Dr Sian Griffiths
Chair, Extenuating Circumstances Group
- Welsh speaking
Chair, Undergraduate Extenuating Circumstance Group
I welcome enquiries from students or staff about Extenuating Circumstances or Interruption of Studies. I provide guidance on the support available when difficulties arise, and to explain the implications for academic studies. Full details of the University polices are here: EC and IoS.
Research overview
My research focuses on the following themes in aquatic ecology, which link fundamental research to practical problems faced by conservation biologists and managers. The work uses a range of behavioural and ecological tools and investigates the interactions between individual behaviour and population processes essential for understanding and conserving natural biodiversity.
- Behavioural ecology and the evolution of fish schooling
- Consequences of climate change for fish behaviour and river ecology
- Ecosystem quality and the distribution of fish in rivers
Each theme is expanded under 'Research' above and collaborative work with various agencies is highlighted.
- Muhawenimana, V. et al. 2021. Temperature surpasses the effects of velocity and turbulence on swimming performance of two invasive non-native fish species. Royal Society Open Science 8(2), article number: 201516. (10.1098/rsos.201516)
- Thomas, J. R. et al. 2020. Crayfish plague affects juvenile survival and adult behaviour of invasive signal crayfish. Parasitology 147(6), pp. 706-714. (10.1017/S0031182020000165)
- Thomas, J. R. et al. 2019. Terrestrial emigration behaviour of two invasive crayfish species. Behavioural Processes 167, article number: 103917. (10.1016/j.beproc.2019.103917)
- Thomas, J. R., Fisher, J., Cable, J. and Griffiths, S. W. 2018. Terrestrial dispersal of invasive signal crayfish during vulnerable life stages. Behavioural Processes 157, pp. 204-207. (10.1016/j.beproc.2018.09.014)
- Parry, E., Gregory, S. D., Lauridsen, R. B. and Griffiths, S. 2018. The effects of flow on Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) redd distribution in a UK chalk stream between 1980 and 2015. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 27(1), pp. 128-137. (10.1111/eff.12330)
- Fernandes, W. P. A., Griffiths, S. W., Ibbotson, A. T. and Riley, W. D. 2017. Relatedness and body size influence territorial behaviour in Salmo salar juveniles in the wild. Fisheries Management and Ecology 24(4), pp. 347-351. (10.1111/fme.12234)
- Thomas, J. R., James, J., Newman, R. C., Riley, W. D., Griffiths, S. W. and Cable, J. 2016. The impact of streetlights on an aquatic invasive species: artificial light at night alters signal crayfish behaviour. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 176, pp. 143-149. (10.1016/j.applanim.2015.11.020)
- Thomas, S. M., Griffiths, S. W. and Ormerod, S. J. 2016. Beyond cool: adapting upland streams for climate change using riparian woodlands. Global Change Biology 22(1), pp. 310-324. (10.1111/gcb.13103)
- Fernandes, W. P. A., Ibbotson, A. T., Griffiths, S. W., Maxwell, D. L., Davison, P. I. and Riley, W. D. 2015. Does relatedness influence migratory timing and behaviour in Atlantic salmon smolts?. Animal Behaviour 106, pp. 191-199. (10.1016/j.anbehav.2015.06.006)
- Newman, R. C., Ellis, T., Davison, P. I., Ives, M. J., Thomas, R. J., Griffiths, S. W. and Riley, W. D. 2015. Using novel methodologies to examine the impact of artificial light at night on the cortisol stress response in dispersing Atlantic salmon (Salmo salarL.) fry. Conservation Physiology 3(1), article number: cov051. (10.1093/conphys/cov051)
