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Damian Farnell

Dr Damian Farnell


Teams and roles for Damian Farnell


Orginally trained in theoretical physics, my main research interests turned to medical imaging and biostatistics some time ago. I am currently a Reader of Applied Mathematics in the School of Dentistry at Cardiff University and am the chair of the Dental School Research Ethics Committee (DSREC).

Published Books:


Click on the images above for links to the publisher's websites for these books. 

Other Books:

  1. Violence in England and Wales in 2016: An accident and emergency perspective. V. Sivarajasingam, D.J.J. Farnell, S. Moore, N. Page, and J. Shepherd (2018) (ISBN: 978-1-9995878-0-2)
  2. Coupled Cluster Method Theories of Quantum Magnetism. R.F. Bishop, P.H.Y. Li, R. Zinke, and D.J.J. Farnell. Book accepted for publication as a volume in the Springer Series: Solid State Science.


































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My research falls into a number of themes: quantum many-body theory & quantum magnetism; violence research; biostatistics & data science; and, image or signal processing and AI. Some research projects are listed below...

Quantum Magnetism & The Coupled Cluster Method (CCM)

The CCM is a powerful, accurate, and versatile method of quantum many-body theory. Click here to access a high-order CCM code for lattice quantum spin systems at T = 0 that has been develped by myself and Dr. Joerg Schulenburg (Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany)

Violence Research: National Violence Surveillance Network

The National Violence Surveillance Network has over 100 (types 1, 2 and 4) Emergency Departments in England and Wales providing data on violence-related attendances on an annual basis.  Data are retrieved by attendance date, age group and gender, and used for study of rates and trends in violence.

The aims of this project are to:

  • study trends in community violence in England and Wales from an injury perspective
  • complement two other national violence sources: Crime Survey of England and Wales Police Records.
Violence Report for 2023

Violence Research: Improving Bruise Evidence & Pathways for Victims of Violence

DermLite Lumio GL dermatoscope. Another grant application, recently submitted to the MRC, will focus on the development of a complex intervention to improve pathways after bruise detection.

We were recipients in Dec. 2023 of a seedcorn grant from the Security, Crime and Intelligence Innovation Institute (SCIII) at Cardiff University for a study using DermLite dematoscopes to investigate bruising across a varieties of skin tones. Lead applicant: Dr. Sam Evans. This follows on also from Dr. Evans's PhD on bruise imaging and the analysis of paediatric reporting procedures for measuring and recording bruises.  

Biostatistics & Data Science: Cancer PROMS

Prostate cancer survival is improving. Indeed, it has tripled in the last 40 years in the UK. The EAGLE study focuses on the early identification and management of radiotherapy-induced bowel symptoms after radiotherapy of prostate cancer, with the aim of improving the quality of life of prostate cancer survivors and their partners and/or families. For more information, please see:

Other research in cancer PROMS (LENT / SOMA questionnaires) for "late effects" after radiotherapy:

Biostatistics & Data Science: COVID Bereavement Study

This national study aims to investigate the grief experiences, support needs and use of bereavement support by people bereaved during the pandemic in the UK, and the adaptations, challenges and innovation involved in delivering bereavement support. It is being conducted by a team of researchers at Cardiff University and the University of Bristol, with funding from UKRI via the Economic and Social Research Council.

For more information, please see the study website: See also the following TV news interviews with Dr. Lucy Selman: ITV News & Sky News

Image Processing and AI: ARIA Dataset

Automated Retinal Image Analysis (ARIA)

The ARIA dataset is collection of retinal images collected as part of the Automated Retinal Image Analysis (ARIA) project at St. Paul’s Eye Unit, Liverpool, UK (2004 -2006) by myself and my team of photographers. Subjects were adult males and females in three broad groups: healthy (control group), age-related macular degeneration (AMD), and diabetic. (Available on demand.)

Image Processing & AI: 3D Surface Imaging & Shape Modelling

Multilevel multivariate multiple regression code (e.g., mPLSR) to model (in MATLAB) how the competing the effects of sex, age, genes, BMI, environment, etc. affect facial shape and to investigate facial dynamics. This research was used to explore facial changes in school children from 11 to 18 years old. It showed also that there are seven phases to a smile! 
3D image capture (white dots) via a 3DMD camera. Model (blue dots and lines) via multilevel functional PCA code developed by DJJF. This work has been supported by travel funding from the London Mathematical Society (LMS) and the "Taith" International Exchange Programme. 

Image Processing & AI: Eye Tracking and Patient Information Leaf Design

In a study that we ran at Cardiff University, eye tracking supported free-text comments that showed the importantance of use of images to convey complex information. Fixation times on specific questions were higher for those subjects that were answered correctly in the quiz, although this effect was generally not significant (P > 0.05). 
Image capture via a Tobii Pro Nano. This research was supported by an Innovation Grant from the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM).



  • DET031 Research Methods (Postgraduate students) Module leader (2014-present).
  • Postgraduate Dental Professionalism (Postgraduate students) Module leader (2017-2021).
  • Citing and Referencing (Plagiarism) Training (Postgraduate students).
  • 2.5-hour session on literature reviews and systematic review (Postgraduate orthodontics students; 2014-present).
  • Academic Tutor (2nd-year dental undergraduate students).
  • Assessor of 2nd-year poster presentations and 3rd-year oral presentations in the school of dentistry (2014-2022).
  • Masters of Orthodontics Student Research Project Supervision (2014-present).



  • PhD on Integrable and Non-Integrable Quantum Arrays. Department of Mathematics, University of Manchester Institute for Science and Technology (UMIST).
  • BSc hons. (1st class and course prize) in Mathematical Physics (Departments of Mathematics and Physics, UMIST).

Other Qualifications

  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) (September 2021).

Academic positions

  • Reader of Applied Mathematics, School of Dentistry, Cardiff University, UK
  • Senior Lecturer of Mathematics, University of South Wales, UK
  • Research Statistician, University of Manchester, UK
  • Lecturer in Ophthalmic Imaging, St. Paul’s Eye Unit & University of Liverpool, UK
  • Post-Doctoral Research Associate : Universities of Manchester and University of Leeds, UK; Ludwig Maximillian’s University, Munich and University of Cologne, Germany

Committees and reviewing

Dental School Research Ethics Comittee (Chair)


Current supervision

Yahia Khubrani

Yahia Khubrani

Burhan Anis

Burhan Anis

Past projects

  • Lead supervisor for a project on use of photography, cross-polarised imaging, and high-frequency ultra-sound techniques to investigate healing of bruises in children and the classification of bruises (e.g., abusive, or non-abusive). Also, analysis of paediatric reporting procedures for measuring and recording bruises. Cardiff University. PhD awarded (2022).
  • Co-supervisor for a project on investigations using mPCA to understand how ethnicity & sex, maternal smoking and alcohol intake, metabolic differences influence 3D facial shapes in children and adults. Cardiff University. PhD awarded (2021).
  • Co-supervisor for a project on impact of fluoride concentration in water supply on oral health. Cardiff University. PhD awarded (2018). 
  • Co-supervisor for a project on latanoprost induced iris darkening in colour images of the eye for glaucoma patients. University of Liverpool PhD awarded (2006).


  • Applied statistics
  • Biomedical imaging
  • Deep learning
  • Applied mathematics
  • Quantum Many-Body Theory