Dr Rebecca Hemming
BSc (Hons), PhD, FHEA
Senior Lecturer: Physiotherapy
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Research Interests
My primary research focus is the investigation of spinal disorders, pain and dysfunction during functional movement. This includes: neuromuscular control, muscle imbalance, disc degeneration, vertebral osteoarthritis, motor control dysfunction and biomechanics to better understand underlying mechanisms of pain and to inform effective rehabilitation and prevention strategies. I am also interested in the management and prevention of musculoskeletal disorders and wellbeing in the workforce, with current projects exploring musculoskeletal injuries in allied health and musician populations.
Current and Previous Projects
Spinal Fluoroscopy - establishing protocols to image dynamic spinal motion (working collaboratively with Bournemouth University, the School of Engineering (Cardiff University) and clinicians. Funded by Back-to-Back (Prinicipal Investigator)
WISH (Workforce Insights Survey for Health) - funded by GW4, in collaboration with the Universities of Exeter and Bath, to develop a novel survey to understand physical health and wellbeing in nursing, midwifery and allied health professionals (Prinicipal Investigator)
Manual handling biomechanics and physical preparedness in allied health professionals - collaboration with Robert Gordon University (Aberdeen) and The University of Birmingham, Funders: NHS Grampian, RGU Catalyst Fund (Co-Investigator)
I have previously conducted research exploring the impact of physical activity and community-based activities (such as walking groups and exercise classes) for homeless and vulnerably-housed adults.
Current Roles
Executive Committee Member for the Society of Back Pain Research HOME | sbpr
Member - Biomechanics and Bioengineering Centre Versus Arthritis, Cardiff University (previous chair of the Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPI&E) Committee) Biomechanics and Bioengineering Research Centre Versus Arthritis - Cardiff University
Committee Member of DISCS (Discovering Innovative Solutions for Conditions of the Spine) https://www.discsfoundation.org/
Executive Committee Member for CITER (Cardiff Institute of Tissue Engineering and Repair) https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/cardiff-institute-tissue-engineering-repair
- Pavlova, A., Cooper, K., Deane, J., Hart-Winks, E., Hemming, R. and Johnson, K. 2024. Physiotherapists’ views on patient handling, work-related musculoskeletal disorders, and the potential role of targeted exercise in preparing for occupational demands. Presented at: The Society for Back Pain Research (SBPR) 2024 Annual General Meeting: “Innovation in Research and Management of Spine Pain”, Aberdeen, Scotland, 13-14 June 2024, Vol. 106-B. Vol. 15., (10.1302/1358-992X.2024.15.041)
- Eleryan, N., Sparkes, V., Hemming, R. and Sheeran, L. 2024. The effect of self-management Interventions on musculoskeletal disorders in musicians: A scoping review [Abstract]. Presented at: Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) 2023 Annual Conference, Birmingham, UK, 1 November 2023, Vol. 123. Vol. S1. Elsevier pp. e156-e157., (10.1016/j.physio.2024.04.089)
- Eleryan, N., Hemming, R., Sparkes, V. and Sheeran, L. 2024. Exploring musicians' perspectives on the management of musculoskeletal disorders and the potential role of digital health interventions: A survey study. Presented at: Chartered Socoety of Physiotherapy (CSP) 2023 Annual Conference, Birmingham, UK, 1 November 2023, Vol. 123. Vol. S1. Elsevier pp. e156-e157., (10.1016/j.physio.2024.04.195)
- Hemming, R., du Rose, A., Sheeran, L., van Deursen, R. and Sparkes, V. 2024. Relationships between trunk muscle activation and thoraco-lumbar kinematics in non-specific chronic low back pain subgroups during a forward bending task. Gait & Posture 107, pp. 96-103. (10.1016/j.gaitpost.2023.09.018)
