the Dlg2+/- rat model of genetic risk for psychiatric disorder. Genes, Brain and Behavior 22(6), article number: e12865. (10.1111/gbb.12865)
- López, M., Dwyer, D. M., Begega, A., Jove, C. and Alcorta, E. 2023. An evaluation of hedonic responses in taste-potentiated odor aversion using the analysis of licking microstructure and orofacial reactivity. Behavioural Processes 213, article number: 104970. (10.1016/j.beproc.2023.104970)
- Navarro, V. M., Dwyer, D. M. and Honey, R. C. 2023. Prediction error in models of adaptive behavior. Current Biology 33(19), pp. 4238-4243. (10.1016/j.cub.2023.08.043)
- Rehn, S., Boakes, R. and Dwyer, D. 2023. Switching from sucrose to saccharin: Extended successive negative contrast is not maintained by hedonic changes.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition 49(4), pp. 289-295. (10.1037/xan0000362)
- Huenul, E., Salazar, L., Frias, D., Videka, M., Luna, D., Dwyer, D. M. and Figueroa, J. 2023. Effects of flavour variety on the intake and palatability of commercial feed in nursery pigs. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 10, article number: 1218198. (10.3389/fvets.2023.1218198)
- Lopez, M., Dwyer, D., Gasalla, P., Begega, A. and Jove, C. 2023. Odor-taste pairings lead to the acquisition of negative hedonic qualities by the odor in aversion learning. Physiology & Behavior 269, article number: 114269. (10.1016/j.physbeh.2023.114269)
- Gasalla Canto, P., Manahan-Vaughan, D., Dwyer, D. M., Hall, J. and Méndez-Couz, M. 2023. Characterisation of the neural basis underlying appetitive extinction & renewal in a Cacna1c rats. Neuropharmacology 227, article number: 109444. (10.1016/j.neuropharm.2023.109444)
- Burgess, K. V., Honey, R. C. and Dwyer, D. M. 2023. Instrumental responses and Pavlovian stimuli as temporal referents in a peak procedure. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 76(2), pp. 248-256. (10.1177/17470218221090418)
- Dwyer, D. and Heyes, C. 2023. Fearfulness: An important addition to the starter kit for distinctively human minds "Commentary". Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46, article number: e62. (10.1017/S0140525X22001972)
- Sedgwick, K. S., Dwyer, D., Good, M. A. and Saito, T. 2022. The role of the Locus Coeruleus in depression in Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association 18(S7), article number: e062257. (10.1002/alz.062257)
- Honey, R. C. and Dwyer, D. M. 2022. Higher-order conditioning: A critical review and computational model. Psychological Review 129(6), pp. 1338-1357. (10.1037/rev0000368)
- Honey, R. C., Dwyer, D. M. and Iliescu, A. F. 2022. Associative change in Pavlovian conditioning: a re-appraisal. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition 48(4), pp. 281-294. (10.1037/xan0000318)
- Sanchez, J., Dwyer, D. M., Honey, R. C. and Brugada, I. d. 2022. Perceptual learning after rapidly alternating exposure to taste compounds: Assessment with different indices of generalization. Journal of Experimental Psychology 48(3), pp. 169-178. (10.1037/xan0000333)
- Griesius, S. et al. 2022. Reduced expression of the psychiatric risk gene DLG2 (PSD93) impairs hippocampal synaptic integration and plasticity. Neuropsychopharmacology 47, pp. 1367-1378. (10.1038/s41386-022-01277-6)
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- Grenville, E. and Dwyer, D. M. 2022. Face masks have emotion-dependent dissociable effects on accuracy and confidence in identifying facial expressions of emotion. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications 7, article number: 15. (10.1186/s41235-022-00366-w)
- Harrison, D. J. et al. 2021. Placental endocrine insufficiency programs anxiety, deficits in cognition and atypical social behaviour in offspring. Human Molecular Genetics 30(19), pp. 1863-1880., article number: ddab154. (10.1093/hmg/ddab154)
- Honey, R. C. and Dwyer, D. M. 2021. Higher-order conditioning: What is learnt and how it is expressed. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 15, article number: 726218. (10.3389/fnbeh.2021.726218)
