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Stewart Field

Professor Stewart Field

Professor of Law

Available for postgraduate supervision


I became a lecturer at Cardiff in 1984 after doctoral research funded by the Economic and Social Research Council at the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, Oxford. I had previously obtained an M Phil in Criminology at Cambridge after a first degree in Law at Oxford University. My PhD `Legal Forms, Legal Ideology and the Early Factory Inspectorate' used an historical case-study to examine the interaction between social conflict and legal forms. In recent years, my research interests have focussed around comparative criminal justice. I have co-written two monographs and co-edited six collections of essays as well as publishing many articles on a variety of criminal justice topics. These include detailed bilateral studies comparing England and Wales with the Netherlands, France and Italy. My most recent published work was a 2019 special issue of the Journal of Law and Society that I co-edited with Dr Renaud Colson (University of Nantes, France): it examined whether and how it is possible to devise effective criminal justice policy by drawing on the experience of other jurisdictions.    I am currently co-leading (with Professor Cyrus Tata, University of Strathclyde, Scotland) an international comparative project on the role of remorse and the acceptance of responsibility in criminal justice. We are co-editing a volume based on the project for Hart Publishing The Ideal Defendant: Showing Remorse and Taking Responsibility. 

I have been a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Law and Society since 1989. For many years I was the Director of our Law and French degree programme and remain the Erasmus coordinator for our links with Amiens and Nantes. I have been Head of the Law Department since 2019.











  • Field, S. A. 2013. Miscarriages of justice and procedural tradition. In: Kelk, C., Koenradt, F. and Siegel, D. eds. Veelzijdige gedachten: Liber amicorum prof. dr. Chrisje Brants. Willem Pompe Instituut Vol. 75. Den Haag: Boom Lemma, pp. 397-405.













  • Brants, C. and Field, S. A. 1999. Convergence in European criminal justice. In: Hondius, E. H. and Jessurun d'Oliveira, H. U. eds. De Meerwaarde van de Rechtsvergelijking. Geschriften van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Rechtsvergelijking Vol. 57. Deventer Kluwer, pp. 179-199.










Book sections



Research Interests

  • General subjects: criminal process, comparative law and legal culture, youth justice.
  • Particular interests: comparative criminal process, comparative youth justice, French law and legal cultureC

Current project

The Ideal Defendant: Showing Remorse and Taking Responsibility (Hart 2021)

Editors: Stewart Field and Cyrus Tata

Stewart Field (chapter):  Remorse, Responsibility and the Unique Individual:  the Enactment of Political Cultures before the French Cour d’Assises


1995 British Council Know How Fund for Bulgaria: £6,750 (Teaching Programme for Bulgarian Judges).

1995/6 University of Wales Collaboration Fund: £2,500 (Organised and co-ordinated international group of scholars working on comparative perspectives on covert and proactive policing, securing financing from University of Wales Collaboration Fund for seminars in Grygnog (Wales) and Maastricht (Netherlands) and leading to edited collection published by Dartmouth

1996 Economic and Social Research Council £79,825 )Obtained ESRC grant for project `Defence Lawyers in the French Criminal Process’. Lead investigator spending a year collecting empirical research

2001: Economic and Social Research Council £72, 128 (Obtained ESRC grant for project `Early Intervention and Youth Justice in England and Wales and Italy' (with M Drakeford SOCSI and D Nelken CLAWs). Lead investigator supervising gathering of empirical material (interviews and case-files)

2008: British Academy, £11,507 (Obtained funds as host sponsor to enable Dr Renaud Colson (University of Nantes) to come to Cardiff to work together on ‘Fair Trial and Managerialism in Criminal Justice: an Anglo-French study in comparative law’ under BA Visiting Fellowship Award)

2011: Arts and Humanities Research Council Fellowship, £40, 360 (6 month Fellowship for project: Making sense of youth justice: a comparative study of Italy and Wales)

2016: Cardiff Incoming Visiting Fellows Scheme & International Collaboration Seedcorn Fund, £5,000 (research collaboration with Dr Renaud Colson)

2016: Centre for Law and Society Research Theme Funding, series of workshops ‘Security and Justice: the challenge of the transnational’, £12,000, (coordination of series, organization of one workshop)

2017: Centre for Law and Society Research Theme Funding, ‘Remorse and Responsibility in the Constructions of the ‘Ideal’ Defendant: Comparing Cultural Expectations in Criminal Process (Cardiff September 2018) Funding of £4.5k


Early Intervention and Youth Justice in Italy and England and Wales (2005) , Research Report, Economic and Social Research Council.

Defence Lawyers in the French Criminal Process (1998), Research Report, Economic and Social Research Council.

(with Renaud COLSON) La fabrique des procédures pénales. Comparaison franco-anglaise des réformes de la justice répressive, Rapport, Mission de Recherche, Droit et Justice, novembre 2009 :



Evidence: lectures (module leader)


Criminal Justice in Europe: lectures and seminars (module leader)


Post-School Education

1989, D.Phil. Jurisprudence, Oxford University (Thesis: Legal Forms, Legal Ideology and the Early Factory Inspectorate)

1981-4: ESRC quota award DPhil Scholarship in Socio-Legal Studies, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, Oxford

1981, M Phil. Criminology, Cambridge University

1980, BA (Hons) Jurisprudence, Oxford University

External appointments, Visiting Lectureships etc.