- Thomas, S. M., Griffiths, S. W. and Ormerod, S. J. 2015. Adapting streams for climate change using riparian broadleaf trees and its consequences for stream salmonids. Freshwater Biology 60(1), pp. 64-77. (10.1111/fwb.12467)
- Fernandes, W. P. A., Griffiths, S., Ibbotson, A., Bruford, M. W. and Riley, W. D. 2015. The role of density and relatedness in wild juvenile Atlantic salmon growth. Journal of Zoology 295(1), pp. 56-64. (10.1111/jzo.12188)
- Griffiths, S. W., Opwood, J. E., Ojanguren, A. F., Armstrong, J. D. and Magurran, A. E. 2014. Sexual segregation in monomorphic minnows. Animal Behaviour 88, pp. 7-12. (10.1016/j.anbehav.2013.11.014)
- Burnard, D. et al. 2012. Chemically-mediated sexual display postures in pre-ovulatory female topmouth gudgeon, Pseudorasbora parva. Behaviour 149(9), pp. 1003-1018. (10.1163/1568539X-00003024)
- Orpwood, J. E., Armstrong, J. D. and Griffiths, S. W. 2010. Interactions between riparian shading and food supply: a seasonal comparison of effects on time budgets, space use and growth in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. Journal of Fish Biology 77(8), pp. 1835-1849. (10.1111/j.1095-8649.2010.02760.x)
- Milinski, M., Griffiths, S. W., Reusch, T. B. J. and Boehm, T. 2010. Costly major histocompatibility complex signals produced only by reproductively active males, but not females, must be validated by a 'maleness signal' in three-spind sticklebacks. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 277(1680), pp. 391-398. (10.1098/rspb.2009.1501)
- Williams, K. L., Griffiths, S. W., McKelvey, S. and Armstrong, J. D. 2010. Deposition of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar carcasses in a Scottish upland catchment. Journal of Fish Biology 77(4), pp. 927-934. (10.1111/j.1095-8649.2010.02725.x)
- Andreou, D., Hussey, M., Griffiths, S. W. and Gozlan, R. E. 2010. Influence of host reproductive state on Sphaerothecum destruens prevalence and infection level. Parasitology 138(1), pp. 26-34. (10.1017/S0031182010000983)
- Williams, K. L., Griffiths, S. W., Nislow, K. H., McKelvey, S. and Armstrong, J. D. 2009. Response of juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, to the introduction of salmon carcasses in upland streams. Fisheries Management and Ecology 16(4), pp. 290-297. (10.1111/j.1365-2400.2009.00673.x)
- Orpwood, J. E., Magurran, A. E., Armstrong, J. D. and Griffiths, S. W. 2008. Minnows and the selfish herd: effects of predation risk on shoaling behaviour are dependent on habitat complexity. Animal Behaviour 76(1), pp. 143-152. (10.1016/j.anbehav.2008.01.016)
- Burnard, D., Gozlan, R. E. and Griffiths, S. W. 2008. The role of pheromones in freshwater fishes. Journal of Fish Biology 73(1), pp. 1-16. (10.1111/j.1095-8649.2008.01872.x)
- Stradmeyer, L., Hojesjo, J., Griffiths, S. W., Gilvear, D. J. and Armstrong, J. D. 2008. Competition between brown trout and Atlantic salmon parr over pool refuges during rapid dewatering. Journal of Fish Biology 72(4), pp. 848-860. (10.1111/j.1095-8649.2007.01767.x)
- Griffiths, S. W., Ojanguren, A. F., Orpwood, J. E., Magurran, A. E. and Armstrong, J. D. 2007. Familiarity-biased patterns of association shift with time among European minnows. Journal of Fish Biology 71(6), pp. 1602-1612. (10.1111/j.1095-8649.2007.01626.x)
- Jager, I. et al. 2007. Individual MHC class I and MHC class IIB diversities are associated with male and female reproductive traits in the three-spined stickleback. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 20(5), pp. 2005-2015. (10.1111/j.1420-9101.2007.01366.x)