- Honey, R. C., Dwyer, D. M. and Iliescu, A. F. 2021. Elaboration of a model of Pavlovian learning and performance: HeiDI. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition 46(3), pp. 170-184. (10.1037/xan0000239)
- Figueroa, J., Luna, D., Salazar, L. C., Morales, P., Valdivia, C., Müller, M. and Dwyer, D. 2021. Effects of trial and error and social learning on flavour palatability in nursery pigs. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 236, article number: 105265. (10.1016/j.applanim.2021.105265)
- Honey, R. C., Dwyer, D. M. and Iliescu, A. F. 2020. Individual variation in the vigor and form of Pavlovian conditioned responses: analysis of a model system. Learning and Motivation 72, article number: 101658. (10.1016/j.lmot.2020.101658)
- Heyes, C., Chater, N. and Dwyer, D. 2020. Sinking in: the peripheral Baldwinisation of human cognition. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 24(11), pp. 884-899. (10.1016/j.tics.2020.08.006)
- Honey, R. C., Dwyer, D. M. and Iliescu, A. F. 2020. HeiDI: A model for Pavlovian learning and performance with reciprocal associations. Psychological Review 127(5), pp. 829-852. (10.1037/rev0000196)
- Iliescu, A. F., Dwyer, D. M. and Honey, R. C. 2020. Individual differences in the nature of conditioned behavior across a conditioned stimulus: adaptation and application of a model. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition 46(4), pp. 460-269. (10.1037/xan0000270)
- Figueroa, J., Gasalla, P., Müller, M. and Dwyer, D. 2020. Socially conditioned flavor preferences with fluids: transfer with solid foods, palatability, and testing constraints. Physiology and Behavior 223, article number: 112976. (10.1016/j.physbeh.2020.112976)
- Wright, R. L., Gilmour, G. and Dwyer, D. 2020. Wistar Kyoto Rats display anhedonia in consumption but retain some sensitivity to the anticipation of palatable solutions. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 14, article number: 70. (10.3758/s13420-013-0110-1)
- Riordan, J. E. and Dwyer, D. 2019. Licking microstructure and hedonic changes after flavour preference learning in rats. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 72(12), pp. 2717-2725. (10.1177/1747021819857052)
- Lewis, L. R., Benn, A., Dwyer, D. and Robinson, E. S. J. 2019. Affective biases and their interaction with other reward-related deficits in 1 rodent models of psychiatric disorders. Behavioural Brain Research 372, article number: 112051. (10.1016/j.bbr.2019.112051)
- Wills, A. J., Edmunds, C. E., Le Pelley, M., Milton, F., Newell, B. R., Dwyer, D. and Shanks, D. R. 2019. Dissociable learning processes, associative theory, and testimonial reviews: a comment on Smith and Church (2018). Psychonomic Bulletin and Review 26(6), pp. 1988-1993. (10.3758/s13423-019-01644-3)
- Dwyer, D., Gasalla Canto, P. and Lopez, M. 2019. Partial reinforcement and conditioned taste aversion: No evidence for resistance to extinction. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 72(2), pp. 274-284. (10.1080/17470218.2017.1347191)
- Matias, L., Dwyer, D. and Gasalla Canto, P. 2019. Conditioned hedonic responses elicited by contextual cues paired with nausea or with internal pain. Behavioral Neuroscience 133(1), pp. 86-97. (10.1037/bne0000291)
- Uengoer, M., Dwyer, D. M., Koenig, S. and Pearce, J. M. 2019. A test for a difference in the associability of blocked and uninformative cues in human predictive learning. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 72(2), pp. 222-237. (10.1080/17470218.2017.1345957)
- Iliescu, A. F., Hall, J., Wilkinson, L. S., Dwyer, D. M. and Honey, R. C. 2018. The nature of phenotypic variation in Pavlovian conditioning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition 44(4), pp. 358-369. (10.1037/xan0000177)
- Dwyer, D. 2018. Associations and hallucinations in mice and men. Learning & Behavior 46(3), pp. 223-224. (10.3758/s13420-017-0309-7)
