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Valerie Fogleman

Professor Valerie Fogleman

Professor of Law


Valerie has taught and practised environmental and insurance law for over 35 years, both in the US (where she lived for 23 years) and the UK. Her specialisms are environmental liabilities, environmental insurance, and approaches to halt the loss of biodiversity.

Valerie has written three books and co-authored and contributed to others as well as writing over 100 articles on environmental law. She has also authored and co-authored several reports on the Environmental Liabililty Directive (ELD) and other environmental liabilities for the European Commission. Her recent projects include a study for the Commission on financial security in the context of the ELD. She is currently carrying out another project for the Commission on faciiltating enforcement of the ELD by competent authorities.

Valerie is also a Consultant at Stevens & Bolton LLP.  She is also an active member of the Environmental Justice Research Unit, a collaborative initiative between Law and Politics researchers at Cardiff University.




  • Fogleman, V. 2022. Environmental liability insurance. In: Abelkop, A. et al. eds. Chemical Risk Governance., Vol. 11. Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law Edward Elgar, pp. 581-596.












  • Fogleman, V. M. 2007. Insurance. In: Tromans, S. and Turrall-Clarke, R. eds. Contaminated Land. London: Sweet & Maxwell, pp. 639-659.
  • Fogleman, V. M. 2007. Insurance for major accidents to the environment. In: Vince, I. ed. Major Accidents to the Environment. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, pp. 85-108.



Book sections



Books (sole author)

Environmental Liabilities and Insurance in England and the United States (Witherbys 2005)

Hazardous Waste Cleanup, Liability and Litigation (Quorum Books 1992)

Guide to the National Environmental Policy Act (Quorum Books 1990)

Books (co-author)

Environmental Law in Property Transactions (co-authors Andrew Waite and Gregory Jones QC) (Bloomsbury Publishing, 4th edition, 2016) (also 6th edition, 2009)

Law Society Environmental Law Handbook (co-authors Trevor Hellawell and Andrew Wiseman) (Law Society, 7th edition, 2011)

Selected contributions to books

'Environmental Liability Insurance' in Chemicals and the Law (Adam Abelkop, Bethami Auerbach and Lynn Bergeson, editors) (Edward Elgar, in production)

'Protecting nature from people; A comparative analysis of the selection of species and establishment of their natural habitats in the US and the EU' in European Environmental Law Forum Conference Book of 2019 (Marlon Boeve, Sanne Akerboom, Chris Backes and Marleen van Rijswick, editors) (Intersentia Ltd, in production)

'Insurance' in Stephen Tromans, Contaminated Land (Sweet & Maxwell, 3rd edition, 2018) (also 2nd edition, 2008)

'Innocent Landowners and Historic Contamination; Liability in the Absence of a Polluter' in Il Futuro del Polo Petrolchimico Siracusano, Tra Bonifiche e Riqualificazion (Marisa Meli and Salvatore Adomo, editors (Giappicheli (Torino), 2017)

'Plans and Programmes under the Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive' in The Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive, A Plan for Success? (Gregory Jones QC and Eloise Scotford, editors) (Hart Publishing, 1st edition, 2017)

'The Threshold for Liability for Ecological Damage in the EU: Mixing Environmental and Conservation Law' in The Habitats Directive in its EU Environmental Law Context: European Nature's Best Hope? (Charles-Hubert Born, An Cliquet, Hendrik Schoukens, Delphine Misonne and Geert Van Hoorick, editors) (Routledge 2015)

'The Polluter Pays Principle for Accidental Environmental Damage: Its Implementation in the Environmental Liability Directive' in Principi Europei e Illecito Ambientale (Alessandro D'Adda, Ida Angela Nicotra and Ugo Salanitro, editors) (G. Giappichelli Editore - Torino, 21013)

Various chapters in Burnett-Hall on Environmental Law (Richard Burnett-Hall and Brian Jones, general editors; David Hart QC and Valerie Fogleman, editors) (Sweet & Maxwell, 3rd edition 2012) (also various chapters in 2nd edition, 2009)

'Environmental Liabilities and their Effect on Professionals' in Professional Indemnity Insurance: Case Law, Regulation and Practice (Tony Gregory, Liz Rooke and Derek Tadiello, editors) (Insurance Institute of London, Report of Research Study Group 228A, 2nd edition 2010)

Selected articles

'Biodiversity damage from authorised activities: the polluter pays and precautionary principles and the significance threshold in the Environmental Liability Directive' (2020) 26(2) Environmental Liability 1

'The cuty to prevent environmental damage in the environmental liability directive; a catalyst for halting the deterioration of water and wildlife' (2019) 20(4) ERA Forum 707

'Surviving Nature' (Review essay of Inside the Equal Access to Justice Act; Enviornmental Litigation and the Crippling Battle over America's Lands, Endangered Species, and Critical Habitats by Lowell E. Baier (Rowman & LIttlefield, 2016O in (2017) 29 Journal of Environmental Law 565

'Saving protected species' (October/November 2016) RICS Land Journal 22

'Self-Insuring environmental liabilities: a residual risk-bearer's perspective' (co-author Colin Mackie) (2016) 16 Journal of Corporate Law Studies 293