- Orpwood, J. E., Griffiths, S. W. and Armstrong, J. D. 2006. Effects of food availability on temporal activity patterns and growth of Atlantic salmon. Journal of Animal Ecology 75(3), pp. 677. (10.1111/j.1365-2656.2006.01088.x)
- Hojesjo, J., Armstrong, J. D. and Griffiths, S. W. 2005. Sneaky feeding by salmon in sympatry with dominant brown trout. Animal Behaviour 69(5), pp. 1037-1041. (10.1016/j.anbehav.2004.09.007)
- Milinski, M., Griffiths, S. W., Wegner, K. M., Reusch, T. B. H., Haas-Assenbaum, A. and Boehm, T. 2005. Mate choice decisions of stickleback females predictably modified by MHC peptide ligands. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, pp. 4414-4418. (10.1073/pnas.0408264102)
- Griffiths, S. W., Collen, P. and Armstrong, J. D. 2004. Competition for shelter among over-wintering signal crayfish and juvenile Atlantic salmon. Journal of Fish Biology 65(2), pp. 436-447. (10.1111/j.0022-1112.2004.00460.x)
- Griffiths, S. W., Brockmark, S., Hojesjo, P. J. V. and Johnsson, J. I. 2004. Coping with divided attention: the advantage of familiarity. Proceedings of the Royal Society London, pp. 695-699. (10.1098/rspb.2003.2648)
- Orpwood, J. E., Griffiths, S. W. and Armstrong, J. D. 2003. Effects of body size on sympatric shelter use in over-wintering juvenile salmonids. Journal of Fish Biology 63(Supp 1), pp. 166-173. (10.1111/j.1095-8649.2003.00206.x)
- Griffiths, S. W., Armstrong, J. D. and Metcalfe, N. B. 2003. The cost of aggregation: juvenile salmon avoid sharing winter refuges with siblings. Behavioral Ecology, pp. 602-606. (10.1093/beheco/arg050)
- Harwood, A. J., Griffiths, S. W., Metcalfe, N. B. and Armstrong, J. D. 2003. The relative influence of prior residency and dominance on the early feeding behaviour of juvenile Atlantic salmon. Animal Behaviour 65(6), pp. 1141-1149. (10.1006/anbe.2003.2125)
- Griffiths, S. W. 2003. Learned recognition of conspecifics by fishes. Fish and Fisheries 4(3), pp. 256-268. (10.1046/j.1467-2979.2003.00129.x)
- Harwood, A. J., Armstrong, J. D., Metcalfe, N. B. and Griffiths, S. W. 2003. Does dominance status correlate with growth in wild stream-dwelling Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)?. Behavioral Ecology 14(6), pp. 902-908. (10.1093/beheco/arg080)
- Harwood, A. J., Metcalfe, N. B., Griffiths, S. W. and Armstrong, J. D. 2002. Intra- and inter-specific competition for winter concealment habitat in juvenile salmonids. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 59(9), pp. 1515-1523. (10.1139/f02-119)
- Harwood, A. J., Armstrong, J. D., Griffiths, S. W. and Metcalfe, N. B. 2002. Sympatric association influences within-species dominance relations among juvenile Atlantic salmon and brown trout. Animal Behaviour 64(1), pp. 85-95. (10.1006/anbe.2002.3039)
- Griffiths, S. W. and Armstrong, J. D. 2002. Kin-biased territory overlap and food sharing among Atlantic salmon juveniles. Journal of Animal Ecology, pp. 480-486. (10.1046/j.1365-2656.2002.00614.x)
- Griffiths, S. W. and Armstrong, J. D. 2002. Rearing conditions influence refuge use among over-wintering Atlantic salmon juveniles. Journal of Fish Biology 60(2), pp. 363-369. (10.1006/jfbi.2001.1846)
- Armstrong, J. D. and Griffiths, S. W. 2001. Density-dependent refuge use among over-wintering wild Atlantic salmon juveniles. Journal of Fish Biology 58(6), pp. 1524-1530. (10.1006/jfbi.2001.1554)
- Harwood, A. J., Metcalfe, N. B., Armstrong, J. D. and Griffiths, S. W. 2001. Spatial and temporal effects of interspecific competition between Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) in winter. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 58(6), pp. 1133-1140. (10.1139/cjfas-58-6-1133)
