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David Gillespie   BSc, PhD

David Gillespie


BSc, PhD

Available for postgraduate supervision

Teams and roles for David Gillespie

  • Principal Research Fellow / Director of Infection, Inflammation & Immunity Trials (Centre for Trials Research) / Co-Director (Wales Applied Virology Unit)

    School of Medicine


I am a Principal Research Fellow and hold two leadership roles within Health and Care Research Wales infrastructure:

In my role as Divisional Director within the CTR, I provide senior leadership across our Infection, Inflammation & Immunity Division and am responsible for a large portfolio of trials and other well designed studies covering the following themes:

  • Infectious diseases
  • Vascular disorders
  • Immune-mediated inflammatory conditions

In my role as Co-Director within WAVU, I lead the Viral Epidemiology and Practice thematic working group and through this route am responsible for ensuring interdisciplinary working across all working groups.

My background is in Medical Statistics, and I have been working on the design, conduct, analysis, and reporting of randomised trials and other well designed studies since 2007. I completed my PhD at the end of 2016, with my thesis titled “Medication Adherence in Clinical Research and Associated Methodological Challenges”.

I have previously held a Health Research Fellowship awarded by Health and Care Research Wales to investigate the use of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) in individuals at-risk of HIV-acquisition living in Wales.

Clinically, my research interests focus on prudent medication use in the field of infectious diseases, and my work can be broadly split into two key areas:

  • Medication adherence – specifically, ways in which adherence to medication is conceptualised, measured, and modelled
  • The development and evaluation of antimicrobial stewardship interventions
  • The development and evaluation of public health / prevention interventions

My areas of methodological interest include i.) Trials and general research methodology (improving the ways in which we do randomised trials and other well designed studies); ii.) Causal modelling (modelling approaches that aim to answer causal questions, rather than purely associational); iii.) Missing data (prevention of, and fitting models when there are missing data).





















I have been awarded >£55m in grant funding across 48 grants, including £3.7m as lead investigator and >£8m for international research.

Research grants (most recent first):


  • Stanton, Parker, and Gillespie et al. Wales Applied Virology Unit. Health and Care Research Wales. £3.0M
  • Robling and Adams et al. Centre for Trials Research. Health and Care Research Wales. £4.7M


  • Edwards et al. Scale the Manufacturing of SunPad in Kenya. Gates Foundation. £399K
  • Razvi et al. A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy of orally administered Triiodothyronine (T3) for 24 weeks in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection (HFrEF) - TheT3-HF Trial. NIHR/MRC Joint EME-Advanced Fellowship. £2.4M
  • Abbott and Thomas-Jones et al. EXamining antibiotics for ulCerated skIn cancer Surgical Excision (EXCISE). NIHR HTA. £1.5M
  • Roberts, Roland, and Cathie et al. A randomised trial of aminophylline, magnesium sulfate or salbutamol intravenous
    therapy for acute severe asthma in children and young people. NIHR HTA. £2.3M
  • Stoesser et al. Duration and type of urinary tract infection antibiotic treatment and impacts on the gut microbiome and
    resistome (DUTI- GUM). MRC. £674K


  • Channon et al. Scoping the feasibility of developing and evaluating a peer support service for people living with HIV in Wales. Public Health Wales. £32K
  • Harding, et al. IntraVESical Preparations for Recurrent Urinary TrAct Infection Prevention (The VESPA Study): a multi-arm, multi-site open label randomised superiority trial. NIHR HTA. £2.1M
  • Kotecha, et al. Bacterial mucosal immunotherapy for prevention of wheeze in preterm born infants (BALLOON Trial). NIHR/MRC EME. £2.7M
  • Edwards, et al. Self-cleaning material with photo-active catalysis: field trials in Nepal. BMGF. £658K.
  • Pallmann P and Carrol E, et al. Platform randomised evaluation of clinical outcomes using novel technologies to optimise antimicrobial therapy (PROTECT). NIHR HTA. £205K


