Dr Marcus Gomes
Senior Lecturer in Organisation Studies and Sustainability
- Available for postgraduate supervision
My research explores the relationship between Business and Society by developing a critical understanding of governance, including the role of activism, social movements, business elites, and populism in shaping our economies and societies. By examining how actors negotiate and develop governance regimes, I aim to understand the organizing aspects of the 21st century capitalism, exploring power relations that lead to environmental degradation and social inequalities. My scholarship focuses on organization studies and sustainability, particularly affiliated to critical management studies, and is phenomenologically driven, exploring the grand challenges of our societies, such as the promotion of sustainable development and mitigation of the environmental emergency.
I hold a PhD in Public Administration and Government from FGV-EAESP (Brazil) and I am currently based at Cardiff Business School, the world’s first World Public Value Business School (since 2019), with a clear purpose of making a positive impact in Wales and the world. Previously I was based at the University of Exeter Business School (2016-2019) and FGV-EAESP (2011-2016).
I am currently one of the 22 international trustees and Council members for the Society for the Advancement of Management Studies (SAMS, since 2023). SAMS Council provides governance for the Journal of Management Studies, in addition to allocating funding, and supporting in a wide spectrum of activities to support the advancement of management education and research. I am the co-chair of the Critical Management Studies (CMS) division at the Academy of Management (AoM) for the 2023-28 period. I am also an Associate Editor for the Cadernos Gestão Pública e Cidadania (CGPC) and co-editor for the MayFly books.
I am passionate about football and support Palmeiras, I also enjoy reading, swimming, and cycling.
- Gomes, M. and Reimberg, J. 2025. The crisis in expert authority and the challenges for the future of academia [Book Review]. Organization (10.1177/13505084251316425)
- Sallai, D., Morgan, G., Feldmann, M., Gomes, M. and Spicer, A. 2024. Social challenges for business in the age of populism. Business & Society 63(2), pp. 279-299. (10.1177/00076503231206734)
- Sanderson Bellamy, A., Gomes, M., Neutzling, D. and Kumar, V. 2023. The role of the state in managing voluntary food sustainability standards democratically. Journal of Rural Studies 103, article number: 103126. (10.1016/j.jrurstud.2023.103126)
- Gomes, M. and Böhm, S. 2023. Right-wing populism versus climate capitalism: Climate change governance under scrutiny. In: Feldmann, M. and Morgan, G. eds. Business Elites and Populism: The Odd Couple?. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 245-262.
- Doering, H., Barros, A., Gomes, M. and Rodrigues, C. 2023. Populist ‘Order and Progress’: authoritarianism and loyal business elites in Brazil. In: Morgan, G. and Feldmann, M. eds. Business and Populism: The Odd Couple?. Oxford University Press, pp. 223-242., (10.1093/oso/9780192894335.003.0011)
- Colombo, L. A., Bailey, A. R. and Gomes, M. V. P. 2023. Scaling in a post-growth era: Learning from Social Agricultural Cooperatives. Organization (10.1177/13505084221147480)
- Pustelnikovaite, T., Nyfoudi, M., Williams, H., Gomes, M. V. P. and Manolchev, C. 2022. "Despite the lockdown, the university has a lot to offer?: Exploring university identity during crisis. Academy of Management Proceedings 2022(1) (10.5465/AMBPP.2022.17951abstract)
- de Lima, F. A., Neutzling, D. M. and Gomes, M. 2021. Do organics standards have a real taste of sustainability? A critical essay. Journal of Rural Studies 81, pp. 89-98. (10.1016/j.jrurstud.2020.08.035)
- Morgan, G., Doering, H. and Gomes, M. 2021. Extending varieties of capitalism to emerging economies: what can we learn from Brazil?. New Political Economy 26(4), pp. 540-553. (10.1080/13563467.2020.1807485)
- da Costa, A., Paiva, E., Gomes, M. and Brei, V. 2020. Impacts of COVID-19 on Organizations. Revista de Administração de Empresas 60(6), pp. 385-387. (10.1590/S0034-759020200602)
- Fontoura, Y., Naves, F., Teodosio, A. d. S. d. S. and Gomes, M. 2019. "Da lama ao caos": Reflexões sobre a crise ambiental e as relações Estado-Empresa-Sociedade. Farol 6(15), pp. 17-41. (10.25113/farol.v6i15.5440)
- Alves, M. A. and Gomes, M. V. P. 2018. Failure or success? Defensive strategies and piecemeal change among racial inequalities in the Brazilian banking sector. In: Briscoe, F., King, B. G. and Leitzinger, J. eds. Social Movements, Stakeholders and Non-Market Strategy., Vol. 56. Research in the Sociology of Organizations Emerald, pp. 317-348., (10.1108/S0733-558X20180000056012)
- Gomes, M., Barros, A. and Tonelli, M. J. 2017. Business and human rights: Learning experiences of an emerging agenda at a business school in Sao Paulo. In: Flynn, P., Tan, T. K. and Gudic, M. eds. Redefining Success: Integrating the UN Global Compact into Management Education. The Principles for Responsible Management Education Series Routledge, pp. 111-120.