- Muhawenimana, V. et al. 2021. Temperature surpasses the effects of velocity and turbulence on swimming performance of two invasive non-native fish species. Royal Society Open Science 8(2), article number: 201516. (10.1098/rsos.201516)
- Thomas, J. R. et al. 2020. Crayfish plague affects juvenile survival and adult behaviour of invasive signal crayfish. Parasitology 147(6), pp. 706-714. (10.1017/S0031182020000165)
- Thomas, J. R. et al. 2019. Terrestrial emigration behaviour of two invasive crayfish species. Behavioural Processes 167, article number: 103917. (10.1016/j.beproc.2019.103917)
- Thomas, J. R., Fisher, J., Cable, J. and Griffiths, S. W. 2018. Terrestrial dispersal of invasive signal crayfish during vulnerable life stages. Behavioural Processes 157, pp. 204-207. (10.1016/j.beproc.2018.09.014)
- Parry, E., Gregory, S. D., Lauridsen, R. B. and Griffiths, S. 2018. The effects of flow on Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) redd distribution in a UK chalk stream between 1980 and 2015. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 27(1), pp. 128-137. (10.1111/eff.12330)
- Fernandes, W. P. A., Griffiths, S. W., Ibbotson, A. T. and Riley, W. D. 2017. Relatedness and body size influence territorial behaviour in Salmo salar juveniles in the wild. Fisheries Management and Ecology 24(4), pp. 347-351. (10.1111/fme.12234)
- Thomas, J. R., James, J., Newman, R. C., Riley, W. D., Griffiths, S. W. and Cable, J. 2016. The impact of streetlights on an aquatic invasive species: artificial light at night alters signal crayfish behaviour. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 176, pp. 143-149. (10.1016/j.applanim.2015.11.020)
- Thomas, S. M., Griffiths, S. W. and Ormerod, S. J. 2016. Beyond cool: adapting upland streams for climate change using riparian woodlands. Global Change Biology 22(1), pp. 310-324. (10.1111/gcb.13103)
- Fernandes, W. P. A., Ibbotson, A. T., Griffiths, S. W., Maxwell, D. L., Davison, P. I. and Riley, W. D. 2015. Does relatedness influence migratory timing and behaviour in Atlantic salmon smolts?. Animal Behaviour 106, pp. 191-199. (10.1016/j.anbehav.2015.06.006)
- Newman, R. C., Ellis, T., Davison, P. I., Ives, M. J., Thomas, R. J., Griffiths, S. W. and Riley, W. D. 2015. Using novel methodologies to examine the impact of artificial light at night on the cortisol stress response in dispersing Atlantic salmon (Salmo salarL.) fry. Conservation Physiology 3(1), article number: cov051. (10.1093/conphys/cov051)
- Thomas, S. M., Griffiths, S. W. and Ormerod, S. J. 2015. Adapting streams for climate change using riparian broadleaf trees and its consequences for stream salmonids. Freshwater Biology 60(1), pp. 64-77. (10.1111/fwb.12467)
- Fernandes, W. P. A., Griffiths, S., Ibbotson, A., Bruford, M. W. and Riley, W. D. 2015. The role of density and relatedness in wild juvenile Atlantic salmon growth. Journal of Zoology 295(1), pp. 56-64. (10.1111/jzo.12188)
- Griffiths, S. W., Opwood, J. E., Ojanguren, A. F., Armstrong, J. D. and Magurran, A. E. 2014. Sexual segregation in monomorphic minnows. Animal Behaviour 88, pp. 7-12. (10.1016/j.anbehav.2013.11.014)
- Burnard, D. et al. 2012. Chemically-mediated sexual display postures in pre-ovulatory female topmouth gudgeon, Pseudorasbora parva. Behaviour 149(9), pp. 1003-1018. (10.1163/1568539X-00003024)
- Orpwood, J. E., Armstrong, J. D. and Griffiths, S. W. 2010. Interactions between riparian shading and food supply: a seasonal comparison of effects on time budgets, space use and growth in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. Journal of Fish Biology 77(8), pp. 1835-1849. (10.1111/j.1095-8649.2010.02760.x)