    • Visiting Lecturer, Willem Pömpe Institute for Criminal Justice, University of Utrecht, Netherlands, 1992 and Buchmann Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv, Israel, 1998/99
    • Professeur Invité, Universities of Amiens (2000-), Nantes (2005 and 2009) and Rennes (2015)
    • Invited Lecturer on programme of continuing education for French judges, Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature, France 2008-2010
    • External examiner, Strathclyde University Law School 2008-2011 and 2015-2019, City University Law School 2012-2016 and Warwick Law School 2015-2019

    Honours and awards


    1995 British Council Know How Fund for Bulgaria: £6,750 (Teaching Programme for Bulgarian Judges).

    1995/6 University of Wales Collaboration Fund: £2,500.

    Organisation and co-ordination of international group of scholars working on comparative perspectives on covert and proactive policing, securing financing from University of Wales Collaboration Fund for seminars in Grygnog (Wales) and Maastricht (Netherlands) and leading to edited collection published by Dartmouth

    1996 Economic and Social Research Council £79,825

    ESRC grant for project `Defence Lawyers in the French Criminal Process’. Lead investigator spending a year collecting empirical research

    2001: Economic and Social Research Council £72, 128

    ESRC grant for project `Early Intervention and Youth Justice in England and Wales and Italy' (with M Drakeford formerly SOCSI and D Nelken now King's College London. Lead investigator supervising gathering of empirical material (interviews and case-files)

    2008: British Academy, £11,507

    Host sponsor to enable Dr Renaud Colson (University of Nantes) to come to Cardiff to work together on ‘Fair Trial and Managerialism in Criminal Justice: an Anglo-French study in comparative law’ under BA Visiting Fellowship Award.

    2011: Arts and Humanities Research Council Fellowship, £40, 360

    6 month Fellowship for project: Making sense of youth justice: a comparative study of Italy and Wales.

    2016: Cardiff Incoming Visiting Fellows Scheme & International Collaboration Seedcorn Fund, £5,000 (research collaboration with Dr Renaud Colson)

    2016: Centre for Law and Society Research Theme Funding, series of workshops ‘Security and Justice: the challenge of the transnational’, £12,000, (coordination of series, organization of one workshop)

    2016: Conseil national des recherches scientifiques (France), Harmonizing European Criminal Justice Systems : values, drivers and limits, 18k euros, (with Dr Renaud Colson), submitted awaiting reply

    Professional memberships

    Socio-Legal Studies Association

    Society of Legal Scholars

    British Society of Criminology

    European Society of Criminology

    Academic positions

    2013- Professor

    2010-2013 Reader

    2001-2010 Senior Lecturer, University of Cardiff

    1984-2001 Lecturer (University of Wales Institute of Science and Technology, then University of Cardiff

    Committees and reviewing

    Director, Centre for Crime, Law and Justice 2014-

    Co-Director, French Academic Exchanges and Erasmus Co-ordinator for exchange links with Nantes University and University Jules Verne Picardy in Amiens, 2013-

    Executive Committee member, Centre for Law and Society 2015-

    Member, Senior Management Group, Cardiff Law School 2013-2015

    Director, People and Environment, Cardiff Law School 2013-2015

    Member School Board, Cardiff Law School 2013-2015

    Chair, Student Mobility Review Group 2013-2015

    International Representative, Cardiff Law School within AHSS College 2013-2015

    Chair, Integrated Board of Examiners 2013-2015

    Deputy Director, Cardiff Centre for Crime, Law and Justice 2009-2014

    Chair, Law and Languages Board of Examiners 2004-2013

    Director, French Academic Exchanges and Erasmus Co-ordinator for exchange Links with France 1994-2013 (intake 26 yearly, five French Erasmus partners: Nantes, Amiens, Toulouse, Rennes, Poitiers)

    Director, Law and French degree programme (yearly intake 24-26) 1994-2013

    Chair, Law and Languages Sub-Committee 2002-2013

    Member University Erasmus Coordinators Group and Strategy Review Sub-group 2010-2011

    Member, Working Group on Postgraduate Research and Study Skills module 2009-2010

    Director LLM European Legal Studies, 2006-2008

    Member, Assessment Sub-Committee, Board of Undergraduate Studies, 2005-7

    Member, Working Group LLM Reforms 2004-5

    Member, Working Group, LLM European Legal Studies Reforms 2004-5

    Elected Member, Law School Board 2004-2005

      • Member Curriculum Review Working Group 2002-2003
      • Member Integrated Degrees Board of Studies (converted to Law and Languages Sub-Committee) 1992-2002
      • Member, Teaching and Learning Quality Committee (previously Educational Development Panel) 1999-2002
      • Member, Study Leave Committee 2000-2002
      • Member, Educational Development Panel Sub-Committee on Assessment, 2000-2001
      • Member Steering Group, Centre for Crime, Law and Justice 1998-2001
      • Research Co-ordinator, Centre for Crime, Law and Justice, 1999-2000
      • Member, Law School Culture Working Group 1999-2000
      • Buildings Committee 1995-1996
      • Teaching Committee 1992-1995
      • Law Library Committee 1992-1993
      • Student Progress Monitoring Committee 1990-1993
      • Senate 1989-1991
      • Faculty Board 1988-1991
      • Academic Secretary to Law School and Board of Studies 1988-1991
      • SCR Committee 1985-1988
      • Staff Student Panel 1985-1987


    I am interested in supervising students in the area of criminal justice and youth justice particularly in a compartive context