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- Dwyer, D. M., Figueroa, J., Gasalla, P. and López, M. 2018. Reward adaptation and the mechanisms of learning: contrast changes reward value in rats and drives learning. Psychological Science 29(2), pp. 219-227. (10.1177/0956797617729825)
- Dwyer, D., Gasalla Canto, P., Bura, S. and Lopez, M. 2017. Flavors paired with internal pain or with nausea elicit divergent types of hedonic responses. Behavioral Neuroscience 131(3), pp. 235-248. (10.1037/bne0000197)
- Jones, S. P., Dwyer, D. M. and Lewis, M. B. 2017. The utility of multiple synthesized views in the recognition of unfamiliar faces. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Physiology 70(5), pp. 906-918. (10.1080/17470218.2016.1158302)
- Gasalla, P., Soto, A., Dwyer, D. M. and López, M. 2017. Blocking of flavor-nausea learning by non-flavor cues: assessment through orofacial reactivity responses. Journal of Experimental Psychology 43(2), pp. 171-182. (10.1037/xan0000135)
- Ahmed, J., Dwyer, D., Farr, T. D., Harrison, D., Dunnett, S. and Trueman, R. C. 2017. Lickometry: a novel and sensitive method for assessing functional deficits in rats after stroke. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 37(3), pp. 755-761. (10.1177/0271678X16684141)
- Gasalla Canto, P., Begega, A., Soto, A., Dwyer, D. M. and López, M. 2016. Functional brain networks underlying latent inhibition of conditioned disgust in rats. Behavioural Brain Research 315, pp. 36-44. (10.1016/j.bbr.2016.07.051)
- McNamara, G. I., Davis, B. A., Dwyer, D. M., John, R. M. and Isles, A. R. 2016. Behavioural abnormalities in a novel mouse model for Silver Russell Syndrome. Human Molecular Genetics 25(24), pp. 5407-5417. (10.1093/hmg/ddw357)
- Patitucci, E., Nelson, A. J. D., Dwyer, D. M. and Honey, R. C. 2016. The origins of individual differences in how learning is expressed in rats: a general-process perspective. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition 42(4), pp. 313-324. (10.1037/xan0000116)
- Beckers, T., De Houwer, J. and Dwyer, D. M. 2016. Reasoning versus association in animal cognition: current controversies and possible ways forward. Journal of Comparative Psychology 130(3), pp. 187-191. (10.1037/com0000024)
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- Frías, D., Tadich, T., Franco-Rosselló, R., Dwyer, D. M. and Figueroa, J. 2016. Consumption patterns: A proposed model for measurement of solution palatability in pigs. Journal of Animal Science 94(S3), pp. 103-105. (10.2527/jas.2015-9699)
- Figueroa, J., Solà-Oriol, D., Manteca, X., Pérez, J. F. and Dwyer, D. M. 2015. Anhedonia in pigs? Effects of social stress and restraint stress on sucrose preference. Physiology & Behavior 151, pp. 509-515. (10.1016/j.physbeh.2015.08.027)
- Davies, J. R. et al. 2015. Calorie seeking, but not hedonic response, contributes to hyperphagia in a mouse model for Prader-Willi syndrome. European Journal of Neuroscience 42(4), pp. 2105-2113. (10.1111/ejn.12972)
- Guzmán-Pino, S. A., Solà-Oriol, D., Figueroa, J., Dwyer, D. M. and Pérez, J. F. 2015. Effect of a long-term exposure to concentrated sucrose and maltodextrin solutions on the preference, appetence, feed intake and growth performance of post-weaned piglets. Physiology & Behavior 141, pp. 85-91. (10.1016/j.physbeh.2015.01.009)
- Jones, S. P., Dwyer, D. M. and Lewis, M. B. 2015. Learning faces: similar comparator faces do not improve performance. PLoS ONE 10(1), article number: e0116707. (10.1371/journal.pone.0116707)
- Mundy, M. E., Downing, P. E., Honey, R. C., Singh, K. D., Graham, K. S. and Dwyer, D. M. 2014. Brain correlates of experience-dependent changes in stimulus discrimination based on the amount and schedule of exposure. PLoS ONE 9(6), article number: e101011. (10.1371/journal.pone.0101011)