- Milinski, M., Griffiths, S. W., Reusch, T. B. J. and Boehm, T. 2010. Costly major histocompatibility complex signals produced only by reproductively active males, but not females, must be validated by a 'maleness signal' in three-spind sticklebacks. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 277(1680), pp. 391-398. (10.1098/rspb.2009.1501)
- Williams, K. L., Griffiths, S. W., McKelvey, S. and Armstrong, J. D. 2010. Deposition of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar carcasses in a Scottish upland catchment. Journal of Fish Biology 77(4), pp. 927-934. (10.1111/j.1095-8649.2010.02725.x)
- Andreou, D., Hussey, M., Griffiths, S. W. and Gozlan, R. E. 2010. Influence of host reproductive state on Sphaerothecum destruens prevalence and infection level. Parasitology 138(1), pp. 26-34. (10.1017/S0031182010000983)
- Williams, K. L., Griffiths, S. W., Nislow, K. H., McKelvey, S. and Armstrong, J. D. 2009. Response of juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, to the introduction of salmon carcasses in upland streams. Fisheries Management and Ecology 16(4), pp. 290-297. (10.1111/j.1365-2400.2009.00673.x)
- Orpwood, J. E., Magurran, A. E., Armstrong, J. D. and Griffiths, S. W. 2008. Minnows and the selfish herd: effects of predation risk on shoaling behaviour are dependent on habitat complexity. Animal Behaviour 76(1), pp. 143-152. (10.1016/j.anbehav.2008.01.016)
- Burnard, D., Gozlan, R. E. and Griffiths, S. W. 2008. The role of pheromones in freshwater fishes. Journal of Fish Biology 73(1), pp. 1-16. (10.1111/j.1095-8649.2008.01872.x)
- Stradmeyer, L., Hojesjo, J., Griffiths, S. W., Gilvear, D. J. and Armstrong, J. D. 2008. Competition between brown trout and Atlantic salmon parr over pool refuges during rapid dewatering. Journal of Fish Biology 72(4), pp. 848-860. (10.1111/j.1095-8649.2007.01767.x)
- Griffiths, S. W., Ojanguren, A. F., Orpwood, J. E., Magurran, A. E. and Armstrong, J. D. 2007. Familiarity-biased patterns of association shift with time among European minnows. Journal of Fish Biology 71(6), pp. 1602-1612. (10.1111/j.1095-8649.2007.01626.x)
- Jager, I. et al. 2007. Individual MHC class I and MHC class IIB diversities are associated with male and female reproductive traits in the three-spined stickleback. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 20(5), pp. 2005-2015. (10.1111/j.1420-9101.2007.01366.x)
- Orpwood, J. E., Griffiths, S. W. and Armstrong, J. D. 2006. Effects of food availability on temporal activity patterns and growth of Atlantic salmon. Journal of Animal Ecology 75(3), pp. 677. (10.1111/j.1365-2656.2006.01088.x)
- Hojesjo, J., Armstrong, J. D. and Griffiths, S. W. 2005. Sneaky feeding by salmon in sympatry with dominant brown trout. Animal Behaviour 69(5), pp. 1037-1041. (10.1016/j.anbehav.2004.09.007)
- Milinski, M., Griffiths, S. W., Wegner, K. M., Reusch, T. B. H., Haas-Assenbaum, A. and Boehm, T. 2005. Mate choice decisions of stickleback females predictably modified by MHC peptide ligands. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, pp. 4414-4418. (10.1073/pnas.0408264102)
- Griffiths, S. W., Collen, P. and Armstrong, J. D. 2004. Competition for shelter among over-wintering signal crayfish and juvenile Atlantic salmon. Journal of Fish Biology 65(2), pp. 436-447. (10.1111/j.0022-1112.2004.00460.x)
- Griffiths, S. W., Brockmark, S., Hojesjo, P. J. V. and Johnsson, J. I. 2004. Coping with divided attention: the advantage of familiarity. Proceedings of the Royal Society London, pp. 695-699. (10.1098/rspb.2003.2648)