- Sphor, N., Barros, A. and Gomes, M. 2017. Whose wealth is that? Discussing human rights and mining in the Global South. In: Sauerbronn, F. et al. eds. The Dark Side 3 - Critical Cases on the Downside of Business. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 26-36.
- Gomes, M. and Alves, M. A. 2017. Greenpeace and the transnational governance of the Brazilian beef industry. In: Murphy, J. and Jammulamadaka, N. eds. Governance, Resistance and the Post-Colonial State: Management and State Building. Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society London and New York: Routledge, pp. 145-161.
- Gomes, M. V. P. and Alves, M. A. 2017. Como se cria um Ministério? O processo de cooptação como mecanismo de distensão na relação entre movimentos sociais e Estado. Revista de Administração Pública 51(3), pp. 388-406. (10.1590/0034-7612154913)
- Gomes, M. and Rojas Merchan, C. 2017. Governança Transnacional: Definições, Abordagens e Agenda de Pesquisa. Revista de Administracao Contemporanea 21(1), pp. 84-106. (10.1590/1982-7849rac2017150332)
- Gomes, M. V. P., Barros, A., Grigoletto, F. and Matos, L. 2017. Human rights in the management literature: leading publications and research agenda. Sociedade, Contabilidade e Gestão 12(3), pp. 158-177. (10.21446/scg_ufrj.v12i3.14170)
- Morgan, G., Gomes, M. and Perez-Aleman, P. 2016. Transnational governance regimes in the global south: multinationals, states and ngos as political actors. Revista de Administração de Empresas 56(4), pp. 374-379. (10.1590/S0034-759020160402)
- Spohr, N., Barros, A. and Gomes, M. . V. P. 2016. De quem é a Riqueza que Está Ali? Discutindo Direitos Humanos na Exploração de Minério no Sul Global. Administração Pública e Gestão Social 1(3), pp. 198-200. (10.21118/apgs.v1i3.1026)
- Villela Garcia, M. L. and Gomes, M. V. P. 2016. Meio ambiente e arena pública: governança ambiental e suas implicações para as políticas públicas. Cadernos Gestão Pública e Cidadania 21(69), pp. 101-118. (10.12660/cgpc.v21n69.59390)
- Morgan, G., Edwards, T. and Gomes, M. V. 2014. Consolidating neo-institutionalism in the field of organizations: Recent contributions. Organization 21(6), pp. 933-946. (10.1177/1350508413498956)
- Gomes, M. 2014. Econegócios: como as grandes marcas capturam a agenda da sustentabilidade. Revista de Administração de Empresas 54(1), pp. 86-88. (10.1590/S0034-759020140109)
Adrannau llyfrau
- Gomes, M. and Böhm, S. 2023. Right-wing populism versus climate capitalism: Climate change governance under scrutiny. In: Feldmann, M. and Morgan, G. eds. Business Elites and Populism: The Odd Couple?. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 245-262.