- O'Sullivan, R., Carrier, J., Cranney, H. and Hemming, R. 2021. The impact of lung volume recruitment on pulmonary function in progressive childhood-onset neuromuscular disease: a systematic review. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 102(5), pp. 976-983. (10.1016/j.apmr.2020.07.014)
- Subahi, M., Hemming, R., Coales, P. and Button, K. 2020. Stakeholder opinion of care pathways to increase physical activity in individuals with knee osteoarthritis in Saudi Arabia. Presented at: OARSI 2020 World Congress on Osteoarthritis, Vienna, Austria, 30 April - 3 May 2020, Vol. 28. Vol. S1. Elsevier pp. S159-S160., (10.1016/j.joca.2020.02.261)
- Breen, A., Claerbout, E., Hemming, R., Ayer, R. and Breen, A. 2019. Comparison of intra subject repeatability of quantitative fluoroscopy and static radiography in the measurement of lumbar intervertebral flexion translation. Scientific Reports 9, article number: 19253. (10.1038/s41598-019-55905-1)
- Hemming, R., Sheeran, L., van Deursen, R. and Sparkes, V. 2019. Investigating differences in trunk muscle activity in non-specific chronic low back pain subgroups and no-low back pain controls during functional tasks: a case-control study. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 20, article number: 459. (10.1186/s12891-019-2843-2)
- Sparkes, V. et al. 2019. Comparison of gait, functional activities and patient-reported outcome measures in patients with knee osteoarthritis and healthy adults using 3D motion analysis and activity monitoring: An exploratory case-control analysis. Orthopedic Research and Reviews 11, pp. 129-140. (10.2147/ORR.S199107)
- Breen, A., Hemming, R., Mellor, F. and Breen, A. 2019. Intrasubject repeatability of in vivo intervertebral motion parameters using quantitative fluoroscopy. European Spine Journal 28(2), pp. 450-460. (10.1007/s00586-018-5849-9)
- Sheeran, L., Hemming, R., van Deursen, R. and Sparkes, V. 2018. Can different seating aids influence a sitting posture in healthy individuals and does gender matter?. Cogent Engineering 5(1), article number: 1442109. (10.1080/23311916.2018.1442109)
- Hemming, R., Sheeran, L., van Deursen, R. and Sparkes, V. 2018. Non-specific chronic low back pain: differences in spinal kinematics in subgroups during functional tasks. European Spine Journal 27(1), pp. 163-170. (10.1007/s00586-017-5217-1)
- Sheeran, L., Jones, S., Hemming, R., Van Deursen, R. and Sparkes, V. 2016. The effect of classification-based cognitive functional therapy on spinal kinematics and function in subgroups of chronic low back pain. The Spine Journal 16(4), pp. S45-S46. (10.1016/j.spinee.2016.01.027)
- Sheeran, L., Sparkes, V., Van Deursen, R., Jones, S. and Hemming, R. 2016. The effect of classification-based cognitive functional therapy on spinal-pelvic kinematics during functional tasks in subgroups of non-specific chronic low back pain. Presented at: 9th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back & Pelvic Girdle Pain, Singapore, 31 October - 3 November 2016. pp. -.
- Hemming, R., Sheeran, L., Van Deursen, R. W. M. and Sparkes, V. 2015. Regional spinal kinematics during static postures: discrimination between subclassified people with non-specific chronic low back pain (NSCLPB) and healthy controls. Orthopaedic Proceedings: A Supplement of the Bone & Joint Journal 97-B(S2), pp. 17.
- Hemming, R. 2015. Regional spinal kinematics and muscle activity in non-specific chronic low back pain during functional tasks: evaluation of a sub-classification approach. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Hemming, R., Sheeran, L., Van Deursen, R. W. M. and Sparkes, V. 2015. Regional spinal kinematics during static postures and functional tasks in people with non-specific chronic low back pain [Abstract]. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation 22(Supp 8), pp. S8. (10.12968/ijtr.2015.22.Sup8.S8b)
- Hemming, R., Sheeran, L. and Sparkes, V. 2014. Intra and inter-rater reliability of spinal pelvic kinematics during functional tasks. Presented at: CITER Annual Meeting, Llanelli, Wales, U.K., Sep 2014. pp. -.