- Neill, J. C., Harte, M. K., Haddad, P. M., Lydall, E. S. and Dwyer, D. M. 2014. Acute and chronic effects of NMDA receptor antagonists in rodents, relevance to negative symptoms of schizophrenia: A translational link to humans. European Neuropsychopharmacology 24(5), pp. 822-835. (10.1016/j.euroneuro.2013.09.011)
- Wright, R. L., Gilmour, G. and Dwyer, D. M. 2013. Microstructural analysis of negative anticipatory contrast: A reconsideration of the devaluation account. Learning & Behavior 41(4), pp. 353-359. (10.3758/s13420-013-0110-1)
- Dwyer, D. M., Gasalla, P. and López, M. 2013. Nonreinforced flavor exposure attenuates the effects of conditioned taste aversion on both flavor consumption and cue palatability. Learning & Behavior 41(4), pp. 390-401. (10.3758/s13420-013-0114-x)
- Mundy, M. E., Downing, P. E., Dwyer, D. M., Honey, R. C. and Graham, K. S. 2013. A critical role for the hippocampus and perirhinal cortex in perceptual learning of scenes and faces: complementary findings from amnesia and fMRI. Journal of Neuroscience 33(25), pp. 10490-10502. (10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2958-12.2013)
- Jones, S. P. and Dwyer, D. M. 2013. Perceptual learning with complex visual stimuli is based on location, rather than content, of discriminating features. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 39(2), pp. 152-165. (10.1037/a0031509)
- Lin, T. E., Dumigan, N., Dwyer, D. M., Good, M. A. and Honey, R. C. 2013. Assessing the encoding specificity of associations with sensory preconditioning procedures. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 39(1), pp. 67-75. (10.1037/a0030662)
- Honey, R. C., Mundy, M. E. and Dwyer, D. M. 2012. Remembering kith and kin is underpinned by rapid memory updating: Implications for exemplar theory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 38(4), pp. 433-439. (10.1037/a0029518)
- Dwyer, D. M., Burgess, K. and Honey, R. C. 2012. Avoidance but not aversion following sensory preconditioning with flavors: a challenge to stimulus substitution. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 38(4), pp. 359-368. (10.1037/a0029784)
- Burgess, K. V., Dwyer, D. M. and Honey, R. C. 2012. Re-assessing causal accounts of learnt behavior in rats. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 38(2), pp. 148-156. (10.1037/a0027266)
- Dwyer, D. M. 2012. Licking and liking: The assessment of hedonic responses in rodents. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 65(3), pp. 371-394. (10.1080/17470218.2011.652969)
- Dwyer, D. M., Lydall, E. S. and Gilmour, G. 2011. Haloperidol, but not clozapine, reduces the palatability and consumption of sucrose in rats [Abstract]. Behavioural Pharmacology 22(4), pp. E59-E59.
- Dwyer, D. M. 2011. Lesions of the basolateral, but not central, amygdala impair flavour-taste learning based on fructose or quinine reinforcers. Behavioural Brain Research 220(2), pp. 349-353. (10.1016/j.bbr.2011.02.007)
- Dwyer, D. M., Lydall, E. S. and Hayward, A. J. 2011. Simultaneous contrast: Evidence from licking microstructure and cross-solution comparisons. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 37(2), pp. 200-210. (10.1037/a0021458)
- Dwyer, D. M., Haselgrove, M. and Jones, P. M. 2011. Cue interactions in flavor preference learning: A configural analysis. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 37(1), pp. 41-57. (10.1037/a0021033)
- Dwyer, D. M., Mundy, M. E. and Honey, R. C. 2011. The role of stimulus comparison in human perceptual learning: Effects of distractor placement. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 37(3), pp. 300-307. (10.1037/a0023078)
- Trueman, R. C., Harrison, D. J., Dwyer, D. M., Dunnett, S. B., Hoehn, M. and Farr, T. D. 2011. A critical re-Examination of the intraluminal filament MCAO model: impact of External Carotid Artery transection. Translational Stroke Research 2(4), pp. 651-661. (10.1007/s12975-011-0102-4)
- Dwyer, D. M. and Burgess, K. V. 2011. Rational accounts of animal behaviour? Lessons from C. Lloyd Morgan's Canon. International Journal of Comparative Psychology 24(4), pp. 349-364.
