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Wayne Forster

Professor Wayne Forster

Professor, Director of Health and Safety

Available for postgraduate supervision



Deputy Head of School with responsibility for Design Teaching and Technology.  As Director of the Design and Practice Research group my aim is to encourage design based research.

















  • Forster, W. P., Greenberg, S. and Hawkes, D. 2000. Studies for the sustainable urban office building. Presented at: 17th International Passive and Low Energy Architecture Conference - PLEA 2000, Cambridge, UK, 2-5 July 2000 Presented at Steemers, K. and Yannas, S. eds.Architecture, City, Environment: proceedings of PLEA 2000. London: James & James pp. 63-66.
  • Forster, W. P. and Jones, P. J. 2000. Studies in the design of the low energy speculative factory. Presented at: TIA 2000: Third International Conference, Oxford, UK, 9-12 July 2000 Presented at Roaf, S., Sala, M. and Bairstow, A. eds.TIA 2000: Third International Conference: Sustainable Buildings for the 21st Century: Teaching Issues, Tools and Methodologies for Sustainability: Somerville College, Oxford, Sunday 9 July-Wednesday 12 July 2000: Congress Proceedings. [Oxford]: TIA pp. 8.





  • Jones, M. R., Forster, W. P., Coombs, S. and Paradise, C. 2008. Zero carbon by 2011: delivering sustainable affordable homes in Wales. Presented at: PLEA 2008: 25th Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, Dublin, Ireland, 22-24 October 2008 Presented at Kenny, P., Brophy, V. and Lewis, J. O. eds.Towards Zero Energy Buildings - Proceedings of PLEA 2008. Dublin: University College Dublin
  • Forster, W. P., Heal, A. and Paradise, C. 2006. The Vernacular as a Model for Sustainable Design. Presented at: PLEA Conference, Geneva Sept 06.
  • Forster, W. P., Greenberg, S. and Hawkes, D. 2000. Studies for the sustainable urban office building. Presented at: 17th International Passive and Low Energy Architecture Conference - PLEA 2000, Cambridge, UK, 2-5 July 2000 Presented at Steemers, K. and Yannas, S. eds.Architecture, City, Environment: proceedings of PLEA 2000. London: James & James pp. 63-66.
  • Forster, W. P. and Jones, P. J. 2000. Studies in the design of the low energy speculative factory. Presented at: TIA 2000: Third International Conference, Oxford, UK, 9-12 July 2000 Presented at Roaf, S., Sala, M. and Bairstow, A. eds.TIA 2000: Third International Conference: Sustainable Buildings for the 21st Century: Teaching Issues, Tools and Methodologies for Sustainability: Somerville College, Oxford, Sunday 9 July-Wednesday 12 July 2000: Congress Proceedings. [Oxford]: TIA pp. 8.





Research interests

My research centres on a cluster of topic areas, which come under the broad heading of design and construction technology. Full details of these may be found at The topics are as follows:-

Design Research Unit - Architecture and Urbanism It may seem axiomatic that design should be central to research in a school of architecture but that is not always the case. A new Unit was established in 2000 in order to concentrate on architectural, urban design and landscape projects from the position of research. The Design Research Unit, therefore undertakes projects, often in collaboration with other specialists, that provide the opportunity for the development of design studies based on research or as research in their own right. The common goal in the work of the Design Research Unit to date has been to found the activities of the Design Studio on a sound research based approach. As such, projects are shaped through rigorous and critical analysis of all parameters shaping the conceptualisation, development and solution of the project. The design and research projects are pursued through collective and collaborative endeavour based on sound design theory and underpinned by the considerable resources of the Centre for Research in the Built Environment. Since its inception a number of key projects have been secured and completed and a number of publications have followed as well as design awards and exhibitions. (See list)

Architecture and Urbanism DRUw has a number of on-going projects that fall under the general heading of Urban Sustainability. Starting with projects centering on the market towns of Monmouthshire including a LIFE funded project related to accessibility in Chepstow worjk has been extended to include involvement in the design and development of 2 of Wales largest urban design projects - Roath Basin, Cardiff Bay for the Welsh Development Agency and Coed d’Arcy for Edward Ware Homes the developer. At Roath Basin we have been conducting studies on pedestrian comfort in the public realm and at Coed d’Arcy I have been advising on a range of potential sustainable construction including the use of local material. In our own right we have continued with a Vision and Masterplan for Cardiff University at Maindy, Cardiff and a sustainable cultural quarter in Bassano, Italy. At a rural level we have worked for the National Parks of Wales on providing draft supplementary planning guidance for Sustainable Design and projects for low cost rural housing are ongoing through the Ty- Unos (House in a night) initiatives.

The Building Envelope The design and construction of the building envelope (as a climatic filter). This considers how the external fabric of buildings can be constructed to act with climate to meet the overall performance requirements of buildings. Interest centres on the whole palette of construction materials however currently work is focused on the use of sustainably grown broad-leaved timbers (with Coed Cymru) and steel framed housing (with British Steel sponsored first Eng D’s in Architecture). See publications for details.

Construction Processes The research has responded to Latham and Egan in the quest for efficient and effective construction systems. Funded research under the EPSRC Initiatives in Manufacturing Industries has been completed (Housebuilding as a Manufacturing Industry ’HOBMAN’ with Westbury Homes and Warwick Manufacturing Group first cross-sectoral work of this kind in the UK). Collaborative work with strategic partners Gwalia, Seren and Wales and the West Housing Association to extend and transfer knowledge in local sustainable supply chains in housing in Wales is ongoing through a KEF funded project entitled MMC Wales. Other areas of interest under this heading relate to prefabrication and modular construction and design and research projects are in progress in collaboration with CORUS plc and Gwalia Housing Associationymru and Coed C. Critical Studies in Tectonic Form and Technique Personal research is carried out on a number of architects for whom the technique of making buildings and their materiality is at the heart of their design philosophy. Work has been published in international journals as well as at Conferences. Following research through 2000/2001 a book co-authored with Professor Dean Hawkes was published in 2002 in English, Spanish, German and Chinese.

Main expertise

Architectural design, particularly site-specific.

Supervision experience

Currently supervising 4 PhDs. Supervised 5 PhDs to completion.

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 74389
Campuses Bute Building, Room DRUw, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3NB