- Hemming, R., Sheeran, L. and Sparkes, V. 2014. Regional spinal kinematics during static postures,. Presented at: Society of Back Pain Research Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland, Nov 2014. pp. -.
- Sheeran, L., Hemming, R., Van Deursen, R. W. M. and Sparkes, V. 2013. Classification-based cognitive functional group intervention in subgroups of non-specific chronic low back pain: Preliminary results. Presented at: 8th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back & Pelvic Pain, Dubai, United Arabic Emirates, 27-31 October 2013.
- Hemming, R., Sheeran, L., Roos, P. E., Van Deursen, R. W. M. and Sparkes, V. 2013. Within- and between-day reliability of functional movements in healthy subjects using 3D motion analysis: A preliminary study. Presented at: 8th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back & Pelvic Pain, Dubai, United Arabic Emirates, 27-31 October 2013.
- Pavlova, A., Cooper, K., Deane, J., Hart-Winks, E., Hemming, R. and Johnson, K. 2024. Physiotherapists’ views on patient handling, work-related musculoskeletal disorders, and the potential role of targeted exercise in preparing for occupational demands. Presented at: The Society for Back Pain Research (SBPR) 2024 Annual General Meeting: “Innovation in Research and Management of Spine Pain”, Aberdeen, Scotland, 13-14 June 2024, Vol. 106-B. Vol. 15., (10.1302/1358-992X.2024.15.041)
- Eleryan, N., Sparkes, V., Hemming, R. and Sheeran, L. 2024. The effect of self-management Interventions on musculoskeletal disorders in musicians: A scoping review [Abstract]. Presented at: Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) 2023 Annual Conference, Birmingham, UK, 1 November 2023, Vol. 123. Vol. S1. Elsevier pp. e156-e157., (10.1016/j.physio.2024.04.089)
- Eleryan, N., Hemming, R., Sparkes, V. and Sheeran, L. 2024. Exploring musicians' perspectives on the management of musculoskeletal disorders and the potential role of digital health interventions: A survey study. Presented at: Chartered Socoety of Physiotherapy (CSP) 2023 Annual Conference, Birmingham, UK, 1 November 2023, Vol. 123. Vol. S1. Elsevier pp. e156-e157., (10.1016/j.physio.2024.04.195)
- Subahi, M., Hemming, R., Coales, P. and Button, K. 2020. Stakeholder opinion of care pathways to increase physical activity in individuals with knee osteoarthritis in Saudi Arabia. Presented at: OARSI 2020 World Congress on Osteoarthritis, Vienna, Austria, 30 April - 3 May 2020, Vol. 28. Vol. S1. Elsevier pp. S159-S160., (10.1016/j.joca.2020.02.261)
- Sheeran, L., Sparkes, V., Van Deursen, R., Jones, S. and Hemming, R. 2016. The effect of classification-based cognitive functional therapy on spinal-pelvic kinematics during functional tasks in subgroups of non-specific chronic low back pain. Presented at: 9th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back & Pelvic Girdle Pain, Singapore, 31 October - 3 November 2016. pp. -.
- Hemming, R., Sheeran, L. and Sparkes, V. 2014. Intra and inter-rater reliability of spinal pelvic kinematics during functional tasks. Presented at: CITER Annual Meeting, Llanelli, Wales, U.K., Sep 2014. pp. -.
- Hemming, R., Sheeran, L. and Sparkes, V. 2014. Regional spinal kinematics during static postures,. Presented at: Society of Back Pain Research Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland, Nov 2014. pp. -.
- Sheeran, L., Hemming, R., Van Deursen, R. W. M. and Sparkes, V. 2013. Classification-based cognitive functional group intervention in subgroups of non-specific chronic low back pain: Preliminary results. Presented at: 8th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back & Pelvic Pain, Dubai, United Arabic Emirates, 27-31 October 2013.