- Dwyer, D. M. and Iordanova, M. D. 2010. The amygdala and flavour preference conditioning: Crossed lesions and inactivation. Physiology & Behavior 101(4), pp. 403-412. (10.1016/j.physbeh.2010.07.004)
- Lydall, E. S., Gilmour, G. and Dwyer, D. M. 2010. Analysis of licking microstructure provides no evidence for a reduction in reward value following acute or sub-chronic phencyclidine administration. Psychopharmacology 209(2), pp. 153-162. (10.1007/s00213-010-1779-x)
- Lydall, E. S., Gilmour, G. and Dwyer, D. M. 2010. Rats place greater value on rewards produced by high effort: an animal analogue of the 'effort justification' effect. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 46(6), pp. 1134-1137. (10.1016/j.jesp.2010.05.011)
- Dwyer, D. M., Dunn, M. J., Rhodes, S. E. V. and Killcross, A. S. 2010. Lesions of the prelimbic prefrontal cortex prevent response conflict produced by action-outcome associations. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 63(3), pp. 417-424. (10.1080/17470210903411049)
- Dwyer, D. M., Starns, J. and Honey, R. C. 2009. "Causal reasoning" in rats: A reappraisal. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 35(4), pp. 578-586. (10.1037/a0015007)
- Dwyer, D. M. 2009. The effects of midazolam on the acquisition and expression of fructose- and maltodextrin-based flavour preferences. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 91(4), pp. 503-510. (10.1016/j.pbb.2008.09.001)
- Dwyer, D. M., Pincham, H. L., Thein, T. and Harris, J. A. 2009. A learned flavor preference persists despite the extinction of conditioned hedonic reactions to the cue flavors. Learning & Behavior 37(4), pp. 305-310. (10.3758/LB.37.4.305)
- Mundy, M. E., Honey, R. C., Downing, P. E., Wise, R. G., Graham, K. S. and Dwyer, D. M. 2009. Material-independent and material-specific activation in functional MRI after perceptual learning. NeuroReport 20(16), pp. 1397-1401. (10.1097/WNR.0b013e32832f81f4)
- Dwyer, D. M. and Vladeanu, M. C. 2009. Perceptual learning in face processing: comparison facilitates face recognition. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 62(10), pp. 2055-2067. (10.1080/17470210802661736)
- Dwyer, D. M., Le Pelley, M. E., George, D. N., Haselgrove, M. and Honey, R. C. 2009. Straw-men and selective citation are needed to argue that associative-link formation makes no contribution to human learning. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32(2), pp. 206-207. (10.1017/S0140525X09000946)
- Dwyer, D. M., Mundy, M. E., Vladeanu, M. C. and Honey, R. C. 2009. Perceptual learning and acquired face familiarity: evidence from inversion, use of internal features, and generalization between viewpoints. Visual Cognition 17(3), pp. 334-355. (10.1080/13506280701757577)
- Mundy, M. E., Honey, R. C. and Dwyer, D. M. 2009. Superior discrimination between similar stimuli after simultaneous exposure. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 62(1), pp. 18-25. (10.1080/17470210802240614)
- Dwyer, D. M. 2009. Microstructural analysis of ingestive behaviour reveals no contribution of palatability to the incomplete extinction of a conditioned taste aversion. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 62(1), pp. 9-17. (10.1080/17470210802215152)
- Dwyer, D. M. and Quirk, R. H. 2008. Context conditional flavor preferences in the rat based on fructose and maltodextrin reinforcers. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 34(2), pp. 294-302. (10.1037/0097-7403.34.2.294)
- Dwyer, D. M. 2008. Perceptual Learning: Complete Transfer across Retinal Locations. Current Biology 18(24), pp. R1134-R1136. (10.1016/j.cub.2008.10.037)
- Dwyer, D. M. 2008. Microstructural analysis of conditioned and unconditioned responses to maltodextrin. Learning & Behavior 36(2), pp. 149-158. (10.3758/LB.36.2.149)
- Dwyer, D. M., Boakes, R. A. and Hayward, A. J. 2008. Reduced Palatability in Lithium- and Activity-Based, but Not in Amphetamine-Based, Taste Aversion Learning. Behavioral Neuroscience 122(5), pp. 1051-1060. (10.1037/a0012703)
- Mundy, M. E., Honey, R. C. and Dwyer, D. M. 2007. Simultaneous Presentation of Similar Stimuli Produces Perceptual Learning in Human Picture Processing. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 33(2), pp. 124-138. (10.1037/0097-7403.33.2.124)
- Dwyer, D. M. and Honey, R. C. 2007. The effects of habituation training on compound conditioning are not reversed by an associative activation treatment. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 33(2), pp. 185-190. (10.1037/0097-7403.33.2.185)
