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Kerenza Hood

Professor Kerenza Hood


Available for postgraduate supervision

Teams and roles for Kerenza Hood

  • Dean of Research & Innovation, College of Biomedical & Life Sciences

    Biomedical & Life Sciences


I am Professor of Trials and Dean of Research & Innovation for the College of Biomedical & Life Sciences at Cardiff University. I am a Senior Research Leader and mentor for Health & Care Research Wales. 
I have a degree and PhD in Statistics and have worked in medical statistics since 1996. I spent the first part of my career focussed on research in primary care and then in 2006 established the South East Wales Trials Unit and started to develop a broader research portfolio. In 2015 I was appointed to lead the merger of three CTUs at Cardiff and created the Centre for Trial Research and I was the Director until 2023. 
My specific methodological research interests are in trial design, trial conduct and research inclusion with a particular focus on complex trials, whilst the topic areas I mainly focus on are primary care and infections. I collaborate widely across the UK and Europe on research studies from a broad range of funders including NIHR, NISCHR, EU and industry. I have over 360 peer reviewed research publications and currently hold £32M of research grants as a co-applicant. I am a Fellow and Chartered Statistician of the Royal Statistical Society and the Higher Education Academy and a member of the Society for Academic Primary Care and the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy.
I am keen to develop career pathways for researchers and am a mentor on a number of UK wide mentoring schemes. I also mentor undergraduate medical students.

































Current and previous positions

2023 - present Dean of Research & Innovation. College of Biomedical & Life Sciences, Cardiff University

2015 – 2023    Prof of Trials and Director of the Centre for Trials Research, College of Biomedical & Life Sciences, Cardiff University

2009 – 2015    Professor of Statistics, School of Medicine Cardiff University

2006 – 2014    Director, South East Wales Trials Unit, School of Medicine, Cardiff University

2012 - 2013    Deputy Director, Insititute for Translation, Innovation & Methods, School of Medicine, Cardiff University

2010 - 2011     Deputy Head of Department of Primary Care & Public Health, School of Medicine, Cardiff University

2007-2009       Reader in Statistics, School of Medicine (Primary Care and Public Health), Cardiff University

2002-2007       Senior Lecturer in Statistics, School of Medicine (General Practice), Cardiff University.

1997-2002       Lecturer in Statistics, School of Medicine (General Practice), University of Wales College of Medicine

1996-1997       Lecturer in Medical Statistics, School of Medicine (Medical Computing & Statistics), University of Wales College of Medicine


Qualifications & Professional Attributions

2016   Health & Care Research Wales Senior Research Leader

2013    NISCHR Senior Faculty

2002    Member of the Higher Education Academy (formerly the Institute of Learning

& Teaching)

2002    Chartered Statistician Royal Statistical Society

1998    PhD 'Statistical Aspects of Method Comparison Studies', School of

Mathematics, Cardiff University

1993    BSc (Hons) 1st class, Statistics and Management Science Techniques, Cardiff


Honours and awards

2017 - Cardiff University award for Excellence in Leadership

2011 - Leading Wales award for Leadership in the Public Sector


Research paper awards

2016 RCGP Research Paper of the year Category 3: Children, Reproduction, genetics, infections

Hay AD, Sterne JA, Hood K, Little P, Delaney B, Hollingworth W, et al. Improving the Diagnosis and Treatment of Urinary Tract Infection in Young Children in Primary Care: Results from the DUTY Prospective Diagnostic Cohort Study. Annals of Family Medicine. 2016;14(4):325-36.

2015 RCGP Research Paper of the year Category 3: Children, Reproduction, genetics, infections

Butler CC, O'Brien K, Pickles T, Hood K, Wootton M, Howe R, Waldron CA, Thomas-Jones E, Hollingworth W, Little P, Van Der Voort J, Dudley J, Rumsby K, Downing H, Harman K, Hay AD; DUTY study team. Childhood urinary tract infection in primary care: a prospective observational study of prevalence, diagnosis, treatment, and recovery. Br J Gen Pract. 2015 Apr;65(633):e217-23



Professional memberships

Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Committees and reviewing

Funding Panels

2019 - present  NIHR Research Professors (deputy Chair)

2019 - present  Cancer Research UK Clinical Trials Fellowship

2016 - 2022      NIHR HTA General Committee


Trial Governance Committees (current)

RECAST-3 Trial Steering Committee (Chair)

AFRI-c Data Monitoring Committee (Chair)

GASTRIC-PICU Data Monitoring Committee (Chair)

COAT Data Monitoring Committee (Chair)


Advisory Committees

Health & Care Research Wales

Health Research Board Trial Methodology Network

Liverpool Clincial Trials Centre (Chair)

University College Cork Clincial Research Facility

Wales Cancer Research Centre (Chair)



University of Birmingham College of Medical & Dental Sciences Promotion panel (external)

Fast Track Cardiff & Vale (Cardiff Unviersity representative)




 I am interested in supervising projects in:

  • Trial Methodology
  • Infections and Antimicrobial Resistance
  • Inclusivity in Research

Current supervision