- Hemming, R., Sheeran, L., Roos, P. E., Van Deursen, R. W. M. and Sparkes, V. 2013. Within- and between-day reliability of functional movements in healthy subjects using 3D motion analysis: A preliminary study. Presented at: 8th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back & Pelvic Pain, Dubai, United Arabic Emirates, 27-31 October 2013.
- Hemming, R., du Rose, A., Sheeran, L., van Deursen, R. and Sparkes, V. 2024. Relationships between trunk muscle activation and thoraco-lumbar kinematics in non-specific chronic low back pain subgroups during a forward bending task. Gait & Posture 107, pp. 96-103. (10.1016/j.gaitpost.2023.09.018)
- O'Sullivan, R., Carrier, J., Cranney, H. and Hemming, R. 2021. The impact of lung volume recruitment on pulmonary function in progressive childhood-onset neuromuscular disease: a systematic review. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 102(5), pp. 976-983. (10.1016/j.apmr.2020.07.014)
- Breen, A., Claerbout, E., Hemming, R., Ayer, R. and Breen, A. 2019. Comparison of intra subject repeatability of quantitative fluoroscopy and static radiography in the measurement of lumbar intervertebral flexion translation. Scientific Reports 9, article number: 19253. (10.1038/s41598-019-55905-1)
- Hemming, R., Sheeran, L., van Deursen, R. and Sparkes, V. 2019. Investigating differences in trunk muscle activity in non-specific chronic low back pain subgroups and no-low back pain controls during functional tasks: a case-control study. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 20, article number: 459. (10.1186/s12891-019-2843-2)
- Sparkes, V. et al. 2019. Comparison of gait, functional activities and patient-reported outcome measures in patients with knee osteoarthritis and healthy adults using 3D motion analysis and activity monitoring: An exploratory case-control analysis. Orthopedic Research and Reviews 11, pp. 129-140. (10.2147/ORR.S199107)
- Breen, A., Hemming, R., Mellor, F. and Breen, A. 2019. Intrasubject repeatability of in vivo intervertebral motion parameters using quantitative fluoroscopy. European Spine Journal 28(2), pp. 450-460. (10.1007/s00586-018-5849-9)
- Sheeran, L., Hemming, R., van Deursen, R. and Sparkes, V. 2018. Can different seating aids influence a sitting posture in healthy individuals and does gender matter?. Cogent Engineering 5(1), article number: 1442109. (10.1080/23311916.2018.1442109)
- Hemming, R., Sheeran, L., van Deursen, R. and Sparkes, V. 2018. Non-specific chronic low back pain: differences in spinal kinematics in subgroups during functional tasks. European Spine Journal 27(1), pp. 163-170. (10.1007/s00586-017-5217-1)
- Sheeran, L., Jones, S., Hemming, R., Van Deursen, R. and Sparkes, V. 2016. The effect of classification-based cognitive functional therapy on spinal kinematics and function in subgroups of chronic low back pain. The Spine Journal 16(4), pp. S45-S46. (10.1016/j.spinee.2016.01.027)
- Hemming, R., Sheeran, L., Van Deursen, R. W. M. and Sparkes, V. 2015. Regional spinal kinematics during static postures: discrimination between subclassified people with non-specific chronic low back pain (NSCLPB) and healthy controls. Orthopaedic Proceedings: A Supplement of the Bone & Joint Journal 97-B(S2), pp. 17.
