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Pauline Found

Dr Pauline Found

Lecturer in Operations Management

Available for postgraduate supervision


I am currently Emeritus Professor of Lean Operations Management from University of Buckingham and a lecturer at Cardiff Business School in Logistics and Operations Management  I am a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (FCILT) and a Member of the American Society of Quality (ASQ). I hold a PhD, MBA, BSc (Hons), BA and a PgD in Environmental Management.

Previously, I was a Senior Research Fellow at the Cardiff University Lean Enterprise Research Centre (LERC), where I was part of the Cardiff University Innovative Manufacturing Research Centre (IMRC). My research on sustainable change was awarded the Shingo Research Award in recognition of an Outstanding Contribution to Knowledge in the field of Operational Excellence for my book Staying Lean: Thriving not just surviving that introduced the Lean Iceberg Model of Sustainable Change. I am the author of numerous books and papers on Lean and I was President of the International POMS (Production and Operations Management Society) College of Behavior 2009-2011.



















  • Egbunike, O., Potter, A. T., Packianather, M. S. and Found, P. 2008. Are capsule pipelines a pipe dream? A critical review. Presented at: Logistics Research Network Annual Conference, Liverpool, UK, 10-12 September 2008.
  • Hines, P. A., Found, P., Harrison, R. and Griffiths, G. 2008. Staying lean: thriving, not just surviving. Project Report. Cardiff: Lean Enterprise Research Centre, Cardiff University.
  • Darlington, J. S., Francis, M. and Found, P. 2008. Flow accounting in application: big picture financial mapping in the aerospace industry. Presented at: 13th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2008) Integrating the Global Supply Chain, Bangkok, Thailand, 6-8 July 2008 Presented at Pawar, K. S., Lalwani, C. S. and Banomyong, Y. eds.Integrating the global supply chain: 13th International Sympsoium on Logistics (ISL 2008); Bangkok, Thailand, 6 - 8 July 2008 [..] Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2008). Nottingham: Nottingham University Business School pp. 62-68.
  • Darlington, J. S., Francis, M. and Found, P. 2008. Flow accounting: effective performance assessment for the lean enterprise. Presented at: 13th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2008), Bangkok, Thailand, 6-8 July 2008 Presented at Pawar, S., Lalwani, C. S. and Banomyong, R. eds.Integrating the global supply chain : 13th International Sympsoium on Logistics (ISL 2008); Bangkok, Thailand, 6 - 8 July 2008 [..] Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2008). Nottingham: Nottingham University Business School pp. 53-61.



  • Found, P., Beale, J., Hines, P., Naim, M. M., Rich, N. L., Sarmiento, R. and Thomas, A. 2006. A theoretical framework for economic sustainability of manufacturing. Presented at: 13th International Annual EurOMA Conference, Glasgow, UK, 18-21 June 2006 Presented at Mendibil, K. and Shamsuddin, A. eds.Moving up the Value Chain: Proceedings of 13th International Annual EurOMA Conference, Glasgow, UK, 18-21 June 2006, Vol. 2. Glasgow: University of Strathclyde Publishing pp. 681-691.
  • Found, P., Beale, J. and Rich, N. L. 2006. A theoretical model for sustainable change. Presented at: 16th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing: FAIM 2006, Limerick, Ireland, 26-28 June 2006 Presented at Lewis, H., Gaughran, B. and Burke, S. eds.Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing : FAIM 2006, June 26-28th 2006, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland. Limerick: University of Limerick, Dept. of Manufacturing and Operations Engineering pp. 1075-1082.
  • Hines, P., Beale, J., Found, P., Naim, M. M., Rich, N. L., Sarmiento, R. and Thomas, A. 2006. A holistic framework for the economic sustainability of manufacturing. Presented at: 13th International Annual European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Conference, Glasgow, UK, 18-21 June 2006.
  • Hines, P., Francis, M. and Found, P. 2006. Towards lean product lifecycle management: A framework for new product development. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 17(7), pp. 866-887. (10.1108/17410380610688214)
  • Beale, J. and Found, P. 2006. Human aspects of sustainable lean manufacturing: the relationship between employee attitudes, personality traits and behaviours. Presented at: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, Limerick, Ireland, 26-28 June 2006 Presented at Lewis, H., Gaughran, B. and Burke, S. eds.Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing: FAIM 2006, June 26-28th 2006, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland, Volume 1, Vol. 1. Limerick, Ireland: University of Limerick pp. 1111-1117.
  • Found, P. and Rich, N. L. 2006. The meaning of lean: cross case perceptions of packaging businesses in the UK fast moving consumer goods sector. Presented at: Logistics Research Network Conference 2006, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK, 6-8 September 2006 Presented at Bourlakis, M. A. ed.Logistics Research Network Annual Conference 2006: 6th - 8th September 2006, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK. Corby: CILT: The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in the UK pp. 119-125.


  • Hines, P., Francis, M. and Found, P. 2005. A framework for lean product lifecycle management. Presented at: 11th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising: Integrating Engineering of Products, Services and Organisations, Munich, Germany, 20-22 June 2005ICE2005: the 11th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising : Integrated Engineering of Products, Services and Organisations, Munich, Germany, 20-22 June 2005. Nottingham: University of Nottingham, Centre for Concurrent Enterprising pp. 389-397.


Book sections





During my time at LERC I was involved in a range of research projects including PREMADE, a digital lean manufacturing project in aerospace design and development. This involved working with Bombardier Aerospace in Belfast and colleagues from LERC the team put in a flow system that won a Bombardier Gold Award for innovation. Also in aerospace I conducted scoping studies to determine a Design for Lean framework for Airbus UK as part of the Next Generation Composite Wings project. Since then I was involved in a range of research, knowledge transfer, engagement and executive education projects and initiatives, as well as writing books and papers on Lean.

