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Jonathan Gosling

Professor Jonathan Gosling

Professor in Logistics and Operations Management

Available for postgraduate supervision


I am a Professor of Supply Chain Management, and Director of Research Engagement and Impact at Cardiff Business School. I am also Director of the Logistics Systems Dynamics Group, and Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers.  Prior to becoming an academic, I worked in the automotive industry as a supply chain analyst, but now focus primarily on project-based industries. 

My research focuses on 'engineer-to-order'  environments, where bespoke innovative engineering work is undertaken for individual customers. This typically occurs in the domain of large complex engineering projects, as found in construction, shipbuilding, and capital goods sectors. I have worked with a wide range of organisations, supply chains, and other academic institutions to further our understanding of how to manage these challenging sectors.   

I have worked on a wide range of funded research projects (see research), many of which have addressed issues in the built enviornment, which have given insights, for example, into establishing procurement and contractual conditions for successful project delivery, the digitization of construction processes across the supply chain, implementing circular economy models, and defining/managing appropriate supply chain relationships and approaches. 

I typically adopt a collaborative problem solving approach, using systems thinking tools, techniques and modes of working, to facilitate improvements and challenge current practice. Much of my work is practice orientated, and projects have to positive impacts on supply chains, as demonstrated through the practical case studies below:






















  • Gosling, J., Naim, M. M., Fowler, M. and Fearne, A. 2007. Manufacturer's preparedness for agile construction. Presented at: IET International Conference on Agile Manufacturing (ICAM 2007), Durham, UK., 9-11 July 2007The Institution of Engineering and Technology International Conference on Agile Manufacturing: Icam 2007: 9-11 July 2007, Collingwood College, Durham. London: Institution of Engineering & Technology (IET) pp. 103-110.
  • Gosling, J., Naim, M. M., Fowler, N. and Fearne, A. 2007. Manufacturer's Preparedness for Agile Construction. International Journal of Agile Manufacturing 10(2), pp. 103-110.


Book sections




Research Projects

I have a track record of delivering a wide range of funded collaborative research projects working colabratively with industry partners (e.g. The Office for Road and Rail, Highways England, Costain, WSP, the Mace Group), as well as working closely with industry bodies (Constructing Excellence and the ICE). Projects include:

- £55000  (Proportion to CU ) Principle Investigator for Demonstrating increased recycled content in Welsh manufacturing: Plastics in construction projects. Funded by Wrap Cymru and in partnerships with Tarmac, RSS and Cardiff School of Engineering. Commenced December 2022.

- £530000 (Proportion to CU) Co-investigator for ‘Scalable circular supply chain for the built environment’. Funded by the EPSRC, and in partnership with Cardiff School of Computer Science, Engineering and Newcastle University. Commenced September 2021.

- £25000 (Proportion to CU) Principle Investigator for Demonstrating increased recycled content in Welsh manufacturing: Plastics in construction projects. Funded by Wrap Cymru and in partnerships with Corilla plastics, RSS and Cardiff School of Engineering. Completion October 2021.

- £36000 Principle Investigator for “Capturing Project Memories” to pilot an innovative approach to the management of lessons learned. Funded by Highways England, and in partnership with WSP. 2017-2018. Completed December 2018.

- Procurement capability review for The Office for Road and Rail and Highways England. Employed as a subconsultant for Roswellwright ltd. completed in December 2017.

- £6944 Principle Investigator for “From Construction to Production”. Funded by Highways England, and in partnership with Costain and Huddersfield University. 6 month project over 2016.

- £62290 Co-investigator on ‘Accelerating BIM adoption across the supply chain’. Funded by Highways England, and in partnership with Costain from June 2015-March 2017.

- £127000 Supervisor for Knowledge Transfer Partnership with Brickfab Ltd. Developing an innovation system and applying a supply chain auditing methodology. Feb 2014- Feb 2017.Knowledge Transfer Partnership with Brickfab Ltd 

- £34000 Principle Investigator on 'Principles for appropriate contracting’. Funded by Highways England, and in partnership with Costain. September 2014- September 2015. Reference: MoU 543974.

Research interests

  • Engineer-to-order supply chains, particularly those in the construction sector
  • The customer order decoupling point concept
  • Lean and Agile Supply Chains
  • Systems Thinking and Business Process (re)Engineering
  • Flexibility in Supply Chains - Uncertainty and Risk in Supply Chains
  • Engaged Manufacturing/Customised Production


Current Teaching commitments

  • MBA  - Creativity, Innovation and Enterprise (Full Time MBA)
  • BSc Business Management - Purchasing and Supply Chain Management (Year 2)


Current supervision

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 76081
Campuses Aberconway Building, Room D45, Colum Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF10 3EU