  • Gore N, et al. A Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial of Early Positive Approaches to Support (E-PAtS) for families of young children with intellectual disability. NIHR PHR. £1.9M
  • Hayward G, Llewelyn M, et al. Impact of duration of antibiotic therapy on effectiveness, safety and selection of antibiotic resistance in adult women with urinary tract infections (UTI): a randomised controlled trial. NIHR HTA. £2.4M
  • Channon S, et al. Scoping the feasibility of developing and evaluating a peer support service for people living with HIV in Wales. Public Health Wales. £32K
  • Courtenay M, et al. Theory-based electronic learning intervention to support appropriate antibiotic prescribing by nurse and pharmacist prescribers: an acceptability and feasibility experimental study. Innovation for All. £2K


  • Jones L, et al. The epidemiology and impact of bacterial secondary infections and antimicrobial resistance on Intensive Care during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. HCRW Health Grant. £176K
  • Ahmed H, et al. Myocardial Infarction and Stroke Subsequent tO URInary tract infection (MISSOURI). BHF Research Grant. £220K
  • Nicholls J, Gillespie D. Optimising HIV Prevention and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) service delivery models for all populations in Cardiff/Wales. HCRW NHS Research Time Award. £89K
  • Stone J, et al. Context-specific factors that drive HIV transmission among men who have sex with men: Modelling the role of behavioural, social and legal factors. GW4 PhD Studentship. £66K
  • Butler CC, et al. Presentation, management and outcomes of RSV infection in adults in primary care: individual patient meta-analysis. Janssen Clinical Investigator-Initiated Study. £115K


  • Langdon P, et al. Behavioural interventions to treat anxiety in adults with autism and moderate to severe intellectual disabilities (BEAMS – ID). NIHR HTA. £200K
  • Hastings R, et al. Mapping and Evaluating Services for Children with Learning Disabilities and Behaviours that Challenge (MELD). NIHR HS&DR. £1.2M
  • Holmes E, et al. The Economics of Rapid Diagnostics to Reduce Antibiotic Prescribing in NHS Wales (TRaDe). HCRW HRF. £350K
  • Gillespie D, et al. The use of modern modelling methods for the statistical analysis of microbiological data in clinical trials of antimicrobial stewardship interventions. School of Medicine / Trials Methodology Research Partnership PhD studentship.
  • Phillips R, et al. COVID-19 public experiences in Wales: A longitudinal mixed-methods study of attitudes, beliefs, and behaviour in response to the coronavirus pandemic (COPE Cymru). Ser Cymru Call for COVID-19 Research. £130K
  • Waterman H, et al. Examining assumptions, accuracy and acceptance of an electronic monitoring device for adherence to eye drops: the EASY label study. International Glaucoma Association. £30K


  • Hood K, et al. Health and Care Research Wales. Centre for Trials Research Infrastructure renewal. £2.5M
  • Stenfert-Kroese B, et al. A randomised feasibility study of a school-based emotional literacy programme (Zippy's Friends) for children with intellectual disabilities (ZIP-SEND). NIHR PHR. £550K
  • Scior K, et al. The STanding up fOR Myself (STORM) psychosocial group intervention for young people and adults with intellectual disabilities: Feasibility study. NIHR PHR. £600K
  • Marsal S, et al. DocTIS - Decision on optimal combinatorial therapies in IMIDs using systems approaches. H2020. €7.0M
  • Solomon T, et al. Enceph-IG - Intravenous Immunoglobulin in Autoimmune Encephalitis in Adults: A Randomised Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Trial. NIHR/MRC EME. £2.4M
  • Denne L, et al. Teaching early reading skills to adults with intellectual disabilities (READ-IT) using a support worker/family carer mediated on-line reading programme – a feasibility study. NIHR RfPB. £250K
  • Pickles T, et al. Patient reported outcome measures for Rheumatoid Arthritis symptom severity. Development of a computer adaptive test from an item bank using Rasch measurement theory (SOCRATES). NIHR Doctoral Fellowship. £350K
  • Gillespie D and Hood K, et al. Understanding the relationship between pre-exposure prophylaxis, sexually transmitted infections, and antimicrobial resistance in Wales. KESS2 East. £50K
  • Kotecha S, et al. AZithromycin ThErapy for Chronic lung disease (AZTEC): A randomised, placebo controlled trial of azithromycin for the prevention of chronic lung disease of prematurity in preterm infants. NIHR HTA. £2.4M


