Dr Ruoqi Geng
Senior Lecturer in Logistics and Operations Management and Programme Director for MSc Sustainable Supply Chain Management
Ruoqi is a senior lecturer and Programme Director for MSc Sustainable Supply Chain Management in the Logistics and Operation Management section. Ruoqi joined the Cardiff Business School in September 2017 after attending Brunel University where she pursued her MSc and PhD. Coming from Cangzhou, an industrial city in the Hebei province of China with major environmental problems including air pollution, Ruoqi investigated green manufacturing supply chain practices in China for her PhD research. In her thesis entitled “An investigation of the adoption of green supply chain management practices in manufacturing sector in Asian emerging economies: Guanxi, antecedents and performance”, she examined the moderating role of Guanxi, a cultural norm in China, as an informal institutional force on the relationship between formal institutional forces and the adoption of green supply chain management practices.
Ruoqi’s primary research focus lies on green supply chain management in emerging economies, particularly in China. Presently, China is home to seven of the 10 most polluted cities in the world. China is also the world’s largest producer of ozone-depleting substances and the second-largest producer of greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, scholars have argued that China needs to lead the challenge of the world going green. Ruoqi is also engaged in cross-disciplinary research including sustainable operations, institutional environments and relational marketing. She is an expert in meta-analysis, clustering analysis, text mining and experiment vignette research methods.
- Dai, J., Geng, R., Xu, D., Shangguan, W. and Shao, J. 2025. Unveiling the impact of the congruence between artificial intelligence and explorative learning on supply chain resilience. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 45(2), pp. 570-593. (10.1108/IJOPM-12-2023-0990)
- Geng, R., Shao, l. and Dai, j. 2024. Examining customer pressure and green supply chain management in emerging market: An institutional logics perspective. International Journal of Production Economics 278, article number: 109431. (10.1016/j.ijpe.2024.109431)
- Julie, S., Potter, A. and Geng, R. 2024. Examining the effects of stakeholder forces on sustainable practices in the Bangladeshi garment industry. Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain 12, article number: 100162. (10.1016/j.clscn.2024.100162)
- Azar, G., Batsakis, G., Drogendijk, R., PakSeresht, A. and Geng, R. 2024. Institutional distance and location choice: an experimental approach to the perception puzzle. International Marketing Review 41(3/4), pp. 717-744. (10.1108/IMR-12-2022-0282)
- Yang, Q., Geng, R., Feng, T. and Li, T. 2023. Impacts of supply chain integration on product- and service-oriented mass customisation capability: the role of customer need. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 53(3), pp. 354-377. (10.1108/IJPDLM-02-2022-0051)
- Liu, Z., Geng, R., Tse, Y. M. and Han, S. 2023. Mapping the relationship between social media usage and organisational performance: a meta-analysis. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 187, article number: 122253. (10.1016/j.techfore.2022.122253)
- Zhang, M., Ren, S., Sun, Y. and Geng, R. 2022. When does supportive climate fail to support frontline employees in service recovery? A complexity theory perspective. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 51, pp. 481-490. (10.1016/j.jhtm.2022.05.001)
- Geng, R., Lam, H. K. S. and Stevenson, M. 2022. Addressing modern slavery in supply chains: an awareness-motivation-capability perspective. International Journal of Operations and Production Management 42(3), pp. 331-356. (10.1108/ijopm-07-2021-0425)
- Qionglei, Y., Steve, P., Geng, R. and Dorothy, Y. 2021. Thanks for the memories: exploring city tourism experiences via social media reviews. Tourism Management Perspectives 40, article number: 100851. (10.1016/j.tmp.2021.100851)
- Qian, Y., Geng, R., Yisa, J. and Taiwen, F. 2021. Governance mechanisms and green customer integration in China: the joint effect of power and environmental uncertainty. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 149, article number: 102307. (10.1016/j.tre.2021.102307)