- Dwyer, D. M., Jarratt, F. C. and Dick, K. 2007. Evaluative conditioning with foods as CSs and body shapes as USs: no evidence for sex differences, extinction, or overshadowing. Cognition & Emotion 21(2), pp. 281-299. (10.1080/02699930600551592)
- Dwyer, D. M. and Killcross, A. S. 2006. Lesions of the basolateral amygdala disrupt conditioning based on the retrieved representations of motivationally significant events. Journal of Neuroscience 26(32), pp. 8305-8309. (10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1647-06.2006)
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- Dwyer, D. M. 2005. Reinforcer devaluation in palatability-based learned flavor preferences. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 31(4), pp. 487-492. (10.1037/0097-7403.31.4.487)
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- Dwyer, D. M. and Mackintosh, N. J. 2002. Alternating exposure to two compound flavors creates inhibitory associations between their unique features. Animal Learning & Behavior 30(3), pp. 201-207. (10.3758/BF03192829)
- Dwyer, D. M., Bennett, C. H. and Mackintosh, N. J. 2001. Evidence for inhibitory associations between the unique elements of two compound flavours. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. B: Comparative and Physiological Psychology 54(2), pp. 97-107. (10.1080/713932748)
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- Dwyer, D. M. 2000. Formation of a novel preference and aversion by simultaneous activation of the representations of absent cues. Behavioural Processes 48(3), pp. 159-164. (10.1016/S0376-6357(99)00080-7)
- Dwyer, D. M. 1999. Retrospective revaluation or mediated conditioning? The effect of different reinforcers. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. B: Comparative and Physiological Psychology 52(4), pp. 289-306. (10.1080/713932711)
- Dwyer, D. M., Mackintosh, N. J. and Boakes, R. A. 1998. Simultaneous activation of the representations of absent cues results in the formation of an excitatory association between them. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 24(2), pp. 163-171. (10.1037/0097-7403.24.2.163)
- Killcross, A. S., Keirnan, M. J., Dwyer, D. M. and Westbrook, R. F. 1998. Loss of latent inhibition of contextual conditioning following non-reinforced context exposure in rats. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. B: Comparative and Physiological Psychology 51(1), pp. 75-90. (10.1080/713932668)
- Killcross, A. S., Keirnan, M. J., Dwyer, D. M. and Westbrook, R. F. 1998. Effects of retention interval on latent inhibition and perceptual learning. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. B: Comparative and Physiological Psychology 51(1), pp. 59-74. (10.1080/713932665)
- Boakes, R. A. and Dwyer, D. M. 1997. Weight loss in rats produced by running: effects of prior experience and individual housing. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. B: Comparative and Physiological Psychology 50(2), pp. 129-148. (10.1080/713932647)
- Dwyer, D. M. and Boakes, R. A. 1997. Activity-based anorexia in rats as failure to adapt to a feeding schedule. Behavioral Neuroscience 111(1), pp. 195-205. (10.1037/0735-7044.111.1.195)
Book sections
- López, M. and Dwyer, D. M. 2022. Disgust. In: Vonk, J. and Shackelford, T. K. eds. Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior.. Cham: Springer, (10.1007/978-3-319-55065-7_243)
- Mundy, M. E., Downing, P. E., Honey, R. C., Singh, K. D., Graham, K. S. and Dwyer, D. M. 2014. Brain correlates of experience-dependent changes in stimulus discrimination based on the amount and schedule of exposure. PLoS ONE 9(6), article number: e101011. (10.1371/journal.pone.0101011)
- Burgess, K. V., Dwyer, D. M. and Honey, R. C. 2012. Re-assessing causal accounts of learnt behavior in rats. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 38(2), pp. 148-156. (10.1037/a0027266)
- Mundy, M. E., Dwyer, D. M. and Honey, R. C. 2006. Inhibitory associations contribute to perceptual learning in humans. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 32(2), pp. 178-184. (10.1037/0097-7403.32.2.178)
Research topics and related papers
Investigating genetic and environmental risk in models of psychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders. We are investigating the cognitive and hedonic disturbances displayed by animal models of risk for psychiatric disorders. This encompasses a range of PhD and UKRI funded projects (e.g. MRC - Investigating genetic and environmental risk for psychosis mediated through L-Type voltage gated calcium channels).
