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Ali Ghoroghi

Dr Ali Ghoroghi

Research Fellow


I am a research fellow at the Urban Intelligence Research Centre. My work focuses on data science, machine learning engineering, simulation, and optimization models.

I am an industrial engineer and computer scientist with over two decades of experience in technical, managerial and academic roles. I hold a BSc in Industrial Engineering from Tehran Polytechnic ( Amirkabir University of Technology). I also have two MSc qualifications in Industrial Engineering and Computer Science from the Isfahan University of Technology and Imperial College London. I then obtained my PhD in Computer Science from Imperial College with a thesis in Game Theory. I have held different teaching, supervision and research roles in academia.

I was working on the following project at Urban Intelligence Research Centre:

• Attenuating the Environmental Impact of our Buildings through Semantic-based Dynamic Life cycle Assessment
(SemanticLCA) the project, which aims to attenuate and control the impact of the buildings on the environment positively
and mitigate the effects of climate change using a new generation of life cycle assessment methods and tools that are
model-based, continuously learning from real-time data while informing effective operation and management strategies
of buildings and districts.

• Digitising Construction Regulations funded by Building Research Establishment Ltd.

• SPORTE.3Q; Smart integrated urban systems to manage Energy - Water nexus for users’ comfort, health and safety in
stadiums and sports facilities. SPORTE.3Q aims to address the energy and water nexus in Stadiums and Sports
Facilities within their local ecosystem (district), by developing a smart performance management solution to optimize
energy and water use and assist in decision-making.

• The Smart Cluster Energy System (piSCES) project aims to reduce the costs and carbon footprint of the fish
processing industry by developing and testing a new ’smart grid’ electricity network.

• Utilising Innovative data capture methods for the Regulatory Compliance checking project (which is funded by UCL).
This project aims to establish

My research interests include the following:

  • Data Science
  • Modelling, Simulation & Optimisation
  • Game Theory & Multi-agent Systems
  • Supply Chain Management

I am also a reviewer for the following international journals:

  • Journal of Industrial Ecology
  • International Journal of Web Research
  • Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence










Recent Publications and Talks:

