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Anja Giudici

Dr Anja Giudici


Teams and roles for Anja Giudici


I joined the School of Social Sciences as a Lecturer in Education in August 2024. Prior to joining Cardiff University, I taught and researched at Newcastle University, the University of Oxford, and the University of Zurich. I have also held visiting positions at the European University Institute, Sciences Po, and the University of Oxford. 

My work revolves around the politics of education. One strand of my research analyses how ideologies, professional interests and cultural diversity interact to shape education. I use comparative approaches to systematically identify the educational views and interests of key actors, such as parties, stakeholders and the public, and historical-comparative approaches to understand how they come together to produce change and variation in education systems. My second strand of research examines the consequences of such change and variation for social and cultural inequality. I am currently co-leading projects examining the impact of educational variation on territorial inequalities in Europe, and the impact of different types of privatisation on the working conditions of educational support staff around the world. My research has been funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, the Fritz Thyssen Foundation and Education International, and my article "Multidimensionality matters", co-authored with Jane Gingrich and Daniel McArthur, won the 2024 CIES Bereday Award from the Comparative & International Education Society. 





  • Giudici, A. and Emmenegger, P. 2022. Bildungspolitik. In: Papadopoulos, Y. et al. eds. Handbuch der Schweizer Politik. Zurich: NZZ, pp. 758-810.








Book sections





Professional experience

2022-2024 | Lecturer in Education - Newcastle University, School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences

2020-2022 | Postdoctoral Research Fellow on ERC-Funded Schoolpol Project - University of Oxford, Department of Politics and International Relations

2019 | Postdoctoral Fellowship financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation for project Education Against (Liberal) Democracy – Education and Schooling According to the Postwar Radical Right - visiting positions at the European University Institute, Sciences Po, and the University of Oxford 

2017-2019 | Research and Teaching Fellow, University of Zurich, Chair for the History and Policy of Education Systems

2012-2013 | Scientific collaborator, Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK)


Education and qualifications

2013-2019 | PhD Education (summa cum laude) - University of Zurich

2009-2012 | MA in Education, Political Science, and Gender Studies - University of Zurich

2006-2009 | BA in Education, Political Science, and Social Anthropology - University of Zurich

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29 2251 5015
Campuses Glamorgan Building, Floor 2, Room 2.02, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3WA


  • Comparative and cross-cultural education
  • Education policy
  • Right-wing Politics
  • Politics of Education

External profiles