My current research interests include Operational Excellence in Manufacturing and Services, Lean and Green, Systems Thinking, Industry 4.0 and Digitalisationas well as Behavioural Operations, including Leadership and Middle Management.

I was President of the International POMS (Production and Operations Management Society) College of Behavior 2009-2011.



MBA, Cardiff University, 2006 (Distinction)

Major: Supply Chain Management

PhD, University of Bristol, 1990

Major: Hydrogeology and Remote Sensing

Dip. Env. Man, Cardiff University, 1985

B.Sc (Hons), Cardiff University, 1984 (2:1)

Major: Geology

BA, Open University, 1983

Major: Science and Technology

Employment History


Senior Research fellow, Cardiff University (2018 - )

Professor of Lean Operations Management, University of Buckingham (2015 - )

Senior Lecturer in Operations Management and Lean, University of Buckingham (2014 - 2015)

Senior Lecturer in Supply Chain Management, University of South Wales (2013 – 2014)

Senior Research Fellow, Cardiff University (2004-2013)

External Examiner, Swansea University (2014-2018)

External Examiner Open University (2016 -)

Following the successful defence of my PhD at the University of Bristol in 1989 I spent 15 years in industry, returning to academia in 2004 as Senior Research Associate in Cardiff University.

From 2004 until 2007 I worked on the SUCCESS project on Sustainable Change as part of the Cardiff University Innovative Manufacturing Research Centre. This research culminated in the Shingo Research Award in recognition of an Outstanding Contribution to Knowledge in the field of Operational Excellence for the book Staying Lean: Thriving not just surviving that introduced the Lean Iceberg Model of Sustainable Change. In 2006 I graduated with a distinction in an MBA in Supply Chain Management following a dissertation in packaging supply chains to FMCG. From 2007 - 2012 I was employed as a Senior Research Fellow in the Lean Enterprise Research Centre and worked on a number of research projects including PREMADE, a digital lean manufacturing project in aerospace design and build. Working with Bombardier Aerospace in Belfast and colleagues from LERC we put in a flow system that won a Bombardier Gold Award for innovation and conducted scoping studies to determine a Design for Lean framework for Airbus UK as part of the Next Generation Composite Wings project. I was also a module co-ordinator on the MSc in Lean Operations and successfully supervised a number of MBA, MSc students and PhD students. In 2013 I was made Knowledge Transfer Manager for the Centre for Advanced Manufacturing at Cardiff University. On leaving Cardiff University in 2013 I was Senior Lecturer on an ESF funded work-based learning project at University of South Wales (2013-2014) and managed a work-based learning Supply Chain Management programme for 60 students at Tata Steel.

From February 2014 – September 2015 I was employed as Senior Lecturer in Operations and Lean at University of Buckingham and, since September 2015, as Professor of Lean Operations Management where I designed and developed a new MSc in Continuous Improvement in Public Services that was approved by QAA and accredited to the Institute of Continuous Improvement in Public Services (ICiPS). This launched in 2015 followed by a Professional Doctorate, in Operational Excellence programme that I designed and launched in January 2016. I am currently supervising 11 dissertation students and 12 PhD students.

In 2016 I designed an launched a new e-learning, work-based learning BSc in Operational Excellence. This has been developed from scratch and designed as a truly interactive e-learning programme and attracted 25 students from launch. During the design and development, I acquired skills in creating e-learning at undergraduate level which would be appropriate as part of a Degree Apprenticeship programme in Business.

I have developed and delivered executive education on public and bespoke short courses from shop floor to senior executive levels aligned to Lean Competency System (LCS) accreditation, including HMRC and MOJ. I have also designed and delivered an ILM accredited Level 7 Certificate to MoJ in 2017.

I have an international reputation and have authored numerous academic journal papers, including a 4* paper for the International Journal of Production and Operations Management. I was elected as President of the International Society of Production and Operations Management, College of Behavior 2009-2011 and I now serve on the Award Committee of the prestigious Martin K. Starr Award and the Nominations Committee for POMS.


Factory Services Manager, Imperial Tobacco (2002 – 2004)

Purchasing and Planning Manager, Imperial Tobacco (1997 – 2002)

IT Section Leader, Imperial Tobacco (1993 – 1997)

Computer Specialist, Imperial Tobacco (1991 – 1993)

Senior Research Analyst, BP (1989 – 1991)

During the period 1991-1997 I was responsible for implementing and managing the corporate ERP system and computer network to support it. From 1997 – 2004 I was appointed to the Senior Management team responsible for the purchasing, planning and logistics departments with responsibility for the new packaging development and supply to meet EU packaging regulations covering printed cartons, corrugated, films, boxes and tins to FMCG. From 2002 -2004 I also assumed responsibility for quality, technical and HR in addition to purchasing, planning and logistics. In this role I had responsibility for training and also for implementing and managing the corporate EMS and QMS systems to ISO 14001:2004 and ISO 9001:2000 accreditations and managed a multi-million pound budget.

Prior to my employment at Imperial Tobacco I was a senior research analyst at BP Research Centre focussing on oil exploration and managed two major remote sensing and GIS projects.

Professional Membership

Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport

Member of American Society of Quality

President of the College of Human Behaviour in Operations Manager, a College of Production and Operations Management Society (POMS 2009-11)

Member of the College of Humanitarian Operations and Crisis Management, a college of Production and Operations Management Society (POMS)

Member of the College of Supply Chain Management, a College of Production and Operations Management Society (POMS)


I am interested in supervising students in the areas of:

  • Operational Excellence
  • Behavioural Operations
  • Industry 4.0
  • Circular Economy

Contact Details


Campuses Aberconway Building, Room C28, Colum Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF10 3EU