  • Ali Ghoroghi, Ioan Petri, Yacine Rezgui, Ateyah Alzahrani (2023). "A deep learning approach to predict and optimise energy in fish processing industries". In: Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews.
  • Zahi Alqarni, Yacine Rezgui, Ioan Petri, Ali Ghoroghi (2023). "Factors and strategies affecting indoor air quality in
    educational buildings" In:
    2023 IEEE 29th International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC).
  • Petri, Ioan et al. (2023). “Digital twins for performance management in the built environment”. In: Journal of Industrial
    Information Integration, p. 100445. issn: 2452-414X. doi:
  • Wallace, Ruth, Yacine Rezgui, and Ali Ghoroghi (2022). “Designing Out the Risk of Infections via Aerosols by Updating
    Restrictions on Indoor Environments Depending on Local Incidence Rates and the Dominant SARS-Co V -2 Strain”. In:
    2022 IEEE 28th International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC) & 31st International
    Association For Management of Technology (IAMOT) Joint Conference, pp. 1–9. doi: 10.1109/ICE/ITMC-IAMOT55089.2022.10033279.
  • Fnais, Abdulrahman, Ali Ghoroghi, Yacine Rezgui, Thomas Beach, and Ioan Petri (2022). “SemanticLCA: A new
    generation of life cycle assessment methods applied to buildings”. In: 2022 IEEE 28th International Conference on
    Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC) & 31st International Association For Management of Technology
    (IAMOT) Joint Conference, pp. 1–7. doi: 10.1109/ICE/ITMC-IAMOT55089.2022.10033206.
  • Ghoroghi, Ali, Yacine Rezgui, Ioan Petri, et al. (Mar. 2022). “Advances in the application of machine learning to life cycle
    assessment: a literature review”. In: International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. This article is licensed under a
    Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. url:
  • Fnais, A., Rezgui, Y., Petri, I., Ghoroghi, A. et al. The application of life cycle assessment in buildings: challenges, and directions for future research. Int J Life Cycle Assess (2022).
  • Ghoroghi, Ali et al.  “Advances in application of machine learning to life cycle assessment: a literature
    review”.  Int J Life Cycle Assess (2022). url:
  • Alzahrani, Ateyah, Ioan Petri, Ali Ghoroughi, et al. (2021). “A proposed roadmap for delivering zero carbon fishery
    ports”. In: Energy Reports 8. The 8th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research – “Developing
    the World in 2021 with Clean and Safe Energy”, pp. 82–88. issn: 2352-4847. doi: 
  • Ateyah Alzahrani, Ioan Petri, Yacine Rezgui, Ali Ghoroghi (2021), "Decarbonisation of seaports: A review and directions for future research", Energy Strategy Reviews, Volume 38, 2021, 100727, ISSN 2211-467X, .
  • A. Alzahrani, I. Petri, Y. Rezgui and A. Ghoroghi, "Optimal control-based price strategies for smart fishery ports micro-grids," 2021 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC), 2021, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/ICE/ITMC52061.2021.9570267.
  • Abedinzadeh, Setareh, Ali Ghoroghi, and Hamid Reza Erfanian (2020). “Application of Hybrid GA-SA Heuristic for
    Green Location Routing Problem with Simultaneous Pickup and Delivery”. In: Advances 1.1, pp. 1–10. doi:
  • Alzahrani, Ateyah, Ioan Petri, Yacine Rezgui, and Ali Ghoroghi. 2020. "Developing Smart Energy Communities around Fishery Ports: Toward Zero-Carbon Fishery Ports" Energies 13, no. 11: 2779.
  • Abedinzadeh, S., A. Mostofi, and A. Ghoroghi (2018). “Application of hybrid GA-SA heuristic for green location routing problem with simultaneous pickup and delivery”. In: 48th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (CIE48). Auckland, New Zealand.
  • Edalat, Abbas, Samira Hossein Ghorban, and Ali Ghoroghi. 2018. "Ex Post Nash Equilibrium in Linear Bayesian Games for Decision Making in Multi-Environments" Games 9, no. 4: 85. .
  • Abedinzadeh, S., S. Afshar, and A. Ghoroghi (2017). “A Two-Echelon Green Supply Chain with Simultaneous Pickup and Delivery”. In: International Journal of Transportation Engineering and Technology (IJTET) 3, pp. 12–18.
  • Edalat, A., S. Hossein Ghorban, and A. Ghoroghi (2017). “Multi-games for Decision Making in Multi-environments”. In: MLSE. Maastricht University, Netherlands.
  • Rafiefar, N. and A. Ghoroghi (2017a). “An efficient helicopter routing model for location and storage optimisation in Tehran’s earthquake disasters”. In The First International Congress on Engineering Science (NCIES017). Shiraz, Iran.
  •  – (2017b). “Application of genetic algorithm for location routing problem with simultaneous pickup & delivery in emergencies”. In: The first national Conference on Applied Researches in Science and Engineering Science. Mashhad, Iran.
  • Ghoroghi, A. (2015). “Multi-Games and Bayesian Nash Equilibria”. Logic Seminar. Imperial College London, UK.
  • Edalat, A. and A. Ghoroghi (2013). Multi-Games. Invited talk, Imperial College London Graduate School’s Summer Research Symposium, UK.
  • Edalat, A., A. Ghoroghi, and G. Sakellariou (2012). “Multi-Games and a double game extension of the Prisoner’sDilemma”. In: 10th Conference on Logic, the Foundations of Game, and Decision Theory (LOFT). Seville, Spain.



Courses I have taught include:

  • University of Science and Culture, Tehran:
    • Computer Simulation, Modeling & Optimization, Business Process Re-engineering, Supply Chain
      Management, Simulation in Logistics, Management Information Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Engineering
      Economics, Operations Research, Information Technology, Principals of Management, Human Factors or Ergonomics,
      Simulation and Stochastic Models, Statistical Quality Control, Quality Management, and Engineering Statistics.
  • Islamic Azad University, Tehran:
    • Operations Research


I am passionate about research, teaching, and collaborating with the industry on pioneering projects.

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29206 88817
Campuses 54 Park Place, Room 1.02, Cathays, Cardiff, CF10 3AT