- Orpwood, J. E., Griffiths, S. W. and Armstrong, J. D. 2003. Effects of body size on sympatric shelter use in over-wintering juvenile salmonids. Journal of Fish Biology 63(Supp 1), pp. 166-173. (10.1111/j.1095-8649.2003.00206.x)
- Griffiths, S. W., Armstrong, J. D. and Metcalfe, N. B. 2003. The cost of aggregation: juvenile salmon avoid sharing winter refuges with siblings. Behavioral Ecology, pp. 602-606. (10.1093/beheco/arg050)
- Harwood, A. J., Griffiths, S. W., Metcalfe, N. B. and Armstrong, J. D. 2003. The relative influence of prior residency and dominance on the early feeding behaviour of juvenile Atlantic salmon. Animal Behaviour 65(6), pp. 1141-1149. (10.1006/anbe.2003.2125)
- Griffiths, S. W. 2003. Learned recognition of conspecifics by fishes. Fish and Fisheries 4(3), pp. 256-268. (10.1046/j.1467-2979.2003.00129.x)
- Harwood, A. J., Armstrong, J. D., Metcalfe, N. B. and Griffiths, S. W. 2003. Does dominance status correlate with growth in wild stream-dwelling Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)?. Behavioral Ecology 14(6), pp. 902-908. (10.1093/beheco/arg080)
- Harwood, A. J., Metcalfe, N. B., Griffiths, S. W. and Armstrong, J. D. 2002. Intra- and inter-specific competition for winter concealment habitat in juvenile salmonids. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 59(9), pp. 1515-1523. (10.1139/f02-119)
- Harwood, A. J., Armstrong, J. D., Griffiths, S. W. and Metcalfe, N. B. 2002. Sympatric association influences within-species dominance relations among juvenile Atlantic salmon and brown trout. Animal Behaviour 64(1), pp. 85-95. (10.1006/anbe.2002.3039)
- Griffiths, S. W. and Armstrong, J. D. 2002. Kin-biased territory overlap and food sharing among Atlantic salmon juveniles. Journal of Animal Ecology, pp. 480-486. (10.1046/j.1365-2656.2002.00614.x)
- Griffiths, S. W. and Armstrong, J. D. 2002. Rearing conditions influence refuge use among over-wintering Atlantic salmon juveniles. Journal of Fish Biology 60(2), pp. 363-369. (10.1006/jfbi.2001.1846)
- Armstrong, J. D. and Griffiths, S. W. 2001. Density-dependent refuge use among over-wintering wild Atlantic salmon juveniles. Journal of Fish Biology 58(6), pp. 1524-1530. (10.1006/jfbi.2001.1554)
- Harwood, A. J., Metcalfe, N. B., Armstrong, J. D. and Griffiths, S. W. 2001. Spatial and temporal effects of interspecific competition between Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) in winter. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 58(6), pp. 1133-1140. (10.1139/cjfas-58-6-1133)
Behavioural ecology and the evolution of fish schooling
This research theme addresses a question of key importance in animal behaviour and evolution of social living: how animals decide which group to join. It therefore links important behavioural parameters with ecology and conservation of wild fish. Work is in collaboration with Prof. A. Magurran (St Andrews University) and Dr John Armstrong (Marine Scotland Science, Freshwater Laboratory, Pitlochry),
Consequences of climate change for salmonid ecology
Climate change has major effects on the distribution patterns and community composition of stream organisms and we are testing how habitat enhancement in S. Wales rivers, for example, the maintenance and restoration of broadleaf trees in the riparian zone, increases Atlantic salmon resilience to climate change. This work is a collaboration that is strongly linked with the research interests of Prof. Steve Ormerod, another member of the OnE (Organisms and Environment Research Division) and Dr. Isabelle Durance (Sustainable Places Research Institute), as well external collaborators (The NRW, South East Wales Rivers Trust and the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust).
