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Lisa Hurt

Dr Lisa Hurt

Senior Lecturer

Welsh speaking


I am a senior lecturer in epidemiology in the Division of Population Medicine at Cardiff University School of Medicine.

In this role, I conduct research with a focus on improving health and wellbeing in children, using both new data collection and record-linkage of cohort data with routine healthcare records. I have a strong track record in global health research, with extensive experience of designing, managing and analysing complex epidemiological studies in low resource settings aiming to improve maternal and child health outcomes.

I teach epidemiology and evidence-based medicine on the C21 medical programme, the intercalated BSc in Population Medicine and the Masters in Public Health.

I am Division Lead for Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity, and have recently lead a project to develop training and guidance for line managers in the University on reasonable adjustments for staff. This has resulted in a new research interest in developing effective interventions to support neurodiverse staff.

I am also the School of Medicine’s representative on the University’s Research Network in Planetary Health, and am currently public involvement lead on a multi-disciplinary bid to examine the effects of temperature on health and develop adaptations and mitigations (with my focus within the bid on pregnant women and children).




















My current projects include:

  • The Welsh Study of Mothers and Babies

This is a population-based cohort study examining the association between non-structural markers found at the 18-20 week fetal anomaly scan and adverse outcomes in childhood, using record-linkage to routine healthcare data and postal questionnaires to collect information on neurodevelopment.

  • An analysis of mortality and healthcare utilisation in children with Down’s Syndrome in the first five years of life

This cohort study compares data from Wales and Scotland. In Wales, we are using data from the Wales Electronic Cohort for Children, an e-cohort that links routinely-collected demographic, health and education data.

  • Co-applicant on the grant for the National Centre for Population Health and Wellbeing Research (Heath and Care Research Wales)

Through this, I would like to develop projects to examine whether it is possible to track educational and health outcomes in children with autism and their family members using routinely-collected health and education data, to provide epidemiological data to inform the development of interventions to support families and reduce inequalities in outcomes and service provision.

In my previous work at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, I was a co-applicant on the Alliance for Maternal and Newborn Health Improvement project (AMANHI, 2012-2016), a multi-country cohort study examining key maternal and infant outcomes using harmonised methods in 11 LMICs (funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, awarded to the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and coordinated by WHO). I led the senior management team for the ObaapaVitA trial in rural Ghana (a cluster-randomised placebo-controlled trial of the effects of vitamin A on maternal mortality), overseeing the work of approximately 350 locally-recruited field and support staff. I also supervised the project management team for the Neovita trial (an individually-randomised placebo-controlled trial of the effects of early neonatal vitamin A supplementation on infant mortality), which had members in five separate locations worldwide. Both trials contributed data to a Cochrane review on vitamin A supplementation during pregnancy for maternal and newborn outcomes (McCauley et al 2015), which was the basis for the 2016 WHO recommendations on the use of vitamin A supplementation in antenatal care. For both trials, I provided regular briefings to the UK Department for International Development and Ministry of Health in Ghana, and engaged with a WHO guideline development who used the results to inform their recommendations.


I teach epidemiology and evidence-based medicine on the C21 medical programme and the Masters in Public Health (MPH) at Cardiff.

My current teaching duties include:

  • Evidence-Based Medicine module for Year 3 medical students

Delivering lectures and running small-group teaching sessions

  • Organising a Student Selected Component (SSC) for Year 1 medical students

Designing and organising, running small-group teaching, providing formative feedback, and assessing a literature review project on public health interventions in the early years

  • Organising SSCs for Year 2, 3 and 4 medical students

Designing and organising, running small-group teaching, and assessing a project to give the students practical experience of conducting their own research

  • Being a personal tutor to medical students (including those who have Coleg Cenedlaethol scholarships to pursue aspects of the course in Welsh)
  • Delivering teaching on the Masters in Public Health

Supervising and assessing dissertation projects, and attending exam board meetings

  • Supervision of PhD students
  • Membership of postgraduate research progress review panels
  • Being an academic supervisor to public health registrars

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29206 87807
Campuses Neuadd Meirionnydd, Room 6th Floor, University Hospital of Wales, Heath Park, Cardiff, CF14 4YS

External profiles