Katy Huxley
BA, MA, MSc, PhD
SPARK research fellow
As a SPARK research fellow, my role involves undertaking research, supporting research and encouraging collaboration. I have a focus on open research and data science. My research interests include industrial relations, employment and education. I am a Co-investigator with Administrative Data Research (ADR) Wales, focusing on data access and education, skills and employability research using linked data.
- Felstead, A., Green, F. and Huxley, K. 2024. The job quality of Britain’s teachers before and after the pandemic. In: Thompson, G. and Hogan, A. eds. Teaching and Time Poverty: Understanding Workload and Work Intensification in Schools. Thompson, G. and Hogan, A. London: Routledge, pp. 44-59., (10.4324/9781003457527-4)
- Felstead, A., Green, F. and Huxley, K. 2024. The job quality of Britain's teachers before and after the pandemic. In: Thompson, G. and Hogan, A. eds. Teaching and Time Poverty. Routledge
- Huxley, K. and Davies, R. 2024. Understanding inequity in tertiary education in Wales: Analysis of linked data. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Wales Centre for Public Policy. Available at: https://wcpp.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/ADR-Wales-Data-Report-Understanding-inequity-in-tertiary-education.pdf
- Jenkins, J., Blakely, H., Davies, R. and Huxley, K. 2024. The quest for cleaner clothes: using more systematic data collection to promote worker organising and advocacy in the international garment sector. In: Laroche, M. and Murray, G. eds. Experimenting for union renewal: challenges, illustrations and lessons. Brussels: etui., pp. 119-126.
- Huxley, K. and Skeels, A. 2024. Exploitation of children in England and Wales: Barriers to understanding child-centred support service outcomes. Presented at: International Population Data Linkage Network Conference, Chicago, USA, 15 -18 September 2024, Vol. 9. Vol. 5. Swansea University, (10.23889/ijpds.v9i5.2793)
- Huxley, K. and Davies, R. 2024. Changing education landscapes and (in)equality in Wales: An exploration of barriers to tertiary education using linked UK Census and education data. Presented at: nternational Population Data Linkage Conference 2024, Chicago, IL, USA, 15-18 September 2024, Vol. 9. Vol. 5. Swansea University, (10.23889/ijpds.v9i5.2500)
- Sandu, A., Keating, J., Huxley, K. and French, R. 2024. Educational attainment dynamics in Wales: Insights through data linkage and geographically weighted regression. Presented at: International Population Data Linkage Conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 17 September 2024, Vol. 9. Vol. 5. Swansea University, (10.23889/ijpds.v9i5.2722)
- Green, F., Felstead, A. and Huxley, K. 2024. A comparison of job quality for teachers in private and state schools in the post-pandemic world. Project Report. Private Education Policy Forum.
- Skeels, A., Huxley, K. and Stott, H. 2024. Outcomes for children and young people affected by modern slavery: An analysis of Independent Child Trafficking Guardianship service support in England and Wales. Project Report. [Online]. Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy Evidence Centre. Available at: https://www.modernslaverypec.org/resources/guardianship-service-outcomes
- Huxley, K. 2024. Careers Wales’ Data Intelligence Hub: Evaluating developments and potential trajectories in a changing environment. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University/Careers Wales.