- Doering, H., Barros, A., Gomes, M. and Rodrigues, C. 2023. Populist ‘Order and Progress’: authoritarianism and loyal business elites in Brazil. In: Morgan, G. and Feldmann, M. eds. Business and Populism: The Odd Couple?. Oxford University Press, pp. 223-242., (10.1093/oso/9780192894335.003.0011)
- Alves, M. A. and Gomes, M. V. P. 2018. Failure or success? Defensive strategies and piecemeal change among racial inequalities in the Brazilian banking sector. In: Briscoe, F., King, B. G. and Leitzinger, J. eds. Social Movements, Stakeholders and Non-Market Strategy., Vol. 56. Research in the Sociology of Organizations Emerald, pp. 317-348., (10.1108/S0733-558X20180000056012)
- Gomes, M., Barros, A. and Tonelli, M. J. 2017. Business and human rights: Learning experiences of an emerging agenda at a business school in Sao Paulo. In: Flynn, P., Tan, T. K. and Gudic, M. eds. Redefining Success: Integrating the UN Global Compact into Management Education. The Principles for Responsible Management Education Series Routledge, pp. 111-120.
- Sphor, N., Barros, A. and Gomes, M. 2017. Whose wealth is that? Discussing human rights and mining in the Global South. In: Sauerbronn, F. et al. eds. The Dark Side 3 - Critical Cases on the Downside of Business. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 26-36.
- Gomes, M. and Alves, M. A. 2017. Greenpeace and the transnational governance of the Brazilian beef industry. In: Murphy, J. and Jammulamadaka, N. eds. Governance, Resistance and the Post-Colonial State: Management and State Building. Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society London and New York: Routledge, pp. 145-161.
- Gomes, M. and Reimberg, J. 2025. The crisis in expert authority and the challenges for the future of academia [Book Review]. Organization (10.1177/13505084251316425)
- Sallai, D., Morgan, G., Feldmann, M., Gomes, M. and Spicer, A. 2024. Social challenges for business in the age of populism. Business & Society 63(2), pp. 279-299. (10.1177/00076503231206734)
- Sanderson Bellamy, A., Gomes, M., Neutzling, D. and Kumar, V. 2023. The role of the state in managing voluntary food sustainability standards democratically. Journal of Rural Studies 103, article number: 103126. (10.1016/j.jrurstud.2023.103126)
- Colombo, L. A., Bailey, A. R. and Gomes, M. V. P. 2023. Scaling in a post-growth era: Learning from Social Agricultural Cooperatives. Organization (10.1177/13505084221147480)
- Pustelnikovaite, T., Nyfoudi, M., Williams, H., Gomes, M. V. P. and Manolchev, C. 2022. "Despite the lockdown, the university has a lot to offer?: Exploring university identity during crisis. Academy of Management Proceedings 2022(1) (10.5465/AMBPP.2022.17951abstract)
- de Lima, F. A., Neutzling, D. M. and Gomes, M. 2021. Do organics standards have a real taste of sustainability? A critical essay. Journal of Rural Studies 81, pp. 89-98. (10.1016/j.jrurstud.2020.08.035)
- Morgan, G., Doering, H. and Gomes, M. 2021. Extending varieties of capitalism to emerging economies: what can we learn from Brazil?. New Political Economy 26(4), pp. 540-553. (10.1080/13563467.2020.1807485)
- da Costa, A., Paiva, E., Gomes, M. and Brei, V. 2020. Impacts of COVID-19 on Organizations. Revista de Administração de Empresas 60(6), pp. 385-387. (10.1590/S0034-759020200602)
- Fontoura, Y., Naves, F., Teodosio, A. d. S. d. S. and Gomes, M. 2019. "Da lama ao caos": Reflexões sobre a crise ambiental e as relações Estado-Empresa-Sociedade. Farol 6(15), pp. 17-41. (10.25113/farol.v6i15.5440)
- Gomes, M. V. P. and Alves, M. A. 2017. Como se cria um Ministério? O processo de cooptação como mecanismo de distensão na relação entre movimentos sociais e Estado. Revista de Administração Pública 51(3), pp. 388-406. (10.1590/0034-7612154913)
- Gomes, M. and Rojas Merchan, C. 2017. Governança Transnacional: Definições, Abordagens e Agenda de Pesquisa. Revista de Administracao Contemporanea 21(1), pp. 84-106. (10.1590/1982-7849rac2017150332)
- Gomes, M. V. P., Barros, A., Grigoletto, F. and Matos, L. 2017. Human rights in the management literature: leading publications and research agenda. Sociedade, Contabilidade e Gestão 12(3), pp. 158-177. (10.21446/scg_ufrj.v12i3.14170)
- Morgan, G., Gomes, M. and Perez-Aleman, P. 2016. Transnational governance regimes in the global south: multinationals, states and ngos as political actors. Revista de Administração de Empresas 56(4), pp. 374-379. (10.1590/S0034-759020160402)
