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Rebecca Hamilton

Dr Rebecca Hamilton

Research associate / coordinator


My research and teaching interests were developed within musculoskeletal movement science, facilitating the developent of tools for physical activity, performance outputs, health and wellbeing. This stems from a background in sport and exercise science and human movement biomechanics and developed in medical health and engineering. My contribution to the research is focussed on analysis that inform movement performance and rehabilitation assessments in objective manners while incorporating patient experience as well-rounded clinically beneficial tools. I have worked with both musculoskeletal and neurodegenerative patient groups and believe movement health assessments to be key aspects in advancing treatments for both these condition types. My research interests have continued to grow into broader areas of providing well developed research methods for healthcare, provision of education and clinincal outcomes that inform future policy, patient treatment or public knowledge of health and well-being.

I am passionate about movement health and improving research, education and human applicable analysis in this area. As a sports and outdoor enthusiast, I am keen to encourage healthy levels of mobility, and contribute to this area of knowledge with research and teaching development.











I currently work with the Centre for Trials Research in the research management for a UK wide chemotherapy trial on novel anti-cancer drug delivery. This is to deliver treatment as an aerosolised gas through laparoscopic surgery incorporating 40+ sites around the country to treat colorectal, ovarian and stomach cancer patients with peritoneal metastases. This is an NIHR funded RCT basket trial with highly anticipated results to be published and distributed internationally. 

My research developed from a clinical biomechanics background. This incorporated the kinetic and kinematic invesitgation of arm swing in running and data collection Research Assistant roles working with different clinical populations (chronic stroke patients and Riding with the Disabled charity). My PhD research focussed on assessment tools to investigate a manual therapeutic and contribute to understanding it's effects on muscle quality, movement patterns, fucntional balance, self-reported pain and fatigue. My work as a Post-Doctoral Research Associate focusses around sensor technology to inform patient assessment and monitoring as beneficial clinical tools. This includes supporting osteoarthritis (OA) gait analysis, development of quantitative sensory testing with Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre, development of a phone camera pose estimation tool with Agile Kinetic Ltd., OATech+ research for OA dataset integration/analysis, nociception measurement, wearable sensor development/integration and reviewing biomechanical technology for remote data collection. 

Successful Grant Awards/Research Collaborations

  • OATech Network+ Research Feasibility Award. Measuring knee nociception using physiological and movement responses with a defined physical stimulus. 50K (Mar 2022).
  • Welsh Government Innovation for All Award. Adaptation of a pressure-pain delivery device to explore use as a modular device for dynamic applications. 20K (Mar 2022).
  • Welsh Data Nation Accelerator Sprint Award in collaboration with Agile Kinetic Ltd. Utilising pose estimation data for biomechanical characterization in remote rehabilitation assessment. 10K (Jan 2022).
  • Innovation for All Award: Translational Kickstart Fund. Development of MRI-compatible pressure delivery device for chronic pain research. 10K (Sep 2021).
  • Accelerate Wales Project Award in collaboration with Agile Kinetic. Development of a pose estimation medical device for remote measurement of patient joint angles. 126K (Aug 2021).
  • Wellcome Trust Institutional Translational Partnership Award: Translation of Concept Fund. Development of MRI-compatible pressure delivery device for chronic pain research. 20K (Apr 2021).



I support teaching for Undergraduate Medicine students with project supervision on healthcare technology based litreature reviews. 

I have supported teaching for Undergraduate Medical Engineering students with project supervision, laboratory tutorial support, rehabiliation/wearable sensor technology training, research methods and statistics training, report feedback and assessments. 

During the years of completing my PhD, I retained continued involvement in teaching Undergraduate students in Introductory and Intermediate Sport Biomechanics, Exercise Physiology, Health and Nutrition and Foundations of Applied Sport Science modules. During this time I gained an Associate Fellowship with the Higher Education Academy and remain enthusiastic towards teaching.


I completed my PhD at Edinburgh Napier University, where I investigated a biomechanical analysis of a spinal intervention in people with multiple sclerosis and low back pain. This project collaborated with Medical Research Scotland and Pacla Medical Ltd and investigated the effects of manual therapy on muscle quality, movement patterns, functional balance, self-reported pain and fatigue. I remained a key member of the research student community by sitting as a representative on the Ethics Research Committee, the Research Conference Organisation Committee and as a Research Student Representative as well as retaining regular involvement in Undergraduate teaching. 

I joined the team at the Musculoskeletal Biomechanics Research Facility (MSKBRF), a state-of-the-art research facility, in January 2020 as a Post-Doctoral Research Associate supporting projects funded by EPSRC, Versus Arthritis and the Welsh Government. Within the facility, I run several research projects working towards further grant funding and contribute to teaching modules. I work as the Clinical Laboratory Manager, maintaining the documentation and coordinating laboratory activities including ensuring Covid-19 approved protocols are in place. I support an essential Clinical Gait Analysis in the facility with the Rehabilitation Engineering Unit at Cardiff and Vale NHS contributing to clinical treatment decisions.

I have also worked as a Research Coordinator for the OATech+ Network, an EPSRC funded Research Network that aims to drive forward technology development in osteoarthritis research. This is a UK wide network collaborating with several leading institutions and involves performing finance reviews, faciliating and chairing Focus/Sandpit Meetings, presenting and coordinating research outputs, and maintaing the Network website and online communications.

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29225 10237
Campuses Trevithick Building, Room T0.17, The Parade, Newport Road, Cardiff, CF24 3AA