Other UK work is adopting a behavioural approach, examining Atlantic salmon time budgets, space use (including sheltering behaviour) and growth, in the wild and in indoor and artificial streams, to investigate the mitigating effects of riparian shading on salmon ecology. The sheltering behaviour of fish is an ongoing interest. Many fish, including Atlantic salmon, are nocturnal at cold temperatures (sheltering in interstitial habitats during daylight and emerging to forage at night). Factors that influence sheltering, including water temperature, light conditions (e.g. artificial street lighting) and competition from invasive species have important predicted effects on survival through food intake, growth and predator avoidance. Research on the effect of artificial street lights on aquatic ecology is being conducted in collaboration with Dr Bill Riley at CEFAS (Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science), Lowestoft.
Ecosystem quality and the distribution of fish in rivers
The services provided by stream and rivers, including provision of economically and culturally valuable fish, may be compromised by future climate change effects on water availability and temperature, in conjunction with other anthropogenic pressures such as water abstraction. Work conducted as part of the DURESS (Diversity in Upland Rivers for Ecosystem Service Sustainability) consortium is testing the hypothesis that biodiversity is central to the sustainable delivery of upland river ecosystem services under changing land-use and climate (www.nerc-duress.org). Other work, in collaboration with Dr Isabelle Durance (Water Research Institute) and Dr Hefin Jones (OnE), is investigating the mechanisms that sustain fish populations in varying flow regimes.
Current and recent sponsors of work include:
- Afonydd Cymru
- Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science
- Christine Baltzer Parks Environmental Foundation
- Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol
- Ecoexplore
- Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust
- Knowledge Economy Skills Scholarships
- Marie Curie Individual Fellowship from the European Commission
- Natural Environment Research Council
- Natural Resources Wales
- South East Wales Rivers Trust
Recent members of research group
Rhidian Thomas
- Supervisors: Dr Siân Griffiths & Prof Jo Cable
- Teitl doethuriaeth: Gwasgariad rhywogaethau dŵr croyw ymledol ym Mhrydain
- PhD project title: The spread of invasive freshwater species in Britain
- Funding: Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol
Ifan Jâms
- Supervisors: Drs Siân Griffiths, Isabelle Durance & Hefin Jones
- Teitl doethuriaeth: Effaith argaeledd dŵr lleihaol ar eog a brithyll afonydd Cymru
- PhD project title: The influence of drought on trout and salmon in Welsh rivers
- Funding: Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol
Rhian Newman
- Supervisors: Drs Siân Griffiths, Professor Steve Ormerod, Dr Rob Thomas and Dr Bill Riley
- Project title: Artificial night light as a barrier to migration and movement of high value fish and fisheries
- Funding: KESS, Ecoexplore & CEFAS
Stephen Thomas
- Supervisors: Professor Steve Ormerod & Dr Siân Griffiths
- PhD project title: Adapting Rivers to Climate Change to Support High Value Fish and Fisheries. Funded by KESS, South East Wales Rivers Trust & Environment Agency
- Funding: KESS & South East Wales Rivers Trust
Former group members
Dr Tristan Guttridge
- Population dynamics of sharks in the Bahamas.
- Funded by Christine Baltzer Parks Environmental Foundation
Dr Steven Kessel
- Population dynamics of the lemon sharks in the Bahamas (Negaprion brevirostris).