- Lowthian, E. et al. 2023. Maternal mental health and children's problem behaviours: a bi-directional relationship?. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology (10.1007/s10802-023-01086-5)
- Huxley, K. and Davies, O. 2023. How is careers guidance for school pupils prioritised?. Project Report. [Online]. ADR Wales. Available at: https://www.adruk.org/fileadmin/uploads/adruk/Documents/Data_Insights/Prioritisation_of_Careers_Guidance.pdf
- Huxley, K. and Davies, O. 2023. Effectiveness of careers guidance in supporting participation in Post Compulsory Education and Training (PCET). Project Report. [Online]. ADR Wales. Available at: https://www.adruk.org/fileadmin/uploads/adruk/Documents/Data_Insights/PCET.pdf
- Felstead, A., Green, F. and Huxley, K. 2023. Teachers’ job quality before and after the pandemic: first findings. Available at: https://wiserd.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/Briefing-FINAL_no-PEPF_revised.pdf
- Felstead, A., Green, F. and Huxley, K. 2023. Written evidence given to the House of Commons Education Committee’s Inquiry into teacher, recruitment, training, and retention. Documentation. UK Government. Available at: https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/120027/pdf/
- Felstead, A., Green, F. and Huxley, K. 2023. Working in schools: Job quality of educational professionals before and after the Pandemic. Project Report. [Online]. National Education Union. Available at: https://neu.org.uk/sites/default/files/2023-07/NEU3043%20Job%20quality%20research%20report%20v7.pdf
- Huxley, K. and Davies, R. 2022. Careers Wales Data Linking Feasibility Study. Project Report. [Online]. Welsh Government. Available at: https://gov.wales/careers-wales-data-linking-feasibility-study-summary-html
- Huxley, K., Davies, R., Foster, C. and Taylor, C. 2022. Comparing socio-economic measures as predictors of educational attainment.. International Journal of Population Data Science 7(3) (10.23889/ijpds.v7i3.1988)
- Lowthian, E. et al. 2022. Maternal mental health and children's development: a bi-directional relationship?. International Journal of Population Data Science 7(3), article number: 162. (10.23889/ijpds.v7i3.1936)
- Davies, R., Huxley, K. and Yunus, S. 2021. Understanding the origins of labour market disadvantage In Wales. ADR Wales. Available at: https://www.adruk.org/news-publications/publications-reports/understanding-the-origins-of-labor-market-disadvantage-in-wales-476/
- Andrews, R., Hansen, J. R. and Huxley, K. 2021. Senior public managers’ organizational commitment: Do private sector experience and tenure make a difference?. International Public Management Journal 24(6), pp. 911-942. (10.1080/10967494.2019.1580231)
- Huxley, K. 2020. Data cleaning. In: Atkinson, P. et al. eds. SAGE Research Methods. Data cleaning, Type I errors, Type II errors SAGE, (10.4135/9781526421036842861)
- Huxley, K. 2020. Content analysis, quantitative. In: Atkinson, P. et al. eds. SAGE Research Methods. Content analysis, Coding SAGE, (10.4135/9781526421036880564)
- Whitfield, K., Pendleton, A., Sengupta, S. and Huxley, K. 2017. Employee share ownership and organisational performance: a tentative opening of the black box. Personnel Review 46(7), pp. 1280-1296. (10.1108/PR-09-2016-0243)
- Davies, O., Taylor, C. and Huxley, K. 2017. Learners leaving Sixth Form before Year 13: characteristics and further education enrolment. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at: http://gov.wales/docs/caecd/research/2017/170301-learners-leaving-sixth-form-before-year13-characteristics-enrolment-en.pdf
- Huxley, K., Andrews, R. W., Downe, J. and Guarneros-Meza, V. 2016. Administrative traditions and citizen participation in public policy: a comparative study of France, Germany, the UK and Norway. Policy and Politics 44(3), pp. 383-402. (10.1332/030557315X14298700857974)
- Pye, J., Mollidor, C., Taylor, C. M. and Huxley, K. 2015. Evaluation of the Pupil Deprivation Grant: 2nd Interim report, December 2015. Project Report. [Online]. Welsh Government. Available at: http://gov.wales/docs/caecd/research/2015/151203-evaluation-pupil-deprivation-grant-year-2-en.pdf
- Huxley, K. L. 2015. The Union Learning Agenda and trade union revitalisation in Wales. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Evans, S., Huxley, P., Maxwell, N. and Huxley, K. L. 2014. System-level change in mental health services in North Wales: an observational study using systems thinking. International Journal of Social Psychiatry 60(4), pp. 337. (10.1177/0020764013489672)
- Green, F., Huxley, K. L. and Whitfield, K. L. 2010. The employee experience of work. In: Wilkinson, A. J. et al. eds. The Sage Handbook of Human Resource Management. London: Sage, pp. 377-392.