- Hemming, R., Sheeran, L., Van Deursen, R. W. M. and Sparkes, V. 2015. Regional spinal kinematics during static postures and functional tasks in people with non-specific chronic low back pain [Abstract]. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation 22(Supp 8), pp. S8. (10.12968/ijtr.2015.22.Sup8.S8b)
- Hemming, R. 2015. Regional spinal kinematics and muscle activity in non-specific chronic low back pain during functional tasks: evaluation of a sub-classification approach. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Research interests
My main area of research is evaluating the biomechanics of functional movement in spinal disorders and pain. My PhD study, 'Regional Spinal Kinematics and Muscle Activity in Non-Specific Chronic Low Back Pain (NSCLBP) during Functional Tasks’ identified specific biomechanical differences in movement behaviours in subgroups of NSCLBP individuals, which is important for informing the development of targeted interventions. My work explores the biomechanics of chronic musculoskeletal conditions to better understand underlying mechanisms of pain, to inform effective rehabilitation and prevention strategies. Currently I am exploring the application of fluoroscopy as a tool for understanding functional movement of the spine across a range of spinal disorders.
I currently lead the WISH (Workforce Insights Survey for Health) study funded by GW4, in collaboration with the Universities of Exeter and Bath, to develop a novel survey to understand physical health and wellbeing in nursing, midwifery and allied health professionals.
I am also currently working on collaborative projects with Robert Gordon University (Aberdeen) and The University of Birmingham exploring manual handling biomechanics and preparedness for the workplace in allied health professionals.
I have previously conducted research exploring the impact of physical activity and community-based activities (such as walking groups and exercise classes) for homeless and vulnerably-housed adults.
I am a member of the Society for Back Pain Research, the Biomechanics and Bioengineering Research Centre Versus Arthritis (Cardiff University), the Cardiff Institute of Tissue Engineering and Repair (CITER) and DISCS (Discovering Innovative Solutions for Conditions of the Spine) (https://www.discsfoundation.org/).
Teaching - I am module lead for HCT226 MSc module (Clinical Kinesiology and Tissue Pathology). My primary teaching involves teaching research methods, statistics, clinical kinesiology, ethics, biomechanics and manual handling at BSc and MSc level.
Project Supervision - I supervise BSc and MSc projects with a special focus on posture and spinal pain evaluated using kinematic techniques and electromyography. I supervise a number of MSc empirical research and systematic review projects. I currently supervise two PhD students covering mixed methods and qualitative methodologies in the fields of physical activity and chronic pain conditions.
2016 PhD (Healthcare Sciences), Cardiff University
2016 Postgraduate Certificate in University Teaching and Learning (Modules 1, 2 and 3 – 40 Credits)
2008 BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy, Cardiff University
2020-present: Senior Lecturer, Cardiff University
2013-2020: Lecturer, Cardiff University
2010-2013: Physiotherapist (Private physiotherapy clinic, Cardiff)
2008-2011: Physiotherapist, Aneurin Bevan Local Health Board
Professional memberships
- Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
- Health and Care Professionals Council
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
- Society for Back Pain Research
I am a physiotherapist and have expertise primarily in quantitative methods particularly in biomechanics and low back pain. I am interested in supervising students in the areas of:
- Low back pain
- Spinal disorders
- Orthopaedics
- Subclassification approaches
- Functional spinal movement
- Trunk kinematics and muscle activity
- Motor Control
- Chronic Musculoskeletal disorders
- Physical activity and exercise
- Functional imaging
- Development of targeted interventions for musculoskeletal disorders
Current supervision

Noudy Eleryan
Past projects
Mohammad Mandani Coping responses and self-management strategies for individuals with chronic low back pain following physiotherapy discharge in Kuwait: A Mixed-Methods Study (completed 2024)
Fahda M. Alshiakh The lived experience of pelvic organ prolapse in Saudi Arabia: an exploration of the perspectives of Saudi women living with pelvic organ prolapse (graduated 2022)
Moayad Saleh Subahi An Evaluation of Physical Fitness and Physical Activity to Support Therapeutic Exercise Prescription for Individuals with Knee Osteoarthritis in Saudi Arabia: A Mixed-Methods Study (graduated 2021)
Contact Details
+44 29206 88599
Ty Dewi Sant, Room 3.18a, University Hospital of Wales, Heath Park, Cardiff, CF14 4XN
Research themes
- Allied health and rehabilitation science
- Applied clinical research
- Biomechanics
- Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy
- Orthopaedics