- Funded by Christine Baltzer Parks Environmental Foundation
Dr Michele Drès
- Molecular analysis of kin-biased spatial clustering of juvenile Atlantic salmon Funded by the Cardiff Young Researcher Initiative
Dr Johan Höjesjö
- Habitat adaptations in salmonids, effects of intra- and inter-specific competition Funded by a Marie Curie Individual Fellowship
Dr Alfredo Ojanguren
- The behavioural and ecological consequences of shoaling decisions in fish Funded by the NERC (Natural Environment Research Council)
Dr James Orpwood
- The behavioural and ecological consequences of shoaling decisions in fish Funded by the NERC (Natural Environment Research Council)
Postgraduate students
Dr Bart Adriaenssens
- Coping with divided attention: effects of the social and physical environment on the performance of fishes. In collaboration with Gothenburg University, Sweden.
Dr Demetra Andreou
- Prevalence, impact and life cycle of an emerging endemic disease: the Rosette-like agent. Funded by CEH.
Dr Claire Bale
- The Influence of Acid Episodes on the Behavioural Ecology of Freshwater Fish. Funded by the NERC
Dr Dean Burnard
- The impact of the sex pheromones of alien fish species on the reproductive behaviour of native fish. Funded by the NERC
Laura Evans
- Bullheads as keystone species for river ecosystem services. Funded by KESS and Afonydd Cymru.
Dr Wendy Fernandes
- Interactions between family traits, environment survival and migration strategies in Atlantic salmon. Funded by Wessex Water, CEH, CEFAS
Dr Andrew Harwood
- Competition among juvenile Atlantic salmon and Brown trout. Funded by the NERC.
Becky Marsh
- The effect of temperature on refuge use in juvenile Atlantic salmon. Funded by LEA
Dr James Orpwood
- Refuge use among stream-dwelling Atlantic salmon. Funded by Cardiff University
Phoebe Harris
- The effect of artificial night light on river ecology. Cardiff University 125 scholarship.
Dr Lois Richards-Hobbs
- Dietary conservatism in fish: its evolutionary consequences in social and solitary animals. Funded by the Waltham Foundation
Dr Keith Williams
- The ecology of Atlantic salmon in relation to upland lochs. Funded by The Conon and Alness District Fisheries Board and Cardiff University
Janine Burnham
- Supervisors: Drs Siân Griffiths, Isabelle Durance & Dylan Roberts
- MRes project title: Testing the effect of riparian habitat rehabilitation in mitigating climate change impacts on native UK fish
- Funding: KESS & Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust
- Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust
- Ecological effects of riparian management
Roles include:
Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Chair, Undergraduate Extenuating Circumstances Group
Degree Scheme Lead, Biological Sciences 2017-2023
Assessment Lead for Ecosystems, Sustainability and Global Change
Lead for Coastal Biology Field Course, Pembrokeshire
I also contribute to a range of teaching at masters and undergraduate levels, including supervising final year undergraduate and Integrated Masters research project students (levels 6 and 7), and via lectures and practicals in Animal Diversity and Adaptation, and Brain and Behaviour (level 5) as well as workshops in Mastering Scientific Writing (level 4).
Currently I am an External Examiner for Bristol and Glasgow Universities, and previously for Swansea University and Imperial College London.
I studied for my first degree at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth between 1990 and 1993, and for my MSc at the University of Oxford in 1994. I completed my PhD on the schooling behaviour of freshwater fish at the University of St. Andrews in 1997 where I was supervised by Professor Anne Magurran (http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/~guppy/). During this time my field work was based in Trinidad and Tobago, and at the CEH River Laboratory, Dorset (http://www.ceh.ac.uk/sections/re/re.html )
In 1998 I began working as a NERC Research Fellow based at the University of Glasgow (http://www.gla.ac.uk/ibls/DEEB/) and the Fisheries Research Services, Freshwater Laboratory, Pitlochry (http://www.marlab.ac.uk/FRS.Web/default.aspx). I joined Cardiff University in 2000 when I was awarded an extension to my NERC fellowship and was simultaneously appointed as lecturer in animal ecology. In 2007 I was appointed Senior Lecturer.