- Guo, Y., Yen, D., Geng, R. and Azar, G. 2021. Drivers of green cooperation between Chinese manufacturers and their customers: an empirical analysis. Industrial Marketing Management 93, pp. 137-136. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2021.01.004)
- Zhang, M., Geng, R., Hong, Z., Song, W. and Wang, W. 2020. The double-edged sword effect of service recovery awareness of frontline employees: from a job demands-resources perspective. International Journal of Hospitality Management 88, article number: 102536. (10.1016/j.ijhm.2020.102536)
- Yang, Q., Geng, R. and Feng, T. 2020. Does the configuration of macro‐ and micro‐institutional environments affect the effectiveness of green supply chain integration?. Business Strategy and the Environment 29(4), pp. 1695-1713. (10.1002/bse.2462)
- Zhang, M., Geng, R., Huang, Y. and Ren, S. 2020. Terminator or accelerator? Lessons from the peer-to-peer accommodation hosts in China in responses to COVID-19. International Journal of Hospitality Management 92, article number: 102760. (10.1016/j.ijhm.2020.102760)
- Geng, R., Mansouri, A., Aktas, E. and Yen, D. A. 2019. An empirical study of green supplier collaboration in the Chinese manufacturing sector: the double-edged sword effect of guanxi. Supply Chain Management 25(3), pp. 359-373. (10.1108/SCM-03-2019-0135)
- Zhang, M. and Geng, R. 2019. Empowerment in service recovery: the role of self-regulation process of frontline employee. Management Decision 58(5), pp. 828-843. (10.1108/MD-10-2018-1073)
- Geng, R., Mansouri, S. A., Aktas, E. and Yen, D. A. 2017. The role of Guanxi in green supply chain management in Asia's emerging economies: a conceptual framework. Industrial Marketing Management 63, pp. 1-17. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2017.01.002)
- Geng, R., Mansouri, S. A. and Aktas, E. 2017. The relationship between green supply chain management and performance: a meta-analysis of empirical evidences in Asian emerging economies. International Journal of Production Economics 183(Part A), pp. 245-258. (10.1016/j.ijpe.2016.10.008)
- Dai, J., Geng, R., Xu, D., Shangguan, W. and Shao, J. 2025. Unveiling the impact of the congruence between artificial intelligence and explorative learning on supply chain resilience. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 45(2), pp. 570-593. (10.1108/IJOPM-12-2023-0990)
- Geng, R., Shao, l. and Dai, j. 2024. Examining customer pressure and green supply chain management in emerging market: An institutional logics perspective. International Journal of Production Economics 278, article number: 109431. (10.1016/j.ijpe.2024.109431)
- Julie, S., Potter, A. and Geng, R. 2024. Examining the effects of stakeholder forces on sustainable practices in the Bangladeshi garment industry. Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain 12, article number: 100162. (10.1016/j.clscn.2024.100162)
- Azar, G., Batsakis, G., Drogendijk, R., PakSeresht, A. and Geng, R. 2024. Institutional distance and location choice: an experimental approach to the perception puzzle. International Marketing Review 41(3/4), pp. 717-744. (10.1108/IMR-12-2022-0282)
- Yang, Q., Geng, R., Feng, T. and Li, T. 2023. Impacts of supply chain integration on product- and service-oriented mass customisation capability: the role of customer need. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 53(3), pp. 354-377. (10.1108/IJPDLM-02-2022-0051)
- Liu, Z., Geng, R., Tse, Y. M. and Han, S. 2023. Mapping the relationship between social media usage and organisational performance: a meta-analysis. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 187, article number: 122253. (10.1016/j.techfore.2022.122253)
- Zhang, M., Ren, S., Sun, Y. and Geng, R. 2022. When does supportive climate fail to support frontline employees in service recovery? A complexity theory perspective. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 51, pp. 481-490. (10.1016/j.jhtm.2022.05.001)
- Geng, R., Lam, H. K. S. and Stevenson, M. 2022. Addressing modern slavery in supply chains: an awareness-motivation-capability perspective. International Journal of Operations and Production Management 42(3), pp. 331-356. (10.1108/ijopm-07-2021-0425)
- Qionglei, Y., Steve, P., Geng, R. and Dorothy, Y. 2021. Thanks for the memories: exploring city tourism experiences via social media reviews. Tourism Management Perspectives 40, article number: 100851. (10.1016/j.tmp.2021.100851)
- Qian, Y., Geng, R., Yisa, J. and Taiwen, F. 2021. Governance mechanisms and green customer integration in China: the joint effect of power and environmental uncertainty. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 149, article number: 102307. (10.1016/j.tre.2021.102307)