- Guest, D., Brown, W., Peccei, R. and Huxley, K. 2008. Does partnership at work increase trust? An analysis based on the 2004 Workplace Employment Relations Survey. Industrial Relations Journal 39(2), pp. 124-152. (10.1111/j.1468-2338.2007.00481.x)
- Whitfield, K. L. and Huxley, K. L. eds. 2007. Innovations in the 2004 workplace employment relations survey. WERS/WIRS. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Lowthian, E. et al. 2023. Maternal mental health and children's problem behaviours: a bi-directional relationship?. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology (10.1007/s10802-023-01086-5)
- Huxley, K., Davies, R., Foster, C. and Taylor, C. 2022. Comparing socio-economic measures as predictors of educational attainment.. International Journal of Population Data Science 7(3) (10.23889/ijpds.v7i3.1988)
- Lowthian, E. et al. 2022. Maternal mental health and children's development: a bi-directional relationship?. International Journal of Population Data Science 7(3), article number: 162. (10.23889/ijpds.v7i3.1936)
- Andrews, R., Hansen, J. R. and Huxley, K. 2021. Senior public managers’ organizational commitment: Do private sector experience and tenure make a difference?. International Public Management Journal 24(6), pp. 911-942. (10.1080/10967494.2019.1580231)
- Whitfield, K., Pendleton, A., Sengupta, S. and Huxley, K. 2017. Employee share ownership and organisational performance: a tentative opening of the black box. Personnel Review 46(7), pp. 1280-1296. (10.1108/PR-09-2016-0243)
- Huxley, K., Andrews, R. W., Downe, J. and Guarneros-Meza, V. 2016. Administrative traditions and citizen participation in public policy: a comparative study of France, Germany, the UK and Norway. Policy and Politics 44(3), pp. 383-402. (10.1332/030557315X14298700857974)
- Evans, S., Huxley, P., Maxwell, N. and Huxley, K. L. 2014. System-level change in mental health services in North Wales: an observational study using systems thinking. International Journal of Social Psychiatry 60(4), pp. 337. (10.1177/0020764013489672)
- Guest, D., Brown, W., Peccei, R. and Huxley, K. 2008. Does partnership at work increase trust? An analysis based on the 2004 Workplace Employment Relations Survey. Industrial Relations Journal 39(2), pp. 124-152. (10.1111/j.1468-2338.2007.00481.x)
Book sections
- Felstead, A., Green, F. and Huxley, K. 2024. The job quality of Britain’s teachers before and after the pandemic. In: Thompson, G. and Hogan, A. eds. Teaching and Time Poverty: Understanding Workload and Work Intensification in Schools. Thompson, G. and Hogan, A. London: Routledge, pp. 44-59., (10.4324/9781003457527-4)
- Felstead, A., Green, F. and Huxley, K. 2024. The job quality of Britain's teachers before and after the pandemic. In: Thompson, G. and Hogan, A. eds. Teaching and Time Poverty. Routledge
- Jenkins, J., Blakely, H., Davies, R. and Huxley, K. 2024. The quest for cleaner clothes: using more systematic data collection to promote worker organising and advocacy in the international garment sector. In: Laroche, M. and Murray, G. eds. Experimenting for union renewal: challenges, illustrations and lessons. Brussels: etui., pp. 119-126.
- Huxley, K. 2020. Data cleaning. In: Atkinson, P. et al. eds. SAGE Research Methods. Data cleaning, Type I errors, Type II errors SAGE, (10.4135/9781526421036842861)
- Huxley, K. 2020. Content analysis, quantitative. In: Atkinson, P. et al. eds. SAGE Research Methods. Content analysis, Coding SAGE, (10.4135/9781526421036880564)
- Green, F., Huxley, K. L. and Whitfield, K. L. 2010. The employee experience of work. In: Wilkinson, A. J. et al. eds. The Sage Handbook of Human Resource Management. London: Sage, pp. 377-392.
- Whitfield, K. L. and Huxley, K. L. eds. 2007. Innovations in the 2004 workplace employment relations survey. WERS/WIRS. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Huxley, K. and Skeels, A. 2024. Exploitation of children in England and Wales: Barriers to understanding child-centred support service outcomes. Presented at: International Population Data Linkage Network Conference, Chicago, USA, 15 -18 September 2024, Vol. 9. Vol. 5. Swansea University, (10.23889/ijpds.v9i5.2793)
- Huxley, K. and Davies, R. 2024. Changing education landscapes and (in)equality in Wales: An exploration of barriers to tertiary education using linked UK Census and education data. Presented at: nternational Population Data Linkage Conference 2024, Chicago, IL, USA, 15-18 September 2024, Vol. 9. Vol. 5. Swansea University, (10.23889/ijpds.v9i5.2500)
- Sandu, A., Keating, J., Huxley, K. and French, R. 2024. Educational attainment dynamics in Wales: Insights through data linkage and geographically weighted regression. Presented at: International Population Data Linkage Conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 17 September 2024, Vol. 9. Vol. 5. Swansea University, (10.23889/ijpds.v9i5.2722)
- Huxley, K. and Davies, R. 2024. Understanding inequity in tertiary education in Wales: Analysis of linked data. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Wales Centre for Public Policy. Available at: https://wcpp.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/ADR-Wales-Data-Report-Understanding-inequity-in-tertiary-education.pdf
- Green, F., Felstead, A. and Huxley, K. 2024. A comparison of job quality for teachers in private and state schools in the post-pandemic world. Project Report. Private Education Policy Forum.
