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Susanne Frick

Dr Susanne Frick


Teams and roles for Susanne Frick


I am an economic geographer interested in the factors driving local and regional economic development as well as the effectiveness of industrial and local development policies. I joined Cardiff University in December 2023, coming from the Blavatnik School of Government at Oxford University, where I was a postdoctoral research associate, researching urban development policies in European cities with the aim to help inform UK Levelling-Up policies. Prior to that, I completed a PhD in Economic Geography and worked as a Fellow in Local Economic Development at the London School of Economics and Political Science. 

I have extensive experience working as a consultant with international organisations and governments, for example with the World Bank’s Trade & Competitiveness Practice and UNCTAD. Prior to my PhD, I worked for several years with Dalberg Global Development Advisors, supporting organisations such as the Gates Foundation and the International Trade Centre in their strategic planning processes. I also spent two years in Guatemala, working for Fundesa, a private-sector funded think tank, and in close collaboration with the Guatemalan Ministry of Economy on economic policies for the country.















My general research interest revolves around understanding the drivers of regional and urban development; how these drivers can be influenced by policy as well as the social and economic consequences of spatial inequalities. To date, I have explored this overarching interest mainly through three research strands:

  1. the relationship between urbanization, cities and economic development (see for example here and here for non-technical articles on this topic)
  2. the implementation of local development policies in emerging economies (see for example here and here for policy reports for which I was one of the main authors)
  3. transformative processes in Western cities and urban development policies (see for example here and here

For peer-reviewed publications related to these topics, please refer to the publications tab.

Furthermore, I am currently involved in a research project funded by The Productivity Institute on the role of state development banks for regional and local development (you can find some background information about the project context here)

In my research I strive for policy relevance and have worked closely with international organizations, including the World Bank and UNCTAD as well as local governments.



I am generally involved in the teaching of research methods and modules related to economic geography. I am the module leader for the first year course in "Urban Economies" and cover the quantitative section of the "Introduction to Research Methods" module in the second year. 

I am also supervising undergraduate and postgraduate students for their dissertations and act as a personal tutor.



Current supervision

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