Wright, R. L., Gilmour, G., & Dwyer, D. M. (2020) Wistar Kyoto Rats display anhedonia in consumption but retain some sensitivity to the anticipation of palatable solutions. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 14:70.
Lewis, L. R., Benn, A., Dwyer, D. M., & Robinson, E. S. J. (2019). Affective biases and their interaction with other reward-related deficits in rodent models of psychiatric disorders. Behavioural Brain Research, 372.
Ahmed, J., Dwyer, D. M., Farr, T. D., Harrison, D., Dunnett, S. B., & Trueman, R. C. (2017). Lickometry: A novel and sensitive method for assessing functional deficits in rats after stroke. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 37(3), 755-761
McNamara, G. I., Davis, B. A., Dwyer, D. M., John, R. M., Isles, A. R. (2016). Behavioural abnormalities in novel mouse model for Silver Russell Syndrome, Human Molecular Genetics, 25(24), 5407-5417. doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddw357
Computational models of learning and memory. We are developing a new computational model of Pavlovian learning and performance. The canonical model, HeiDI, was published in a set of papers in 2020, and we have recently secured funding from the BBSRC to support its development through iterative experimental research (BB/T004339/1).
Honey, R.C., Dwyer, D.M., & Iliescu, A.F. (2020). HeiDI: A model for Pavlovian learning and performance with reciprocal associations. Psychological Review (in press).
Honey, R.C., Dwyer, D.M., & Iliescu, A.F. (2020). Elaboration of a model of Pavlovian learning and performance: HeiDI. Current developments in associative theory: A tribute to Allan Wagner. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition (in press).
Honey, R.C., Dwyer, D.M., & Iliescu, A.F. (2020). Individual variation in vigor and form of Pavlovian conditioned responses: Analysis of a model system. Learning & Motivation (in press).
Iliescu, A.F., Dwyer, D.M., & Honey, R.C. (2020). Individual differences in the nature of conditioned behavior across a conditioned stimulus: Adaptation and application of a model. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition (in press).
Iliescu, A. F., Hall, J., Wilkinson, L. S., Dwyer, D. M., & Honey, R. C. (2018). The nature of phenotypic variation in Pavlovian conditioning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning & Cognition, 44(4), 358-369.
Hedonic responses in learning and animal welfare. We are investigating the expression of hedonic responses in the context of learning (especially with respect to learning about foods) and animal welfare (both of laboratory and farmed animals). This encompasses a range of PhD and international collaboration projects (e.g. Fondecyt Regular, Chile - Sensory specific satiety in pigs: Feed variety as a strategy to improve animals’ performance and welfare in intensive farming).
Figueroa, J., Frias, D., Sola-Oriol, D., Tadich, T., Franco-Rossello, R., Nunez, V., & Dwyer, D. M. (2019). Palatability in pigs, the pleasure of consumption. Journal of Animal Science, 97(5), 2165-2174.
Riordan, J. E., & Dwyer, D. M. (2019). Licking microstructure and hedonic changes after flavour preference learning in rats. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 72(12), 2717-2725.
López, M., Dwyer, D. M., & Gasalla, P. (2019). Conditioned hedonic responses elicited by contextual cues paired with nausea or with internal pain. Behavioral Neuroscience, 133(1), 86-97.