- Skeels, A., Huxley, K. and Stott, H. 2024. Outcomes for children and young people affected by modern slavery: An analysis of Independent Child Trafficking Guardianship service support in England and Wales. Project Report. [Online]. Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy Evidence Centre. Available at: https://www.modernslaverypec.org/resources/guardianship-service-outcomes
- Huxley, K. 2024. Careers Wales’ Data Intelligence Hub: Evaluating developments and potential trajectories in a changing environment. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University/Careers Wales.
- Huxley, K. and Davies, O. 2023. How is careers guidance for school pupils prioritised?. Project Report. [Online]. ADR Wales. Available at: https://www.adruk.org/fileadmin/uploads/adruk/Documents/Data_Insights/Prioritisation_of_Careers_Guidance.pdf
- Huxley, K. and Davies, O. 2023. Effectiveness of careers guidance in supporting participation in Post Compulsory Education and Training (PCET). Project Report. [Online]. ADR Wales. Available at: https://www.adruk.org/fileadmin/uploads/adruk/Documents/Data_Insights/PCET.pdf
- Felstead, A., Green, F. and Huxley, K. 2023. Teachers’ job quality before and after the pandemic: first findings. Available at: https://wiserd.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/Briefing-FINAL_no-PEPF_revised.pdf
- Felstead, A., Green, F. and Huxley, K. 2023. Written evidence given to the House of Commons Education Committee’s Inquiry into teacher, recruitment, training, and retention. Documentation. UK Government. Available at: https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/120027/pdf/
- Felstead, A., Green, F. and Huxley, K. 2023. Working in schools: Job quality of educational professionals before and after the Pandemic. Project Report. [Online]. National Education Union. Available at: https://neu.org.uk/sites/default/files/2023-07/NEU3043%20Job%20quality%20research%20report%20v7.pdf
- Huxley, K. and Davies, R. 2022. Careers Wales Data Linking Feasibility Study. Project Report. [Online]. Welsh Government. Available at: https://gov.wales/careers-wales-data-linking-feasibility-study-summary-html
- Davies, R., Huxley, K. and Yunus, S. 2021. Understanding the origins of labour market disadvantage In Wales. ADR Wales. Available at: https://www.adruk.org/news-publications/publications-reports/understanding-the-origins-of-labor-market-disadvantage-in-wales-476/
- Davies, O., Taylor, C. and Huxley, K. 2017. Learners leaving Sixth Form before Year 13: characteristics and further education enrolment. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at: http://gov.wales/docs/caecd/research/2017/170301-learners-leaving-sixth-form-before-year13-characteristics-enrolment-en.pdf
- Pye, J., Mollidor, C., Taylor, C. M. and Huxley, K. 2015. Evaluation of the Pupil Deprivation Grant: 2nd Interim report, December 2015. Project Report. [Online]. Welsh Government. Available at: http://gov.wales/docs/caecd/research/2015/151203-evaluation-pupil-deprivation-grant-year-2-en.pdf
- Huxley, K. L. 2015. The Union Learning Agenda and trade union revitalisation in Wales. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
My qualifications include a BA in Social and Cultural Studies, an MA in Globalisation, Identity and Technology (Nottingham Trent University, 2004), an MSc in Social Science Research Methods (Cardiff University, 2007) and a PhD (Cardiff University, 2016). My PhD thesis, entitled ‘The union learning agenda and trade union revitalisation in Wales’, used qualitative and quantitative methods to consider trade union activity on education and skill development in relation to trade union organising theory. I have previously worked on ESRC funded multi-university projects using the Workplace Employment Relations Survey 2004 and 2011; and a European Commission FP7 funded project, Coordinating for Cohesion in the Public Sector of the Future (COCOPS).
I also chair the Cardiff University Research Staff Association (CURSA). CURSA works with senior leaders to deliver a collegiate, equitable and supportive environment for researchers at the University. It aims to:
- engage with researchers, professional services staff and management at all levels to ensure rewarding jobs for researchers and to promote a positive research environment
- represent staff on research-only contracts by contributing to policy development and initiatives
- organise a symposium to discuss researcher issues with staff
- provide support for researchers, for example by promoting training and networking events
- facilitate researcher discussions through the University’s online networking platform.
Contact Details
Research themes
- Statistical data science
- Data management
- Administrative data analysis
- Industrial and employee relations
- Open research