- Spohr, N., Barros, A. and Gomes, M. . V. P. 2016. De quem é a Riqueza que Está Ali? Discutindo Direitos Humanos na Exploração de Minério no Sul Global. Administração Pública e Gestão Social 1(3), pp. 198-200. (10.21118/apgs.v1i3.1026)
- Villela Garcia, M. L. and Gomes, M. V. P. 2016. Meio ambiente e arena pública: governança ambiental e suas implicações para as políticas públicas. Cadernos Gestão Pública e Cidadania 21(69), pp. 101-118. (10.12660/cgpc.v21n69.59390)
- Morgan, G., Edwards, T. and Gomes, M. V. 2014. Consolidating neo-institutionalism in the field of organizations: Recent contributions. Organization 21(6), pp. 933-946. (10.1177/1350508413498956)
- Gomes, M. 2014. Econegócios: como as grandes marcas capturam a agenda da sustentabilidade. Revista de Administração de Empresas 54(1), pp. 86-88. (10.1590/S0034-759020140109)
Research interests
- Governance regimes
- Activism, including the whole of social media platforms
- Community Energy and community activism
- Social Movements
- Business Elites
- Populism
- Human Rights
- Changing characteristics of our economies and societies (21st century capitalism)
PhD supervision research interests
- Environmental governance (including climate change, Amazon deforestation; renewable energy, community energy)
- Social Media activism and governance (how organisations are using social media plataforms to influence society and how such plataforms are regulated)
- Community Energy and community activism
- Circular Economy
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices and discourses
- Alternative forms or organisation
Currently I am leading the following modules:
- BS1001: Society and Economy for the Undergraduate programme
- BST460: Managing Nature for the Iternational Management PGT programme
Honours and awards
Cardiff University Excellence Award: Exceptional Enhancement of the Student Experience award (2022)
AOM Dark Side Case Competition Winner (CMS division - best case) (2016)
Honorary Thesis of Public Management and Government (FGV/EAESP) (2014)
Innovative Practices of Teaching and Learning for the module on Human Rights and Mega Projects (FGV/EAESP) (2014)
Professional memberships
- Society for the Advancement of Management Studies (SAMS) - I am one of its 22 international trustess and Council members. SAMS Council provides governance for the Journal of Management Studies (JMS), in addition to allocating funding, and supporting in a wide spectrum of activity to support the advancement of management education and research.
- Co-Chair of the Critical Management Division (CMS) of the Academy of Management (AoM)
Committees and reviewing
- Guest Editor for the Special Issue Social Challenges for Business in the Age of Populism for the Business and Society journal
- Associate Editor for Cadernos Gestão Pública e Cidadania (CGPC) journal - 2022/2025
- Co-editor of MayFly books (https://mayflybooks.org)
- Associate Editor for Revista de Administração de Empresas (RAE) journal - 2018/2022
- Guest Editor for the Special Issue Impact of Covid-19 on Organizations for the Revista de Administração de Empresas (RAE) journal - 2022
- Guest Editor for the Special Issue Da Lama ao Caos: Discussing the Environmental Crisis and the State-Business-Society relations for the Farol journal - 2017
- Guest Editor for the Special Issue Transnational Governance Regimes in the Global South: Multinationals, State and NGOs as political actiors for the Revista de Administração de Empresas (RAE) journal - 2016
I am interested in supervising Ph.D. students that focuses on the enviromental and social challenges of our time, particularly exploring governance and activism in shaping our economies and societies. The following topics covers my research interests:
- Environmental governance (including climate change, Amazon deforestation; renewable energy, community energy)
- Social Media activism and governance (how organisations are using social media plataforms to influence society and how such plataforms are regulated)
- Community Energy and community activism
- Circular Economy
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices and discourses
- Alternative forms of organisations
- Business and Human Rights
Current supervision
Contact Details
+44 29208 74173
Aberconway Building, Room Room D02, Colum Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF10 3EU