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Edwin Egede

Professor Edwin Egede

Professor of International Law & International Relations

Media commentator


Professor Edwin Egede is a Professor of International Law & International Relations. He  is also an Adjunct Professor at the Department of Public Law, Nelson Mandela University, South Africa. Additionally, he is one of the editors of a six-volume book project on The Law of the Sea - Contemporary Norms and Practice in Africa and  a member of the Advisory Board of the Brazilian Yearbook of Law of the Sea(BYLOS).

Prof Egede, having a fine blend of experience in academia and practice, undertakes interdisciplinary teaching and research in the areas of Public International Law, Law of the Sea, International Relations and International Organizations, especially as regards the United Nations. He has published widely in these areas and has also made academic and policy presentations at various international conferences. He has contributed to national and international law & policy development through his involvement in policy workshops and appointment as consultant to various entities, such as the United Nations (UN), International Seabed Authority (ISA) and African Union (AU).

His research interests include:

  • International Law and International Relations
  • International Organisations
  • Ocean Law, Governance and Politics
  • Boundary Delimitation, especially Maritime Delimitation, and Global Politics
  • Human Rights & Civil Liberties
  • Regulation of the Control and Use of Natural Resources, especially in Global Commons
  • Constitutionalism and Democracy in Africa.

He is interested in supervising research projects in any of the above research areas.

























Book sections







My research has three main pathways:

i. International law and African State Practice

First, my research focuses on the study of international law and how the African region interacts with regimes, such as ocean law and governance, maritime security, human rights and international organisations. My work, most notably my book Africa and the Deep Seabed Regime: Politics and International Law of the Common Heritage of Mankind (2011), has proved influential and has had significant impact in academia and practice. For instance, this led to my appointments as consultant/expert by both the United Nations(UN) and the African Union (AU). Also, a number of my work have been cited in various significant publications utilised by academics and practitioners, such as peer reviewed journal articles and academic books, as well as the 2008 and 2012 Conference Reports of the International Law Association (ILA).

ii. Interdisciplinary study of international law and international politics

Second, my research focuses on the interdisciplinary study of law and politics. For example, this is the main theme of my 2013 co-authored book, The Politics of International Law and International Justice’. A leading academic in International Relations, for instance, described this book as a 'rewarding and highly engaging book that traverses the contentious interdisciplinary debates regarding the legalization of world politics’ Professor Patrick Hayden

iii. Academic-practititioner collaboration

Third, my research aims to achieve an effective academic/practitioner collaboration and knowledge exchange. For instance, my recently published co-edited book, published in December 2017, titled Bakassi Dispute and the International Court of Justice: Continuing Challenges(Routledge) brings together in collaboration various academics and practitioners from a range of countries such as the Cameroon, Denmark, Nigeria, UK and USA to write various chapters in this book.

Building on my research work on ocean law and governance in Africa, I have established an international reputation as a leading academic voice in international policy discussions. I have been appointed as expert external consultant by several major intergovernmental organisations, such as the UN, AU and the International Seabed Authority(ISA), to provide expert advice, as well as deliver reports, to advance knowledge and develop international policy on ocean law and governance in Africa. For instance, recently, in December 2019, I was appointed as expert consultant by the UN to elaborate and advice on a strategic roadmap to develop African deep seabed mining regulations. Previously, in October 2018, as an independent expert consultant appointed by the ISA, I prepared, along with two other experts, including a former UN Ambassador, a peer reviewed interdisciplinary report (77pages) on the legal, technical and financial issues, arising when a  division of the ISA, the Enterprise (a rather innovative international commercial body that would have a significant impact on the engagement by developing States, including those from Africa, in deep seabed mining), is eventually operationalised.

Additionally, based on my research work, I have been consistently invited and funded to make contribution to international policy-making, knowledge transfer and capacity-building, especially in the area of African ocean law and governance through my participation and presentations at numerous high-level international policy meetings, organized by Intergovernmental organizations, such as the UN, ISA, Commonwealth Secretariat, as well as State governments, including the governments of Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa. Examples of these include, invitations to make presentations and inputs at two high-level capacity-building international policy workshops for African diplomats held  in Ghana and South Africa respectively, to enable these diplomats gain more knowledge and understanding of key issues impacting on Africa, which would be considered at the Annual Session of the ISA, an Intergovernmental body.  Furthermore, I have provided expert advice to the African group of the ISA.


  • Public International Law (postgraduate)
  • Global International Organisations in World Politics (undergraduate)
  • International Law in a Changing World (undergraduate)

I have supervised/co-supervised various Phd and Masters dissertation topics covering various of areas in international law and international relations, such as humanitarian intervention; responsibility to protect; the use of force under international law; united nations reforms; resource conflicts; e-waste and the right to a clean environment in Africa; attitude of the USA and China to Economic and Social Rights.