'Impact of C-534/13 Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare v Fipa Group Srl on English law' in 'Annotations of C-534/13' (Barbara Pozzo et al) (2015) 23(6) European Review of Private Law 1071

'Landowners' liability for remediating contaminated land in the EU: EU or national law? Part II: National law' (2015) 23(2) Environmental Liability 42

'Landowners' liability for remediating contaminated land in the EU: EU or national law? Part I: EU law (2015) 23(1) Environmental Liabillity 6

'Foreword' to Future directions of consumer flood insurance in the UK: Reflections upon the creation of Flood Re (editor Johanna Hjalmarsson, Southampton University, 15 August 2015)

'The Temporal Provisions of the Environmental Liability Directive; The Start Date, Direct Effect and Retrospectivity' (2014) 22(4) Environmental Liability 137

'The Contaminated Land Regime: Time for a Regime that is Fit for Purpose (Part 1)' (2014) 6(1/2) International Journal of Law in the Built Environment 43

'The Contaminated Land Regime: Time for a Regime that is Fit for Purpose (Part 2)' (2014) 6(1/2) International Journal of Law in the Built Environment 129

'Environmental Claims and Insolvent Companies: The Contrasting Approaches of the United Kingdom and the United States' (co-author Blanca Mamutse) (2013) British Journal of American Legal Studies 579

'Improving the Treatment of Environmental Claims in Insolvency' (co-author Blanca Mamutse) (2013) Journal of Business Law 486

'The New Statutory Guidance; Simplification or Reducing the Application of Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990?' (2013) 15 Environmental Law Review 47

'Halting the Loss of Biodiversity in the European Union: An Achievable Goal?' (2012) 2 KLRI Journal of Law and Legislation 99

'The European Court of Justice Rules on the Enviromental Liability Directive' (2010) 18(2) Environmental Liability 39

'The Environmental Damage Regulations; The New Regime' (2009) 17(5) Environmental Liability 147

'Plugging the Gap in Cover for Environmental Liabiities in UK Public Liabiity Policies' (2009) 17(1) Environmental Liability 11

'Implementation of the Environmental Liabiity Directive in the United Kingdom' (2006) 6 Europaisches Umwelt- und Planungsrecht (EurUP) 291

'Transposition of the Environmental Liability Directive into English Law; Second Consultation' (2008) 16(2) Environmental Liabiilty 54

'Liabililty for Damage to Natural Rresources: A Landmark US Case Provides Guidance on its Scope' (2007) 15(1) Environmental Liability 1

'The Widening Gap in cover for Environmental Liabilities in Pubic Liabiily Policies' [2007] Journal of Planning and Environmental Law 816

'Enforcing the Environmental Liabililty Directive; Duties, Powers and Self-Executing Provisions' (2006) 14(4) Environmental Liability 127

'The Environmental Liability Directive and its Impacts on English Environmental Law' (2006) 9 Journal of Planning and Environmental Law 1443

'Circular Facilities (London) Ltd v Sevenoaks DC: The Meaning of "Knowingly Permitted" under the Contaminated Land Regime' [2005] Journal of Planning and Environmental Law 1269

'Enforcement of the Contaminated Land Regime in England: Circular Facilities (London) Ltd v Sevenoaks District Council'  (2005) 13(3) Environmental Liability 82

'Circular Facilities (London) Ltd v Sevenoaks District Council; The First Ruling on an Appeal Against a Remediatio Notice Under the Contaminated Land Regime' [2004] Journal of Planning and Environmental Law 1319


Valerie is teaching the following modules in the LLM programme this year:

  • Environmental and Climate Change Law
  • Insurance Law


Valerie joined Cardiff University School of Law in September 2007.

She was previously Natural Resources Law Fellow at Lewis and Clark College, Portland, Oregon (1987-1987); Teaching Fellow at the University of Illinois College of Law, Champaign, Illinois (1987-1988); and Visiting Professor at the University of Ghent, Belgium (2003-2009).

In addition, Valerie has been in private practice since 1988 in Corpus Christi, Texas, and the UK.

Higher education

LLD, Cardiff University (2016)

LLM, University of Illinois, Champaign, Illinois (1992)

MSc, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas (1989)

Juris Doctor (Honours), Texas Tech University School of Law, Lubbock, Texas (1986)

Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (High Honours), Texas Tech University (1983)

Professional memberships

City of London Law Society Planning and Environmental Law Committee (member and former Vice Chair)

Royal Institution for Chartered Surveyors (honorary member)

American Bar Association (also member of ABA Section on Enviroment, Energy and Resources)

Association of Insurance and Risk Managers (AIRMIC)

Law Society of England and Wales

Law Society of Ireland

Cardiff and District Law Society

State Bar of Texas

United Kingdom Environmental Law Association (past Council member; past Convenor, Insurance and Liability Working Party; member, Contaminated Land Working Party)

Society of Legal Scholars

Editorial Board, Environmental Liability: Law, Policy and Practice

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 74152
Campuses Law Building, Room 3.44, Museum Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3AX