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Silvia Goss

Dr Silvia Goss


Research assistant


I am researcher working in palliative care as well as bereavement-related research, with a background in psychology. I currently have a particular interest in how death, dying and bereavement are talked about in society.










My current research interests include the long-term grief experiences and bereavement support needs of people bereaved during the Covid-19 pandemic, the support needs of young carers at the end of life as well as public attitudes to death, dying and bereavement, including public attitudes to grief education in schools. 

Current research projects:

  • Public attitudes to death, dying and bereavement re-visited: The PADDUK 2023 survey. 
  • Supporting young carers and young adult carers at the end of life and into bereavement: a mixed-methods study investigating support needs and practices.
  • The information and communication needs of people living with advanced cancer: a rapid review.
  • BeCovid: Long-term grief experiences and support needs of people bereaved during the Covid-19 pandemic. Longitudinal mixed-methods study with four time-points.

Previous research projects: 


Education and Qualifications:

  • PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience, City University London, London, UK (2012)
  • MSc in Psychology, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany (2006)

Career Overview: 

  • 2019 - present: Research Assistant, Marie Curie Research Centre, Cardiff University

Honours and awards

  • Joanna Mugridge Research Award, Marie Curie Research Conference 2022: Poster presentation on “Parents’ accounts of the grief experiences and support needs of children and young people bereaved during the Covid-19 pandemic: Results from a UK-wide online survey”.

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29206 87010
Campuses Neuadd Meirionnydd, Room 8th floor, University Hospital of Wales, Heath Park, Cardiff, CF14 4YS

External profiles