Background information

  • Programme Director, Politics, Cardiff School of European Languages, Translation and Politics (2010 to 2013)
  • Convenor, Msc International Relations Programme, Cardiff School of European Languages, Translation and Politics(2008 to 2010)
  • An International lawyer engaged in interdisciplinary teaching and research in International Law and International Relations
  • Lectured on International Law and Human Rights & Civil Liberties both in Nigeria and the United Kingdom
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)(September 2009 to date)
  • Won prestigious United Nations/ United Nations Institute for Training and Research Fellowship in international Law and attended courses at the renowned Hague Academy of International Law (July 2000)
  • A Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Nigeria
  • An Ordained Minister in His Church


  • International Law Association (British Branch)
  • Academic Council on the United Nations Systems(ACUNS)
  • Association of Attendees and Alumni of the Hague Academy of International Law (AAA)
  • Nigerian Society of International Law (NSIL)
  • Nigerian Bar Association (NBA)

Conferences/Courses attended

  • International Hydrographic Organisation (IHO)/International Association of Geodesy (IAG) Advisory Board on the Law of the Sea(ABLOS) Conference 2010, Monaco (October 2010)
  • African Studies Association of the UK(ASAUK) 2010 Conference, Oxford University(September 2010)
  • Academic Council on the United Nations System(ACUNS) 2010 Conference, Vienna, Austria(June 2010)
  • Socio-Legal Studies Association(SLSA) 2010 Annual Conference(March 2010)
  • Effective International Dispute Settlement for Public and Private Actors, World Legal Forum, The Hague, Netherlands(December 2007)
  • Third J.H.W. Verzijl Memorial Symposium – Stability and Change in the Law of the Sea: Selected Issues, Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands. (December 2004)
  • UN/UNITAR fellowship programme in International Law, the Hague, Netherlands. (July/August 2000)
  • Summer Course on Private and Public International Law, Hague Academy on International Law, the Hague, Netherlands. (July/August 2000)

Papers presented

  • Paper on: Are there commonalities between the European Union and African Union Approaches to the Definition of Terrorism? Presented at a Public Lecture of the European Governance, Identity & Public Policy Research Unit, Cardiff University School of European Studies(June 2011)
  • Paper on: Compliance with Article 76 of the Law of the Sea Convention (LOSC) 1982: A Burden for Developing States? – An African Perspective, presented at the 6th International Hydrographic Organisation (IHO)/International Association of Geodesy (IAG) Advisory Board on the Law of the Sea(ABLOS) Conference 2010, Monaco (October 2010)
  • Paper on: the Right to the Enjoyment of the Common Heritage of Mankind under the African Charter: Legal Right or Political Rhetoric?, presented at the African Studies Association of the UK(ASAUK) 2010 Conference, Oxford University.(September 2010)
  • Paper on: International Straits, Compulsory Pilotage and the Protection of the Marine Environment, presented at the Sixth International Colloquium of the Institute for International Shipping and Trade Law, Swansea University (September 2010)
  • Paper on the Common Heritage of Mankind of Global Commons and Ownership under African Native Land Tenure System: Are there parallels?, presented at the Socio-Legal Studies Association(SLSA) 2010 Annual Conference(March 2010)
  • Paper on World Organisations and International Law, presented at the Cardiff United Nations Association (February 2009)
  • Paper on the United Nations and Terrorism, presented at the Cardiff University Model United Nations Conference held at the Welsh Assembly (April 2008)
  • Paper on the Fundamental Right to a Clean Environment in the Niger Delta of Nigeria, presented at the Faculty Seminar, Faculty of Law, University of Lagos, Nigeria(February 2001)
  • Paper on the Relationship between International Human Rights Treaties and Nigerian Law, presented at the United Nations/ United Nations Institute for Training and Research(UN/UNITAR) International Law programme at the Peace Palace, the Hague Netherlands(July 2000)

Other scholarly and professional activities

  • Refereed grant proposal for the Marsden Fund (administered by the Royal Society of New Zealand), a Fund established by the government of New Zealand to fund excellent fundamental research
  • Alternate member of the International Law Association (ILA) international research Committee on Baselines under the International Law of the Sea (May 2011 to date)
  • Affiliated Research Member of the Cardiff University Research Institute for Sustainable Places (November 2010 to date)
  • Member of the Welsh Centre of International Affairs(WCIA) Legal Affairs Committee(August 2010 to date)
  • Member of the Executive of Cardiff United Nations Association; (May 2009 to date)
  • Member of the editorial board of the Nigerian Journal of Contemporary Law (1998 to 2001)