Dr Artyom Golossenko
Lecturer in Marketing and Strategy
- Available for postgraduate supervision
I specialised in consumer behaviour and applied psychometrics, focusing particularly on social and moral psychology. My research explores the crossroads of ethics, social interactions, and consumer choices, seeking to unravel how these elements shape people's views towards brands and their fellow individuals. Furthermore, I delve deep into intricate aspects of social psychology, including dehumanization and adverse group relations, to gain comprehensive insights into both individual and collective human behaviors.
I'm an expert in developing state-of-the-art measurements aimed at understanding the fine details of how people behave and interact. My research featured in leading journals like the International Journal of Research in Marketing and the British Journal of Social Psychology.
Prior to my academic career, I gained valuable experience working as a marketing and brand consultant in the B2B medical analytical industry, and as an independent consultant. This background provided me with hands-on knowledge in brand development and consumer research, infusing my scholarly pursuits with practical, real-world insights.
- Del Prete, M., Golossenko, A., Gorton, M., Barbara, T. and Antonella, S. 2024. Consumer disposition toward fairness in agri-food chains (FAIRFOOD): Scale development and validation. Journal of Business Ethics (10.1007/s10551-024-05756-2)
- Golossenko, A., Palumbo, H., Mathai, M. and Tran, H. 2023. Am I being dehumanized? Development and validation of the experience of dehumanization measurement. British Journal of Social Psychology 62(3), pp. 1285-1329. (10.1111/bjso.12633)
- Golossenko, A., Pillai, K. G. and Aroean, L. 2020. Seeing brands as humans: Development and validation of a brand anthropomorphism scale. International Journal of Research in Marketing 37(4), pp. 737-755. (10.1016/j.ijresmar.2020.02.007)
- Del Prete, M., Golossenko, A., Gorton, M., Barbara, T. and Antonella, S. 2024. Consumer disposition toward fairness in agri-food chains (FAIRFOOD): Scale development and validation. Journal of Business Ethics (10.1007/s10551-024-05756-2)
- Golossenko, A., Palumbo, H., Mathai, M. and Tran, H. 2023. Am I being dehumanized? Development and validation of the experience of dehumanization measurement. British Journal of Social Psychology 62(3), pp. 1285-1329. (10.1111/bjso.12633)
- Golossenko, A., Pillai, K. G. and Aroean, L. 2020. Seeing brands as humans: Development and validation of a brand anthropomorphism scale. International Journal of Research in Marketing 37(4), pp. 737-755. (10.1016/j.ijresmar.2020.02.007)
Dehumanization: This includes studying both the experience of being dehumanized and the phenomenon of self-dehumanization.
Morality: Exploring the ethical dimensions within human behavior and decision-making.
Humiliation: Investigating the psychological and social impacts of humiliation on individuals and groups.
Inter-group and Inter-personal Dynamics: Analyzing the interactions and relationships between different groups and individuals, and how these dynamics influence behavior.
Applied Psychometrics: Specializing in scale development and utilizing item response theory to measure psychological attributes more accurately
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Research themes
- Social psychology
- Testing, assessment and psychometrics
- Moral psychology
- Brand identity and management
- Consumer behaviour