  • Gillespie D, et al. Development of an intervention to optimise use of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to prevent HIV-acquisition in at-risk individuals living in Wales (DO-PrEP). Health and Care Research Wales Health Research Fellowship. £430K
  • Walsh T, et al. Burden of Antibiotic Resistance in Neonates from Developing Societies - Epidemiological and Genomic Analyses of BARNARDS Network. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. £600K


  • Jahoda A, et al. Behavioural activation (BeatIt) for depression in adults with severe intellectual disabilities. A feasibility randomised controlled study of BeatIt versus treatment as usual. The Baily Thomas Charitable Fund. £100K
  • Hastings R, et al. Early Positive Approaches to Support (E-PAtS) for families of young children with intellectual disability: Feasibility study. NIHR PHR. £500K
  • Courtenay M et al. An intervention for primary care prescribers to support the choice and use of antibiotics. ESRC IAA. £20K
  • Rosser A, et al. Trial designs for delivery of novel therapies for neurodegeneration (TRIDENT). £220K
  • Waterman H, et al. Feasibility and Acceptability of a new Clinical Pathway for the Identification of Non-Responders to Glaucoma Eye Drops (the TRIAGE study). Health and Care Research Wales RfPPB. £225K


  • Butler CC, et al. Probiotics to reduce infections in care home residents (PRINCESS). NIHR/MRC EME. £1.9M
  • McNamara R, et al. A pragmatic randomised controlled trial of sensory integration therapy versus usual care for sensory processing difficulties in autism spectrum disorder in children, and its impact on behavioural difficulties, adaptive skills and socialisation (SenITA). NIHR HTA. £1.5M


  • Butler CC and Francis NA, et al. General Practitioner (GP) use of a C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Point of Care Test (POCT) to help target antibiotic prescribing to patients with Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (AECOPD) who are most likely to benefit (PACE). NIHR HTA. £1.4M


  • Kerr M, et al. Community-led anti-psychotic drug reduction for adults with learning disabilities: a randomised double-blind placebo controlled trial (ANDREA-LD). £1.5M



  • Since 2023, I have given an invited guest lecture for University College Dublin's Master's in Public Health Clinical Trials Module titled "Designing and analysing randomised trials of antibiotic stewardship interventions".
  • Since 2019/2020, I have delivered a lecture on "Randomised trials of treatment strategies to help improve antibiotic prescribing and infection-related outcomes" for the Acute Conditions Module of the Population Health Intercalated BSc.
  • During the 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 academic years I ran sessions on developing study protocols as part of the Research Methods 2 module for Medical Intercalated BSc students
  • In June 2016, I co-developed and delivered a three-day course on basic data analysis using the statistical programming language R (titled "learnR") to staff at the University of Namibia as part of the Phoenix Project (
  • Previously, I have taught small and medium group sizes at both undergraduate and postgraduate level on topics including quantitative research methods, statistics, and critical appraisal


  • I have previously supervised both undergraduate and post-graduate students in the School of Medicine, School of Pharmacy, and School of Mathematics, and School of Psychology (at University of Bath) on topics such as methodological aspects around the evaluation of antimicrobial stewardship interventions, medication use and medication adherence, and HIV-stigma.

I have supervised the following PhD students to completion:

Adam Williams (co-lead supervisor): Understanding the relationship between PrEP, STIs, and AMR in Wales

Timothy Pickles (co-supervisor): Patient-reported outcome measures for rheumatoid arthritis symptom severity: development of a computer adaptive test from an item bank using Rasch measurement theory

Mandy Lau (co-lead supervisor): The use of modern modelling methods for the statistical analysis of microbiological data in clinical trials of antimicrobial stewardship interventions (

I am currently supervising the following registered PhD students:

Saher Aijaz Khan (co-supervisor, led from University of Bristol): Context-specific factors that drive HIV transmission among men who have sex with men: Modelling the role of behavioural, social and legal factors (

Eskild Johansen (co-supervisor, led from Aalborg University): The optimal antibiotic treatment duration for community-acquired pneumonia in adults diagnosed in general practice in Denmark: an open-label, pragmatic, randomised controlled trial (