- Guo, Y., Yen, D., Geng, R. and Azar, G. 2021. Drivers of green cooperation between Chinese manufacturers and their customers: an empirical analysis. Industrial Marketing Management 93, pp. 137-136. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2021.01.004)
- Zhang, M., Geng, R., Hong, Z., Song, W. and Wang, W. 2020. The double-edged sword effect of service recovery awareness of frontline employees: from a job demands-resources perspective. International Journal of Hospitality Management 88, article number: 102536. (10.1016/j.ijhm.2020.102536)
- Yang, Q., Geng, R. and Feng, T. 2020. Does the configuration of macro‐ and micro‐institutional environments affect the effectiveness of green supply chain integration?. Business Strategy and the Environment 29(4), pp. 1695-1713. (10.1002/bse.2462)
- Zhang, M., Geng, R., Huang, Y. and Ren, S. 2020. Terminator or accelerator? Lessons from the peer-to-peer accommodation hosts in China in responses to COVID-19. International Journal of Hospitality Management 92, article number: 102760. (10.1016/j.ijhm.2020.102760)
- Geng, R., Mansouri, A., Aktas, E. and Yen, D. A. 2019. An empirical study of green supplier collaboration in the Chinese manufacturing sector: the double-edged sword effect of guanxi. Supply Chain Management 25(3), pp. 359-373. (10.1108/SCM-03-2019-0135)
- Zhang, M. and Geng, R. 2019. Empowerment in service recovery: the role of self-regulation process of frontline employee. Management Decision 58(5), pp. 828-843. (10.1108/MD-10-2018-1073)
- Geng, R., Mansouri, S. A., Aktas, E. and Yen, D. A. 2017. The role of Guanxi in green supply chain management in Asia's emerging economies: a conceptual framework. Industrial Marketing Management 63, pp. 1-17. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2017.01.002)
- Geng, R., Mansouri, S. A. and Aktas, E. 2017. The relationship between green supply chain management and performance: a meta-analysis of empirical evidences in Asian emerging economies. International Journal of Production Economics 183(Part A), pp. 245-258. (10.1016/j.ijpe.2016.10.008)
- Geng, R., Mansouri, S. A., Aktas, E. and Yen, D. A. 2017. The role of Guanxi in green supply chain management in Asia's emerging economies: a conceptual framework. Industrial Marketing Management 63, pp. 1-17. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2017.01.002)
- Green Supply Chain Management
- Social Sustainable Operations
- Institutional Environments in Emerging Economies
- Relational Marketing
Research Project:
- Cardiff Seedcorn: Distinguished Visitor Scheme-Publishing Research - Lessons Learned and Good Practices in OSCM - Meet an editor (PI-2017, Co-I-2023)
- Birmingham City University, Small Development Grant, Impact of 3D Printing technology on Supply Chain Network and Performance (2018, Co-I)
- Brunel University, Seedcorn, Organizational innovation, technological innovation, and export performance in China: The effects of innovation radicalness and cultural distance (2019, CO-I)
- Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Sciences, China, The Mechanisms and Intervention Strategies of Customer Perceptions Affecting Proactive Behavior in Frontline AI Service Contexts: A Symbolic Interactionism Perspective (2021-CO-I)
- Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in the UK, Seedcorn, Symbolic or substantive? An empirical examination of firms' sustainability reporting, sustainable fraud in supply chain, media coverage and stock market returns (2021, PI)
- Cardiff University, Seedcorn, Explore ESG measures in digital supply chain transformations (2023, PI)
- Shanghai Science and Technology Commission, China, Research on the High Growth Cultivation Effects, Challenges, and Pathways of Shanghai's "Specialized, Fined, Peculiar and Innovative" Enterprises from the Perspective of Dual-Chain Integration (2023, CO-I)
BS2001/2071 Purchasing and Supply Management
BST821 Building a Sustainable Supply Chain
BST847 Research Methods in LOM
- PhD 2013 – 2017 Brunel University London,UK
- M.Sc. Global supply chain management. 2012 – 2013 Brunel University London,UK
Professional memberships
- Member of the Production and Operation Management Society (POMS)
- Member of the European Operations Management Association (EurOMA)
Contact Details
+44 29208 74714
Aberconway Building, Room Room D42, Colum Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF10 3EU