Clarkson, J. M., Dwyer, D. M., Flecknell, P. A., Leach, M. C., & Rowe, C. (2018). Handling method alters the hedonic value of reward in laboratory mice. Scientific Reports, 8. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-20716-3
Dwyer D. M., Figueroa, J., Gasalla, P., & López M., (2018) Reward adaptation and the mechanisms of learning: Contrast changes reward value in rats and drives learning. Psychological Science, 29(2), 219-227
Research group
Victor Navarro (BBSRC Research Associate)
Katie Sedgewick (Wellcome Trust funded PhD Student)
Research collaborators
Bob Boakes (University of Sydney)
Jaime Figueroa (University of O'Higgins)
Patricia Gasalla (Psychology, Cardiff University)
Mark Good (Psychology, Cardiff University)
Jeremy Hall (Medicine, Cardiff University)
Rob Honey (Psychology, Cardiff University)
Matías López (Universidad de Oviedo)
Lawrence Wilkinson (Psychology and Medicine, Cardiff University)
I am the chair for the BSc and MSc exam boards.
Years 1 and 2: I teach introductory statistics. I also run perception practicals and give tutorials on social, perception, cognition and abnormal/clinical psychology.
Final year: I lecture of animal learning & cognition. I supervise projects on a variety of topics including face perception and evaluative conditioning.
PhD: In addition to my own PhD supervision I have examined both MSc and PhD theses both internally and externally (e.g. for the University of Sydney, the University of NSW, and the University of Granada).
Undergraduate education
In 1995, I received a BSc (Honours Class 1, Medal) in Psychology from the University of Sydney.
The title of my empirical thesis was Activity-Based Anorexia.
The title of my theoretical thesis was The nature of number and measurement in psychology.
I also studied Statistics, Mathematics, Law, Chemistry.
Postgraduate education
In 1999, I received my PhD from the Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Cambridge.
My thesis title was Learning about absent stimuli. I was supervised by Professor N.J. Mackintosh.
Honours and awards
- 2015: Inaugural 3Rs Poster Prize Winner, Annual Welfare and Research Symposium, Cardiff University.
- 2013-2015: Visiting Fellow, School of Psychology, University of New South Wales.
- 2011: Delivered the 18th Experimental Psychology Society Prize Lecture
- 2000: Emanuel Miller Prize for the Philosophy of Science
- 1996: Cambridge Commonwealth Trust Packer Scholarship for graduate study.
- 1995: University Medal for Psychology
- Dick Thomson Prize for Psychology
- Australian Psychological Society Prize for Psychology Honours.
Academic positions
- 2016 - present: Professor, School of Psychology, Cardiff University
- 2012 - 2016: Reader, School of Psychology, Cardiff University
- 2007 - 2012: Senior Lecturer, School of Psychology, Cardiff University
- 2003 - 2007: Lecturer, School of Psychology, Cardiff University
- 2002 - 2003: Research Associate, Cardiff University
- 1999 - 2002: Junior Research Fellow, Churchill College, Cambridge.
Committees and reviewing
External examiner
University of Cambridge (2019-present): Department of Psychology; Undergraduate.
Kings College London (2015-2019): Undergraduate Psychology.
Newcastle University (2012-2015): Department of Psychology; Undergraduate.
Editorial positions
Consulting Editor: Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition (2014-2019).
Associate Editor: Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (2009-2016).
Editor for Special Issue on “Animal cognition: Reasoning or association? Current controversies and possible ways forward.” Journal of Comparative Psychology 2016.
Conference organization
Organiser for Associative Learning Symposium (Annually from 2012).
Member of Programme Committee for 2017 Annual Convention of the Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour.
Local organiser April 2007 meeting of the Experimental Psychology Society.
My theoretical interests are range across the associative and neural mechanisms underpinning learning, memory and preference. My postgraduate students are engaged in a variety of projects and have access to a broad range of state-of-the-art facilities and resources.
I am interested in discussing the possibility of supervising research projects related to any of my theoretical interests or areas of empirical expertise.
If you are interested in applying for a PhD, or for further information regarding my postgraduate research, please contact me directly, or submit a formal application.
Current student(s)
Katie Sedgewick: (co-supervised by Professor John Aggleton and Professor Mark Good) Katie began her PhD research in 2019 examining cognitive and hedonic behaviour in rodent models of dementia risk.
Contact Details
Research themes
- Animal behaviour
- Behavioural neuroscience
- Learning, motivation and emotion