Helen Russell (co-supervisor, led from University of Bristol): Investigating cause-specific hospitalisations among people living with HIV on antiretroviral therapy (


Education and qualifications:

  • 2013 - 2016: PhD "Medication Adherence in Clinical Research and Associated Methodological Challenges" (School of Medicine) Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK
  • 2005 - 2009: BSc in Mathematics, Operational Research and Statistics (School of Mathematics) Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK (with placement year)

Career overview:

  • April 2025 - Present: Co-Director, Wales Applied Virology Unit, Cardiff University
  • October 2022 - Present: Director of Infection, Inflammation & Immunity Trials, Centre for Trials Research, Cardiff University
  • August 2022 - Present: Principal Research Fellow, Centre for Trials Research, Cardiff University
  • April 2020 - July 2022: Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Trials Research, Cardiff University
  • April 2020 - September 2022: Senior Research Fellow in Medical Statistics, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, Medical Sciences Division, University of Oxford (part-time secondment)
  • May 2018 - March 2020: Deputy Director of Infection, Inflammation & Immunity Trials and Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Trials Research, Cardiff University
  • December 2016 - May 2018: Research Fellow in Statistics, Centre for Trials Research, Cardiff University
  • October 2015 - March 2016: Methodological Consultant, Research Design and Conduct Service, Cardiff University (part-time secondment)
  • August 2015 - November 2016: Research Associate in Statistics, Centre for Trials Research, Cardiff University
  • March 2012 - November 2016: Research Associate in Statistics, South East Wales Trials Unit, Cardiff University
  • June 2009 - March 2012: Junior Statistician, South East Wales Trials Unit, Cardiff University
  • July 2007 - September 2008: Trainee Statistician, South East Wales Trials Unit, Cardiff University

Honours and awards

  • Received an award for School of Medicine Post Graduate Research Supervisor of the Year (2023)
  • Nominated for a Cardiff University Celebrating Excellence Award in the category of "Rising Star" (2016)
  • Received an Outstanding Contribution Award from Cardiff University (2016)
  • Received a prize at graduation for achieving the highest grade across the School of Mathematics for my BSc dissertation (2009)

Committees and reviewing

External committees

  • Current board member for NIHR HTA Commissioning Committee
  • Research and Evaluation Lead for Fast Track Cymru (
  • Member of the Welsh Government's HIV Action Plan Oversight Committee
  • Current Independent Trial Steering Committee / Independent Data Monitoring committee member for: PROMPPT, BLIPA, ATHENA, PROMISE, IMPROVE, REDUCe 2, COAT, FROG, and neoGASTRIC.
  • Previous Academic Lead for Stakeholder Engagement in Treialon Cymru (
  • Previous Research and Evaluation Lead for Fast Track Cardiff & Vale (
  • Previous Royal Statistical Society Primary Healthcare Special Interest Group committee member (2011 to 2014)
  • Previous board member for the Health and Care Research Wales Research for Patient and Public Benefit (RfPPB) panel (2016 to 2019)
  • Previous associate board member for NIHR HTA (2019 to 2021)
  • Previous independent member for several TSCs and IDMCs
  • Previous member of Welsh Government's HIV Action Plan Task & Finish Group

Peer reviewer

  • I am an Associate Editor for Trials
  • I am on the Statistical Advisory Board for the BMJ Open
  • Previously consulting editor in statistics for the Journal of Intellectual Disabilities Research.
  • Previously a Special Edition Guest Editor for the journal Antibiotics.
  • I peer-review submissions to The Lancet (and associated journals), BMJ Open (statistical advisory board member), Journal of Infection Prevention Research, Research in Developmental Disabilities, Trials, JAIDS, AIDS and Behavior, Respiratory Medicine, and Patient Preference and Adherence. I also review funding applications and final reports for various panels across NIHR, MRC, and HCRW.


Current supervision

Adam Williams

Adam Williams

Research Associate - Trial Manager

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29206 87610
Campuses Neuadd Meirionnydd, Room 503, University Hospital of Wales, Heath Park, Cardiff, CF14 4YS

Research themes


  • Applied clinical research
  • Clinical Trials
  • Public health
  • Infectious diseases